Conman is banned for licking my Lucky Charms.
Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for telling kids he has "Lucky Charms" in his windowless white van.
Mater is banned for making me feel like I need a shower.
DJ-Bogie is banned for showering in salt water. That has to sting!
There's an eye wash station just down the hall. You can stop there on your way out.
You're banned.
Conman the Bardbarian is banned for letting me ninja him.
The Eye has no legs. Is it not obvious you were to carry him on your way out?
Conman is banned for having a horseshoe kidney.
Spanky the Leprechaun is banned for not going over to Springfield and getting me a horseshoe sandwich.
Gran is banned for expecting to much from Spanky, and banned again for trusting him enough to actually eat anything he brings you.
DJ-Bogie is banned for thinking I would eat it. I just wanted to see if I could get Spanky to get me one.
Gran is banned for not being in Surround Sound.
Tirq is banned for not pointing out that gran is outdated technology as well.
Perdidas is banned because Stereo is not outdated... its retro.
Tirq is banned for lurking in second-hand stores.
Mr. Pointy Teeth is banned for shopping at the hipster store.
gran is banned for dumpster diving.
Chicken is banned because I am hungry.
Tirq is banned for eating the chicken. I was saving that for dinner!
Gran is banned for being the King of trying to eat everything.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Badger is banned because..., well just because.
Charles, that didn't work in the 3rd grade and it sure isn't working here. Banned.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tirq is banned for reminding me of my childhood. They still haven't found the evidence.
Charles is banned because all I found was circumstancial.
Tirq is banned for a while.
gran rey de los BANNED!!!
Conman the Bardbarian is banned because gran could very well make that as an alias.
As long as he doesn't bring it back here. But you'd never know because, you be banned.
Conman the Bardbarian is banned for thinking that would work.
And Tirq is banned for implying that I would just make up more aliaseseseseses to post with here. Although that could be an interesting one...
Gran is banned for implying that there is a limit to his aliases.
DJ-Bogie is banned for thinking me limitless.
You say you think outside of the box, but you still type within it. YORE BANNED!!
Conman is banned for trying to be clever with YORE instead of your. Grammar people, Grammar!
The Grammer police can't stand on there own too feat. Theirfour thale never cache me. On top of that there band!
Conman the Bardbarian is banned for making less sense than a Facebook post.
gran rey de los civil war is banned for bringing Facebook into this. We're a better class of people. *burp*
The Vicious Chicken of Bristol is banned for bringing class into this.
Starfinder Superscriber
Werewolf of london is banned for being in cheap clothing.
Tirq wrote: DJEternalDarkness is banned for not really being a DJ. AND I AM TOO! Granted the club I use to regularly DJ for closed down (and we're still waiting for it to reopen) but I do a weekly internet radio show on (Mixed Bag of Holding) and on Mondays for Radio Blacklight (
Sorry had to be said, I'll stop being pedantic now.
DJED is banned for advertising without fair warning.
Chicken of Bristol is Panned because i whant Fried Chicken!, Wait, Banned because that!
Starfinder Superscriber
Darklord Morius is banned for excessive H in his wants.
DJED is banned for trying to bring grammar to a war-torn and dying world.
El Dios banned for banning djed for a fair grammar correction
Darklord Morius is banned for sticking up for another poster. This isn't that kind of thread.
gran rey de los index finger is banned for banning Darklord Morius. We reward nice people on the internet. Sometimes.
Hey DJ... Shame on you for not linkifying your post. Its such a shame I like all music, because that is some ANGRY music. I'll see you on monday, sir. Oh, and before I forget... Banned.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Tirq is banned for double banning.
Charles is banned for banning me twice. Once for the first time and once for the second time. Shame upon you.
Tirq is banned for stealing mattress tags when it is clearly prohibited.
Tirq is doubly-banned for telling me that hiring a maid was a good idea.
Tirq is triply-banned for telling me it was safe to prank Chuck Norris on the set of the Expendables II: Geriatric Boogaloo. Thankfully, I had planted evidence blaming it on Bruce Willis.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Grarnold Sm*rfenegger is banned for having THAT WORD as part of his name.
Edit: #$^#$^& Even mis-typing still got me zapped. You are banned for life.
Edit: What I would like to do is get my hands on the person who programmed this bug.
Charles "I Just Got Smurfed" Scholz is banned for being a victim of a drive-by smurfing.