>>Ask *James Jacobs* ALL your Questions Here!<<

Off-Topic Discussions

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Orthos wrote:
Belle Mythix wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Happler wrote:

Is the secret purpose of this thread to see how many posts a single thread can hold in this message board software?

(currently @ 19,796!)

Nah... I suspect there are some longer threads out there. Some of which are probably way too long.
Deep 6 FaWtL has over 56K.
That's the joke.

And now in video form



Does the Turn Undead feat gain the DC bonuses from any increases to channel energy? Examples: Improved Channeling feat and the Sacred Conduit trait.

Note: Glory would be inelligble because it specifically calls out dealing damage. Personally I think it should have also applied to the Turn Undead feat.

Thanks in advance.

- Gauss

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gauss wrote:


Does the Turn Undead feat gain the DC bonuses from any increases to channel energy? Examples: Improved Channeling feat and the Sacred Conduit trait.

Note: Glory would be inelligble because it specifically calls out dealing damage. Personally I think it should have also applied to the Turn Undead feat.

Thanks in advance.

- Gauss

They do indeed improve Turn Undead DCs. But that goes both ways—channel resistance also helps against saves vs. turn undead.

Ok, does the Glory domain affect Turn Undead DCs despite it saying 'damage'?

- Gauss

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Gauss wrote:

Ok, does the Glory domain affect Turn Undead DCs despite it saying 'damage'?

- Gauss

Nope; glory's all about blasting undead into ashes rather than merely frightening them.

Figured, oh well.

- Gauss

Dark Archive

1) What is the size of Varisia, compared to the US?

2) What is your favorite city in Varisia?

3) If a PC finds a litter of Hell Hound puppies and decides to rescue one of them and train it as a companion, would you require him to take the Leadership feat for it?

Dark Archive

Hey, James, couple questiions:
1) What on earth happened to the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide cover? Specifically, the adventurer who might as well be naked.
2) Is Paizo aware that fans don't actually want to see stuff like that? It's offensive, and honestly it just makes gaming awkward.
If you're not aware, I thought I'd let you know. It's not just women--my gaming group is all guys, and they're not too jazzed about it.

I don't find it offensive...

I rather puzzled to what is offensive. I have seen far more revealing sketches/artworks on various RPG products over the years that carries no PG ratings.

Though I more interested in the answer to nightflier's 1st question.

Read an article recently sort of related to malebranche's complaint. Personally, I do dislike it. It's simply one of those things that myself and most of my players mock in today's society (chainmail bikini). It really gets old how each game that comes out, turns females, more and more, into sex objects. I've generally enjoyed a lot of Paizo art as the women are often times more clothed (Seoni and Amiri being exceptions) than most other games. When I see artwork for NPCs, female villains, etc, they've generally got a full set of clothing/armor on, which is a nice change of pace from how things usually are.

Not here guys.

James is busy at Paizocon, but if I could presume to guess his response, he'd probably say something pithy in defense of the content and then ask you to take it elsewhere.

Let's stick to questions for James, and not derail this thread.

Since it is likely that moderation isn't forthcoming and everyone loves to have the last word, I reluctantly present this thread to contain the moral outrage / defensiveness.

this topic comment on the "Nudity is bad, violence is OK" thing.


there are two significantly different spells or spell like abilities with the same name.

Lightning arc the air domain ability
lightning arc spell like ability

Lightning arc the sorc/wizard level 5 spell
lightning arc spell

Is this an oversight? if so how would i bring other such oversights to piazo attention, other than a post like this?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Why do I get the impression that you wouldn't count Reign of Winter as an Irrisen AP, so the other book is getting announced tomorrow.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm a little bit confused after reading about Arazni (former demigod turned into a Lich by the necromancer Geb). Which of the following statements are true?

A. Gods have souls.
B. A powerful necromancer can turn someone else into a lich...
C. ... even if that person knows nothing about necromancy herself.
D. ... even against her will.
E. ... even if she is already dead.

Silver Crusade

Which books by 3PP do you find yourself using most in your campaigns? I'm looking into more options for my game, and wonder which you find useful.

Cheers! Love you guys!

ps - enjoying PaizoCon virtually through the blog, and some of the Paizo troops on FB/Twitter. Any hopes of perhaps a more focused Virtual PaizoCon for an upcoming year for those that cannot make it?

I'm lucky enough to be attending next year, but there will always be those diehard Pathfinder fans that will be unable to be there in person.

Silver Crusade

Evil Lincoln wrote:

Not here guys.

James is busy at Paizocon, but if I could presume to guess his response, he'd probably say something pithy in defense of the content and then ask you to take it elsewhere.

Let's stick to questions for James, and not derail this thread.

Since it is likely that moderation isn't forthcoming and everyone loves to have the last word, I reluctantly present this thread to contain the moral outrage / defensiveness.

Thanks for that, EL. I made my comments there. Cheers.

James, the convocation of madmen singularly made the entire trip out here worthwhile.

Just wanted to know whose idea was the Reign of Winter AP I am already a fan? I mean it starts in Taldor goes to Irrisen into Baba Yagas hut, to Iobaria (which I wanted more info on) to the planet Triaxus (awesome more planets stuff keep it coming!!) and then back to Irrisen to face of against queen Elvana. This sounds super awesome!!

I know that an amulet of mighty fists with the speed enhancement does not affect all natural attacks a creature has (as per the faq):


a creature with multiple natural attacks (such as bite/claw/claw) wears an Amulet of Mighty Fists with the speed property, does it get one extra attack with each of its natural weapons?

No... mainly because that combination is way too good for monsters with multiple attacks, and gets better the more natural attacks a monster has. Doubling a creature's attacks per round is really powerful, even for 80,000 gp (the price of a +4 amulet).

However, if said creature had unarmed strikes and natural attacks (say an orc monk with the toothy trait), would the speed enhancement affect both the unarmed strikes and one natural weapon of choice?


Do you know if there are any rules on armor size limits?
Weapons can be wielded if larger, but can armor be worn if larger/smaller?
If there aren't any: Was this overlooked on purpose in the books or accident?

Any chance of getting an AP centered in Geb? You guys did some great work in Carrion Crown. It would be nice to experience a true undead campaign though. Especially if it took you to 20th.

I have just learned of the bacon explosion. Why was this hidden from us for so long? I think that it is a government conspiracy.


They should serve this at Paizocon and Gencon. We all know that you are the man. Can you make it happen?

Aunasiel wrote:

I have just learned of the bacon explosion. Why was this hidden from us for so long? I think that it is a government conspiracy.


They should serve this at Paizocon and Gencon. We all know that you are the man. Can you make it happen?

James doesn't subscribe to the bacon worship like the rest of the internet does.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
nightflier wrote:

1) What is the size of Varisia, compared to the US?

2) What is your favorite city in Varisia?

3) If a PC finds a litter of Hell Hound puppies and decides to rescue one of them and train it as a companion, would you require him to take the Leadership feat for it?

1) Someone at some point did an overlay of Varisia against the USA, but I can't find the link at the moment. It's big, though... about as big as, I believe, the northwest (Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and a chunk of northern California).

2) Sandpoint. Magnimar is a close second.

3) Leadership's one way to handle it, but if the PC actually does the whole thing from scratch and manages to raise the pup and befriend it from the start... I'd actually treat it more like an NPC ally. Keep in mind too that hell hounds are intelligent, and as such they can't really be "trained" as if they were animals. You actually talk to them and make friends with them normally. Well... as normal as talking to a fire breathing devil dog can be, that is.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
malebranche wrote:

Hey, James, couple questiions:

1) What on earth happened to the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide cover? Specifically, the adventurer who might as well be naked.
2) Is Paizo aware that fans don't actually want to see stuff like that? It's offensive, and honestly it just makes gaming awkward.
If you're not aware, I thought I'd let you know. It's not just women--my gaming group is all guys, and they're not too jazzed about it.

1) Different art. In the case of the character you mentioned, that character already had a pretty sexy look established as her outfit. The new artwork we ordered of the character was ordered because the previous artwork style wasn't appropriate for the book (the "cartoon" style is a art style we've more or less abandoned for our books). Comparing her outfits... the original one had a significant amount of cleavage as well, and a LOT more leg and hip and thigh showing—in fact, the new version of her has more clothes than the original one.

That said... could we have chosen a more "clothed" character as a centerpiece of the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide? Absolutely. Would that have been a better choice? For some people yes... for others, no.

2) Yes. It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character. We are absolutely aware of the fact that scantily clad characters are not for everyone, and that they're actually offensive to some folks... and while it might not look like it, we DO try to avoid going for the salacious artwork when we can.

But sometimes we choose not to. Some characters are meant to dress provocatively, and when we have characters like that, we'll illustrate them as is appropriate for the character.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Evil Lincoln wrote:

Not here guys.

James is busy at Paizocon, but if I could presume to guess his response, he'd probably say something pithy in defense of the content and then ask you to take it elsewhere.

Let's stick to questions for James, and not derail this thread.

Since it is likely that moderation isn't forthcoming and everyone loves to have the last word, I reluctantly present this thread to contain the moral outrage / defensiveness.

James is indeed busy at Paizocon... but not too busy to unwind by answering a few posts before bedtime!

I've answered the question, I believe, so yeah... let's not derail the thread with more art commentary. We've got other threads that talk about it...

...but before then, we do try to make sure we have a Seelah and a Kyra for every Seoni we illustrate.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

blue_the_wolf wrote:


there are two significantly different spells or spell like abilities with the same name.

Lightning arc the air domain ability
lightning arc spell like ability

Lightning arc the sorc/wizard level 5 spell
lightning arc spell

Is this an oversight? if so how would i bring other such oversights to piazo attention, other than a post like this?

It's an oversight.

The best way to bring this to our attention is to post in the appropriate book's thread where other folks are commenting on it, and to tag the question as a FAQ or put it in with some errata.

In this case, though... I doubt we'll change things... they have the same name and that is something that we try to avoid, but they're also pretty different in context so the point at which one might be mistaken for the other is pretty rare, fortunately.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Justin Franklin wrote:
Why do I get the impression that you wouldn't count Reign of Winter as an Irrisen AP, so the other book is getting announced tomorrow.

Reign of Winter is not an Irrisen AP, any more than Curse of the Crimson Throne is a Belkzen AP, or Jade Regent is a Land of the Linnorm Kings AP.

Only 1.5 of Reign of Winter's 6 adventures take place in Irrisen. The other 4.5 adventures take place... elsewhere.

If you're going to call it anything... it's the Baba Yaga Adventure Path.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Friendly Lich wrote:

I'm a little bit confused after reading about Arazni (former demigod turned into a Lich by the necromancer Geb). Which of the following statements are true?

A. Gods have souls.
B. A powerful necromancer can turn someone else into a lich...
C. ... even if that person knows nothing about necromancy herself.
D. ... even against her will.
E. ... even if she is already dead.

A: Sometimes True. Gods can do a lot.

B: True
C: True
D: True
E: True

In fact... letters B–E above are pretty much the underlying plot lynchpin for one of our Adventure Paths...

... Carrion Crown is all about what happens when someone finds out the specific ritual that will turn a person into a lich, and what happens when that formula is applied to that person even if they don't want it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Winter_Born wrote:

Which books by 3PP do you find yourself using most in your campaigns? I'm looking into more options for my game, and wonder which you find useful.

Cheers! Love you guys!

ps - enjoying PaizoCon virtually through the blog, and some of the Paizo troops on FB/Twitter. Any hopes of perhaps a more focused Virtual PaizoCon for an upcoming year for those that cannot make it?

I'm lucky enough to be attending next year, but there will always be those diehard Pathfinder fans that will be unable to be there in person.

The 3PP books I use the most these days are Green Ronin's Advanced Bestiary and Book of Fiends, and Frog God/Necromancer's Tome of Horrors. I'm quite fond of Open Design's books as well, and I'm hoping to use the Midgard Bestiary soon!

As technology and our mastery of it improves each year... I can only imagine the "Virtual Paizocon" experience will grow as well.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Cheapy wrote:
James, the convocation of madmen singularly made the entire trip out here worthwhile.


That was a pretty fun... and pretty crazy... seminar...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
The Minis Maniac wrote:
Just wanted to know whose idea was the Reign of Winter AP I am already a fan? I mean it starts in Taldor goes to Irrisen into Baba Yagas hut, to Iobaria (which I wanted more info on) to the planet Triaxus (awesome more planets stuff keep it coming!!) and then back to Irrisen to face of against queen Elvana. This sounds super awesome!!

No one ever said it ever goes back to Irrisen, actually...

But yeah. It's gonna be FUN!

Rob McCreary's done the bulk of the work on the Adventure Path. Wes and Erik and James Sutter and I helped here and there though. And it's actually been an AP I have wanted to do for years, and also is the ONLY AP that we've hardcoded into having to happen on a specific date.

We deliberately said that when Baba Yaga comes to Golarion once every 100 years that the last time she came to the world was close to 100 years ago, after all...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

prototype00 wrote:

I know that an amulet of mighty fists with the speed enhancement does not affect all natural attacks a creature has (as per the faq):


a creature with multiple natural attacks (such as bite/claw/claw) wears an Amulet of Mighty Fists with the speed property, does it get one extra attack with each of its natural weapons?

No... mainly because that combination is way too good for monsters with multiple attacks, and gets better the more natural attacks a monster has. Doubling a creature's attacks per round is really powerful, even for 80,000 gp (the price of a +4 amulet).

However, if said creature had unarmed strikes and natural attacks (say an orc monk with the toothy trait), would the speed enhancement affect both the unarmed strikes and one natural weapon of choice?


Just the unarmed strikes.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Starbuck_II wrote:


Do you know if there are any rules on armor size limits?
Weapons can be wielded if larger, but can armor be worn if larger/smaller?
If there aren't any: Was this overlooked on purpose in the books or accident?

Technically... armor can be worn by only those it's sized for, as far as I know.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aunasiel wrote:
Any chance of getting an AP centered in Geb? You guys did some great work in Carrion Crown. It would be nice to experience a true undead campaign though. Especially if it took you to 20th.

There's a much greater chance of a Geb Adventure Path than one that takes a group from 1st to 20th level.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Tels wrote:
Aunasiel wrote:

I have just learned of the bacon explosion. Why was this hidden from us for so long? I think that it is a government conspiracy.


They should serve this at Paizocon and Gencon. We all know that you are the man. Can you make it happen?

James doesn't subscribe to the bacon worship like the rest of the internet does.


Bacon's okay. I don't hate it. But I don't really seek it out in the exclusion of other foods. Like I often do, say, with abalone, artichokes, lingcod, salmon, and raspberries.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

Cheapy wrote:
James, the convocation of madmen singularly made the entire trip out here worthwhile.

Oh holy cow yes. I have anecdotes to last me a lifetime from that one seminar. I owe Adam big time for suggesting I stop in.

Dark Archive

1) So, the whole Inner Sea would be about the size of USA plus Mexico, right?

2) What is Golarion's land to sea ratio? I kinda have a feeling that there is more land on Golarion than on Earth...

Harrow Deck:
I got my deck to use in my current adventure. For example: I decided that the DEX is the best STAT that describes the question. I do not understand what benefit/hindrance the players gain when a role/true/partial/opposite card(s) show up. Is there an effect (+1/-1 to something)? Or is it just to give flavour and a more qualitative approach to the adventure? If my last question is true, then I do not see the point of the importance of getting a role card.

In terms of importance yu have Role/True/Opposite/Partial/Misaligned. How can you asses how much info is given? I still do not understand the importance of a Role card.

Also, not clear on this:
- If AP module is based on DEX (DM choice), and a PC asks a question and I decide it belongs to CHA (and his role card shows on the spread) how would this have an effect. Will the PC not get the benefit (if any).

I hope I am missing something.

I could not see anything in other threads that addresses my questions :6

James Jacobs wrote:
Aunasiel wrote:
Any chance of getting an AP centered in Geb? You guys did some great work in Carrion Crown. It would be nice to experience a true undead campaign though. Especially if it took you to 20th.
There's a much greater chance of a Geb Adventure Path than one that takes a group from 1st to 20th level.

I am happy and yet sad at the same time. We really appreciate the work you guys put into the APs.

James Jacobs wrote:
It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.

Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.

If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?

Joana wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
It's something that we do try to moderate, and in fact, a fair amount of the art we get in from artists shows women in a lot less clothing than we ask for. In MANY of those cases, we send the art back and ask the artist to put more clothes on the character.

Would I be correct in guessing that Shelyn is the most difficult character to get appropriate art for? Because the text always describes her as "wearing tasteful clothing .. that accentuate[s] her beauty without revealing too much of it," and then you turn the page and she's posing as a pole dancer wearing less clothing than I've ever seen on Calistria.

If we ever get the book of SKR's AP writeups on the gods (Ultimate Deities? Deities Revisited?), can I beg you to somehow get an artist to draw her wearing something more than a bedsheet and strategically-placed double-sided tape?

Gotta admit, the art in Night of the Frozen Shadows is a far departure from the more modest version in the Gods of Golarion book.

I have a question on rules interpretation that may go into rules as intended vs. rules as written.

The text of the "Shield Master" feat is as follows: "You do not suffer any penalties on attack rolls made with a shield while you are wielding another weapon. Add your shield's enhancement bonus to attacks and damage rolls made with the shield as if it was a weapon enhancement bonus."

As written, a literal interpretation would seem to indicate that, if you have another weapon in your hand, nothing can penalize your attack roll when attacking with the shield, such as power attack, combat expertise, two-weapon fighting, or even spells and effects like Doom that penalize attack rolls.

Am I correct in assuming though, that the feat, if it is to be used as intended, is meant to negate all the penalties for using the shield to make offhand attacks using Two-Weapon fighting feats only (regardless of whether the shield is light or heavy)?

How might you form the adjective for somebody touched by Cyth V'sug? I've been saying V'sugian, but you're far cleverer than I.

What is the CR of a level 1 PC and a level 4 PC?

Conversely. What is the CR of a level 1 NPC with class levels and a level NPC with class levels?

James is the Bab Yaga AP coming up at all inspired by late night Hellboy reading? The Rasputin must die title immediately made me think of Wake the Devil.

The Exchange

Dear James, Will we see Dwergi in the setting? Dwergi is a savage Dwarf race with more interest in technology and eating human eyballs than the regular dwarf. Dwei- is an indoeuropean root for Dire So a Dwergi would be a Dire Dwarf (template wise).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

nightflier wrote:

1) So, the whole Inner Sea would be about the size of USA plus Mexico, right?

2) What is Golarion's land to sea ratio? I kinda have a feeling that there is more land on Golarion than on Earth...

1) Maybe... I've not done the comparisons of late, but did when we first built the campaign setting map 4.5 years ago or so.

2) I like to think it's about the same as Earth. Maybe a bit more land, but not so much more that it would drastically affect things to make climates and weather and tides and whatnot that different.

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