Forum Games

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The Exchange

DJ-bogie is banned for staring too long .. it's kinda rude

countchocula is banned for failure to be Boo Berry.

Gran Rey is banned for being my old Banned Buddy!

Gone again!!! Bye Guys!

The eye is banned for saying Bye.

Schism is banned for scaring DJ Bogie away.

Burning Straw man is banned due to excessive carbon dioxide emissions.

Midnight angel is banned because she hasn't submitted to the forces of hell.

The Fiend is banned for being fiendish.

Sovereign Court

Schism is banned for failing to show up for her appointment with me.

Dr. Sigmund is banned for having mommy issues.

Mixolydian is banned for hating on Dr. Sigmund's mother.

The Exchange

MagusJanus is banned for having a mullet and mutton chops

countchocula is banned for stealing my Mars bar.


The fiend is banned for allowing said mars bar to be stolen, and then eaten by us.

The squadies are banned for framing the count.


Banned for we did no such thing. And due to us now having an avatar.

Banned because it's obvious.
You said you took the chocolate. They think that the count took the chocolate. So, obviously, you took it and framed him
Also banned for taking so long to get an alias.
Banned a third time for making me back to back to explain this to you!

Banned for breaking the Banhammer. Do you know how much those cost to replace? They don't grow on trees!

MagusJanus is banned for dissing the rabbit.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

The Fiend Fantastic is banned because we built this city on rock and roll!

Oh man, lucky7 is banned for the horrible music reference!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Slomron is banned for dissing a great song.

Liberty's Edge

Captain Spalding is banned because I can stick up for myself!

Lucky7 is banned for not sticking up for themselves.

MagusJanus is banned for confusing UDS with lucky 7.
There is but 1 lucky7


The fiend is banned because lucky7 is our evil little annoying minion.

The Exchange

Ulfen Death Squad is banned for really being Ulfen Dead Squad

Countchocula is banned because World Ending Apocalypse (TM) requires him banned to not work.

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

MagusJanus is banned for spoiling Harry Potter.

Petty Alchemy is banned for bringing a malfunctioning powerdrink onto the market.


The fiend is banned because...


Ah hell, we get the warm fuzzies inside banning you.

The UDS is banned for wearing pink fuzzy bunny slippers.

The Exchange

Belphegor is banned for hating on pink fuzzy bunny slippers.

Dark Archive

Countchocula is BANNED for not preventing my return


Cr500cricket is banned for not chirping for those who need it

The Ugly Dead guy group is banned for getting his entrails on my carpet. Ewww

Monica is banned for forgetting to lay down plastic.


Belphegor is banned for our awesomeness is not hindered by this plastic you speak of.

Dark Archive

Ulfie is banned for the horrible odor he leaves behind in his wake that is his most intimidating ability and perhaps the true reason behind the moniker Death Squad?

The Exchange

Gruumash is banned for not realizing he is the cause of the odor and blaming poor innocent UDS


Countchocula is banned for not realizing this nice smell is part of my aura which has currently been upgraded. You must now make 16 strait fortitude and will saves (DC 95 and 20 on die does not auto save) or face instant death and raise as part of our death squad.

Dark Archive

Will Save: 1d20 + 750 ⇒ (19) + 750 = 769
UDS is banned for failing to kill me

Will Saves will not save you from the BAN HAMMER!!!!
Splorch: 20 + 500 = 520
BANNED: 12 + 2502 = 2514

Ranger Alissa is banned for doing math for the ban hammer.

The Exchange

The Fiend Fantastic is banned for not realizing no dice were rolled just math even if she forgot to carry a few zeros


Countchocula is banned for we care not about zeroes.

Dark Archive

UDS is banned because zeroes are important for world domination


Cr500cricket is banned for we already control every planet and every part of every plane of existence through puppet governments. We also do not care about zeroes.

UDS is banned for incorporating the part "for we" over and over again.


The fiend is banned for we are many and for we say so.

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