Combat Manager application

Homebrew and House Rules

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Dreaming Psion wrote:

Bizarrely, this has given all my custom monsters/npc I have in the database dual initiative, usually with a bizarrely high second bonus.

Edit: This is 1.60 I'm speaking of. And it seems to be a display only issue, as in combat when initiative is rolled it only rolls it once.

Hmm. That sounds like an error in the upgrade process. I'm not sure there's much I can do about it at this point, although I could probably do a custom fix for your db. You could also probably use some sort of SQLite browser to manually fix the values in the Bestiary.db file.

Now that I check my own file, it appears that it was filling out the new DualInit field with ascending values starting at 1.

Also, you can open the monster editor and remove the dual init value manually.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kyle Olson wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:

Bizarrely, this has given all my custom monsters/npc I have in the database dual initiative, usually with a bizarrely high second bonus.

Edit: This is 1.60 I'm speaking of. And it seems to be a display only issue, as in combat when initiative is rolled it only rolls it once.

Hmm. That sounds like an error in the upgrade process. I'm not sure there's much I can do about it at this point, although I could probably do a custom fix for your db. You could also probably use some sort of SQLite browser to manually fix the values in the Bestiary.db file.

Now that I check my own file, it appears that it was filling out the new DualInit field with ascending values starting at 1.

Also, you can open the monster editor and remove the dual init value manually.

Was there supposed to be a separate Dual Initiative field? If so, is it supposed to be in the "Other" section. (I see "Prohibited School", "Sorcerer Bloodline", and "Spell Domains" when I click on the "Other" tab in combat manager.

Dreaming Psion wrote:
Was there supposed to be a separate Dual Initiative field? If so, is it supposed to be in the "Other" section. (I see "Prohibited School", "Sorcerer Bloodline", and "Spell Domains" when I click on the "Other" tab in combat manager.

I didn't make it editable initially because I created it to fix some bugs. Obviously I just created more bugs.

Kyle Olson wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:
Was there supposed to be a separate Dual Initiative field? If so, is it supposed to be in the "Other" section. (I see "Prohibited School", "Sorcerer Bloodline", and "Spell Domains" when I click on the "Other" tab in combat manager.
I didn't make it editable initially because I created it to fix some bugs. Obviously I just created more bugs.

You can give this test build a try. You should be able to edit the dual init under the "Other" tab:

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Kyle Olson wrote:
Kyle Olson wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:
Was there supposed to be a separate Dual Initiative field? If so, is it supposed to be in the "Other" section. (I see "Prohibited School", "Sorcerer Bloodline", and "Spell Domains" when I click on the "Other" tab in combat manager.
I didn't make it editable initially because I created it to fix some bugs. Obviously I just created more bugs.

You can give this test build a try. You should be able to edit the dual init under the "Other" tab:

I was able to set everything back without problems (by manually putting a "-" in the dual init field.) I did a little bit of fiddling with a couple of offical monsters by customizing them and things didn't seem to explode their either.

On another note, I found an unrelated glitch (and this is also true for 1.60) was that the newly imported creatures/npc (everything from Iron Gods and the Racial Codex) have a "-" for all their ability scores.

HI Kyle,

Saw you added a space for Bloodlines and domains and stuff. Thanks for that. I did notice that the Bloodlines and Domains work well, but when I try added prohibited schools, they just don't stick. I finished in the monster editor and press Ok, and they don't show under the spells like domains (i swiched my selection to make sure). When i go back in the editor, the field is empty.

Tried this with 1.6.0 and 1.6.1.

BTW, thanks for the great work! Without your program, my games would be chaos!

I have problems with herolab import on android again. CR and attacks don't show up. Manually editing CR isn't possible either.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

New version for PC is working well for me so far.

Any plan to update the one for Ipad? Being able to sort monsters by class would be super helpful.
It also crashes a lot on Ipad since the OS update. I did try deleting redownloading and reinstalling it, twice actually, but it still crashes often.
I love the program so am really hoping for an ipad update soon.

Technotrooper wrote:
For me, the only way to recover was to uninstall and the re-install the app--losing all of my saved data files in the process.

This happened to me for the second time. The app crashed and wiped out all of my data in the middle of the climactic boss battle. As much as I love the features of this app, I am done with it until the stability issues are fixed. Very disappointed.

Seems like a bad time to ask this question, but it would be totally cool if there was some way to make customized treasure or rules... Just tossing it out there... I have had no problems with 1.60 and have enjoyed your program for years... thanks Kyle... you have made my gaming experiences as a DM awesome :) DARKWYNTERS

Freakin' awesome program!

Although it had most of what I was looking for, I noted that some of the parts of the CRB appendixes were missing, such as the description and details of invisibility, and a list of conditions on one page.

First of all, I've been playing D&D for a number of decades and recently switched to pathfinder. I recently found your application, and I have to say out of all the different programs used as a DM over the years yours has been the absolute best I've found and I have only used it for about a day. Love the customization and all the detail, info, and specifics a GM can put into their games using your tool. I hope you still read this particular thread because finding info on your program has been tough. I'm using the windows version and was wondering how to delete custom monsters (accidently made double of a custom with same name) also is there an area to place armor check penalties for skills?

Ok figured out the deletion of custom monsters just didn't realize the delete button was in the monsters tab.

Dragooniyum wrote:
Ok figured out the deletion of custom monsters just didn't realize the delete button was in the monsters tab.

I'm still watching and working on the apps, but progress has been slow recently. I hope to have a new version of iPad out soon and Android after that.

Today was the first time I realized you that you can import HeroLab portfolios.

Um... AWESOME! This makes leveling the party's stats about 100x easier.

Is there a way to keep track of non-lethal damage, ability damage and ability drain?

Liberty's Edge

Nicola Tuveri wrote:
Is there a way to keep track of non-lethal damage...?

Yes. When viewing the creature, look for the down arrow next to the Action Button.

Nicola Tuveri wrote:
Is there a way to keep track...ability damage and ability drain?

By default, there does not appear to be. You can set up some custom conditions, but I do not see where you can make penalties/benefits on conditions as a variable value. Therefore, you would have to set up a condition for each penalty and statistic. For instance, you might set up the following:

Strength Damage -1
Strength Damage -5
Strength Damage -10
Dexterity Damage -1
Dexterity Damage -5

Combat Manager does allow you to apply the same condition more than once, so if a character has 3 Strength Damage, you can apply 'Strength Damage -1' three times. After you apply the damage to the creature, you there is also a field for entering the number of rounds the condition will last (which will decrement when the round is advanced).

I know it is not the easiest way to do it, but at least it is a way for it to be done.

This would probably make a pretty good addition to Combat Manager if it is not already on Kyle's list.

Dreaming Psion wrote:
Kyle Olson wrote:
Kyle Olson wrote:
Dreaming Psion wrote:
Was there supposed to be a separate Dual Initiative field? If so, is it supposed to be in the "Other" section. (I see "Prohibited School", "Sorcerer Bloodline", and "Spell Domains" when I click on the "Other" tab in combat manager.
I didn't make it editable initially because I created it to fix some bugs. Obviously I just created more bugs.

You can give this test build a try. You should be able to edit the dual init under the "Other" tab:

I was able to set everything back without problems (by manually putting a "-" in the dual init field.) I did a little bit of fiddling with a couple of offical monsters by customizing them and things didn't seem to explode their either.

On another note, I found an unrelated glitch (and this is also true for 1.60) was that the newly imported creatures/npc (everything from Iron Gods and the Racial Codex) have a "-" for all their ability scores.

Did this make Dual Initiative editable? I've installed the 1.6.1 build but I don't see the field displayed on the Other tab. Also Dual init doesn't to be displaying the creature twice in the init window.

Dean Roy wrote:

Did this make Dual Initiative editable? I've installed the 1.6.1 build but I don't see the field displayed on the Other tab. Also Dual init doesn't to be displaying the creature twice in the init window.

Currently in the upcoming build (I swear it's coming) it's not editable.

Stupid question will this run on a kindle fire, old one. and if so how do I get it there. no Play Store.

Dalamar666 wrote:
Stupid question will this run on a kindle fire, old one. and if so how do I get it there. no Play Store.

The android version is available in the Amazon App store. I tested it on the old Kindle Fire.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any fix for the iPad crashes on startup? I was blown away by the functionality built into this app, then may 30 minutes after purchasing it crashed. I was able to uninstall and reinstall to get it working again, but if that happens in the middle of a game... :/

On a positive note, this is an amazing app. It's exactly what I was looking for!

(and will the new version contain Feats and Spells from the recently released source books? :) )

Ran into the crash on start up issue again. However, this time I believe I have found a workaround. When I attempted to open the app after the crash, while it was loading I pressed the home button twice to pull up a list of running apps and swiped the Combat Manager app upward, which force quits it. I then reopened the app and it didn't lock up. I'm wondering if iOS still thinks Combat Manager is running after the crash and runs into an issue when attempting to open it again? Anyway, hopefully this workaround works for anyone else running into this issue as well. :)

trik wrote:
Ran into the crash on start up issue again. However, this time I believe I have found a workaround. When I attempted to open the app after the crash, while it was loading I pressed the home button twice to pull up a list of running apps and swiped the Combat Manager app upward, which force quits it. I then reopened the app and it didn't lock up. I'm wondering if iOS still thinks Combat Manager is running after the crash and runs into an issue when attempting to open it again? Anyway, hopefully this workaround works for anyone else running into this issue as well. :)

Unfortunately I have run into the crash issue again and have been unable to resolve it this way this time. :/

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A 5E D&D conversion is now available! It doesn't not have correct XP/CR values, but everything else works. For more info go here:

Hi Kyle,

first of all, great program, it's simply great!

I've some question about a couple of point :

1) I export the character from pcgen with "csheet_InitTool_1.0.b23.rpgrp" and importing inside compbatmanager, the pc havn't some info like class, level and spells. I'm using pcgen version 6.05.02.

2) If I add as weapon quarterstaff on the attack tab I see that force with the two attack per round not showing the single attack. It's normal

Thank you and keep the good work


As great as its functionality is, this app is basically useless on the iPad until the crash bug is fixed.

Does anyone know if this works on a mac air?

Combat Manager (PC) update to 1.6.1:

Combine initiative and regular Monster context menu
Additional Hero Lab import fixes
New templates: Juju Zombie, Void Zombie, Ogrekin
Act Now option on characters

Any plans on releasing a Linux version? I know it's kinda difficult because you use .NET, but now it's open source.
In any case, do you have any recommendations to run CM with Wine? I've already tried installing .NET 4.0 first, but it crashes at start.

BTW, I've found this tutorial and this application.
I'd love to use your app, but loading an entire VM just to use it seems like an overkill.
Thank you for all your hard work!

PS. I'd better edit my old post but I don't see how.

new link to the new page is on facebook at:

Perigorn wrote:

new link to the new page on facebook (5e Conversion)



Technotrooper wrote:
As great as its functionality is, this app is basically useless on the iPad until the crash bug is fixed.

any progress update, kyle?

i have a "unable to load file" error -- but it didn't crash this time!

wyld wrote:
Technotrooper wrote:
As great as its functionality is, this app is basically useless on the iPad until the crash bug is fixed.

any progress update, kyle?

i have a "unable to load file" error -- but it didn't crash this time!

This error occurs when the app fails to open files, either party files or files imported from HeroLab or PCGen. Can you send the files you were trying to load to


Kyle Olson wrote:
wyld wrote:
Technotrooper wrote:
As great as its functionality is, this app is basically useless on the iPad until the crash bug is fixed.

any progress update, kyle?

i have a "unable to load file" error -- but it didn't crash this time!

This error occurs when the app fails to open files, either party files or files imported from HeroLab or PCGen. Can you send the files you were trying to load to [email]

sent. thx!

I can't find another user and solution that's worked for me, so I guess I'll inquire.

I've had Combat Manager downloaded and kept up to date for about two years now. My .NET framework is current, too.

In the time I've had and used Combat Manager, whenever I go to search monsters, treasure, feats, spells, et cetera, the system crashes. This is especially true if I either type quickly or narrow search results in the drop down menus. Crashing is not as prominent of a problem if I scroll through the list to search, so long as I use the scroll bar.

I'm using Windows 7. What is my problem here?

downerbeautiful wrote:

I can't find another user and solution that's worked for me, so I guess I'll inquire.

I've had Combat Manager downloaded and kept up to date for about two years now. My .NET framework is current, too.

In the time I've had and used Combat Manager, whenever I go to search monsters, treasure, feats, spells, et cetera, the system crashes. This is especially true if I either type quickly or narrow search results in the drop down menus. Crashing is not as prominent of a problem if I scroll through the list to search, so long as I use the scroll bar.

I'm using Windows 7. What is my problem here?

Can you email me a I've got a few questions I'd like to ask about this.

A new update for Combat Manager came down from the apple store and I loaded it onto my iPad, but I still get the crash error on startup. Was the most recent update intended to fix this? If so, are there any additional steps I can take to resolve?

The crash happens for me with 100% consistency, so I'm completely stopped. I hadn't realized how dependent I'd become to having combat manager on my ipad until this started happening. Thanks for making such an incredible app, and I hope it can start working again soon!

Mystically Inclined wrote:

A new update for Combat Manager came down from the apple store and I loaded it onto my iPad, but I still get the crash error on startup. Was the most recent update intended to fix this? If so, are there any additional steps I can take to resolve?

The crash happens for me with 100% consistency, so I'm completely stopped. I hadn't realized how dependent I'd become to having combat manager on my ipad until this started happening. Thanks for making such an incredible app, and I hope it can start working again soon!

I am experiencing more problems with the latest iOS update as well. Every single time I go to edit a monsters health, the program crashes. Unfortunately this renders it unusable. This also makes me sad, as it was such a great way to run the game.

trik wrote:
Mystically Inclined wrote:

A new update for Combat Manager came down from the apple store and I loaded it onto my iPad, but I still get the crash error on startup. Was the most recent update intended to fix this? If so, are there any additional steps I can take to resolve?

The crash happens for me with 100% consistency, so I'm completely stopped. I hadn't realized how dependent I'd become to having combat manager on my ipad until this started happening. Thanks for making such an incredible app, and I hope it can start working again soon!

I am experiencing more problems with the latest iOS update as well. Every single time I go to edit a monsters health, the program crashes. Unfortunately this renders it unusable. This also makes me sad, as it was such a great way to run the game.

One of my frustrations with iOS is that I have only a limited number of devices to test on and I can't guarantee what will happen with the devices people have. Android has more devices and OSs, but the reactions are more predictable, for whatever reason.

I will have a new build of iOS out in a few days (when it passes through Apple certification), but I don't believe it will address this problem.

Both of you please send an email to with the type of device that you have and I'll try to come up with a solution. I think the first step may be for me to create a new channel to send private builds of the application.

Hi, I was wondering if am update for the Android version would be coming out soon? I tried importing Herolab files today, the same ones I've been using all along and the app crashed. Couldn't load a single thing. Is there something I have to change? I uninstalled and then reinstalled the app, but it didn't help. It's strange, because it was working fine 2 weeks ago.

The Android app is great! I used your PC version for a few months and now I can DM exclusively off of my tablet.

I just want to say that this program is amazing. I use it on my desktop for planning games all the time, and plan on purchasing the Ipad version shortly.

Kyle, if you need an Ipad beta-tester, I'd be happy to apply.

Got to say love the program. apply conditions.

I noticed their is a spell editor and I can create custom spells. However it will not save the bonuses. Also when I try to apply those spells through the add condition function in the combat tab I cant find any spell I created in the spell editor.

Are these components linked or separate?

Also for spells that have variable bonuses like shield of faith would it be possible to have a promp asking the DM how much bonus to apply similar to when we make a custom condition?


I just wanted to report that 1.6.1 seems to have a bug or something. randomly it will close out when we go to inintiate an attack or any of the other option in the action menu.

Thank you

I had a chance to run a game with the latest update to Combat Manager on the iPad last night and it went really well. I did all sorts of condition applying, stat editing (for ability dmg), delaying, readied actions, etc. and it only crashed once the entire evening. The crash wasn't even bad, as I was able to reopen the app and it gracefully recovered without losing any data. It just picked right back up where it left off.

I know you said you didn't think this update would address the problem, but it seems to have done exactly that (for me at least).

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

can I export characters from combat manager to herolab?

help, every time I go to install Combat Manager I get a DLL error I have windows7 64-bit and the latest .net updates. So what gives?
any ideas? I've tried everything, nothing works except to do a VM and then install it on windows XP. I don't want to go backwards but forwards ;) lol I have to say I am learning alot about programs.

I'm getting a fairly consistent crash on Windows 7 under very specific, but common conditions. It happens on the Combat tab when I right-click on a monster in the Initiative section to bring up the menu (to apply a condition, for instance). Interestingly, it only happens AFTER I've also been right-clicking monsters in the Monster section. In addition, it seems a monster with a template applied (Advanced, Giant, etc) MUST be present for it to crash.

The weird bit is that I can right-click on monsters, templated or not, allll day in the Initiative section with no problems until I also click on one in the Monsters section. THEN I can still right-click on monsters all day in the *Monsters* section with no problems, but as soon as I start back in the Initiative section it isn't usually more than 3-5 clicks before it crashes. Sometimes it crashes on the very first one.

I've spent a good 20 minutes intentionally crashing the program, and from what I can tell, no combination of clicks will crash it when I right click someone in the party, either in their section or in Initiative. But that might be because no one in the party has a template applied. I'd test more, but I've been avoiding work for long enough

Whew. I hope that was sufficient detail, but let me know if you need more info!

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