Tirq is banned for making suggestions.
I like you Tirq, so I'm going to ban you last.
EDIT: gran rey de los banned is banned for being a thread ninja without an up-to-date license.
gran rey de los Superpower is banned for being suggestive.
Tirq is banned because of all the ninjaing going on around here.
gran..ninja is banned for being jealous of other people ninjaing when he can't.
Kat's Eye is banned for reminding me of my cat. Bad kitty !
Lispy is banned for saying "Bad kitty". A cat can only do good. People just interpret it wrong.
Kat's Eye is banned for not being more of a Dog lover.
Badgy is bannd for saying the 'd' word.
Kat's Eye is banned for looking at people in that ho so slightly disquieting sideways manner.
Quiche is banned for looking at people in the eyes. Given his appearance, that's quite rude.
El Dios is banned because EVERYONE looks me in the eye!
Starfinder Superscriber
DJ-Bogie is banned for being a giant eye ache.
(p.s. Triq it's Radio Blacklight for monday and Dark Mother Media for wednesdays)
DJ Eternal Darkness is banned for (probably) advocating progressive rock music. It will make you go blind, children !
EDIT: goth music is even worse than progr rock*
*all in jest, of course: all music is equally bad ! Listen only to the gravelly sound of my lovely voice !
Quiche is banned for talking while his mouth is full of rocks.
Captain Spalding is banned for being a cute cookie. Think of the children !
Quiche is banned for confusing the good captain with a cookie.
Tirq is banned for not offering me a cookie.
The FuelDrop Collective is banned for collecting drops of fuel.
Gran Rey de Los Banned is banned for having banned a great number of people at once.
Qiche lisp is banned for caring about the Banned.
Conman the Bardbarian is banned for obvious reasons.
Tirq is banned for ambiguous reasons.
Penge is banned for unspecified reasons
FuelDrop is banned at the behest of others.
EDDy is banned for doing other people's dirty work.
Gran Rey de Los Banned is banned to show my dirty discretionary power.
Starfinder Superscriber
Quiche Lisp is banned for showing us all his dirty discretionary powers. Put that away!
DJ Eternal Darkness is banned for not being in awe of my... unique option.
I really didn't want to, but Quiche Lisp is banned because it is the ONLY OPTION.
Conman is banned because, thankfully, there are always other and better options.
Belphegor is banned for missing the point. I don't blame you, though. It's really small.
Tirq is banned for playing with the 6 pt. fonts.
El Dios de Los Almas Perdidas is banned, although I agree with him. But I must ban him, or my silent overseers will frighten a puppy dog with much malignant glee.
Quiche Lisp is banned for not letting his overseers talk.
Gran Rey de Los Surround Sound is banned because he is overwhelming !
Quiche is banned because he was winning the "Last one to post" Thread.
Tirq is banned because no one wins that game.
Edelvice is banned because no one is banned from this one.
Conman is banned because it's funnier that way.
Tirq is banned because... well, he's Tirq, and we have sacred customs around here ! We sacrifice Tirq and his hair every other Tuesday, and the Gods smile on us (apparently, the Gods are jealous of Tirq's hairdo).
I think I might take the test to become a god. It'll be great. I'll be the Lawful Good deity of hair and hair products. Domains? Hair and War. The war on dirty and dead hair. And bald people. Like Quiche. Oh, yeah. Ban thread.
Quiche, you're banned.
I'm not bald ! Not really. I shave every morning. But I can't get rid of that phantom mustache, no matter how hard I try...
Why do I shave, you ask ? What kind of person dares ask those questions ? That's my private life. You... you... you're banned !
Quiche Lips is banned for being overly sensative.
Kat's Eye is banned for losing the eye of the tiger.
Ezkal is banned for running this ship into Rocky shores.
Conman is banned for drawing First Blood.
Old Doc is banned for being Expendable 2.
Charles Scholz is banned because he is not going to be the 7000th post that right is reserved for his nemisis me.