MendedWall12 |

Seems like a nice program for sure!
Since I don´t have a laptop or can´t use a stationary computer when we game, I wonder if there´s an option just to generate a monster - lets say a human skeleton - and save it and print it as a monster card for easy reference when playing?
I really like the format for monsters, and it would speed up combat greatly.
Perhaps this already exist, or been mentioned earlier in this huge thread. If so, please point me in the right direction!Asmo
I'm pretty sure Combat Manager does not have a print capability. It is meant to be used at the table, not as an out of game supplement. Though Kyle's monster advancer is really nice, you could look at using the tools on this website: http://www.monsteradvancer.com. They have some nice tools including a Pathfinder compatible monster advancer.

Kyle Olson |

Seems like a nice program for sure!
Since I don´t have a laptop or can´t use a stationary computer when we game, I wonder if there´s an option just to generate a monster - lets say a human skeleton - and save it and print it as a monster card for easy reference when playing?
I really like the format for monsters, and it would speed up combat greatly.
Perhaps this already exist, or been mentioned earlier in this huge thread. If so, please point me in the right direction!Asmo
There's no printing built in, but you can copy and paste the text into your favorite word processor and it will maintain most of the formatting. The header at the top doesn't paste correctly now, but the rest should appear as formatted.

Sethvir |

Hey Kyle,
Started playing with adding custom conditions to the program to apply some of the features of a couple of templates I am going to be using and I have a couple of questions.
1) I see the custom condition appearing in the database and on the conditions lists, so it has to be saved somewhere when you exit the program as it is still there when I open it a second time. Where is it saving it?
2) When I uninstall and reinstall the newer version, it disappears, so is there somewhere I can save those conditions off between installations?
3) There is no real save feature on the Conditions. There is an add and cancel function, but if I am just building one or more, I have to have a monster/character available to access the Add Condition tool box, unless I am completely missing something.
Thanks as always for the great program. I was again showing it to my gaming group, but I am the only one on Windows, so am the only one using it and I'm not DM'ing at this juncture.

Kyle Olson |

Sethvir wrote:You weren't the only one. I've been uninstalling and reinstalling every time.Thanks eX, the original instructions I think had us uninstalling, and I just followed that paradigm.
Recreating the link is paltry.
Sorry. I fixed that near the beginning, you should always be able to install over the application.

Kyle Olson |

1) I see the custom condition appearing in the database and on the conditions lists, so it has to be saved somewhere when you exit the program as it is still there when I open it a second time. Where is it saving it?
All the data is saved in XML files in your user's AppData folder for your user under a "Combat Manager" folder. Generally "C:\Users\YourNameHere\AppData\Roaming\Combat Manager" on Vista/Win 7 or "C:\Documents and Settings\YourNameHere\Application Data\Combat Manager" on XP.
3) There is no real save feature on the Conditions. There is an add and cancel function, but if I am just building one or more, I have to have a monster/character available to access the Add Condition tool box, unless I am completely missing something.
Yeah, this needs some work. The UI is a little inscrutable right now, as a result of trying to tack one feature onto another. I'll take a look at it.

MendedWall12 |

MendedWall12 wrote:Sorry. I fixed that near the beginning, you should always be able to install over the application.Sethvir wrote:You weren't the only one. I've been uninstalling and reinstalling every time.Thanks eX, the original instructions I think had us uninstalling, and I just followed that paradigm.
Recreating the link is paltry.
No problems. Glad I know now.

Kyle Olson |

Combat Manager update to 1.2.4
Save combat state frequently during combat (next/prev turns, adding characters)
Add load/save combat state menu items
Fix initiative sorting on reload
Add print buttons to library pages
NPC DB Update imported
Improve UI selection of monster for monster view
Update more correctly when conditions are added or removed

MendedWall12 |

Combat Manager update to 1.2.4
Save combat state frequently during combat (next/prev turns, adding characters)
Add load/save combat state menu items
Fix initiative sorting on reload
Add print buttons to library pages
NPC DB Update imported
Improve UI selection of monster for monster view
Update more correctly when conditions are added or removed
This is awesome Kyle. The ability to save multiple combat states and then load them later is absolutely wonderful since I have multiple groups going, and used to save the PC and Monster files separately. Saving the whole state just makes it that much easier. LOVE the print button on the monster advancer, not sure I'll use it all that often, but it's great to know it's there. Also really enjoy the NPC updates, it makes it so easy to grab an appropriately stated NPC on the fly that I actually spend a lot less time preparing for game sessions in advance.
Great work as usual.

Cutter |

I have to agree, AWESOME release Kyle. The autosaving of combat state should resolve any problems with the program crashing and losing the state of the combat (not that it crashed often but you never know).
Also I think this one finally fixes my issue with being unable to display the stat block for a monster on occassion.
I think you have actually hit the point where I have nothing to complain about. ;)
Thanks again, for the great work!

Kyle Olson |

This is an amazing program. Thank you for your time and effort.
I was having a few difficulties entering PCs into the manager. Would this be the right place to ask about how to do that, or should I bring it to PM or e-mail?
Edit: or is there a readme file that I missed somewhere?
Feel free to post questions here. I won't bite your head off.

roll8dn |
Thank you!
Notably, I was attempting to enter a ninth-level fighter PC with the two-weapon fighting and improved TWF feats, weapon mastery +2 in his off-hand weapon, weapon mastery +1 and weapon focus in his primary weapon, and have his attack bonuses for the two-weapon style come out correct.
Right now, it seems that I can't either find the way to enter the weapon mastery class feature or that it isn't implemented in the combat manager section. It also seems that I can't either put the second off-hand attack for ITWF in or it isn't implemented.
Is there something I missed somewhere? If not, that's fine; I'll just keep the character sheet at hand for ease of review.
Thanks again,

Kyle Olson |

Right now, it seems that I can't either find the way to enter the weapon mastery class feature or that it isn't implemented in the combat manager section. It also seems that I can't either put the second off-hand attack for ITWF in or it isn't implemented.
There's no (realistic) way to add a Weapon Mastery bonus to a character you're entering by hand right now. I had some ideas way back but haven't thought about it in a while. I'll see what I can do.
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting should be working, though. Can you save the character and send the file to combatman@kyleolson.com?

Astralplaydoh |

I'm going to say it again. This program is simply awesome. Not sure what the likelihood of getting something like this on Android is, but I found this:
It helps port .net programs to the Android OS.
My tablet is screaming for something like this that I would certainly be willing to purchase.

roll8dn |
So, I downloaded PCGen a couple of hours ago, to see if I could come at the problem with the PC from that end.
However, the Combat Manager says that it only accepts files of the ".rpgrp" extension (edit: from PCGen, anyway), and I can't seem to figure out how to get PCGen to export to that extension. Am I missing something somewhere?
Thanks folks,

Kyle Olson |

So, I downloaded PCGen a couple of hours ago, to see if I could come at the problem with the PC from that end.
However, the Combat Manager says that it only accepts files of the ".rpgrp" extension (edit: from PCGen, anyway), and I can't seem to figure out how to get PCGen to export to that extension. Am I missing something somewhere?
Thanks folks,
File -> Export -> to Text, and you should see the option.

Matt J Harris |

The import feature is nice, but it still has some problems importing a one of my .rpgrp files. It is not importing a composite longbow:
Longbow (Composite/STR+1/Darkwood):
is what is in the .rpgrp file.
Also, if I go into edit the attacks, it doesn't show all of the weapons.
Last thing I noticed - using Enlarge Person doesn't increase the damage of the greatsword or lucern hammer.

Kyle Olson |

The import feature is nice, but it still has some problems importing a one of my .rpgrp files. It is not importing a composite longbow:
Longbow (Composite/STR+1/Darkwood):
is what is in the .rpgrp file.Also, if I go into edit the attacks, it doesn't show all of the weapons.
Last thing I noticed - using Enlarge Person doesn't increase the damage of the greatsword or lucern hammer.
The big problem I have with the rpgrp files is that the format doesn't match the standard formatting for pathfinder Stat block at all in the weapon section. I can do some tricks to fix it, but I have trouble with lots of magic weapons. Composite Longbows are generally a problem as well (but not just in rpgrp files). If a weapon disappears when you edit attacks, it's because something in the formatting was far enough off that I couldn't recognize it.
I've been thinking for some time about importing from some HTML files from PC Gen, but I haven't gone through the work of creating a new parser.

Hartygan |

Hartygan wrote:Not (easily) now, but it's on the TODO list. I'm working on ideas for it right now.
Is there a way to add new monsters to CM?
Okay. I will just have to be patient. ;)
Seems to me that you can enter a lot of the info on the combat sheet already. Maybe an ADD MONSTER TO DATABASE button?
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Kyle, this is AMAZING. You've got $20 coming from me on my next payday just on general premise, and I'll donate more as I use the app.
No joke, this is an amazing program.
Two little things from me:
1) When you're in the monsters tab and you've used the vertical scroll to read a monster entry, if you click over to another monster without manually placing the vertical scroll at the top, the vertical scroll doesn't snap back to the top, as I would expect it to. In other words, you're now looking at the middle/bottom of the new monster, when I'd think you'd want to be looking at the top.
2) Is there any way to include an option in the "templates" section for Augment Summoning? Things get summoned so frequently in games, and most of the characters doing the summoning have Augment Summoning, so it'd be great if the summoned monsters had accurate attack rolls and HP without having to do manual mathematics on the fly.
But seriously - those are like the only two things I can think of...other than conditions that apply penalties to stats and AC and the like actually applying those penalties to the character when they're present. In fact, that's the single most important change from my perspective, so, +1000 to that request. But I know it's on your plate already.
I really can't believe (!) that there's a program out there that is exactly three enhancements short (really only 2 - I could live with the thing I listed as #1 above) from being EXACTLY what I want out of a combat manager. As in, no sacrifices, no shortcomings, EXACTLY perfect for me as a player/DM. Kudos to you for this thing.

Kyle Olson |

1) When you're in the monsters tab and you've used the vertical scroll to read a monster entry, if you click over to another monster without manually placing the vertical scroll at the top, the vertical scroll doesn't snap back to the top, as I would expect it to. In other words, you're now looking at the middle/bottom of the new monster, when I'd think you'd want to be looking at the top.
This is a default behavior and I've been torn on it because it's useful occasionally. I should probably fix it, though.
2) Is there any way to include an option in the "templates" section for Augment Summoning? Things get summoned so frequently in games, and most of the characters doing the summoning have Augment Summoning, so it'd be great if the summoned monsters had accurate attack rolls and HP without having to do manual mathematics on the fly.
I keep forgetting I need to add this :P

Raptorking |
Just had a small error; had 1.20 installed and, after a while, it stopped displaying any monster data from the database, though the file was intact. Several re-installs failed to fix the error, then I installed 1.24 after remembering it had been updated. Now it shows monster data for a couple dozen monsters, but not all of them (and I reconfirmed that the Dire Bear, at least, is still in the database file). Have you encountered anything like this?

Kyle Olson |

Just had a small error; had 1.20 installed and, after a while, it stopped displaying any monster data from the database, though the file was intact. Several re-installs failed to fix the error, then I installed 1.24 after remembering it had been updated. Now it shows monster data for a couple dozen monsters, but not all of them (and I reconfirmed that the Dire Bear, at least, is still in the database file). Have you encountered anything like this?
Check the "sources" filter first to see if you've filtered out everything.

quirthanon |

Is there a list of poisons in there somewhere? Like here "Poisons"
All I can seem to find are the generic entry in the rules section, and of course the entries in the specific monsters.

Kyle Olson |

Is there a list of poisons in there somewhere? Like here "Poisons"
All I can seem to find are the generic entry in the rules section, and of course the entries in the specific monsters.
No, it's something I need to do.

![]() |

This is an application I created for myself a few months back and have been slowly improving. It's a simple initiave manager linked with the monsters data pulled from the SRD (as posted at d20pfsrd.com). I've also got tabs for Searching Spells (updated for APG) and Feats.
The application runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, and requires the .Net Framework 4.0.
I've got screenshots here so you can take a look before installing.
I just got done running my first session using this and let me just say THANK YOU!!! This has simplified my job as GM by at least 10 fold. The only small thing I ran into that bugged me, but isn't really a flaw is that it doesn't include a pre-stated Drow Noble. Is there anyways to save a modified monster?

MendedWall12 |

Kyle Olson wrote:I just got done running my first session using this and let me just say THANK YOU!!! This has simplified my job as GM by at least 10 fold. The only small thing I ran into that bugged me, but isn't really a flaw is that it doesn't include a pre-stated Drow Noble. Is there anyways to save a modified monster?This is an application I created for myself a few months back and have been slowly improving. It's a simple initiave manager linked with the monsters data pulled from the SRD (as posted at d20pfsrd.com). I've also got tabs for Searching Spells (updated for APG) and Feats.
The application runs on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7, and requires the .Net Framework 4.0.
I've got screenshots here so you can take a look before installing.
Yes. The little "diskette" looking button (why that symbol has become the universal symbol for "save" is beyond me, but that's a topic for a completely different messageboard) at the top of the monster column on the combat screen allows you to save your monsters in their current state. So whatever you've created yourself can be saved as a monster file, and reloaded later.

Glenn Bramer |
One neat feature would be to be able to break out the "Monsters" side of the Combat interface into a separate window. I run this on a projector, and would like the ability to have the "Combat Sequence" and "Party" tabs public while "Monsters" I keep hidden on my display.
Would that be possible?
BTW: GREAT PROGRAM. I built something like this for my own use, but now I realize how inadequate I am as a developer... Well Done!

Kyle Olson |

One neat feature would be to be able to break out the "Monsters" side of the Combat interface into a separate window. I run this on a projector, and would like the ability to have the "Combat Sequence" and "Party" tabs public while "Monsters" I keep hidden on my display.
Would that be possible?
BTW: GREAT PROGRAM. I built something like this for my own use, but now I realize how inadequate I am as a developer... Well Done!
I also run a game using a projector but I've avoided putting in any projector specific features because I thought I was the only one :)
I've been thinking about a number of ways to change the home page without losing any of core features. I can certainly create popup windows with different information in it. Popup stat windows are a possibility. I've thought about creating a popup initiative display for the players to see. Since I know it's not just me I'll think about what I could create.

![]() |

Kyle Olson |

I was wondering if there was a way to set up haunts, traps and skill checks as encounters?
Other than providing a list or being able to store custom data, I'm not really sure what I could do with haunts and traps because they're more flavor than rules, generally (particularly the haunts). I'm certainly open to suggestions.

Papa-DRB |

I have tried both of the .rpgrp sheets (csheet_InitiativeTool_1.1.rpgrp & csheet_InitTool_1.0.b23.rpgrp) and the 1.1 sheet is not recognized and the 1.0 sheet hangs Combat Manager. Is there another sheet that I should be looking at? I *really* like this application!!
-- david
roll8dn wrote:File -> Export -> to Text, and you should see the option.So, I downloaded PCGen a couple of hours ago, to see if I could come at the problem with the PC from that end.
However, the Combat Manager says that it only accepts files of the ".rpgrp" extension (edit: from PCGen, anyway), and I can't seem to figure out how to get PCGen to export to that extension. Am I missing something somewhere?
Thanks folks,

Kyle Olson |

I have tried both of the .rpgrp sheets (csheet_InitiativeTool_1.1.rpgrp & csheet_InitTool_1.0.b23.rpgrp) and the 1.1 sheet is not recognized and the 1.0 sheet hangs Combat Manager. Is there another sheet that I should be looking at? I *really* like this application!!
Mail the rpgrp files to combatman@kyleolson.com and I'll take a look. Also send the originating PC Gen files.