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blue zombie-posse be banned for disturbing beautysleep of sultan Flephublamyek.

Scarab Sages

Poog is banned for daring to speak upon behalf of the great and amazing and all powerful Sultan Flephublamyek!

The Sultan is banned for having a twist in his turban.

Shadow Lodge

GoatToucher is banned for caramelizing gelatinous oozes and feeding them to street urchins in Aroden's name.

Drowblade is banned for not killing enough drow with a blade this month.

Shadow Lodge

The Fiend Fantastic is banned for being only half fiendish and much less than fanatsic

Drowblade is banned for being wrong. :)

The fiend is banned, for I know who he truly is inside.

The magic bunny is banned, at least until he declares whom he thinks i am.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The Fiend Fantastic is banned for coming too close to Scooby-Doo villain territory.

Scarab Sages

IHIYC is banned for hiding in the pantry and not a closet.

Scarab Sages

Sultan Flephublamyek is banned because I did not vote for him!

Tvashtri Abdul-Khasis is banned for not realizing you don't vote for Sultans.

Scarab Sages

Molten Dragon is banned for knowing nothing of our ways!

TAK is banned for having a short fuse.

Scarab Sages

Wylliam Harrison is banned to my workshop because his midsection is the perfect place for me to install this short fuse, so I can retrofit him with a mighty cannon!

I have seen some pretty silly threads, but I think this one is the silliest.

0:40 Tvashtri?

Joynt Jezebel is banned for not banning the previous poster.

Scarab Sages

Wylliam Harrison is banned for confusing me with some sort of arch-criminal butterfly.

T A-K is banned for being an antisocial butterfly.

Scarab Sages

TAK is banned for be so easily distracted by a butterfly.

Banned for falling prey to a goat touching ninja

Scarab Sages

krevon is banned for photosynthesizing in public.

Banned for being jealous of my renewable energy source


banned for being a party of 1

Banned for singing "All for One" from the 90's Three Musketeers soundtrack.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

GoatToucher is banned for his rising weirdness.

Banned for fantastically fiendish reasons. Probably involving an otyugh and a bottle of bleach.


Banned for being a link and not an inhale.

Dark Archive

Banned because Cthulhu wills it.

The cultist is banned for worshiping the wrong pantheon.

Snakey is banned for eating bunnies

Magic wabbit be banned for coming too close so he can be eaten.


Poog be banned for fear of us

Scarab Sages

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for not using a period.

IHIYC is banned for using closets inappropriately. Poor stuffed animals.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alick is banned for not telling us how many of you it takes to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop.

Shadow Lodge

Triphoppenskip is banned for impersonating an officer of the Hellknight order while singing Taylor Swift songs.

Banned for being the worlds greatest Justin Beiber impersonator

Krevon is banned for reasons pertaining to the githyanki and trying to sell them green dragons painted red.

Scarab Sages

Alick is banned - and beheaded - for painting the white roses red.

Hidey is banned for stealing my schtick.

Scarab Sages

♣♠Magic♦♥ is banned for being late.

IHIYC is banned because I have had it up to "here" with his shenanigans.

Molten Dragon is banned for 1816, the year without a summer.

Scarab Sages

Alick is banned because I specifically ordered you cut in a 4-pointed star shape!


Closet hiding clown is banned for hiding in the wrong closet.

Banned for leaving fresh fruit in all the tombs of Skyrim confusing us all


Banned for disturbing said fruit

Banned because it's been a while.

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