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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

What does Kaikyton look like? I don't think we ever got a description of her.

Thanks as always!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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FallenDabus wrote:

What does Kaikyton look like? I don't think we ever got a description of her.

Thanks as always!

Haven't decided yet.

Silver Crusade

How come Psychic Vampires don't have a cool name.

There's Moiroi, Nosferatu, Jiang-Shi, Vetala, and then... Psychic Vampire?

Don't get me wrong, I love vampires.

James Jacobs wrote:
Oliver Veyrac wrote:

Oh Great Directosaurus Rex,

Is Ruithvein the Dracula of Golarion?

I am also a huge fan of gremlins :P

No. Especially since I have no idea who Ruithvein is and had to do a search on the wiki to figure it out... (to the extent that I totally missed including him in Book of the Damned... he's way too stealth for his own good); if he were Golarion's "Dracula" I would have known. Furthermore, Ruithvein is an infernal duke, not a vampire, so he's not a Dracula anyway.

The closest thing we've come to having a character directly inspired by Dracula would have been Kazavon, and even then, he's more inspired by Vlad the Impaler, not Dracula.

The FIRST vampire was Urgathoa, in any event.

Holy Moly!!!!

That is mind blowing :) I am glad I asked :)

Thank you Great Directosaur.

You are awesome. I also loved reading your stuff when you were with wizards and wanted to say I am a huge fan :)

Laird IceCubez wrote:

How come Psychic Vampires don't have a cool name.

There's Moiroi, Nosferatu, Jiang-Shi, Vetala, and then... Psychic Vampire?

Don't get me wrong, I love vampires.

They do have one in their description vetalaranas. They are a rare breed of Vetala.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Laird IceCubez wrote:

How come Psychic Vampires don't have a cool name.

There's Moiroi, Nosferatu, Jiang-Shi, Vetala, and then... Psychic Vampire?

Don't get me wrong, I love vampires.

Because they were created by a different person than the one who created the rest, and because they were not created under the aegis of the world content but as world neutral stuff as part of Occult Adventures.

Mr. James Jacobs,

What is power?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Psychic vampires are actually in occult bestiary which isn't world neutral <_< So I guess its more of over sight.

Hmm, talking about fiendish demigods who got slipped through cracks regarding book of the damned, do they have chance to be detailed in future or are they probably gonna stay in obscurity?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Have you checked out the HPLHS radio plays?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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The NPC wrote:

Mr. James Jacobs,

What is power?

A five-letter word.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
CorvusMask wrote:

Psychic vampires are actually in occult bestiary which isn't world neutral <_< So I guess its more of over sight.

Hmm, talking about fiendish demigods who got slipped through cracks regarding book of the damned, do they have chance to be detailed in future or are they probably gonna stay in obscurity?

Then it was just an oversight.

Nope; they'll likely remain obscure until someone decides to do something with them. Won't be me, I suspect, since if it comes to vampire demigods, I'm more interested in Zura.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cole Deschain wrote:
Have you checked out the HPLHS radio plays?


Are you guys at Paizo taking in and thinking about any concerns people have with the shifter not really being a good shifter or living up to the hype it was given(like chimeric form not making actual chimeras)?

I think the worse description that wasn't a bit exagerrated was 'it looks like an alpha playtest class' and that seems pretty bad since it's the first class that came out without one the community could participate in. If this is the result of private playtesting maybe you guys should reconsider not doing public ones.

Now, on a different and more light topic, what are the next Empyreal Lords coming out? I know I've been want to know more about Sheave the Orphan Lord she the name showed up in a bestiary!

Scarab Sages

Are you (or anyone else at Paizo, as far as you are aware) familiar with Polandball AKA Countryballs? This former geography savant and proud globalist highly recommends it, actually; it's endearing and deceptively intelligent - and even educational!

Have you ever seen a TV show or a movie that didn't take place in a fantasy setting, but you've imagined how a version of those events would play out in a Pathfinder game just for the fun of it?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

15 people marked this as a favorite.
Azten wrote:

Are you guys at Paizo taking in and thinking about any concerns people have with the shifter not really being a good shifter or living up to the hype it was given(like chimeric form not making actual chimeras)?

I think the worse description that wasn't a bit exagerrated was 'it looks like an alpha playtest class' and that seems pretty bad since it's the first class that came out without one the community could participate in. If this is the result of private playtesting maybe you guys should reconsider not doing public ones.

Now, on a different and more light topic, what are the next Empyreal Lords coming out? I know I've been want to know more about Sheave the Orphan Lord she the name showed up in a bestiary!

One of the unfortunate realities of working on something for the public is that now and then, things you do won't be liked by the public. No matter how much hard work you put into something, sometimes things aren't going to be liked. My take? Time spent trying to "fix" something we thought was great in order to rebuild it into something the public wants is wasted time. I'd much rather refocus on other stuff, take what happened with previous stuff that wasn't well-received, learn from those mistakes, then do a better job going forward.

Further, the reaction to the Shifter in particular has been SO toxic, with SO much caustic self-entitlement from gamers, that I have no interest in wading in there and becoming a public punching bag. No thanks. Sometimes fans ruin things they say they love, and that's another reality of working on something for publication, as frustrating and sad as it is. In this case, the recent movie "Mother!" perfectly encapsulates my feelings on fan entitlement and the destructive relationship between content-creator and customer (or parent and child, or deity and worshiper). It's a TOUGH movie to watch, but then again, it's a tough situation to be in.

And lastly, my involvement with Ultimate Wilderness was to develop the book. I wasn't involved in the actual design, concept, and creation of the Shifter. It's certainly possible that my development on the class made it into the disappointment it became, but it's equally possible that my development salvaged it enough so that it wasn't an even BIGGER disappointment. I honestly don't know, because again, there's been so much toxic entitlement, combined with other stuff going on in the industry and the world lately, that I really don't have the emotional bandwidth to get involved in Shifter topics, and haven't wanted to get involved in that whole swamp of a discussion.

And frankly, given the way people have been acting lately and looking at the previous public playtests we've done, I really think that a public playtest of the Shifter would have resulted in EVEN MORE outrage and frustration. The internet is a much more toxic and noxious place than it was even a few years ago.

No plans for new "Empyreal Lords" to come out anytime soon.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Are you (or anyone else at Paizo, as far as you are aware) familiar with Polandball AKA Countryballs? This former geography savant and proud globalist highly recommends it, actually; it's endearing and deceptively intelligent - and even educational!

I'm not. Never heard of it. Not sure if anyone else at Paizo knows about it... I don't keep up with their internet browsing habits. :P

Paizo Employee Creative Director

3 people marked this as a favorite.
MythicFox wrote:
Have you ever seen a TV show or a movie that didn't take place in a fantasy setting, but you've imagined how a version of those events would play out in a Pathfinder game just for the fun of it?

Not "in a Pathfinder game" so much as "How would this thing play out if it were in a genre other than it's actual genre," yeah. Lots! One that immediately comes to mind is one of my favorite Westerns, "The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly" would be really cool if instead of being set in the old west during the Civil War, it'd be neat if it were set in a fantasy setting during something like a war between elves and dwarves or whatever. There's a LOT in that movie that would translate really well into the fantastic.

which would make the most sense for santa's elves (Elfs?) in the golarion setting? Actual elves, halflings, or gnomes? I feel it would be gnomes for their tinkering nature but I wanted your opinion.

Scarab Sages

James Jacobs wrote:

I'm not. Never heard of it. Not sure if anyone else at Paizo knows about it... I don't keep up with their internet browsing habits. :P

I was more thinking that if anyone had, they might have mentioned it to others...and of course I don't know how tight your quarters might all be In there (Your Closets are nice and spacious, I know that much! Ever tried the Thai-Persian-fusion place In Chris Lambertz's Closet? Très bon!).

@zauriel56: Gnomes or Halflings sound about right. Gnomes have the artisan thing going for them...whereas Halflings make popular slaves. Maybe Santa's figured out some unnatural means to create his own stable of skilled, servile "Gnomelings???"

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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zauriel56 wrote:
which would make the most sense for santa's elves (Elfs?) in the golarion setting? Actual elves, halflings, or gnomes? I feel it would be gnomes for their tinkering nature but I wanted your opinion.

They're short, so Pathfinder elves make no sense.

Pathfinder gnomes aren't tinkers (that's a Dragonlance/Warcraft thing, not a Pathfinder thing), so that doesn't make sense.

Which leaves halflings as the best bet out of your initial list, I guess.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

If my commentary and/or concerns about a recently released class have come off as entitled, please accept my apologies.

Life is too short.

Games are supposed to be fun.

Thank you and your team for all the hard work you do to bring the best quality product you can to the field.

It's not easy, is it, being a developer?

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Any chance for more Groetus stuff in the near future? How about Outer Gods? PC options, in particular.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

If my commentary and/or concerns about a recently released class have come off as entitled, please accept my apologies.

Life is too short.

Games are supposed to be fun.

Thank you and your team for all the hard work you do to bring the best quality product you can to the field.

It's not easy, is it, being a developer?

Thanks for the kind words!

And it's just as tough being a designer or editor or customer service rep or anything in the game industry... or the content creation industry... these days.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
Any chance for more Groetus stuff in the near future? How about Outer Gods? PC options, in particular.

There'll be some stuff about Groetus and a tiny bit about the Outer Gods in the upcoming Planar Adventures... but not so much in a PC option sort of way.

Groetus and the Lovecraft Mythos aren't great options for PCs in my opinion. Those elements are MUCH better suited for GM options for NPCs and the like.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
James Jacobs wrote:

Thanks for the kind words!

And it's just as tough being a designer or editor or customer service rep or anything in the game industry... or the content creation industry... these days.

You're welcome.

I work in retail.

This is both the darkest time of year for us, and the brightest. And as far as customer service goes... let's just say it's not just the content creation industry that's had to deal with increasing levels of disconnected toxicity...

Which actually brings me to a question I didn't think I'd be asking but what the heck...

Which of the Outer Planes would be the most 'mercantile'/'business-oriented'?

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

(On a non-question note, I like the Shifter. Since the other guys are louder, figured I'd toss out that some of us were quite happy with it, particularly on the conceptual level)

Touching on genre-swapping, the basic plot of Seven Samurai seems to get used a great deal in RPG games.

Are there any genre-swaps you haven't seen used for an RPG that you'd be keen to take for a spin?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:
Which of the Outer Planes would be the most 'mercantile'/'business-oriented'?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Cole Deschain wrote:

Touching on genre-swapping, the basic plot of Seven Samurai seems to get used a great deal in RPG games.

Are there any genre-swaps you haven't seen used for an RPG that you'd be keen to take for a spin?

Seven Samurai gets used a lot in ALL forms of entertainment. It's one of the most archytypical and awesome of plots, ever. It's of my top 5 favorite movies, in fact.

I've seen a lot of genre-swaps used in RPGs over the decades, and have taken many of them for spins in those decades... but one I'd like to try out sometime soon is the kaiju plot—an adventure where an enormous monster is running amok and the plot isn't "kill the monster" but rather "survive." That's a tricky one to pull off in a game like Pathfinder, where the expectation of a lot of players is that they are more active in resolving plots.

Such as when two Kaiju fight it out in a major city, like in the Gojira movies?

What about adding Mythic Tiers to Kaiju, to ramp up the danger?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Napier 698 wrote:
Such as when two Kaiju fight it out in a major city, like in the Gojira movies?

Nope. More like the original Godzilla, or the giant bug movies of the 50s. Movies in which a single giant monster subs in for a natural disaster.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

John Napier 698 wrote:
What about adding Mythic Tiers to Kaiju, to ramp up the danger?


Kaiju are plenty dangerous already, and I much prefer building powerful monsters WITHOUT using mythic stuff.

Silver Crusade

Aside from possibly Rovagug, are there any Deities linked to/highly interested in Kaiju?

Thank you for your time. Sucks Sheave won't be getting attention.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Rysky wrote:
Aside from possibly Rovagug, are there any Deities linked to/highly interested in Kaiju?

Rovagug isn't really linked to kaiju at all. His spawn are smaller.

Kaiju are more about the folly of humanity rather than the wrath of the gods.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:
Rysky wrote:
Aside from possibly Rovagug, are there any Deities linked to/highly interested in Kaiju?

Rovagug isn't really linked to kaiju at all. His spawn are smaller.

Kaiju are more about the folly of humanity rather than the wrath of the gods.

*nods* Gotcha.

Scarab Sages

How about more/better Medium options? I liked Mediums much better when I saw them in the playtest, and they had a vast and diverse array of Spirits with character that all granted unique and weird abilities and spells, as opposed to a small, rigid menu of generic cookie-cutter "roles."

James Jacobs wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Such as when two Kaiju fight it out in a major city, like in the Gojira movies?
Nope. More like the original Godzilla, or the giant bug movies of the 50s. Movies in which a single giant monster subs in for a natural disaster.

Sorry, I meant Godzilla. ( Gojira is the original Japanese name ). Which two Kaiju would you suggest, and where?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote:
How about more/better Medium options? I liked Mediums much better when I saw them in the playtest, and they had a vast and diverse array of Spirits with character that all granted unique and weird abilities and spells, as opposed to a small, rigid menu of generic cookie-cutter "roles."

More medium options? I suspect yes, we'll do that in time. "Better" ones? That's something you and the rest will have to decide on your own, because better for person A is worse for person B.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
John Napier 698 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
John Napier 698 wrote:
Such as when two Kaiju fight it out in a major city, like in the Gojira movies?
Nope. More like the original Godzilla, or the giant bug movies of the 50s. Movies in which a single giant monster subs in for a natural disaster.
Sorry, I meant Godzilla. ( Gojira is the original Japanese name ). Which two Kaiju would you suggest, and where?

I know that Gojira is the original Japanese name, and my reply remains the same: "Two kaiju fighting in a city" is not the plot I would like to do in a Pathfinder game. Being a PC in an adventure where you watch two kaiju fight is not fun, as awesome as a movie with that plot is. I'm more interested in an adventure where there's one kaiju that's not being distracted by another kaiju, where safety isn't something that another kaiju will bring you, where you have to deal with the situation yourself even though you can't directly deal with the monster because you're way too low level.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
I've seen a lot of genre-swaps used in RPGs over the decades, and have taken many of them for spins in those decades... but one I'd like to try out sometime soon is the kaiju plot—an adventure where an enormous monster is running amok and the plot isn't "kill the monster" but rather "survive." That's a tricky one to pull off in a game like Pathfinder, where the expectation of a lot of players is that they are more active in resolving plots.

Would something like Cloverfield, where 'the party' has to deal with what are essentially parasites (or perhaps spawn) falling off of the giant monster, and navigate hazardous situations (like entering a partially collapsed building to rescue a friend/family member/important NPC) be a decent starting point for that sort of thing?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
I've seen a lot of genre-swaps used in RPGs over the decades, and have taken many of them for spins in those decades... but one I'd like to try out sometime soon is the kaiju plot—an adventure where an enormous monster is running amok and the plot isn't "kill the monster" but rather "survive." That's a tricky one to pull off in a game like Pathfinder, where the expectation of a lot of players is that they are more active in resolving plots.

Would something like Cloverfield, where 'the party' has to deal with what are essentially parasites (or perhaps spawn) falling off of the giant monster, and navigate hazardous situations (like entering a partially collapsed building to rescue a friend/family member/important NPC) be a decent starting point for that sort of thing?

That's one way to take it, sure.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Would Black Maga's appearance in RotRL be considered a 'prototype' for this sort of idea?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Perhaps a "Return of Godzilla/Godzilla 1985 situation," where there's some McGuffin to lure the kaiju away from the city, but the party has to get it out safely first?

(I love this idea, and am now trying to think up who's gonna play Super X to Mogaru while our heroes try to get away from the blast zone...)

Is there currently a class (archetype) that’s basically Power Rangers, or future plans for a class that is so? I’d really love the idea of basically being a vigilante who when the battle calls for it, hops in a construct that is huge sized or something. Even better if there are teamwork feats or a class feature for the class that let multiple members of this class combine their constructs for a stronger and larger construct.

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James Jacobs wrote:
Kaiju are more about the folly of humanity rather than the wrath of the gods.

History shows again and again/ How nature points out the folly of men

Are you a fan of the Blue Oyster Cult song "Godzilla?"

(I think it's kitchty, but kinda dig it!)

Hey James,

Would any of the major undeath-opposing deities (Gozreh, Irori, Pharasma, Sarenrae, etc.) accept uses of the undead anatomy spells among their followers?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Would Black Maga's appearance in RotRL be considered a 'prototype' for this sort of idea?


Paizo Employee Creative Director

Cole Deschain wrote:

Perhaps a "Return of Godzilla/Godzilla 1985 situation," where there's some McGuffin to lure the kaiju away from the city, but the party has to get it out safely first?

(I love this idea, and am now trying to think up who's gonna play Super X to Mogaru while our heroes try to get away from the blast zone...)

Let's keep this thread for questions, not for brainstorming.

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