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Liberty's Edge

Heh, I just read this:

“IQ tests have been popular for over 80 years as a pleasing way to quantify a narrow measure of mental potential, and the idea of a simple test to substitute for tangible life achievement is immensely appealing to the bogan, who just hasn’t got around to starting its own online business empire or solving cold fusion yet.”

Sovereign Court

Mostly had. the encounter went long, and we had to leave the store because it was closing. As it's turned into a fight between the mounted paladin and her hasted steed and the fleeing big baddie, we decided to play the end of the encounter out over email - the rest of the party can't see the fight anyway, so this means they have to wait until next week to find out if the paladin gets the baddie or not.

I had fun. You'll have to see if my players agree before I can say it was successful unequivocally.

Liberty's Edge

dungeonmaster heathy wrote:
I do that somewhat in pbp; if I stopped to have CR=party ecl encounters, it'd take forever to get anything done.

Yeah, yours and Aubrey’s pbp games have inspired me somewhat in this regard, but I find the same thing in my RL home games – if I include all these smaller combat encounters, which are often cake walks or not all that interesting, a whole session is taken up with a few of them, and the players leave without having a real sense of achieving anything.

Of course, having the occasional easy combat encounter, where you can cut something that looks bad ass down in a round, or mow through hordes of low level mooks without a scratch can be fun too ... just not too often.

The Exchange

Ok, I'm about 95% certain that Jess is just waiting for this post. How to start...

We were happily playing Kingmaker this afternoon. Doing some kingdom building in the back room of Asgard Games, a local FLGS. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch someone entering the room. Now, the way things are situated, I sit on the far end from the door, in front of a row of lockers that customers use to store their (mostly) wargaming stuff. If I look to my right, towards the front of the store, I have a clear line of sight to the front door. I like it that way (some call it paranoia, I call it being observant, whatever). So, I glimpse this person coming into the room, but didn't pay attention. Lockers, remember this happens several times a day.

Only this person wasn't going to a locker. She quickly walked up next to me and laid a folded slip of paper on top of my open campaign journal. She then turned, without saying a word and walked out of the store and went off to the left of the door. Nobody in the room said a word. We all sat there in puzzled silence for a minute until I reached out and took the paper.

strange note wrote:


"They" Know that
the Weird one
already fell down
So *quite* Quit (quite was crossed out)
while your ahead.
No more wispering
in its ear!
I'm warning you! (each word in this line was underlined twice)

I read it again... and again. When I looked up, wondering if one of my friends was playing a joke on me, everyone was staring, obviously curious. So I read it out loud. Nobody seemed to be in on it, so I was wondering about my buddy Scott, who had left to cross the street to get a soda from McD's.

When Scott came back, we all stared at him. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was watching for some grin or smirk. Any crack that would indicate his knowledge of what had happened. Nothing. So we all started talking about it and when we got to talking about what she looked like, Scott realized he had passed her leaving McD's as he was going in and had seen her going down the street past the restaurant as he was coming back to the game store. (She had, as I said, turned left when she went out the front door, which is towards McD's.)

I feel fairly confidant when I say, this has to be the single most bizarre thing that has ever happened to me. I kept the note, I'll be scanning it and posting it to facebook later tonight. If anyone wants to see it.

Fraking strange.

Liberty's Edge

That is ...

I don't even know.


Sovereign Court

Wolfthulhu wrote:

::strange note of weirdness story:

strange note wrote:


"They" Know that
the Weird one
already fell down
So *quite* Quit (quite was crossed out)
while your ahead.
No more wispering
in its ear!
I'm warning you! (each word in this line was underlined twice)

Every word true!!! It was the stranges thing I've ever seen. Nobody knew this woman or had seen her in the store before. And that note is freaking strange. O.o

The Exchange

Jess Door wrote:
Wolfthulhu wrote:

::strange note of weirdness story:

strange note wrote:


"They" Know that
the Weird one
already fell down
So *quite* Quit (quite was crossed out)
while your ahead.
No more wispering
in its ear!
I'm warning you! (each word in this line was underlined twice)
Every word true!!! It was the stranges thing I've ever seen. Nobody knew this woman or had seen her in the store before. And that note is freaking strange. O.o

A scan of the note is now on my fb wall. If we're not friends, add me. (link is in this profile)

Too bad for you I wasn't there; I usually draw them like an mri magnet pulling an O2 cannister.

Sharoth wrote:
Highschool of the Dead: Drifters of the Dead OVA is scheduled to be released on April 20, 2011. That sort of answers as to when the DVD will be out.


The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Highschool of the Dead: Drifters of the Dead OVA is scheduled to be released on April 20, 2011. That sort of answers as to when the DVD will be out.

That's cool. I watched the first 2 or 3 episodes, but lost track after that. I did like it mostly.

Wolfthulhu wrote:

Ok, I'm about 95% certain that Jess is just waiting for this post. How to start...

We were happily playing Kingmaker this afternoon. Doing some kingdom building in the back room of Asgard Games, a local FLGS. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch someone entering the room. Now, the way things are situated, I sit on the far end from the door, in front of a row of lockers that customers use to store their (mostly) wargaming stuff. If I look to my right, towards the front of the store, I have a clear line of sight to the front door. I like it that way (some call it paranoia, I call it being observant, whatever). So, I glimpse this person coming into the room, but didn't pay attention. Lockers, remember this happens several times a day.

Only this person wasn't going to a locker. She quickly walked up next to me and laid a folded slip of paper on top of my open campaign journal. She then turned, without saying a word and walked out of the store and went off to the left of the door. Nobody in the room said a word. We all sat there in puzzled silence for a minute until I reached out and took the paper.

strange note wrote:


"They" Know that
the Weird one
already fell down
So *quite* Quit (quite was crossed out)
while your ahead.
No more wispering
in its ear!
I'm warning you! (each word in this line was underlined twice)

I read it again... and again. When I looked up, wondering if one of my friends was playing a joke on me, everyone was staring, obviously curious. So I read it out loud. Nobody seemed to be in on it, so I was wondering about my buddy Scott, who had left to cross the street to get a soda from McD's.

When Scott came back, we all stared at him. I can't speak for anyone else, but I was watching for some grin or smirk. Any crack that would indicate his knowledge of what had happened. Nothing. So we all started talking about it and when we got to talking about what she looked like, Scott realized he had passed her leaving McD's as he was going in and had...

That...that's just insane. Does this woman have a thing for you or something?

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
That...that's just insane. Does this woman have a thing for you or something?

I hope not. I wasn't even 100% sure it was a woman until we started comparing notes. Of course to be fair I only caught the briefest glance of her before she was walking away, and she was... heavy, with very short hair.

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
That...that's just insane. Does this woman have a thing for you or something?
I hope not. I wasn't even 100% sure it was a woman until we started comparing notes. Of course to be fair I only caught the briefest glance of her before she was walking away, and she was... heavy, with very short hair.

Dood...that's bad news, dood.

Is it nuts that I'm thinking about the note over and over trying to either figure out what it means, or invent a meaning for it?

Sovereign Court

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Is it nuts that I'm thinking about the note over and over trying to either figure out what it means, or invent a meaning for it?

It's written just well enough that you think it might make sense. I keep trying to wrench some sort of actual coherence out of it.

It's like...when you're playing Boggle, and there's this really good, obvious word...except one letter is missing. and you just keep trying to find a way to make that word instead of finding words that are actually there!

The Exchange

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
Is it nuts that I'm thinking about the note over and over trying to either figure out what it means, or invent a meaning for it?

I've been doing that since I got it.

Long time ago, I ended up talking to a guy (pretty sure he was paranoid) in Burger King, who was "on to me."
Apparently I was "watching him," and "working for them."

I was trying to somehow let him know that it wasn't true, but nothing I could do would convince him. You just can't write that stuff, man.

The Exchange

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f#&$ed up buddy! I mean really, really f@$+ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

Hey, eVeryone! Guess wHiCH keys on my keyboard are apparenTly broken!

I mean iT. A few of my keys apparenTly only work wHen I Hold down sHifT. Any ideas?



EDIT: It works now. I don't know what the f*** that was about.

Davi The Eccentric wrote:

Hey, eVeryone! Guess wHiCH keys on my keyboard are apparenTly broken!

I mean iT. A few of my keys apparenTly only work wHen I Hold down sHifT. Any ideas?

** spoiler omitted **

EDIT: It works now. I don't know what the f*** that was about.


Have you tried foul language? That's about as far as my trouble shooting skills with computers go.

Bitter Thorn wrote:


Have you tried foul language? That's about as far as my trouble shooting skills with computers go.

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn why it did that or why it stopped. I just care that it isn't doing it any more.

Scarab Sages

staggers through the thread hoping he can actually get through the entire week of work

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
lebreton wrote:
Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:


* started GM'ing a Rise of the Runelords game for a group of great people he didn't know until he met them in April through the Gamer Connection forum. (We are just starting book 3)
* killed three rogues, a ranger, a cleric, a paladin, and a djinni and hopes to kill a certain fighter in 2011 ;)


Yes we are a great group

Owlcon should be great, I am set in three game with you
The cleric is coming back, does it really count?
The fighter must live, atleast if the cleric does his job

It most certainly counts. You may be returning, but you are not the same as before you died.

Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.

The Exchange

So who ever sent us all this damn snow this late in the year, you can politely just come and cart the stuff back up north, OK? Good.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.

For sometime years ago when I ran, I would have players roll the dice for me. As I would either crit with almost every hit or roll ones all day. It was always lopsided.

Crimson Jester wrote:
So who ever sent us all this damn snow this late in the year, you can politely just come and cart the stuff back up north, OK? Good.

No. I wants moar.

orders more snow

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:


Have you tried foul language? That's about as far as my trouble shooting skills with computers go.

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn why it did that or why it stopped. I just care that it isn't doing it any more.


The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.
For sometime years ago when I ran, I would have players roll the dice for me. As I would either crit with almost every hit or roll ones all day. It was always lopsided.

I've had days like that, well crafted adventure stories destroyed by a bunch of crappy rolls.... it's ok though, when that happens I bring some fudge to the table, just to keep things interesting. :P

Moorluck wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.
For sometime years ago when I ran, I would have players roll the dice for me. As I would either crit with almost every hit or roll ones all day. It was always lopsided.
I've had days like that, well crafted adventure stories destroyed by a bunch of crappy rolls.... it's ok though, when that happens I bring some fudge to the table, just to keep things interesting. :P

So fudge trumps dark chocolate?

The Exchange

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

So last night we defeated Xanesha atop the Shadow Clock, now we have her Snakeskin Tunic, and now we have two PCs who want it. Strangely this has never happened at our table. The item grants +1 AC, +2 Dex, and a +2 to saves vs Poison. The Mnk/Sor, Tiffa and the Druid both want the item, and neither one will back down. Who would you guys say gets it if it were your call?

The Exchange

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.
For sometime years ago when I ran, I would have players roll the dice for me. As I would either crit with almost every hit or roll ones all day. It was always lopsided.
I've had days like that, well crafted adventure stories destroyed by a bunch of crappy rolls.... it's ok though, when that happens I bring some fudge to the table, just to keep things interesting. :P
So fudge trumps dark chocolate?

LOL, nah, last night the baddies rolled well enough to keep things interesting. I only use fudge when I can't seem to roll higher than a 5 for them. Last I let them enjoy the keg of whoop ass they tapped for the villains. I mean after what happened to poor Tiffa I figured they were good and pissed at the folks responsible.

Silver Crusade

Morning all. What did I miss?

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?

A wild orgy broke out last night in Hollywood, the only note worthy thing about it was it was Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, Bradd Pit, Christian Bale, and LL Cool J..... alot of booze, but not a woman in sight. Unless you count the chick with the cam corder.

Scarab Sages

Moorluck wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.
For sometime years ago when I ran, I would have players roll the dice for me. As I would either crit with almost every hit or roll ones all day. It was always lopsided.
I've had days like that, well crafted adventure stories destroyed by a bunch of crappy rolls.... it's ok though, when that happens I bring some fudge to the table, just to keep things interesting. :P

For the game I played the other night, our previous session ended in a near TPK when the DM rolled numerous crits (practically every hit) with the orc chieften we were battling. When the next Flagons and Dragons podcast gets posted we discuss this event as part of the larger issue of character/party death.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?

Well, Janice and Wayne's marraige plans were disrupted, when Karen showed up claiming that Janice was the father of her love child in a past life. Meanwhile, Eric and Brandon celebrated their respective raises with a night out on the town, never realizing that it was all part of Olivia's clever plan to have them both extradited to Mexico and imprisoned for tax evasion. And, across town, Tom and Kirsten were amazed by their mutual desire to.....No, wait! That's my soap opera.

Sovereign Court

Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good Morning!!! Owwwwww, opposing player took my feet out last night and flipped me over the top of him. So I am good and sore this morning. Oh well we won 4-3 so at least it was an enjoyable night.:)

Scarab Sages

Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.


Silver Crusade

Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?
A wild orgy broke out last night in Hollywood, the only note worthy thing about it was it was Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, Bradd Pit, Christian Bale, and LL Cool J..... alot of booze, but not a woman in sight. Unless you count the chick with the cam corder.

I... I missed that?

The Exchange

Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.

That's pretty much where I'm standing, but as the Druid is Solnes, and I enjoy sleeping in my own bed, I wanted some input from less biased sources. :/

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning all. What did I miss?
A wild orgy broke out last night in Hollywood, the only note worthy thing about it was it was Hugh Jackman, Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr, Bradd Pit, Christian Bale, and LL Cool J..... alot of booze, but not a woman in sight. Unless you count the chick with the cam corder.
I... I missed that?

Yeah, which sucks because when I heard about it I thought of you.

Not in that way mind you. :P

Moorluck wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.
That's pretty much where I'm standing, but as the Druid is Solnes, and I enjoy sleeping in my own bed, I wanted some input from less biased sources. :/

Hey man, I know where you're coming from. I almost killed my spider-phobic wife's sorceress with a flaming spider in-game, and I the only reason I'm not being reminded of it even now is because my wife is in cali.

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.
That's pretty much where I'm standing, but as the Druid is Solnes, and I enjoy sleeping in my own bed, I wanted some input from less biased sources. :/
Hey man, I know where you're coming from. I almost killed my spider-phobic wife's sorceress with a flaming spider in-game, and I the only reason I'm not being reminded of it even now is because my wife is in cali.

At least I'm not the only one that deals with this. lol

Moorluck wrote:
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Two things, the first being, Wolf that is f&#~ed up buddy! I mean really, really f&#~ed up.

And second, dice seem to love dark chocolate.... they really do. I haven't ever seen 4 20's rolled in one fight, or an entire party crit in a single round. O_o

I've seen similar and worse happen with my old Thursday Night DM- The man literally spits crits. I'm not kidding. He put a d20 in his mouth, spat it out, and got a 20. He's picked up a handful of d20s and dropped them, more than half of them rolled up as crits that would have to be confirmed. The man is responsible for my character being eaten by wolves in their sleep, turned into stone by medusas, dying from system shock(remember that, folks?) after being turned back into flesh from being turned into stone- and this was just one character, mind you. I don't even want to get into what happens when we get into random encounters(three letters- T, P, and K). But we've gotten him back sometimes. We've slaughtered NPCs, torn apart dungeons, and set entire buildings ablaze to smoke out our foes. I think it's one of those things where everything is one standard deviation away from the mean.
For sometime years ago when I ran, I would have players roll the dice for me. As I would either crit with almost every hit or roll ones all day. It was always lopsided.
I've had days like that, well crafted adventure stories destroyed by a bunch of crappy rolls.... it's ok though, when that happens I bring some fudge to the table, just to keep things interesting. :P
So fudge trumps dark chocolate?
LOL, nah, last night the baddies rolled well enough to keep things interesting. I only use fudge when I can't seem to roll higher than a 5 for them. Last I let them enjoy the keg of whoop ass they tapped for the villains. I mean after what happened to poor Tiffa I figured they were good and pissed at the folks...

We almost got TPK'ed by a random monster in Kingmaker! My Dwarf had the worst run of luck I think I've ever had with a PC. I rolled 3 natural 1's and confirmed a fumble on myself in one fight. Allen uses the critical and fumble decks, and I drew the "I attack the darkness" card. Painful but classic. The funny thing is that Diane runs 2 PCs (a sorceress and a barbarian) and I run 2 PC's (a dwarven ranger/rogue/barbarian and an oracle of life), and all the worst roles were focused on the dwarf. The first 4 or 5 hours of the session went that way for dwarf too. It was really odd. I even tried about a dozen different 20 sided dice, but the dice gods would not be appeased that day.

Liberty's Edge

Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

Same as what would've happened in the olden days--DICE OFF!

Moorluck wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Jess Door wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

I would give it to the monk. The druid has other options.
That's pretty much where I'm standing, but as the Druid is Solnes, and I enjoy sleeping in my own bed, I wanted some input from less biased sources. :/
Hey man, I know where you're coming from. I almost killed my spider-phobic wife's sorceress with a flaming spider in-game, and I the only reason I'm not being reminded of it even now is because my wife is in cali.
At least I'm not the only one that deals with this. lol

Diane was not pleased when a troll got to melee with her sorceress in My FR game.....definitely not pleased.

Ashe Ravenheart wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

Ok, minor debate in the Moore house, contains minor spoiler for Skinsaw Murders...

** spoiler omitted **

Same as what would've happened in the olden days--DICE OFF!

2 dice enter 1 die leaves!

(Wait, maybe that's Thunderdome.)

The Exchange

Nice guys, but y'all haven't seen that womans luck with dice.

Quick question, does anyone know where I can find a stat up on The Impaler of Thorns? Is it a +1, or what?

Nevermind guys, I finded it on my own. :)

Scarab Sages

I'm here, but busy at work. Mostly just posting to get my counter back...

I see the trolls were out in full force over the weekend.

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