UK based messageboard members

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The Exchange

PeteZero wrote:

Maybe a Paizocon Scotland? That would be something... ;)

With Converzion no longer going and DrakCon gone, there is not so much going on in the Northeast.

I think this would be a great idea. There has also been some talk about a Wales-based Pathfinder convention.

Dark Archive

Wintergreen wrote:
There have been no announcements about regional co-ordinators yet. I was merely giving my opinion.

I shall keep the fingers crossed then ;)

I'm James..age 50 and been playing this addiction we call a game since i was 14. I live in Inverness and back the idea of a Scottish meet at some point.

I ran my local group through part one of Kingmaker. Lord alone knows when we'll get to part two.

PeteZero....I know Black Dow on these boards is also from Aberdeen..and I'm only a couple of hours away by train.I'd be up for a monthly weekend game if we could get enough people together.

Drop me a line at Wellard2006[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]UK

Liberty's Edge

My daughter has just found a new hobby - miniatures skirmish and modelling - at a Games Workshop that opened in Crewe recently. She had yesterday off from school, so I took her round, and had a chat with the manager (who oddly enough also comes from Aberdeen!), he says he'll consider having some role-playing there - some visitors to the store have already asked, but he doesn't like GMing much... however, I do :)

Megan Robertson wrote:
he says he'll consider having some role-playing there

Wow. If that happens, it'll be big news. Best of luck with it!

Yes that is big news, role-playing in a Games Workshop.

Grand Lodge

I'm Jens from east Kent. I'm looking back to a long gaming carrier. I did start D&D more than 25 years ago after a friend got some copies if Tunnels&Trolls. This was before the first German edition and I still have some 30 typewriter written pages of translation for my younger brother. Oh - I forgot at that time I hated English at school.
Later on I did quite a few play-by-mail games when the very first ones appeared in Germany and for several years was a member of 'Die Legionaere' a German board game team that won won the German Championship a few times and also did well at the Intergame - at that time the unofficial european board game championship.
Moving to the UK I endured a spell of hardly any gaming until I started a group here with a friend and colleague.
We tried a few systems until I played Rolemasterr and GMed D&D 3.5. I got interested in Paizo when I got a message about my only PDF I ever bought would no longer be available as WotC did change their policies. That got me browsing, got me to Pathfinder - and that's where I'm now.
A year ago Wintergreen invited me to my very first PFS game. It was only then I realized I never had played D&D 3.x. Not much later - unable to transform my own group to Pathfinder I did organize PFS at Dragonmeet. Will be soon that this will be my second year oarganizing - and since then. I'm quite a fan of organized play.

I'm married to a gamer whom I met on a gaming board where I was a moderator. My two kids have started playing Pathfinder. The older one had a few games in PFS and my younger one is doing her first steps in Kingmaker.

I'm a Dwarvenforge collector and love to build up dungeons. Main problem is not having enough time with family and job. If you ever are in Kent - drop by - I'm happy to arrange a game or just show some of my stuff and chat about RPG.

I'm reachable at paizo add Loesel dot freeserve dot co dot uk.


DM Wellard wrote:
I live in Inverness and back the idea of a Scottish meet at some point.

Didn't realise you were oop north, Wellard - we briefly crossed paths here when you were playing Sir Basil. Another Aberdonian here, maybe there are enough people to try something occasional from time to time? I know someone else - not on the boards - who might be up for that, and there is a guy registered on ENWorld gamer registry in Findhorn of all places.

What's the gaming scene like in Inverness then?

Dark Archive

Allard wrote:

Hi I am just going to start a list of UK based players (and gaming groups, clubs etc...) And DM's which hopefully help UK gamers meet, and also pass information about events happening in the UK

So to start this off
HI am I Darren living in the chesterfield area, being playing for about 25 years, started with D&D (yes the red book ) moving on to Battletech, shadowrun (1st, 2nd and 3rd Ed), call of cthulhu, AD&D (upto 4th which I have never played), I game once a week for some years using a homegrown system but now using pathfinder

Hi my name is Mike and I have been roleplaying since DnD White box days. I live in east London and GM a game for 5 players. I am expecting a new born daughter in November so I expect to stop playing face to face for a few months. I am however very keen to run some on line Pathfinder one evening a week with a long turn aim to run Pathfinder Society games online on a fairly regular basis. My experiance of running online games is limited to a short series of games using a online whiteboard and Skype but I want use something purpose built like Maptool or D20pro.

If anyone wants to meetup with several groups of gamers in East London who play 3.5/Pathfiner, WH 40k rpg or Call of Cthulhu or fancy trying out some online Pathfinder get in touch.


Im the KM GM of Kingpin (see above) and the 1790 group in derby

Nottingham has a couple of pathfinder groups, including another KM group

another set of us also play savage worlds on a friday night in derby

there are bucklet loads of gamers in the east midlands (we even started our own con last year). ever since i moved to the east midlands 27 years ago i never been struggling to find a game. v lucky.

there is a lot of gaming in leics but its mostly 3.5

Dark Archive

Hawkwing wrote:
I am expecting a new born daughter in November so I expect to stop playing face to face for a few months.

In my experience (with 4 babies born into our group up to now, and 5th on the way!) you're fine for the first 6 months or so. Once they go into their own room, and hence can't just come round with the parents in a car seat, you hit the problems.


kingpin wrote:
Wow. There seems to be a lot of Pathfinder activity in the East Midlands. Shame it si such a large area. I wonder if we could ever arrange a Midlands Pathfinder meet-up.

Sounds good, especially as I will be crossing Derbyshire to Nottingham a LOT over the next few months anyway! I'm also close enough to Manchester that if anyone there has a chair at their gaming table that needs filling I'd be happy to oblige ...

Dabbler wrote:
kingpin wrote:
Wow. There seems to be a lot of Pathfinder activity in the East Midlands. Shame it si such a large area. I wonder if we could ever arrange a Midlands Pathfinder meet-up.
Sounds good, especially as I will be crossing Derbyshire to Nottingham a LOT over the next few months anyway! I'm also close enough to Manchester that if anyone there has a chair at their gaming table that needs filling I'd be happy to oblige ...

I'm contemplating running a Sunday campaign at a shop in Manchester called Fanboy 3, since the campaign that was happening there has changed from weekly to monthly. Ruleset would be either Mongoose Runequest 2 or Pathfinder (probably the former, as my Pathfinder books are all PDFs and printing them would take forever).

The Exchange

Dabbler wrote:
kingpin wrote:
Wow. There seems to be a lot of Pathfinder activity in the East Midlands. Shame it si such a large area. I wonder if we could ever arrange a Midlands Pathfinder meet-up.
Sounds good, especially as I will be crossing Derbyshire to Nottingham a LOT over the next few months anyway! I'm also close enough to Manchester that if anyone there has a chair at their gaming table that needs filling I'd be happy to oblige ...

You'll have to let me know roughly when you'll be passing through. You can email me at peterallan1[at]gmail[dot]com

Mail sent!

@grufflehead: There is also another messageboard member, who is from Aberdeen I am in contact with. Wasn't aware you are on the boards, I'll pm you via geliwaah.

@PeteZero - got your message. Thanks for the offer, but I suspect it's probably not for me. I've really gone off 3.5/PF in a big way - I'd play it if the game was right but PFS just doesn't interest me (I was involved in the early stages of the ENW LPF Group but don't have any involvement in it now). I'm afraid Arcanis has forever scarred me regarding living/organised play...

But Aaron's a good guy (should really have contacted you when we were playing together for a while) and he might have some more people to make up numbers.

New player here to Pathfinder , very impressed.

Based in Bristol , and have played loads of systems in the past 25 years.

Looking forward to reading your ideas , and espcially the UK perspective.


JamesF wrote:

New player here to Pathfinder , very impressed.

Based in Bristol , and have played loads of systems in the past 25 years.

Looking forward to reading your ideas , and espcially the UK perspective.


What are the game shops in Bristol like? I'm in Torquay and we don't have any. Given I occassionally stop at Bristol, I'm wondering if they are worth a visit.

there are a few shops , I have only been here a few weeks , but one has ordered me the APG , on saturday and due in tommorrow (tuesday 28th) , so pretty good service , and they have a players night on tuesday.

I dont know if I can post URL , so pm if you want details.


grufflehead wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:
I live in Inverness and back the idea of a Scottish meet at some point.

Didn't realise you were oop north, Wellard - we briefly crossed paths here when you were playing Sir Basil. Another Aberdonian here, maybe there are enough people to try something occasional from time to time? I know someone else - not on the boards - who might be up for that, and there is a guy registered on ENWorld gamer registry in Findhorn of all places.

What's the gaming scene like in Inverness then?

There's at least three groups.

My own. The Inverness Roleplaying and Wargaming Association founded 1985..which had at one time in the 90's a membership approaching 100 and now has a mere 8.We just finished an exalted game and are about to move onto a continuation of our low fantasy Pendragon Game

A second group of our one time members who mainly play a long running classic Pendragon campaign.

A group of 3.5 playersof whom I know 1 member ..and to go by what she tells me they are a bit..munchkiny

Plus a strong and well supported M:TG group led by the owner of our local comics shop who does games in a small way

I'm Tony, in Swindon. Playing D&D for 15 years or so. Currenly running a RotRL 3.5ed game for three mates and a nephew.

Working in Bristol, but had to drop a game there thanks to the trains not running late enough. :(

Raging Swan wrote:
What are the game shops in Bristol like? I'm in Torquay and we don't have any. Given I occassionally stop at Bristol, I'm wondering if they are worth a visit.

The Pit has closed, then? I won a Magic tournament there once...

Sadly, the Travelling Man shop in Bristol closed a while back. We do, however, still have several game shops! The newest addition is Excelsior! in Bond Street - it's small, but friendly and conveniently located. There's also the local outpost of the Forbidden Planet chain, now to be found on the Triangle. Finally, there's the venerable and well-stocked Area 51, located a bit further out of the centre up Gloucester Road.

Callum wrote:
Raging Swan wrote:
What are the game shops in Bristol like? I'm in Torquay and we don't have any. Given I occassionally stop at Bristol, I'm wondering if they are worth a visit.

The Pit has closed, then? I won a Magic tournament there once...

Sadly, the Travelling Man shop in Bristol closed a while back. We do, however, still have several game shops! The newest addition is Excelsior! in Bond Street - it's small, but friendly and conveniently located. There's also the local outpost of the Forbidden Planet chain, now to be found on the Triangle. Finally, there's the venerable and well-stocked Area 51, located a bit further out of the centre up Gloucester Road.

The Pit is still open, but they carry practically no gaming stuff now - it's more of an internet and game cafe. A Wednesday night Pathfinder game does run at the shop, but that's the night I run Kingmaker! When did you visit the Pit? We might have bumped into one another.


I had never realised there are so many UK Forumites. Good to know.

My name is Craig and I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I do get a very occasional game of PF but nothing like the weekly games of D&D I used to get when I lived in Huddersfield, which has an insane number of roleplayers.

Raging Swan wrote:
The Pit is still open, but they carry practically no gaming stuff now - it's more of an internet and game cafe. A Wednesday night Pathfinder game does run at the shop, but that's the night I run Kingmaker! When did you visit the Pit? We might have bumped into one another.

A long time ago - it was a "Summer of Magic" tournament, celebrating 10 years of Magic, so 2002? I lived near Totnes until 1996, before moving up Bristol-way, and still visit the area regularly.

Nermal2097 wrote:


I had never realised there are so many UK Forumites. Good to know.

My name is Craig and I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I do get a very occasional game of PF but nothing like the weekly games of D&D I used to get when I lived in Huddersfield, which has an insane number of roleplayers.

Well in Glossop I'm on the other side of the Pennines, but I will be hosting a regular game for some beginner players (my kids included) and I don't think I'm more than an hour's drive from you.

Dark Archive

Nermal2097 wrote:
I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire

You have my condolencies! That said you are so close to the good side, couldn't you shunt this way a bit?

<puts away red rose flag...>

Nevynxxx wrote:
Nermal2097 wrote:
I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire

You have my condolencies! That said you are so close to the good side, couldn't you shunt this way a bit?

<puts away red rose flag...>

Actually, you aren't all THAT far from me either Navynxxx, in fact closer than Nermal, as I'm about 15 miles east of Manchester.

Sovereign Court


I'm running a Pathfinder based campaign at Shadow Warriors in Ealing. I'm writing up the campaign over in the campaign message section, look for Wilderlands (yes that one). We started using beta rules and have just added the APG stuff.
My first RPG book was AD&D Monster Manual before it became known as 1st Ed.

Nevynxxx wrote:
Nermal2097 wrote:
I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire

You have my condolencies! That said you are so close to the good side, couldn't you shunt this way a bit?

<puts away red rose flag...>

Nowt wrong wi white roses, lad :D

@Dabbler - I pass through Glossop semi-regularly on my way to visit friends in Little Hayfield.

Cool - all these gamers close to me!

Rev Rosey:

If you want to get in touch, kelvin[dot]walker[at]gmail[dot]com is my e-mail address. I'm about to start running a table-top PF game for my kids & ex-wife.

Weird question, but do your respective FLGS run any organised play at all?

Scarab Sages

Nermal2097 wrote:


I had never realised there are so many UK Forumites. Good to know.

My name is Craig and I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I do get a very occasional game of PF but nothing like the weekly games of D&D I used to get when I lived in Huddersfield, which has an insane number of roleplayers.

You back in Halifax?

Give us a ring, or a mail (address on my profile).
Lee's birthday on Saturday, I'm sure we'll be glad to see you up there.
May even have a spare NPC for you to help the others on Thursday night (if he survives being chased round the sewers, by Greyhawk's Assassins Guild...).

Snorter wrote:
Nermal2097 wrote:


I had never realised there are so many UK Forumites. Good to know.

My name is Craig and I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I do get a very occasional game of PF but nothing like the weekly games of D&D I used to get when I lived in Huddersfield, which has an insane number of roleplayers.

You back in Halifax?

Give us a ring, or a mail (address on my profile).
Lee's birthday on Saturday, I'm sure we'll be glad to see you up there.
May even have a spare NPC for you to help the others on Thursday night (if he survives being chased round the sewers, by Greyhawk's Assassins Guild...).


I never actually left, just dropped out of regular gaming when we had our kids. They are 2 and 3 now. I will discuss with wife about getting to a game again.

Dabbler wrote:
Nermal2097 wrote:


I had never realised there are so many UK Forumites. Good to know.

My name is Craig and I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I do get a very occasional game of PF but nothing like the weekly games of D&D I used to get when I lived in Huddersfield, which has an insane number of roleplayers.

Well in Glossop I'm on the other side of the Pennines, but I will be hosting a regular game for some beginner players (my kids included) and I don't think I'm more than an hour's drive from you.

Would be cool but I dont drive so Glossop is a bit out of reach, but thanks anyway.

Rev Rosey wrote:
Nevynxxx wrote:
Nermal2097 wrote:
I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire

You have my condolencies! That said you are so close to the good side, couldn't you shunt this way a bit?

<puts away red rose flag...>

Nowt wrong wi white roses, lad :D

@Dabbler - I pass through Glossop semi-regularly on my way to visit friends in Little Hayfield.

Yorkshire = Gods Own County. *raises head in pride*


Hello, Frank from Norwich here. Gaming for twenty years, mostly D&D, but also World of Darkness back in the day, and a smattering of others; now exclusively Pathfinder.

I'm running a weekly Council of Thieves game on Mondays, and a weekly Legacy of Fire campaign on Thursdays. Just started Mother of Flies in the former, and cruising through book 5 in the latter. We have space in the Thursday game for one extra person.

I have been playing since first edition D&D.

Now run Pathfinder for my edinburgh group

Nermal2097 wrote:


I never actually left, just dropped out of regular gaming when we had our kids. They are 2 and 3 now. I will discuss with wife about getting to a game again.

Congrats on the kids mate! See you around hopefully!


Dark Archive

Nermal2097 wrote:

Yorkshire = Gods Own County. *raises head in pride*


Ha! Ther's only one good thing in Yorkshire, t'road t'Lancashire!

Well, and the *other road to Lancashire, and the Royal Armouries, and you fine gamer people, and Oh crap, I'm no good at this.....

DM Wellard wrote:

I'm James..age 50 and been playing this addiction we call a game since i was 14. I live in Inverness and back the idea of a Scottish meet at some point.

I ran my local group through part one of Kingmaker. Lord alone knows when we'll get to part two.

PeteZero....I know Black Dow on these boards is also from Aberdeen..and I'm only a couple of hours away by train.I'd be up for a monthly weekend game if we could get enough people together.

Drop me a line at Wellard2006[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]UK

As James mentioned I am indeed based in Aberdeen... I'm Gary btw, started with the basic set when my FLGS replaced my parts missing Judge Dredd boardgame with the Basic Set... was hooked, have played a ton of systems over the years... but since 2000 my gaming experience has been more oasis than ocean.

Know PeteZero [we both work at the same Uni], am currently trying to get a Kingmaker campaign up and running with some newbies and my long suffering wife... Would be up for something PFS related on occasion...

May well drop you a line James :)

Snorter wrote:
Nermal2097 wrote:


I had never realised there are so many UK Forumites. Good to know.

My name is Craig and I live in Halifax, West Yorkshire. I do get a very occasional game of PF but nothing like the weekly games of D&D I used to get when I lived in Huddersfield, which has an insane number of roleplayers.

You back in Halifax?

Give us a ring, or a mail (address on my profile).
Lee's birthday on Saturday, I'm sure we'll be glad to see you up there.
May even have a spare NPC for you to help the others on Thursday night (if he survives being chased round the sewers, by Greyhawk's Assassins Guild...).

I have the nod to join your group again on thursdays. So I can come again from this thursday.

Yay for Paizo Boards getting people back into gaming.

Scarab Sages

Nermal2097 wrote:

I have the nod to join your group again on thursdays. So I can come again from this thursday.

Yay for Paizo Boards getting people back into gaming.

I only made it up for the Saturday afternoon (too many conflicting family events, combined with sick kid), so if I missed you, that's why.

If you want to create a new PC, that's fine. Right now, they're in a rather closed environment, but there are some friendly NPCs around for the short term. Two are maintaining the PCs' illusory alibi, and one up to his neck in sewage...

If you're familiar with PF, that would be a good help, since I'm considering porting the 3.5 game over before the game-breaking high-level effects kick in (though some of the low-level stuff is starting to get on my wick, like the bargain-Mind Blank that is Prot vs Evil...). Lee's already using a PF Paladin, and Matt wants to redesign his PC to something that doesn't require multiclassing. The others seem easy either way, so I may have an amnesty and hit the reset button.

Well one advantage to working nightshifts this week was that I think I'm the first of us to see the official word that our very own Wintergreen has been promoted to venture captain.Well done get to work ;)

Scarab Sages

DM Wellard wrote:
Well one advantage to working nightshifts this week was that I think I'm the first of us to see the official word that our very own Wintergreen has been promoted to venture captain.Well done get to work ;)

Looks like he got his CV in by the deadline; we don't have to carry out Josh's orders to kick his ass!

The Exchange

Snorter wrote:
DM Wellard wrote:
Well one advantage to working nightshifts this week was that I think I'm the first of us to see the official word that our very own Wintergreen has been promoted to venture captain.Well done get to work ;)
Looks like he got his CV in by the deadline; we don't have to carry out Josh's orders to kick his ass!

Thanks guys,

It's been difficult keeping quiet about this so I'm doubly glad they have made the announcement. I was planning to start up a thread like this once the announcement had been made too ;-)

Yes, now the work begins!

Dark Archive

Hi there,

I'm in Warwick/Leamington Spa and at the moment I'm running a group through Rise of The Runelords in 3.5 ed. I may well switch to Pathfinder when I scrape together enough money to buy the rule books, in the mean time if there's anyone who'd like to join in, let me know.


Liberty's Edge

Looks like I'm the lone Yank just yet, but the wife & I are living near Banbury for the next three years. I started gaming back in 1980 with the D&D blue book boxed set and have played and/or run D&D (all but 4th edition), Star Frontiers, GURPS, Champions/HERO, Twilight 2000, Villains and Vigilantes, Gamma World, Battletech, Cyberpunk, ShadowRun (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th), Earthdawn, Paranoia, Whitewolf (Changeling, Vampire, Mage, Werewolf - tabletop and live-action), d20 Modern, Role Master, Space Master, Star Wars (d6 & d20), d20 BESM, d20 Cuthulu, Call of Cthulhu, Rifts, Marvel Universe Roleplaying Game, Warhammer Inquisitor (the RPG), Mechwarrior, Mekton, Toons, Top Secret, Star Trek (1983 version), and a hand-full of custom systems. I've also been in the SCA, Dagorhir, and Amtgard.

Right now I'm running a slightly hybridized Pathfinder game across five towns, four timezones, and two continents. It's great to be able to game with some really good friends, but I'd love to find a face-to-face game in our local area.

When I run, I like to come up with a general idea for a game (setting/theme/scope) and then tune it to work with what the players want to run, especially because most of the time my players are new to the gaming system or even to gaming.

When I play, I just look for fun, creativity, and even-handedness from the GM.

Hello fellow UK gamers, just thought I would put a plug in for some Ebay stuff I'm selling:

Monster Ecologies

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