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Cheapy wrote:Are the comics going to be the place where which character is transexual will be revealed?That'd be a good place to reveal that, but it's not something we're planning on doing in the current story arc.
Since you mention the comics. Will Lini be appearing in them again anytime soon?

GM Arkwright |

GM Arkwright wrote:Dunno how to help you; that sounds like a good question for Customer Service.When using the PM system I accidentally blocked a fellow named DM Heterocephales. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to unblock him. Adding him to the address book gives nothing and I still cannot PM him.
I will give them a try. Thanks for your help.

Midnight_Angel |

6) I Came up with the monkey thing, because i was comparing the ruless of the two, and really they're not that different, aside form a few slight variations in Attributes a lack of the Scent ability in the monkey and the fact that the monkey is a little faster on the ground and while climbing, but doesn't have a swim speed. The latter seems much more suitable for a squirrel (I for one never heard of squirrels being swimmers).
IANJ, but what is stopping you from starting with the rat's statistics, throw out the Swimming entries (including the Swim speed), tack on a Climb speed and give some bonuses to Climb, and Acrobatics (for leaping only)?
Ta-Da, instant squirrel!
Threeshades |

Threeshades wrote:6) I Came up with the monkey thing, because i was comparing the ruless of the two, and really they're not that different, aside form a few slight variations in Attributes a lack of the Scent ability in the monkey and the fact that the monkey is a little faster on the ground and while climbing, but doesn't have a swim speed. The latter seems much more suitable for a squirrel (I for one never heard of squirrels being swimmers).IANJ, but what is stopping you from starting with the rat's statistics, throw out the Swimming entries (including the Swim speed), tack on a Climb speed and give some bonuses to Climb, and Acrobatics (for leaping only)?
Ta-Da, instant squirrel!
Way i see it, it's even easier, take the monkey, replace attributes with rat attributes, give scent. Done.

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There are a number of Animal themed Races, such as the Ratfolk, Vanara, and Kitsune. Will we ever see insect, or octopus themed races?
Are there updated stats on the Black Milk of the Demon Queen, and the Tablet of the Betrayal? Those are the Relics of Faith to Lamashtu presented in Rise of the Runelords 5: Sins of the Saviors.
If not, will there be? If there won't, then how would one go about doing it oneself? Possible hints on Caster level, school, price?

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So this is a bit of an "inside baseball" question, so I'll understand if you can't answer it:
Who owns Paizo? Is it pretty much just Lisa and Vic, or do other people have shares? If someone put up an offer to purchase the company, or if, say, Paizo ever thought about going public, who would be voting on the decision?

Power Word Unzip |

Hi James,
How do you handle situations in games where the PCs will regularly (meaning repeatedly and over the course of five or more sessions of play) have interactions with an NPC who is attempting to elaborately and thoroughly deceive them with his every action and word?
Bluff and Sense Motive are what muddy the waters for me - if I openly ask a PC to roll a Sense Motive check, the player immediately knows that something is amiss and the surprise reveal I am building up to is spoiled. Is it okay to just assume that they don't suspect anything is up unless they actively ask to roll Sense Motive during a given interaction?
My players are a pretty tolerant and story-loving bunch, so I don't expect rules lawyering from them (they'd rather be lied to than have the story spoiled, I think), but are they always entitled to make such checks when any person, no matter how thoroughly prepared and coldly sociopathic they are, lies to them?

Ral' Yareth |

Hello James,
How are you today?
Lately, I have been playing around with the idea to tranform the dimensional occultist witch archetype into a 10 level prestige class (so there would be more room for other thematic abilities).
Since you told me in a previous post you were the person responsible for designing said archetype, I would like to hear your opinion on it, if you don't mind.
I know you are a very busy person, so I don't expect a full review or anything like that. Just more interested in your thoughts about it (something along the lines of like/don't like it/too powerful/too weak/seems balanced etc.)

The Golux |

The Blackened Oracle curse and the Flame Mystery seem to go well thematically together, but they both grant Burning Hands and Wall of Fire. If you had a player who wanted to use the combination. would you allow them to change the spells from one or the other out for similar spells of the same level, such as Produce Flame for Burning Hands and Fire Shield (Warm Shield only) or Firefall for Wall of Fire? Or is the fact that the levels the spells are gained at from the curse and the mystery enough for you to think the overlap isn't worth eliminating? If you would allow it, would you have the new spells replace the mystery spells (Burning Hands at 2 and Wall of Fire at 8) or the Curse spells (Burning Hands at 1 and Wall of Fire at 10) or one of each?
Also, would you allow a player who had a caster that knew Dragon Breath to use it to replicate the breaths of Imperial or Primal dragons? Would that depend on how familiar they were with those types of dragons? Or would it simply make the spell too versatile??

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi James,
I wasn't aware that Pathfinder had a transgendered iconic, I assume you're saving the reveal for the comic so I won't ask which one here.
My question is this: is the transgendered iconic already the gender of their choice or are they still in a body of their disassociated gender?
What magic effects are capable of changing a character's gender?

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Oh Benevolent Saurian King, I was kicking around Kickstarter the other day, hehe kicking around, and found this awesome project. And thought I'd share it with you. I do hope you enjoy!
As for a question, how excited are you for the remake of Evil Dead?
I saw that kickstarter. Looks interesting, but since it doesn't look like they're doing a Mac version (at least, there was no mention of a Mac version at the time I was looking at it) I immediately lost interest.
I'm VERY excited to see the remake of Evil Dead. The trailers make it look like they really are approaching it with the same grisly inspiration the first did. Can't wait!

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James Jacobs wrote:Threeshades wrote:4. Are different goblinoid types genetically compatible with each other?
5. If so, what would the offspring of a goblin and hobgoblin be like? Physically and behaviourally?
6. I read somewhere that if a player wants a squirrel familiar (a non-flying one) they should use the statistics of a rat. I'm unfortunately not sure where exactly. But unless i remember completely wrong my question is this: Don't you think monkey statistics fit much better?
4) Compatible as in can they interbreed? Yes. Compatible as in would they get along if put in a room together? Probably.
5) Goblins and hobgoblins can't mate. If they could, I'd say that there's an equal chance of the child basically being a slightly taller goblin or a slightly shorter hobgoblin.
6) No. Squirrels are VERY close to rats. They're not close to monkeys at all.
4/5) First you say, yes they can interbreed but then you say they can't mate? Idon't follow.
6) I Came up with the monkey thing, because i was comparing the ruless of the two, and really they're not that different, aside form a few slight variations in Attributes a lack of the Scent ability in the monkey and the fact that the monkey is a little faster on the ground and while climbing, but doesn't have a swim speed. The latter seems much more suitable for a squirrel (I for one never heard of squirrels being swimmers).
4/5) I misread your question as "can different goblin types interbreed?" As in, can goblins from Varisia breed with snow goblins or monkey goblins? They can, they're all goblins. But they can't breed with hobgoblins or bugbears.

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James Jacobs wrote:Since you mention the comics. Will Lini be appearing in them again anytime soon?Cheapy wrote:Are the comics going to be the place where which character is transexual will be revealed?That'd be a good place to reveal that, but it's not something we're planning on doing in the current story arc.
Dunno. Perhaps.

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There are a number of Animal themed Races, such as the Ratfolk, Vanara, and Kitsune. Will we ever see insect, or octopus themed races?
Are there updated stats on the Black Milk of the Demon Queen, and the Tablet of the Betrayal? Those are the Relics of Faith to Lamashtu presented in Rise of the Runelords 5: Sins of the Saviors.
If not, will there be? If there won't, then how would one go about doing it oneself? Possible hints on Caster level, school, price?
We've done insect and octopus themed races, but not zero HD ones. Since those animals have so many arms/legs, making them zero HD races is actually kinda hard since extra arms means extra attacks means too powerful for PCs, and even if we say in the text "THIS IS NOT MEANT AS A PC RACE" by making it a zero HD race, it can be used as a PC.
No plans yet to do much more with the Black Milk or the Tablet of the Betrayal. But we might some day, and since I've put no thought into things like caster level and price, I'm not willing to ballpark numbers yet.

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Madclaw wrote:Oh Benevolent Saurian King, I was kicking around Kickstarter the other day, hehe kicking around, and found this awesome project. And thought I'd share it with you. I do hope you enjoy!
As for a question, how excited are you for the remake of Evil Dead?
I saw that kickstarter. Looks interesting, but since it doesn't look like they're doing a Mac version (at least, there was no mention of a Mac version at the time I was looking at it) I immediately lost interest.
I'm VERY excited to see the remake of Evil Dead. The trailers make it look like they really are approaching it with the same grisly inspiration the first did. Can't wait!
Well, UE3 is currently supported by OSX so I imagine that if UE4 is supported then they'll have a version of it for Mac at launch.

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1. Why exactly can elves interbreed with humans but apparently not with other humanoids? Isn't that weird considering their transplanetary origins? Can elves breed with lashunta?
2. And what humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and fey, if any, can interbreed with each other? I notice that outsiders seem to have an easier time of it than a lot of native humanoid races...
A few guesses/known relationships: mongrelmen, morlocks, hags, nymphs, and gillfolk can interbreed with humans. Druegar presumably can interbreed with dwarves.
I suspect samsarans can breed with humans as well, as can vishkanyas.
Can kitsune? They can in Japanese legend...
Of course, naga can breed with humans in Indian/SE Asian legend, so we can't assume here.
(I realise that the glut of half-something templates was a little much in 3.5 - is that a reason for not always making things clear?)

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James Jacobs wrote:Well, UE3 is currently supported by OSX so I imagine that if UE4 is supported then they'll have a version of it for Mac at launch.Madclaw wrote:Oh Benevolent Saurian King, I was kicking around Kickstarter the other day, hehe kicking around, and found this awesome project. And thought I'd share it with you. I do hope you enjoy!
As for a question, how excited are you for the remake of Evil Dead?
I saw that kickstarter. Looks interesting, but since it doesn't look like they're doing a Mac version (at least, there was no mention of a Mac version at the time I was looking at it) I immediately lost interest.
I'm VERY excited to see the remake of Evil Dead. The trailers make it look like they really are approaching it with the same grisly inspiration the first did. Can't wait!
I might buy a copy then, but I'm not gonna pitch in to a kickstarter that doesn't seem to care about Mac support.

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1. Why exactly can elves interbreed with humans but apparently not with other humanoids? Isn't that weird considering their transplanetary origins? Can elves breed with lashunta?
2. And what humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and fey, if any, can interbreed with each other? I notice that outsiders seem to have an easier time of it than a lot of native humanoid races...
A few guesses/known relationships: mongrelmen, morlocks, hags, nymphs, and gillfolk can interbreed with humans. Druegar presumably can interbreed with dwarves.
I suspect samsarans can breed with humans as well, as can vishkanyas.
Can kitsune? They can in Japanese legend...
Of course, naga can breed with humans in Indian/SE Asian legend, so we can't assume here.(I realise that the glut of half-something templates was a little much in 3.5 - is that a reason for not always making things clear?)
1) Because elven biology and DNA is pretty close to human biology and DNA, and because I'm not interested in bloating out the core races with an endless combination of halfbreeds any more than I am giving half elves an endless variety of combinations. Elven compatibility with Lashunta is revealed.
2) Whatever ones you want to be able to for your stories and plots. And again... we have a few halfbreed races and a few templates out there but I don't want to flood things with an endless amount of more interbreeding options. Because that gets boring, and because it clutters things up, and because every additional one you create makes the ones that already exist less special and interesting.

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So this is a bit of an "inside baseball" question, so I'll understand if you can't answer it:
Who owns Paizo? Is it pretty much just Lisa and Vic, or do other people have shares? If someone put up an offer to purchase the company, or if, say, Paizo ever thought about going public, who would be voting on the decision?
What the talking bag who was too impatient to wait for me to answer said.
Lisa and Vic own Paizo. If someone put up an offer to purchase Paizo, they'd have to convince them to sell. They would also be the ones to decide to go public, but they don't seem to have much of an interest in going that route at all, thankfully.

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Hi James,
How do you handle situations in games where the PCs will regularly (meaning repeatedly and over the course of five or more sessions of play) have interactions with an NPC who is attempting to elaborately and thoroughly deceive them with his every action and word?
Bluff and Sense Motive are what muddy the waters for me - if I openly ask a PC to roll a Sense Motive check, the player immediately knows that something is amiss and the surprise reveal I am building up to is spoiled. Is it okay to just assume that they don't suspect anything is up unless they actively ask to roll Sense Motive during a given interaction?
My players are a pretty tolerant and story-loving bunch, so I don't expect rules lawyering from them (they'd rather be lied to than have the story spoiled, I think), but are they always entitled to make such checks when any person, no matter how thoroughly prepared and coldly sociopathic they are, lies to them?
If you have the trust of your players, do this:
Before the NPC joins the party, collect all PC sheets. Write down their Perception checks and Sense Motive checks. Then give back the sheets. Later, when the deceptive NPC joins the group, roll his Bluff vs. the PCs' Sense Motive checks behind the screen, or the Disguise vs Perception, or whatever. And if and when a check works, just tell the PC who made the check that something the NPC just did raised a red flag.

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Hello James,
How are you today?Lately, I have been playing around with the idea to tranform the dimensional occultist witch archetype into a 10 level prestige class (so there would be more room for other thematic abilities).
Since you told me in a previous post you were the person responsible for designing said archetype, I would like to hear your opinion on it, if you don't mind.
I know you are a very busy person, so I don't expect a full review or anything like that. Just more interested in your thoughts about it (something along the lines of like/don't like it/too powerful/too weak/seems balanced etc.)
Doin' pretty good!
Alas... I avoid looking at design work unless it's part of something I'm working on for a product—a combination of a time-saving thing and a legal thing. Sorry! My suggestion is to post a "let me know what you think" thread over in one of the advice or other forums here; there's lots of folks on these boards who know the rules and are really creative, after all.

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The Blackened Oracle curse and the Flame Mystery seem to go well thematically together, but they both grant Burning Hands and Wall of Fire. If you had a player who wanted to use the combination. would you allow them to change the spells from one or the other out for similar spells of the same level, such as Produce Flame for Burning Hands and Fire Shield (Warm Shield only) or Firefall for Wall of Fire? Or is the fact that the levels the spells are gained at from the curse and the mystery enough for you to think the overlap isn't worth eliminating? If you would allow it, would you have the new spells replace the mystery spells (Burning Hands at 2 and Wall of Fire at 8) or the Curse spells (Burning Hands at 1 and Wall of Fire at 10) or one of each?
Also, would you allow a player who had a caster that knew Dragon Breath to use it to replicate the breaths of Imperial or Primal dragons? Would that depend on how familiar they were with those types of dragons? Or would it simply make the spell too versatile??
I probably wouldn't unless they backed up their desires with cool character history to justify the changes.
And I'd say that in order to use the breath weapons of other dragons, you'd need to research a new spell.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hi James,
I wasn't aware that Pathfinder had a transgendered iconic, I assume you're saving the reveal for the comic so I won't ask which one here.
My question is this: is the transgendered iconic already the gender of their choice or are they still in a body of their disassociated gender?
What magic effects are capable of changing a character's gender?
Until we're doing a story where it makes sense to talk about the iconic's transgender nature, I'm not ready to reveal more information about that yet.
In the meantime, any and all polymorph effects can change a character's gender, as can the change self universal monster ability.

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Jeff Erwin wrote:1. Why exactly can elves interbreed with humans but apparently not with other humanoids? Isn't that weird considering their transplanetary origins? Can elves breed with lashunta?
2. And what humanoids, monstrous humanoids, and fey, if any, can interbreed with each other? I notice that outsiders seem to have an easier time of it than a lot of native humanoid races...
A few guesses/known relationships: mongrelmen, morlocks, hags, nymphs, and gillfolk can interbreed with humans. Druegar presumably can interbreed with dwarves.
I suspect samsarans can breed with humans as well, as can vishkanyas.
Can kitsune? They can in Japanese legend...
Of course, naga can breed with humans in Indian/SE Asian legend, so we can't assume here.(I realise that the glut of half-something templates was a little much in 3.5 - is that a reason for not always making things clear?)
1) Because elven biology and DNA is pretty close to human biology and DNA, and because I'm not interested in bloating out the core races with an endless combination of halfbreeds any more than I am giving half elves an endless variety of combinations. Elven compatibility with Lashunta is revealed.
2) Whatever ones you want to be able to for your stories and plots. And again... we have a few halfbreed races and a few templates out there but I don't want to flood things with an endless amount of more interbreeding options. Because that gets boring, and because it clutters things up, and because every additional one you create makes the ones that already exist less special and interesting.
Good to know... thanks. Somehow I missed the lashunta-elf thing.
I like to keep my homebrew Vudra canonical, but sometimes it goes off the rails, as all home-brews do. I defaulted to South Asian legend for half-breed races and possibilities, but that doesn't always match up, as it assumes a high amount of compatibility.
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I like to keep my homebrew Vudra canonical, but sometimes it goes off the rails, as all home-brews do. I defaulted to South Asian legend for half-breed races and possibilities, but that doesn't always match up, as it assumes a high amount of compatibility.
That's a tall order, since we've actually said VERY little about Vudra.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Jeff Erwin wrote:I like to keep my homebrew Vudra canonical, but sometimes it goes off the rails, as all home-brews do. I defaulted to South Asian legend for half-breed races and possibilities, but that doesn't always match up, as it assumes a high amount of compatibility.That's a tall order, since we've actually said VERY little about Vudra.
Yep. I keep a log of all of it. Some of it's pretty obscure. I likes me a challenge.

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Trinite wrote:So this is a bit of an "inside baseball" question, so I'll understand if you can't answer it:
Who owns Paizo? Is it pretty much just Lisa and Vic, or do other people have shares? If someone put up an offer to purchase the company, or if, say, Paizo ever thought about going public, who would be voting on the decision?
What the talking bag who was too impatient to wait for me to answer said.
Lisa and Vic own Paizo. If someone put up an offer to purchase Paizo, they'd have to convince them to sell. They would also be the ones to decide to go public, but they don't seem to have much of an interest in going that route at all, thankfully.
Thanks! I was just curious. Now I know who to call the next time I have $XXX million laying around that I can't figure out what to do with. :)
Glad they're not thinking of going public. It would probably be crazy to do so.
So since I'm being all corporate, here's a question: if there was one (realistic) thing that you could change at Paizo to make the company better, what would it be?

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Trinite wrote:So since I'm being all corporate, here's a question: if there was one (realistic) thing that you could change at Paizo to make the company better, what would it be?At this point? A bigger building. Although I'll settle for a copy machine from this century. ;-P
Indeed. I've used a mimeograph, myself. And woodblocks and etchings. For games.
Fun times.Now, if Paizo had a 3-d printer, what would you use it for?

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What would people call a "+2 Greatsword" in universe? Or any of the magical arms and armor for that matter?
A magic greatsword. They wouldn't likely differentiate between a +1 greatsword and a +2 one, other than to say the +2 one is "much nicer and has stronger magic and is sharper and better balanced" or some such.

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If you are wearing a spiked gauntlet on your right hand, and also holding a light or one-handed weapon in the same hand, can you attack with the spiked gauntlet?
Why or why not?
You can't because you're using the hand with the spiked gauntlet to attack with the sword. If you want to make a spiked gauntlet attack as a secondary attack... put it on the other hand.
If you want to attack with that spiked gauntlet while you're holding a sword INSTEAD of attacking with the sword... I would charge you a –2 penalty on the attack roll due to the awkwardness of having that hand full at the time. I might even rule you can't attack; you'd have to switch that sword to the other hand (which is a free action so why not?) before you attack.

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i apologize if this is answered upthread (500+!) somewhere.
concerning a Longspear and an Improved Unarmed Strike: given sufficient opportunities, may my reach cleric make opportunity attacks with either/both because he threatens both adjacent and reach squares simultaneously?

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Okay, I've got more.
What are the Skraelings of Arcadia like?
And are we getting books on Arcadia soon (as I assume we will eventually get them)?
The Skraelings are similar in a lot of ways to Native Americans, but we haven't done much with them at all yet.
No Arcadia books coming soon.

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i apologize if this is answered upthread (500+!) somewhere.
concerning a Longspear and an Improved Unarmed Strike: given sufficient opportunities, may my reach cleric make opportunity attacks with either/both because he threatens both adjacent and reach squares simultaneously?
That's a perfect question for the rules forum.

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rainzax wrote:That's a perfect question for the rules forum.hello!
i apologize if this is answered upthread (500+!) somewhere.
concerning a Longspear and an Improved Unarmed Strike: given sufficient opportunities, may my reach cleric make opportunity attacks with either/both because he threatens both adjacent and reach squares simultaneously?
is this because it is ambiguous in the rules and thus DM's rule it differently?

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James Jacobs wrote:is this because it is ambiguous in the rules and thus DM's rule it differently?rainzax wrote:That's a perfect question for the rules forum.hello!
i apologize if this is answered upthread (500+!) somewhere.
concerning a Longspear and an Improved Unarmed Strike: given sufficient opportunities, may my reach cleric make opportunity attacks with either/both because he threatens both adjacent and reach squares simultaneously?
It's because it feels to me to be the type of rules question that needs to be answered in a decisive way rather than a "here's how I do it" way, and because some folks got upset when my answers sometimes didn't exactly match the answers Jason ended up giving later on.