cultofmice's page
Organized Play Member. 17 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.
Lanassa wrote: I always thought it meant "even if the murderer becomes undead, the revenant is not slain". So, nothing to do with the revenant's hate.
Besides, the wording is not "as long as the murderer is alive" but "as long as the murderer exists"
Am I missing something?
Ah, yes, I got this wrong. This totally makes sense and in this case my question is obsolete.
Thanks to all.
I will for sure handle it by-the-book. It's too good and I don't want to reduce Iesha to just another combat Encounter.
I just wondered if this had come up before.
The description of the revenant says "A murderer who becomes undead does not trigger a revenant's destruction." So Iesha would normally not pursue Aldern, since he became undead.
Did you have any Problems with players recognizing this? Seems like a minor inaccuracy, but I just wondered.
Or am I getting it wrong?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Am I the only one, who has problems with the link to "round 1: open call & FAQ"?
It refreshes every second so that I can't scroll down and after a few seconds says:"You have made too many requests for the same page too quickly. Please wait a minute before trying again."
Same on all devices here.
I have problems with herolab import on android again. CR and attacks don't show up. Manually editing CR isn't possible either.
thanks for making this clear.
Essemecks wrote:
As you can see, the Explosive Bomb supercedes the initial save (no save mentioned if you take a direct hit from the Explosive Bomb)
I haven't found anything on this and it still isn't clear to me. My GM brought this up last night by saying the victims can make a DC 15 reflex save to avoid catching fire on a direct hit (as by the rules for catching fire). I read it as no initial save. What's right?
I found another little bug concerning herolab import for android. When loading a bunch of statblocks, some of them lack the "type, class, level"-line (for example "human fighter 1").
cultofmice wrote: Kyle Olson wrote: cultofmice wrote: After some sessions with combat manager in my games on my android tablet, I have to say, I am very pleased. Works great for me.
Unfortunately HeroLab-import still causes the app to crash. If this can be fixed someday, it would be really, really great. I apologize, I got distracted from getting a new release out. I hope to put this fix out in the next few days. No problem. Thanks! Seems fixed with latest update. Amazing, thank you very much!
Kyle Olson wrote: cultofmice wrote: After some sessions with combat manager in my games on my android tablet, I have to say, I am very pleased. Works great for me.
Unfortunately HeroLab-import still causes the app to crash. If this can be fixed someday, it would be really, really great. I apologize, I got distracted from getting a new release out. I hope to put this fix out in the next few days. No problem. Thanks!
After some sessions with combat manager in my games on my android tablet, I have to say, I am very pleased. Works great for me.
Unfortunately HeroLab-import still causes the app to crash. If this can be fixed someday, it would be really, really great.
I just bought the android version. Works well for me, although a short help/tutorial file would have been quite helfpful. I didn't find something which explains the buttons and symbols used (maybe I just missed it), so I had to try and test. It's not that hard, so that seems ok to me.
So far I can say I love it and because I start running RotR soon, it's absolutely awesome that the stats are there. Wow!
The +10 +5 +1 buttons are somethings I have to get used to I think.
The only issue I have up to date is that HeroLab import for Android unfortunately doesn't work. When loading a .por file, CM crashes. I'm using Galaxy Note 10.1
If a PC wants to examine the cause of death of a creature killed by channel negative energy. Is there a way to find out? Visible wounds, magical aura etc.?
In general, what checks apply for death investigations?
drbuzzard wrote: I believe the advantage of full plate in all stats is because it is meant to be better in weight distribution on the body. A food suit of plate armor in the day was custom fitted (as mentioned), but that included careful considering about how the weight was carried. There were straps and buckles which would attach each section of armor to the body and thus the load was distributed across the limbs and frame.
Half plate is a melange of armor pieces distributed over the body including chain and pieces of plate and they are more haphazard in how your body can carry the load. People would imagine chain mail to not be so bad since it is all flexible, but the weight all gets dumped on the shoulders and waist (assuming a belt, and they were basically universal to allow some load bearing).
Since half plate basically is chain with plates over vulnerable areas, it is going to be worse than chain.
Good one.
Snowleopard wrote: Historically speaking Half plate was specialized tournament jousting armor that gave equal protection as full plate but only from the front. In jousting this was no problem as all damage would come from the front. It was also lighter and easyer to use on a horse. It was considered useless in battle as your rear was practically unprotected.
And again if you look to history: full plates were extremely expensive, I suspect strongly that we get a bargain on the full plates we buy in the game.
I know from reenactment performers that full plate nowadays sets you back about 8000 to 10000 euro as well as spending at least a week at the smithy for fitting and adjusting. These suits of armor were (and are) custom made for the user and take about a month of work to create.
Thanks. But I do not question the price. Just that an armor were my arms and legs are covered with metal allows me to move better (higher max dex and lesser armor penalty) than an armor which leaves arms free just refuses to get in my head. There are possible explanations in this thread but they all seem kind of constrained to me.
Man of Steel 84 wrote: Peb wrote: I just don't understand this: a full plate offers a better bonus but has a higher max dex bonus and a lower armor check penalty. I just don't get it. Watching the pictures makes this even stranger. Wearing just the part of an armor brings no advantage at all, instead wearing the full is the better deal? It costs more so it is better? Or Full plate is custom fit to you, that's why you need to pay that extra money to get a randomly found suit of full plate to fit you This seems somewhat logical to me. Still not obvious, though. I did not focus on the price. The fact alone, that you get a bit more protection for less penalties and even the same weight, seems a bit dull. Whatever, thanks.
I just don't understand this: a full plate offers a better bonus but has a higher max dex bonus and a lower armor check penalty. I just don't get it. Watching the pictures makes this even stranger. Wearing just the part of an armor brings no advantage at all, instead wearing the full is the better deal?