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Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Belle Mythix wrote:
Dear OCD-Rex, I mentioned to F. Wesley Schneider in a thread where he was asking what we want next (for the good guys), that you might want a "How to play/role-play a Paladin" guide, because I remembered you commenting on the differences between Rules-As-Intended vs Rules-As-Written vs Rules-As-Interpreted on this subject. Was it a good idea or should I mind my own business?

More advice on how to play a paladin, PARTICULARLY if that advice is aimed toward how to play a paladin without disrupting the party or the adventure, would be something that I would like all paladin players to read.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
After Sargava and the Taldor colony in Tian Xia, I wonder: might there be a vest-pocket Taldane (or Chelish) Raj in Vudra?

Probably not. That's a stunt I'm not sure I want to pull on every continent. We've done three so far (remember there's a Linnorm Kingdoms colony on Arcadia)... not sure Casmaron needs one. We'll see.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
James, my faovorite books for 3.5 were Stormwrack, Forstburn, and Sandstorm. Cityscape and Dungeonscape to lesser extent. My favorite article in PF so far has been your article on realm building in Pathfinder #32 (I have used the idea in 3 campaigns since then) and the GMG as a distant second. Any upcoming articles and books in the same vein as those?

Pathfinder #51, I believe, had a fair amount of environment stuff for the Crown of the World, and the 2nd Skull & Shackles adventure had a big article about oceans. So yeah... we'll keep doing articles like those now and then.

And the kingdom/city building stuff from Pathfinder #32 is being extensively expanded upon in the upcoming Ultimate Campaign book next Spring.

James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Which AP would you like to see turned into a movie series or a tv miniseries?

Rise of the Runelords, of course! In fact... here's my plan:

1) Get HBO to start up a Pathfinder Series.

2) Have each season be a new Adventure Path.

3) ????

4) Buy a fancy boat with all those HBO bucks!

Would casting Natalia Tena as Seoni be a part of those plans?

(Sorry, the mention of HBO has me mentally trying to cast a Pathfinder series using Game of Thrones cast members.)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Abandoned Arts wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Unfortunately... for starters it would take me not working for Paizo anymore.

I try not to do much in the way of reviews or public endorsements of products because it kinda weirds me out, alas.

Gosh; you're so selfish, James.

New question: Who would win in a fight?

Peter Pan (and the Lost Boys)


Captain Jack Sparrow (and assorted pirates)

Jack Sparrow. No contest.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kevin Mack wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Steelfiredragon wrote:
where would you put SEoni and Merisiel being born in what city??

Merisiel was born in Magnimar.

Seoni was born "on the road" (aka in a Varisian caravan on the move) in western Varisia—not actually in a city at all.

How about Lini where would she have been born town/city wise?

She was born in the woods, I think.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nohar wrote:

i'm making a dwarven character so i started wondering...

1) i've been looking through paizo books for dwarf ideas and noticed in the npc guide there isn't a single dwarf npc...is the lack of dwarven material paizo puts out directly related to your dislike of them?

2) if you could redesign dwarves from the ground up including everything from stats to flavour...how would you design them to make them more agreeable to you?

3) (unrelated to dwarves) do you (or whoever is running games for paizo staff) allow 3rd party material in your office or home games?...i'm curious about how developers treat 3rd-party content since they aren't necessarily designed with the same eye towards balance or power level as those developed in-house...

1) I actually had little to do with NPC Guide. The fact that there's no dwarves in that book is more a reflection on the fact that Golarion is humanocetric, and as such, our first NPC book for the world was VERY HEAVILY weighted toward human NPCs.

2) I'd take a few pointers from Dragon Age or The Witcher, and make dwarves a lot more foul-mouthed and profane. But I wouldn't do that much to change them beyond that, because if I did, they'd not be dwarves.

3) I do. Depends on the game, depends on the player, and depends on the situation. Often I'll rebuild something from a 3rd party book before I let it into a game, but sometimes I'll just let it in whole cloth.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Orthos wrote:
When is Treerazer getting his own ask thread? =)

Probably about the time someone decides to fire one up. It's not a thread that the person who's being asked should start, in my opinion.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Andrew Crossett wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Which AP would you like to see turned into a movie series or a tv miniseries?

Rise of the Runelords, of course! In fact... here's my plan:

1) Get HBO to start up a Pathfinder Series.

2) Have each season be a new Adventure Path.

3) ????

4) Buy a fancy boat with all those HBO bucks!

Would casting Natalia Tena as Seoni be a part of those plans?

(Sorry, the mention of HBO has me mentally trying to cast a Pathfinder series using Game of Thrones cast members.)

I've already cast the iconics—got that covered in another thread somewhere. Not sure off the top of my head who I cast for Seoni, but these days I'd probably cast Scarlett Johansen.

My Skull and Shackle campaign is off to a wonderful start but I was wondering if you could expand on the NPCs who might have firearms in the campaign.

Also are there any plans for an official "Pirate" version of the gunslinger to be released?


James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
After Sargava and the Taldor colony in Tian Xia, I wonder: might there be a vest-pocket Taldane (or Chelish) Raj in Vudra?

Probably not. That's a stunt I'm not sure I want to pull on every continent.

We've done three so far (remember there's a Linnorm Kingdoms colony on Arcadia)... not sure Casmaron needs one. We'll see.

I believe Canon already has a Tian 'colony' in Casmaron, Kaladay, although it sounds less like a colony per se, more on par with with Ulfen population of Iobaria.

The Vudran and Kelish colonies/etc in Garund (Southern Garund and the island of Jalmeray) should also be added to the list.

I'd agree that the out-and-out 'colony' thing has probably been overdone (at least in the known world of Golarion, maybe different areas of Avistan could colonise each other), but there's probably room for 'cultural outposts' of Vudra and Keleshites in Casmaron and the Vudran sub-continent.

There are also two other colonies on Arcadia. One is Taldoran and the other is Chelish.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:
Dear OCD-Rex, I mentioned to F. Wesley Schneider in a thread where he was asking what we want next (for the good guys), that you might want a "How to play/role-play a Paladin" guide, because I remembered you commenting on the differences between Rules-As-Intended vs Rules-As-Written vs Rules-As-Interpreted on this subject. Was it a good idea or should I mind my own business?
More advice on how to play a paladin, PARTICULARLY if that advice is aimed toward how to play a paladin without disrupting the party or the adventure, would be something that I would like all paladin players to read.

Recommend "The Deed of Paksenarrion."

It's pretty much literally a guide to becoming and being an awesome paladin, written by someone who was tired of hearing stories of "paladin" behavior in D&D players.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

elvnsword wrote:


My Skull and Shackle campaign is off to a wonderful start but I was wondering if you could expand on the NPCs who might have firearms in the campaign.

Also are there any plans for an official "Pirate" version of the gunslinger to be released?


You'll want to talk to Rob. He's the one who worked on developing that Adventure Path. I'm actually playing in the Adventure Path this time, so I've kind of tried to keep ignorant of it in as many ways as possible.

No plans for a pirate gunslinger.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Quandary wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
After Sargava and the Taldor colony in Tian Xia, I wonder: might there be a vest-pocket Taldane (or Chelish) Raj in Vudra?

Probably not. That's a stunt I'm not sure I want to pull on every continent.

We've done three so far (remember there's a Linnorm Kingdoms colony on Arcadia)... not sure Casmaron needs one. We'll see.

I believe Canon already has a Tian 'colony' in Casmaron, Kaladay, although it sounds less like a colony per se, more on par with with Ulfen population of Iobaria.

The Vudran and Kelish colonies/etc in Garund (Southern Garund and the island of Jalmeray) should also be added to the list.

I'd agree that the out-and-out 'colony' thing has probably been overdone (at least in the known world of Golarion, maybe different areas of Avistan could colonise each other), but there's probably room for 'cultural outposts' of Vudra and Keleshites in Casmaron and the Vudran sub-continent.

Any colonies we've already established are, obviously, in the game and aren't going anywhere. I'm talking about creating new ones above.

Can the tarrasque hit a wraith due to its DR/epic allowing its weapons to count as 'magic' for the purposes of incorporeal immunity to non-magical weapons?

And if it cannot, would sending the tarrasque to Eox and having wraiths strike it over and over until it failed enough saves to be Con 0 not be the ideal means of destroying it?

And most importantly, is there an Eoxian tarrasque that they will one day send to Golarion in revenge?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
The NPC wrote:
Which AP would you like to see turned into a movie series or a tv miniseries?

Rise of the Runelords, of course! In fact... here's my plan:

1) Get HBO to start up a Pathfinder Series.

2) Have each season be a new Adventure Path.

3) ????

4) Buy a fancy boat with all those HBO bucks!

I'm gonna be pissed if you chop off Seelah's head in the ninth episode of the first season.

"Treerazer is coming."

Isit alright if I really really REALLY hate Seelah's armor???

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kain Darkwind wrote:

Can the tarrasque hit a wraith due to its DR/epic allowing its weapons to count as 'magic' for the purposes of incorporeal immunity to non-magical weapons?

And if it cannot, would sending the tarrasque to Eox and having wraiths strike it over and over until it failed enough saves to be Con 0 not be the ideal means of destroying it?

And most importantly, is there an Eoxian tarrasque that they will one day send to Golarion in revenge?

I really think I need to errata the tarrasque to be immune to ability drain.

Anyway... no, the tarrasque can't really hurt a wraith. Having it be attacked by wraiths until they drain its Con to zero would not destroy it, but it would probably put it into stasis for a long time.

There's probably some CR 25 bad-assery going on over on Eox, but it won't be called an "Eoxian tarrasque."

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Steelfiredragon wrote:

Isit alright if I really really REALLY hate Seelah's armor???

Nope. You're a bad person.

Regarding the tarrasque, if immunity to "permanent wounds" doesn't cover ability drain, what does it cover? Ability drain is a permanent wound by my estimations.

but but but but but but, hold on a moment let me go look up that name of the armor piece. ( i heard it once watching that full metal jousting show and forgot)

opening wikipedia blast it all not there.

but her plate armor has this piece on it in most of her images.

It's UGLY and it would only make since if the esteamed mr. REynolds would have a piece of art of her on horseback with a lance charging some orc for not using Golarion Express credit card.

which as far as I know, ther e isnt one.

and so far my favorite artwork that contains her is rule of fear's cover, that piece is not there or noticable...

otherwise I hate her armor.

I like full palte mind you

1 person marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Kain Darkwind wrote:

Can the tarrasque hit a wraith due to its DR/epic allowing its weapons to count as 'magic' for the purposes of incorporeal immunity to non-magical weapons?

And if it cannot, would sending the tarrasque to Eox and having wraiths strike it over and over until it failed enough saves to be Con 0 not be the ideal means of destroying it?

And most importantly, is there an Eoxian tarrasque that they will one day send to Golarion in revenge?

I really think I need to errata the tarrasque to be immune to ability drain.

Anyway... no, the tarrasque can't really hurt a wraith. Having it be attacked by wraiths until they drain its Con to zero would not destroy it, but it would probably put it into stasis for a long time.

There's probably some CR 25 bad-assery going on over on Eox, but it won't be called an "Eoxian tarrasque."

I like to imagine it as "Eoxian King Ghidorah."

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

If you could Dub over Ezren's Voice in a foreign language (in a manner similar to the classic american genre of badly dubbed kung fu movies), what foreign language would you dub his voice into? and why?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cheapy wrote:
Regarding the tarrasque, if immunity to "permanent wounds" doesn't cover ability drain, what does it cover? Ability drain is a permanent wound by my estimations.

It covers things like the vargouille's poison, or the clay golem's cursed wounds. Damage from those monsters is just normal damage to the tarrasque.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Stratagemini wrote:
If you could Dub over Ezren's Voice in a foreign language (in a manner similar to the classic american genre of badly dubbed kung fu movies), what foreign language would you dub his voice into? and why?

This is one of the weirdest questions on the thread. I don't know. I wouldn't. Why would I?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Steelfiredragon wrote:
said stuff

I think it's cool. And in the 4.5 years since it's been in print, you're the first person I've ever heard say that the armor is ugly. Not sure what else I can say other than "good thing we publish more art than just Seelah for you to look at."

The CR 25 monster on Eox should be a positive energy creature that is immune to energy drain, ability damage/drain, poison, diseas, mind-affecting effects, negative energy, and necromantic effects and being an outsider doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breath.

1)On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the Pirates of the Caribean movies?

2)Other then the Lashunta will we ever have a playable races with different abilites, stat mods, etc. based on gender?

3)If you could be a superhero, what would you call yourself? what would your powers be? and who or what would be your arch enemy?

4)What are top 10 favorite arcane spells ever?

5)Will we ever see the domains, favorite weapons, etc for Dieties from real world religions/cultures like Norse, Greek, Aztec, Japanese, etc.?


James Jacobs wrote:
elvnsword wrote:


My Skull and Shackle campaign is off to a wonderful start but I was wondering if you could expand on the NPCs who might have firearms in the campaign.

Also are there any plans for an official "Pirate" version of the gunslinger to be released?


You'll want to talk to Rob. He's the one who worked on developing that Adventure Path. I'm actually playing in the Adventure Path this time, so I've kind of tried to keep ignorant of it in as many ways as possible.

No plans for a pirate gunslinger.


The human gunslinger archetype, the buccaneer, can be found in the advanced race guide. Perfect for all your pirate needs, and it was written by Steve Ross of Rite Publishing if I remember correctly.

Forum (Threads/Topics) Are Way Too Long in...

(this one is almost at 20 000)

James Jacobs wrote:
elvnsword wrote:


My Skull and Shackle campaign is off to a wonderful start but I was wondering if you could expand on the NPCs who might have firearms in the campaign.

Also are there any plans for an official "Pirate" version of the gunslinger to be released?


You'll want to talk to Rob. He's the one who worked on developing that Adventure Path. I'm actually playing in the Adventure Path this time, so I've kind of tried to keep ignorant of it in as many ways as possible.

No plans for a pirate gunslinger.

Buccaneer (Gunslinger) archetype in the human section of the Advanced Race Guide. It's very awesome, and very obviously inspired by Jack Sparrow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:
Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
After Sargava and the Taldor colony in Tian Xia, I wonder: might there be a vest-pocket Taldane (or Chelish) Raj in Vudra?
Probably not. That's a stunt I'm not sure I want to pull on every continent. We've done three so far (remember there's a Linnorm Kingdoms colony on Arcadia)... not sure Casmaron needs one. We'll see.

We will? When? ;)

Tels wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Tels wrote:

Curious question, does your jobs at Paizo prevent you (or anyone else) from viewing all the custom content submitted via the forums? For example, there are dozens of proposed Monk 'fixes' (this is not a nag to work on the Monk). I was curious if you guys are allowed to look ad said proposals, or if you guys can't so no one can claim you stole ideas or anything like that?

I enjoy Epic Meepo's Archetypess thread, for example, but are you, as employees of Paizo, allowed to view the Archetypes?

There's also Rogue Fixes, Magus Fixes, Oracle Fixes etc, but I use Monk because it's the most numerous.

My job does not prevent me from doing any of that at all.

I don't actually work on the books that would incorporate "fixes" to things like classes, so I don't really have much of a reason to go looking there.

But I did look through all the feedback threads on the boards for Rise of the Runelords when I was working on the revision to that Adventure Path, and incorporated a LOT of feedback and suggestions from those into the new book.

Probably should have clarified, are those threads 'off limits' for any Paizo Employees?

I'm no lawyer, but I always understood that internet posts generally belong to the owner of the forum. Once you've posted it on paizo.com you've given the idea to them (at least as I understand things).

It might be problematic to go trawl through other sites.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs said wrote:
This is one of the weirdest questions on the thread. I don't know. I wouldn't. Why would I?

You have previously described it as 'shrill and annoying'. I think that's likely why.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Dragon78 wrote:

The CR 25 monster on Eox should be a positive energy creature that is immune to energy drain, ability damage/drain, poison, diseas, mind-affecting effects, negative energy, and necromantic effects and being an outsider doesn't need to eat, sleep, or breath.

1)On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the Pirates of the Caribean movies?

2)Other then the Lashunta will we ever have a playable races with different abilites, stat mods, etc. based on gender?

3)If you could be a superhero, what would you call yourself? what would your powers be? and who or what would be your arch enemy?

4)What are top 10 favorite arcane spells ever?

5)Will we ever see the domains, favorite weapons, etc for Dieties from real world religions/cultures like Norse, Greek, Aztec, Japanese, etc.?

1) Starting with the first and ending with the 4th, with a 1 to 10 scale where 1 = the worst movie and 10 = Alien, I would rate the Pirates of the Carribean movies thusly:

1st: 7
2nd: 6
3rd: 3
4th: 4

2) Maybe.

3) Batman. The rest fills itself in.

4) Out of the thousands of spells out there... I really can't say what my 10 favorite ones are. The ones I like the most are the ones that allow for cool adventures to happen; things like simulacrum, gate, wish, binding, planar binding, geas/quest, and the like.

5) Probably not. We don't have a good line of books in which to do that kind of thing.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Joseph Wilson wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
elvnsword wrote:


My Skull and Shackle campaign is off to a wonderful start but I was wondering if you could expand on the NPCs who might have firearms in the campaign.

Also are there any plans for an official "Pirate" version of the gunslinger to be released?


You'll want to talk to Rob. He's the one who worked on developing that Adventure Path. I'm actually playing in the Adventure Path this time, so I've kind of tried to keep ignorant of it in as many ways as possible.

No plans for a pirate gunslinger.

Buccaneer (Gunslinger) archetype in the human section of the Advanced Race Guide. It's very awesome, and very obviously inspired by Jack Sparrow.

There ya go.

I know she's been around for awhile now, and is an internet phenomenon, especially amongst the Elder Scrolls Fans out there. But if you guys ever decide to make some sort of Pathfinder 'Soundtrack' you should consider hiring Malukah to help sing it.

Liberty's Edge

I have just downloaded the Magnimar book PDF and I must say that I love the art. Paizo generally has good to excellent art in all his books, this one is is superlative!

The Shoanti gladiator remembered me a question I tried to ask you (Internet shallowed it leaving no trace of the post):
in A history of ashes, Ap 10, there is the Thunder and fang feat, that allow to fight with a earth maul and a klar while retaining the klar AC bonus.

As written it will not work as the earth maul is a 2 handed weapon, but the feat is interesting as it has a specific Shoanti flavour.
You have ever thought about rewriting it for Pathfinder in a form that can function with minimal rules changes (so, workingas most feat do)?

Something like allowing the use of a earth maul while wielding a klar and getting its AC bonus (but not attacking with it)?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Diego Rossi wrote:

I have just downloaded the Magnimar book PDF and I must say that I love the art. Paizo generally has good to excellent art in all his books, this one is is superlative!

The Shoanti gladiator remembered me a question I tried to ask you (Internet shallowed it leaving no trace of the post):
in A history of ashes, Ap 10, there is the Thunder and fang feat, that allow to fight with a earth maul and a klar while retaining the klar AC bonus.

As written it will not work as the earth maul is a 2 handed weapon, but the feat is interesting as it has a specific Shoanti flavour.
You have ever thought about rewriting it for Pathfinder in a form that can function with minimal rules changes (so, workingas most feat do)?

Something like allowing the use of a earth maul while wielding a klar and getting its AC bonus (but not attacking with it)?

The whole point of Thunder and Fang is to let you fight with that weapon and a klar as if the klar and the earth breaker were one single double weapon. You wield the earthbreaker normally, but when you attack, your klar blade sticks out perpendicular from the earthbrearker's shaft, forming a stubby "T" shape. You can swing the earthbreaker normally, and also stab with the blade of the klar that sticks out from the middle of the shaft as if it were a secondary weapon attached to the earthbreaker itself.

That you get to retain the klar's AC bonus when you attack is actually thus only half of how the feat lets you bend the rules.

No need to change the feat as a result, since it's working as intended.

What is the exact sequence of events that would have to occur before you would reveal what really happened to Aroden?

What is the name of your Kingdom in the Kingmaker AP?

What is the story behind your dislike for dwarves?

Would you ever seriously try to send "live scorpions" to a person who angered you?

If you had the power to prevent any film in history from being made, would you use your power and for which film?

How do you cope with the anxiety of going to conventions?

If you had a pet T-Rex what would you name it?

What is it about Batman that makes you want to be a superhero like him? I.e. the money or the ability to be prepared for absolutely anything.

Is this line of questioning boring?

What is the thing you are most proud of in your career?

What are your thoughts on this thread reaching over 20,000 posts?

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