DM Wellards Serpent's Skull Prologue


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Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)

Tranz is positively glowing at the prospect of being able to learn another language, and smiles at Gareth reassuringly.

"Knowledge pays no attention to Social status", to quote one of my own works. The amount of 'Gentlemen' like myself who only know how to whore themselves in dirty taverns is astonishing... Now- You clearly have a grasp of Taldane. I am a fluent speaker of Gnome, Sylvan, Draconic, Elven and Dwarven- these being the languages of Gnomes, Forest and Fey-Folk, Dragons and Wizards, Elves and Dwarves respectively. I'd be happy to trade with you, Gareth. Certainly I need something to keep myself sated on this voyage...

Tranz grasps Gareth's shoulder firmly, and despite the Gnome's frail form there is a desperate strength in the grip...

Let me assure you Gareth, you are doing me more of a favour than I am doing you. Lets begin...

Female Human Druid 1

Leaving in a few hours to go on vacation, posting may be irregular until Sunday, although I will attempt to check in daily.

Male Half Orc Ranger 1


Gareth attempts to teach Tranz Orc in a rather awkward, yet excited manor. Totally forgetting about his bindings and duties as the ships slave...

I've never taught someone anything before...

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)

Tranz is clearly adept with the languages he speaks, and he has the mannerisms of a professor as he teaches Gareth...

Which language did Gareth want to be taught? Lol. And DM obviously I will be spending a skill point on Linguistics next level to learn Orc ;)

Brugga looks in on these early lessons. During a pause in their teaching, she pipes up. "What other speech little man want learn? Brugga know many speeches."

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)

Which languages could you teach me My Lady? Art thou a Linguist, as well as a tower of strength?

Brugga puffs herself up proudly.

"Brugga speak many speeches. Brugga speak common tongue, Brugga speak tongue of Kellid peoples, Brugga speak tongue of Varisia people, Brugga speak tongue of dragons, Brugga speak tongue of Mwangi people, through Brugga new to this speech."

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)
Brugga of Slothjaw wrote:

Brugga puffs herself up proudly.

"Brugga speak many speeches. Brugga speak common tongue, Brugga speak tongue of Kellid peoples, Brugga speak tongue of Varisia people, Brugga speak tongue of dragons, Brugga speak tongue of Mwangi people, through Brugga new to this speech."

Is that so? Fascinating... I would love to learn the tongue of the Mwangi People, it may prove useful on this expedition...

Brugga shrugs.
"Whatever little man want. It new speech for Brugga. Brugga not speak it so good as this common speech."

..and so the voyage sail past the site of the shraks attack on the whale pod finding only a slick of blood on the surface and forge on southwards.

Each day the heat grows more oppressive sails are erected over the deack during the day to shield the crew from the worst off the sun as they work but the days are hard and at the end off them even those off you who have comparatively light duties feel wrung out and exhausted.

The ship makes good time though slipping round the coast and then sailing eastwards towards distant Sargava.

you are perhaps two days out from the colony when the weather turns..the dawn sees a mass off low scudding clouds approaching from the west.The captain however is determined to push on as fast as he may and does not order a shortening of sail.

"We've seen worse in the inner sea" is his only comment if questioned on his decision

As the day progresses the wind rises and the sea get choppier.

Fortitude checks from everyone except Gareth and N'goka please DC is 15 failure results in you gaining the sickened condition.

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

The tough little Gnome toughs out the rough conditions with grim determination.

Male Half Orc Ranger 1

Pant...pant. .. freaking hot... freaking heavy... freaking stupid chains...its not like I'm going to swim away...grumble...
Gareth rubs sore blisters and burn marks from chaufing of his hot metal bindings

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
With nothing eventful happening, Joao's armor remains with his equipment, the Varisian choosing to work shirtless, or, on days when the sun was especially hot, with his shirt on. The food was.. well, food, but as the days passed, he greatly appreciated the Mwangi woman's facility with a line and a hook. Considerably darker than he was when he started-- though the lines of his tan had very distinct borders-- he was nonetheless relieved when the clouds covered the sky.

As the skies worsened, and the seas echoed them, he stole a few moments to ensure that his equipment was secured against unfortunate events. 'As above, so below', he thought to himself with grim humor, examining the sky and the waves.

After the kind man's help with the Hammock, Tariro was actually starting to enjoy the cruise. She spent most of her days hanging out in her hammock in the shade, and paid occasional visits to her pony, but other than that it was a quite pleasant vacation.

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4 Fortitude Save

If the dang boat would just hold still for a moment. When the chop picked up Tariro figured out for sure she was not meant to be a sailor, as she spent more time at the rail, than in her hammock.

"I should get a refund for my passage", she tells the captain when he offers a reassuring word. "Only half of me has been on the boat, the other half has been out over the side". "And the gods know I haven't kept any of the food we've been served"...and with the thought of food she turns and retches over the side of the boat...again.

Fortitude save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Oh not good. As soon as the first real wave hits the ship, Brugga is already running for the rails, heaving over the side.

Brugga of Slothjaw wrote:
Fortitude save: 1d20+4

Please join me at the rail my friend. There's plenty of room.

Tariro wrote:
Brugga of Slothjaw wrote:
Fortitude save: 1d20+4
Please join me at the rail my friend. There's plenty of room.

Critical failure of a seasickness save can't be good.

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)

Your seasickness only feels worse when the frail looking Gnome watches you curiously and begins drawing a picture of the two of you heaving over the side of the rail, looking somewhat puzzled.

Critical failure means the next roll is that much more difficult...the DC is now 20 and failure will give the nauseated condition

The ship pitches and tosses about in the growing storm..Tranter shouts to the Captain but his winds are carried away in the wind. If the captain does hear them or at least understands the intent his headshake indicates that he is not prepared to change course or sail at this time

Fortitude Save (1d20+3=11)


Tariro is able to do nothing but retch over the side now..thankfully a passing crewman ties her onto the safety ropes and she doesn't get washed overboard. She is however getting cold and wet as the waves ocassionally wash over her

Male Half Orc Ranger 1

Gareth throws some of his chains around a support to keep him from falling overboard. At least these are good for something...

Female Human Druid 1

Recognizing that the crew needs to be able to move around unencumbered by the retching passengers, N'goka locates a bucket or two not in use and ushers the afflicted to an out of the way spot where they can sit down and hold their heads over a bucket, rather than clinging to a railing and getting underfoot.

One by one, she'll lead anyone who is ill to the same place, to sit down on the deck and hang their heads over the buckets.

Hopefully, sitting down, they won't be rocking as much, and this will help them settle their stomachs. If nothing else, it will make it less likely that one of them will get washed over the railing...

She sees Redstripe clinging to her backpack, looking miserable, and escorts him to a similar out of the way location. He blows salty water from his sensitive nostils at the scent coming from the ill passengers, but his tiny claws retain their death-grip on her satchel, as he digs into the leather, seeking for some sense of stability in a world that is heaving and tossing around him.

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)

APG Related Request to DM:

"Gift of Tongues: Gnomes love languages and learning about those they meet. Gnomes with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks, and they learn one additional language every time they put a rank in the Linguistics skill. This racial trait replaces the defensive training and hatred racial traits."

I'm going to assume your ok with me replacing my defensive training and hatred racial traits? this suits Tranz so much better.


If anyone wants to rebuild to the APG go ahead ..I expect to have my pdf by Friday

Brugga fortitude save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

The blonde woman pulls herself together..after all her tribe would not want her appearing weak before these soft southerners

Sorry about the delay in posting, I was uncertain whether or not the DC you mentioned was for us all or just Tariro; Fortitude 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

A little bit of pitching and rolling, he could handle, but this was something that he had not experienced at all. It was like the sea had taken hold of the ship and was trying to do its best to hurl him off of the ship. His stomach finally decides to protest the only way it knows how, and tying himself to the railing suddenly seemed to be a very good idea.

Male Gnome Fighter (Armor Master)
DM Wellard wrote:

If anyone wants to rebuild to the APG go ahead ..I expect to have my pdf by Friday


I'll go ahead and rebuild him for your approval on Friday then. Theres so much that just fits him perfectly like Gifted Tongues.

Joao Marcos wrote:

Sorry about the delay in posting, I was uncertain whether or not the DC you mentioned was for us all or just Tariro; Fortitude 1d20+4

A little bit of pitching and rolling, he could handle, but this was something that he had not experienced at all. It was like the sea had taken hold of the ship and was trying to do its best to hurl him off of the ship. His stomach finally decides to protest the only way it knows how, and tying himself to the railing suddenly seemed to be a very good idea.

No you only had to make a second save if you failed the first...Joao is ok..

Imagine my surprise when I discovered some additional passengers on the ship while perusing the AP..details as follows. We can assume that as semi crew you have had little interaction with the fully paying passengers

Aerys Mavato

Aerys is a trim, athletic woman with short dark hair, tanned skin, and fierce blue eyes. She dresses in tightly fitted leather armor and favors dark clothing and tricorn hats.

She has spent the voyage alone in her forward cabin after getting into a fight with one of the crewmen on the first day.

Gelik Aberwhinge

Gelik is a spry, energetic gnome with blond hair and a neat goatee.
He dresses like a noble at all times (“If you can’t take the time to dress properly, no one will take what you have to say seriously—and they’d be right not to!”).and his fine clothes always seem freshly cleaned.
Only the ink stains on his fingers break the illusion of a proper gnome nobleman (“If you don’t have ink stains on your fingers, no one will take your writing seriously—and they’d be right not to!”).

He came aboard at Magnimar and has spent most of the time since Bloodcove conversing with Tranz. He does seem to find Gareths plight somewhat amusing though


Ishirou is a rugged
Tian man who appears much older than he is, with graying hair worn in a ponytail and a perpetual scruffy beard. His clothing and armor are well kept and clean, but obviously of low quality.e carries a strange looking sword that he calls a Katana and keeps himself mainly to himself.

Jask Derindi

Jask is a middle-aged, plain-looking Garundi man with hair starting to gray and watery eyes.e is also a prisoner spending his time locked up in the hold along with Gareth. However he is on his way back to Sargava for trial and is not allowed up on deck.He claims to N'Goka that he is innocent off all charges against him

Sasha Nevah

Sasha has tousled red hair and mischievous green eyes, and is missing the pinky finger of her left hand. She bears a tattoo between her shoulder blades—which looks like a curious insect leg. Slender and athletic, Sasha never stands still or stays quiet for long.


A plain looking Varisian woman Ienea has spent most of her time secluded with the captain in his cabin. Speculation among the crew ranges from her being the ships secret owner to her being the Captains Lover

Additionally the captains name is Alizandru Kovack

Fortunately the threatening storm dies down over the next day and the the ship continues on it's course..the crew however seem restless and if questioned express some doubt about the course you are taking.

The Captain insists on holding to this course however and Tranter backs him up.Over the next couple of days Tranz finds his navigating duties almost non existent as the Captain and the Mate take turn about to plot the course and take sights.

Two days out from Sargava you sit down to your evening meal...after that there is nothing until......

you begin to awaken here

Yes I have started before the Players guide is available but we can hold back on the traits until it is ..or you can have any valid trait you wish to have.

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