Possible Summoner / Eidolon build (who says Eidolon's are useless?)


Summoner-20 20pt-buy
*The summoner suffers from the least amount of MAD I've ever seen*

Base Summoner Stats:

Str 14 8 +6
Dex 14 8 +6
Con 16 10 +6
Int 14 14
Wis 12 12
Cha 31 18 +5 +6 +2

Spells selection:

*Spells (Chosen mostly for Buffs/Debuffs)
Lvl1-Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Grease, Mage Armor, Shield
Lvl2-Barkskin, Haste, Cat's Grace, Blur, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance
Lvl3-Protection from Energy, Stoneskin, Greater Magic Fang, Fly, Fire Shield, Displacement
Lvl4-Black Tentacles, Magic Jar, Solid Fog, Invisibility (Greater), Dimension Door, Mage's Faithful Hound
Lvl5-Heroism (Greater), Teleport, True Seeing, Major Creation, Hold Monster
Lvl6-Dispel Magic (Greater), Planar Binding (Greater), Acid Fog, Banishment, Spell Turning

Breakdown of available buffs/debuffs:

*Buffs- Mage Armor(+4AC), Shield(+4AC), Barkskin(+5Nat.AC),Haste, Blur, Bull's Str.(+4Str), Bear's End.(+4Con), Cat's Grace(+4Dex),Stoneskin, Fire Shield, Displacement, Magic Fang (Greater)(+5 Atk/Dmg), Heroism (Greater)(+4 Atk/Dmg Moral Bonus|+20HP),Invisibility Greater, True Seeing

-Attack: +1Haste, +2Bull's Strength(Enh.), +5 Greater Magic Fang(Enh.), +4 Greater Heroism(Moral)
-Damage: +2Bull's Strength(Enh.), +5 Greater Magic Fang, +4 Greater Heroism(Moral)
-AC: +4 Armour(Armour),+4 Shield(Shield) +2 Cat's Grace(Enh.), +5 Barkskin (Nat), +1 Haste(Dodge)
*Debuffs- Grease, Black Tentacles, Solid Fog, Dispel Magic

Basic Gear:

*Gear worn by Summoner Available:~880,000gp Used:531,000gp Left:349,000gp
Belt- of Physical Perfection +6 144,000gp
Eyes- Goggles of the Night 12,000gp
Headband- of Alluring Charisma 36,000gp
Ring- of Protection +5 50,000gp
Ring- of Freedom of Movement 40,000gp
Wrist- Bracers Of Armor +8 64,000gp
*Pale Green Ioun Stone +1 (Attack) 30,000gp
*Gear worn by Eidolon
Neck- Amulet of Mighty Fists +5 125,000gp (+5d6 elemental dmg?)
*Pale Green Ioun Stone +1 (Attack) 30,000gp

"Eidolons can use some magic items. Each eidolon can wear up to two rings, if it has the limbs (arms) evolution. Each eidolon can wear a single magic item in the following slots: eyes, head, neck, and shoulders. An eidolon with the limbs (arms) evolution or the tentacle evolution can drink potions."

Eidolon Stats:

Eidolon Stats (melee)
Str 47 16 +11 +4 +16
Dex 20 12 +8 +4 -4
Con 25 13 +4 +8
Int 7
Wis 10
Cha 11

Huge, 15' reach, Flying (Ex)
Misc. Buffs- Blur, Stoneskin, Fireshield, Displacement, Greater Invisibility, True Seeing

HP's~212 +87(avg) +105 +20
*AC 42 +18 +4 +4 +5 +10 +1
*Attack 38 +15 +18 +5 +1 -2 +6 -4
*Damage 35 +18 +5 +4 +8
Claws (x8, x9 w/Haste) 2d6+35 19-20/x2 +5d6 elemental Damage

Eidolon Feats and stat progression:

Lvl1- Weapon Focus (Claws)
Lvl3- Power Attack
Ability Score Increase +1Str
Lvl6- Improved Natual Attack (Claws)
Lvl9- Improved Critical (Claws)
Ability Score Increase +1Str
Lvl11- Critical Focus
Lvl14- Bleeding Critical
Ability Score Increase +1Str
Lvl17- (free)
Lvl19- (free)

Eidolon Evolutions:

*Evolutions (Evolution Pool- 26)
Claws (arms)
Limbs (arms)
Limbs (legs)
1pt Evolutions (4pts)
Claws (arms)
Claws (arms)
Claws (arms)
Magic Attacks
2pt Evolutions (8pts)
Limbs (arms)
Limbs (arms)
Limbs (arms)
Flight (Ex) (or Rend for more melee damage)
3pt Evolutions (none)
4pt Evolutions (14pts)
Fast Healing (1)
Large->Huge (+16str|+8Con|+5Nat.AC|-4Dex|-2Atc|-2AC).

*NOTE- If the summoner uses 'Twin Eidolon', his claws go to 1d8, bonus Attack/Damage go up by at least 1, AC goes up by 10 and all of this is without Tomes/Manuals which *can* be used by the Eidolon.

Just a cursory look at what you have for evolutions- Your using Bipedal and have 8 natural attacks from 4x claws- max is 7 though at level 20. And I may be blind but I'm not seeing where your getting the 5d6 elemental damage on each attack.

But otherwise... it looks like you're walking around with the prodigal son of a Marilith and a Girallon.

Sovereign Court

Haskul wrote:

Just a cursory look at what you have for evolutions- Your using Bipedal and have 8 natural attacks from 4x claws- max is 7 though at level 20. And I may be blind but I'm not seeing where your getting the 5d6 elemental damage on each attack.

But otherwise... it looks like you're walking around with the prodigal son of a Marilith and a Girallon.

He's getting that 5D6 from an illegally enchanted Amulet of Mighty Fists.

Note to Original Poster: The Amulet must have a +1 bonus before you can stack anything on it, just like weapons and armor. Thus your amulet should be a +1 enhancement with 4D6 elemental damage.

Diction wrote:
Haskul wrote:

Just a cursory look at what you have for evolutions- Your using Bipedal and have 8 natural attacks from 4x claws- max is 7 though at level 20. And I may be blind but I'm not seeing where your getting the 5d6 elemental damage on each attack.

But otherwise... it looks like you're walking around with the prodigal son of a Marilith and a Girallon.

He's getting that 5D6 from an illegally enchanted Amulet of Mighty Fists.

Note to Original Poster: The Amulet must have a +1 bonus before you can stack anything on it, just like weapons and armor. Thus your amulet should be a +1 enhancement with 4D6 elemental damage.

Amulet of Mighty Fists

Aura faint evocation; CL 5th

Slot neck; Price 5,000 gp (+1), 20,000 gp (+2), 45,000 gp (+3), 80,000 gp (+4), 125,000 gp (+5); Weight —


This amulet grants an enhancement bonus of +1 to +5 on attack and damage rolls with unarmed attacks and natural weapons.

Alternatively, this amulet can grant melee weapon special abilities, so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks. See Table: Melee Weapon Special Abilities for a list of abilities. Special abilities count as additional bonuses for determining the market value of the item, but do not modify attack or damage bonuses. An amulet of mighty fists cannot have a modified bonus (enhancement bonus plus special ability bonus equivalents) higher than +5. An amulet of mighty fists does not need to have a +1 enhancement bonus to grant a melee weapon special ability.

There's actually quite a few mistakes in here.

Too many attacks (already mentioned!)

Feats: Improved Natural Attack (claws) only works on ONE PAIR of matched weapons, or single bite. You have to take this once for every pair. (So 3 times for 6 claws) Personally I would take Improved natural attack an improved bite and put greater vital strike on it for a grand total of 12d6+21 (or more) as a standard attack. 1 more feat used, 4 less evolution points.

Magic weapons: You can't have +4d6 elemental damage on a single weapon. I can't find the rule, but you can only have +1d6 of each elemental type, and you can only have one elemental type activated at a time. So a longsword +1 flaming, frost, electric, acid weapon is very expensive, but can only function as +1d6 at any one time. (will update if I can find this, or maybe my brain broke...)

Evolution points: I only count 24/26 (including too many arms+claws, and wings flight) - You put 14 into the 4-point evos... and further assume from that you upgraded fast healing to 2/round.

Huge size is a waste as a permanent buy: Use the spell Greater Evolution Surge - 6 temporary evolution points that can only be put into a single evolution. This way the eidolon is normally only large, and can thus fit into more places.

*NOTE- If the summoner uses 'Twin Eidolon', his claws go to 1d8, bonus Attack/Damage go up by at least 1, AC goes up by 10 and all of this is without Tomes/Manuals which *can* be used by the Eidolon.

- You didn't mention anywhere that your summoner took aspects. These use points out of the eidolons pool at a rate of 2 for 1 (a good deal, imo, for energy resistances, or whatever). Otherwise Twin Eidolon is a monster of an ability, one of the best.

Just a couple of clarifications on your points, General Chaos:

General Chaos wrote:

Feats: Improved Natural Attack (claws) only works on ONE PAIR of matched weapons, or single bite. You have to take this once for every pair. (So 3 times for 6 claws) Personally I would take Improved natural attack an improved bite and put greater vital strike on it for a grand total of 12d6+21 (or more) as a standard attack. 1 more feat used, 4 less evolution points.

The text for the Improved Natural Attack feat says:

"Benefit: Choose one of the creature's natural attack forms (not an unarmed strike). The damage for this natural attack increases by one step on the following list, as if the creature's size had increased by one category."

It doesn't mention 'pairs' or 'single bite' at all. A creature with multiple natural attacks of the same form (like 2 Bites, or 4 Claws) would benefit from a single apply of the Feat attuned to that natural attack form (in this case, Imp.Nat.Attack - Bite, or Imp.Nat.Attack - Claw), by RAW.

General Chaos wrote:

Magic weapons: You can't have +4d6 elemental damage on a single weapon. I can't find the rule, but you can only have +1d6 of each elemental type, and you can only have one elemental type activated at a time. So a longsword +1 flaming, frost, electric, acid weapon is very expensive, but can only function as +1d6 at any one time. (will update if I can find this, or maybe my brain broke...)

Actually no, nothing in the rules prevent you to have multiple energy type activated contemporaneously on the same weapon. THIS is what James Jacobs specifically said about multiple elemental weapons:

James Jacobs wrote:

The way I see it:

Flame and shock and frost and all those types of weapons are safe to leave on all the time. You can turn them off if you want to disguise the fact that they're magic or something like that, but there's no real reason to turn them off otherwise. Just leave them on all the time.

And you can have multiple types on one weapon. It's a bit counter-intuitive and a lot of folks have issues with the flavor of a "hot-cold" weapon, but you can do it. In my opinion, it's better to do this when you're building a specific weapon with a specific flavor, not just to numbercrunch the best bang for the buck.

Imp Natural Attacks: Hrm. True, RAW it doesn't say anything about matching types. I don't believe this is intended however, as most monsters in the bestiary don't have more than 2 of the same natural attack. As a DM I wouldn't allow it.

Multiple elements: Conceded. (And wow... that's asking to be abused...)

Thank you all very much for the feedback.
The only source I have to go by for Pathfinder is from http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner
According to that, the max attacks was 8 at lvl 20 (if this is incorrect, I would definitely change it to add the +2str evo. and +2Nat.Arm. evo).
A strict reading of the 'Aspect' ability was 'up to x points' from the evolution pool so, I chose 0 (why weaken my meatshield that I can turn into?)
The 6 pts were to take the 'huge' evolution, not up fast healing from 1 to 2 (it's only to simplify out of combat healing to the point of negligence).

travis heb wrote:

Summoner-20 20pt-buy

*The summoner suffers from the least amount of MAD I've ever seen*

On spells:

If you're going to focus on your eidolon then one of the evolution surge spells might be useful to you. I'm guessing from looking at the spell's known that you don't have the final spell list. There's a first level spell unfetter that you will likely want at least on a wand.

Likewise the stat booster spells seem like a mistake. Buy ioun stones or a nonstandardly slotted magic item rather than needing to cast things that many times. Also I'd put the +6 belt on the eidolon rather than the summoner.

I would have chosen alter self as one of the 2nd level spells.

You have several spells on the wrong level list. The final version basically reset their spells list to the original version and added a few spells (like the evolution surge).

You want to have some way to cast dim anchor and magic circle vs align if you are looking to planar bind.

In general I think its a poor list and certainly one I would not have played up from 1st level.

The summoner's spell list not only has some buff spells, but also has a decent number of attack spells in the form of battle field control and the like, and some decent travel spells etc.

Anyway, I think this is a place that could use a lot of work and attention,


travis heb wrote:

Thank you all very much for the feedback.

The only source I have to go by for Pathfinder is from http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/base-classes/summoner
According to that, the max attacks was 8 at lvl 20 (if this is incorrect, I would definitely change it to add the +2str evo. and +2Nat.Arm. evo).

Yes, the number of max attacks for the Eidolon was slightly changed from the Beta to the APG version. It seems that d20PFSRD forgot to include that modification on the table (although other changes were correctly included, like the higher cost for STR and CON Ability Increase evolution on Large and Huge Eidolons).

The correct number of maximum natural attacks in the APG is:


1st-3rd level: 3 attacks
4th-8th level: 4 attacks
9th-13th level: 5 attacks
14th-18th level: 6 attacks
19th-20th level: 7 attacks

Please remember that, for a Large or Huge Eidolon, the Ability Increase evolution costs 4 points if applied to Strength or Constitution. As a side note, the 1-pt. Improved Damage evolution - which basically works like the Improved Natural Attack feat - seems to be stackable with the feat itself (the rules are silent about it). Some GMs (like myself) would allow it, some not. Again, the Rules are not crystal clear on this regard - the evolution does not say that it gives the feat to the Eidolon, only that increase the damage die type by one step, so again, it seems that it should stack with the feat, much like the feat would stack with an ability or spell which would increase the size of the Eidolon, or like the feat Improved Natural Armor would stack with the Improved Natural Armor evolution.

General Chaos wrote:

Huge size is a waste as a permanent buy: Use the spell Greater Evolution Surge - 6 temporary evolution points that can only be put into a single evolution. This way the eidolon is normally only large, and can thus fit into more places.

evolution surge, greater

school transmutation; Level summoner 4
This spell functions as lesser evolution surge, except that you can
grant any two evolutions whose total cost does not exceed 6
evolution points.

You cannot grant the Huge size evolution, since it requires 6 points and the spell grants 6 points to be divided into two evolutions.

The best evolutions to take "on the fly" with evolution surge are energy immunity, DR or SR.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I dig SR as the on the fly evolution.

I would never create an eidolon with 8 attacks,. You cut into everyone elses time, and you make the eidolon more important than the PC. My summoners will never take a back seat to their eidolons. All they can do is beat things.

Instead, I'd make a very well defended eidolon, no bigger than large, with a few focused attacks. I'd probably spend a few magic items on him, and if I were playing a backwards compatible game, I'd have him summoned every day with a third level spell attached greater magic fang and not give him the amulet at all.

Your eidolon can hit well and do a crap load of damage without eating so far into resources that were meant for your PC. If someone loaded all their joy into the eidolon to make an unstoppable killing machine, I'd stop him by killing the summoner dead right away.

Also, at 20th level, if your eidolon only has 212 hp and an AC of 42, he is going to get one-rounded by a PC, or 2-3 rounded by a CR 20 monster. You didn't invest in DR, SR, or other protection. If a DM gets bored with your reliance on 8-9 stout attacks per round, you'll need to have a very good exit strategy.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Steven T. Helt wrote:
Also, at 20th level, if your eidolon only has 212 hp and an AC of 42, he is going to get one-rounded by a PC, or 2-3 rounded by a CR 20 monster.

Your games must be very different from ours!

I can only imagine a one-rounder happening to something with those numbers due to a nasty spell effect. I don't even see how it is possible to do 212 weapon damage to a creature in only 3 rounds when it has an armor class that high.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

At 20th level? A hasted fighter with 28 Str, Power Attack and a +4 great sword, using only PFRPG rules and no backwards compatible stuff like Melee Weapon Mastery, can pretty easily hit for +42+42+31++26+21 for an easy 2d6+45+other stuff (I dig Furious Focus, so the first attack doesn't suffer penalties for PA, and the second attack is at the same bonus as the first). Since this eidolon doesn't have any DR, on the rough numbers it's taking 150-160 points from this full attack. And that's with a dozen more feats and magic items to choose, maybe some kind of morale bonus. Maybe a cross-class feature like knight's challenge or smiting. If he really has 20 levels of fighter, he auto-confirms crits and threatens on a 17-20, with 4 attacks per round that will hit with that roll, and a *3 crit, which puts one attack at 6d6+135 damage, plus whatever other weirdness is going on.

Also, a simple disintegrate spell will do him just fine. A sorcerer with a Heightened (9) disintegrate will force this eidolon to make a DC 28-30 Fort save with only a +16 bonus, dealing 30d6 damage and erasing it from existence if it's been hit by an ally even once. There's no way this kind of build lives through a round as an NPC, and probably not against an equipped balor or dragon.

Yeah, when you have to create encounters for the 'holes I DM for, you learn what dies in one round pretty quickly.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Steven T. Helt wrote:
At 20th level? A hasted fighter with 28 Str, Power Attack and a +4 great sword, using only PFRPG rules and no backwards compatible stuff like Melee Weapon Mastery, can pretty easily hit for +42+42+31++26+21 for an easy 2d6+45+other stuff (I dig Furious Focus, so the first attack doesn't suffer penalties for PA, and the second attack is at the same bonus as the first).

What am I missing?

20 Base Attack Bonus
09 Strength modifier
04 Magical weapon enhancement modifier
04 Weapon Training
02 Weapon Focus/Greater Weapon Focus
01 Haste
40 Total (which still proves your point pretty well, though that doesn't include power attack)

I'm used to high level characters having an AC in the mid-30s unless they use a shield.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

Well, as I say, I dig Furious Focus, so those first attacks aren't taking penalties for Power Attack. Add in a couple of feats, an outsider bane weapon, a good ioun stone, a bard, a charge or flank or any other feature that can get you another +2-5 and that eidolon is gonesville! Really, you don't even need everything I mentioned. If he crits once, he only needs to hit twice. Take away haste and trade his last attack for an eventual miss, and next round it's off to find the caster!

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Steven T. Helt wrote:
Well, as I say, I dig Furious Focus, so those first attacks aren't taking penalties for Power Attack. Add in a couple of feats, an outsider bane weapon, a good ioun stone, a bard, a charge or flank or any other feature that can get you another +2-5 and that eidolon is gonesville! Really, you don't even need everything I mentioned. If he crits once, he only needs to hit twice. Take away haste and trade his last attack for an eventual miss, and next round it's off to find the caster!

I knew classed characters (like the fighter archer) were capable of dealing that kind of damage, but that's not what you said. You said a monster could take out the eidolon in 2 or 3 rounds (presumably through said damage output).

What core monster does that kind of damage that quickly and reliably? Also, what monster would survive the entire 2 or 3 rounds it would need to take down the eidolon before the eidolon tears it apart with its 7 attacks?

As for the weapon damage, I thought it would be mitigated due to some of the attacks missing against the target's AC. However, you've clearly shown that, that would not be much of an obstacle (at least not for a 20th-level fighter).

There are few CR 20+ monsters in the game. Of them, the Balor and ancient red dragon would both probably be too smart to get into a toe-to-toe fight with something with 6 arms, and the Tarn Linorm is probably tough enough to throw down with it, especially if it gets fed up and pins it.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2013

I mentioned an equipped balor and a dragon, yeah? Both have good DR to withstand the mediocre attacks of the eidolon. THere are other easy examples of doom in three rounds or less:

advance a storm giant to CR20. If he has any associated fighterish levels, the eidolon is screwed.

against the static tarn linnorm, with a DC 32 poison (6d6 more acid damage and 1d8 Con drain, 3 saves to cure), the eidolon is screwed.

against the terrasque, the eidolon is screwed.

advance a neothelid to CR 18 or so, and the eidolon is screwed.

a shoggoth will either incapacitate the eidolon, or if it gets lucky with its normal attack rolls, kill the eidolon in under three rounds.

Now, under and I don't think eidolons are useless. I think well-built, versatile eidolons and good summoner builds make fun and powerful characters. Certainly, in an epic story where the balor is the end-game, having your eidolon tie it up for three rounds might be the perfect use for it. I am just saying this builds needs a lot of reconsideration. Why NOT have SR, DR, a legal attack routine, and more damage for those attacks, and better saves? And clearly, better magic items are in order.

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