Andrew Besso |
4 people marked this as FAQ candidate. |
The rulebook says that mithral "other items" (e. g. weapons) cost 500 gp per pound. The rulebook also says that a mithral item generally weighs 1/2 as much as a standard item. Does the cost per pound apply to the weight of the mithral item or the weight of the standard item?
A standard rapier weighs 2 lb, so a mithral rapier weighs 1 lb. Does a mithral rapier cost 500 gp or 1000 gp?
Abraham spalding |
how i understand the wording is that the weapon is masterworked. so the rapier would cost 320 gp (masterworked plus base price). the mithril cost would be 500 gp (because the weapon weighs 1 lb because of the material). so the total price (according to me ) would be 820 gp.
From the book:
"Weapons or armors fashioned from mithral are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below."
So if the weapon weighs 1 pound it would cost 520 gp, and weigh 1/2 a pound after it was made out of mithral. It would also bypass DR -/Silver but wouldn't take a damage penalty like an alchemically silver weapon would.
Specifically the long sword would be 2,020 gp and would be masterwork weighing 2 pounds, while a dagger would be 502 gp and weigh 1/2 a pound.
Enevhar Aldarion |
Masterwork in automatic with anything made from mithral and already included in the cost of the mithral, so there is no extra cost added for that.
For your question, think of it this way. A standard rapier is two pounds, so let's say it requires a three inch cube of metal to make it. A cube of steel weighs 2 pounds and since mithral is half the weight of steel, that same cube of mithral weighs only one pound. Thus, your cost for a mithral rapier would be 520 gold, 20 for the base cost of the weapon and 500 for the cost of the one pound of mithral needed to make it. It is the volume of material needed, however much that may weigh, not the weight of the original item that is important.
The more complicated area is dealing with weapons that are only partly made of metal. How much of the weight of a spear is in the head, which would be the part being made of mithral?
Mynameisjake |
Some masterwork weapons made of mithral are actually cheaper than normal masterwork weapons, daggers, sai, siangham, gauntlets a few others I believe. thoughts ?
I believe that's a pretty good argument for thee cost of mithral weapons being calculated based on the weight of the item before being halved for the mithral.
Rathendar |
Remco Sommeling wrote:Some masterwork weapons made of mithral are actually cheaper than normal masterwork weapons, daggers, sai, siangham, gauntlets a few others I believe. thoughts ?I believe that's a pretty good argument for thee cost of mithral weapons being calculated based on the weight of the item before being halved for the mithral.
Remco Sommeling |
possibly, though the cost seems to be pretty much unrelated to the ammount of mithral used, looking at armor cost the ammount of mithral used in those already doesnt feel right.
a 25 pound chain shirt when made with mithral weighs half that 12.5 pounds, assuming at least 10 pounds of mithral is used. it costs + 1,000 gold that comes nowhere close to 500 gold per pound.
Calculating item cost before conversion into mithral makes it even more ridiculous.
I think I'll just go with adding masterwork item cost to the base cost instead.
Enevhar Aldarion |
Or maybe the cost of making a masterwork weapon should not be the same regardless of the size of the weapon. Why should the masterwork cost for a dagger be the same as a two-handed sword? It would make more sense if a light weapon had a masterwork cost of 150gp because it is small, a regular weapon had a masterwork cost of the current 300gp, and a two-handed weapon had a masterwork cost of 450gp because it is large.
Shuriken Nekogami |
the mithril price is based on the weight in mithril, not the weight in steel. the only exploit i see from this is the mithril dagger, which isn't that bad.
mithril dagger, 252 gp. 50 gp cheaper than masterwork for a few short lived advantages. what can you get with 50 gp? a potion of cure light wounds (or 2 scrolls of it)
mithril greataxe, 3030 gp, at this cost, adamantine is the superior option. it has far more advantages.
it makes more sense that the price is based on the mithril weight rather than the steel weight, for multiple reasons, it's mithril, not steel. mithril makes a better armor material than it does a weapon material. the in game economy is already messed up. and martial classes really need the money. if not for equipment, than at least for consumables.
50 GP matters at the low levels, but it will eventually decline.
spalding |
the mithril price is based on the weight in mithril, not the weight in steel. the only exploit i see from this is the mithril dagger, which isn't that bad.
Do you have anything to support that? I haven't actually seen anything one way or the other to support either side other than the "exploit" on the dagger.
Shuriken Nekogami |
Shuriken Nekogami wrote:Do you have anything to support that? I haven't actually seen anything one way or the other to support either side other than the "exploit" on the dagger.the mithril price is based on the weight in mithril, not the weight in steel. the only exploit i see from this is the mithril dagger, which isn't that bad.
it makes more sense that the pricing would be based on the weight of the mithril. you are making it out of mithril. which is not steel. steel and mithril are 2 seperate metals with 2 seperate sets of properties. since you are making it out of mithril, logically, you would base the price on the weight of the mithril consumed. and mithril isn't anything special for an adventurer, given that adamantine is far superior. if you based the price on the weight of an equivalent mass of steel. then several worse balance issues show up, such as a mithril greataxe being twice the price of an adamantine one, even though adamantine is the far superior metal. adamantine gets far better perks than mithril when it comes to weapons. tis a lot more difficult to sunder an adamantine weapon, adamantine weapons ignore huge amounts of hardness, as well as ignoring the damage reduction of more variety of foes, and more commonly used foes. it also defeats the purpose of a whole spell. mithril doesn't do all that. it ignores damage reduction of much fewer creatures, and weighs half the normal amount, a property that declines in use due to many factors, such as strength enhancing items, magic bags, lighter weapons, and "pack mules". i put quotation marks around "pack mules" to emphasize the questionable definition of the word. i don't just mean animals, other examples include the party fighters, a hired teamster, slaves, and a variety of things that could carry stuff.
KingHades |
I would point to the cost/ text regarding items made from darkwood as an indicator.
"To determine the price of a darkwood item, use the original weight, but add 10gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item." Like mithral, an item made of darkwood "weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that type."
So mithral seems to mimic the effects of darkwood for metal items while also allowing the weilder to bypass damage reduction/silver. I would say use the same rule: cost is based on original weight. You want a weapon that goes through damage reduction/silver? Well, you can pay close to nothing to get it alchemcally silvered and do -1 damage OR you can save up and get a mithral version that won't suffer the damage penalty and weighs half as much.
You make the call.
LazarX |
The rulebook says that mithral "other items" (e. g. weapons) cost 500 gp per pound. The rulebook also says that a mithral item generally weighs 1/2 as much as a standard item. Does the cost per pound apply to the weight of the mithral item or the weight of the standard item?
A standard rapier weighs 2 lb, so a mithral rapier weighs 1 lb. Does a mithral rapier cost 500 gp or 1000 gp?
You base the cost on the weight of the standard item. The cost of the mithral item is derived in part from the work it takes to craft it, not merely the material itself.
After the cost is applied then the weight reduction is put into force.
Kierato |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
It was officially stated on a different thread that the extra cost of a dark wood weapon was applied before the weight reduction. Going off of this I believe it would be the same for Mithral (1020 Gp for a mithral rapier). Also, it says "Mithral counts as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction", not a word about reduced damage (you'll recall that mithral is harder than steel, whereas silver is softer, hence the damage penalty.)
Grashardon |
The price should be based before but because the price is so high I would just talk to the DM in a home game/campaign which can be a problem in Pathfinder Society. The reason that the cost is so screwed up is that chain shirt is either 6350 gp (after) or 12600 gp (before) if you determine by weight whereas adamantine is only 5100 gp and gets lots of cool perks including dr 1/- which is a much better deal so the 500 gp/lb. was probably meant for adventuring gear like locks which weigh very little. I think the price for mithril weapons should be like 100 gp/lb. before determining weight but should add masterwork (300 gp). So a mithril greatsword should cost 1150 gp, 50 (base) + 800 (8 lbs.) + 300 (masterwork) rather than 4050 gp, 50 (base) + 4000 (8 lbs.). But even that makes chain shirt 2900 gp, so that way isn't perfect either. In conclusion Paizo should just release specific rules on mithril weapons, but for now if your characters are spending that much gold on melee then weight shouldn't be a problem.
Artanthos |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The cost of the mithral weapon is based upon weight.
If I place my mithral Katana on a scale, what is that weight? 3 pounds.
I have no interest in how much a steel Katana weighs, I am not purchasing that item.
To address the cost issue: if priced by a steel Katana's weight, mithral and admantine have the same cost. Why would anyone ever choose mithral over admantine?
Masterwork is included in the price of Mithral weapons:
Cost Weapons or armors fashioned from mithral are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.
If all you are looking for is the ability to bypass DR/silver, masterwork Silversheen weapons can be purchased for 750gp with no penalty to damage.
Cost (Longer Wording) Blades made of silversheen are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the price given.
LazarX |
The cost of the mithral weapon is based upon weight.
The cost of the mithral weapon is based on the weapon it's replacing. So you're replacing X pounds of steel with Mithral. The cost is based on the steel you're replacing. You're replacing a given weight of steel so that's the base for the material modifier.
Since mithral weapons are always masterwork, the modifiers for mithral overlap and subsume the modifiers for masterwork. They do not stack.
Mordain Thade |
Just thought I'd chime in, since my Google search of this question brought up this thread. It seems that Paizo has decided that the final weight of the item decides the price of the mithral conversion.
For examples, see the Ultimate Equipment Guide, and compare the listed price of a cauldron (1 gp, 5 lbs) vs. mithral cauldron (1,251 gp, 2.5 lbs), grappling hook (1 gp, 4 lbs) vs. mithral grappling hook (1,001 gp, 2 lbs), and skillet (8 sp, 4 lbs) vs. mithral skillet (1,001 gp, 2 lbs).
(Strangely, mithral manacles aren't half the weight of standard manacles, nor are they the expected cost of 515 or 1,015 gp... ah well).
Mordain Thade |
Ultimate Equipment makes it clear that the cost/weight is based on the weight of the original item, not the mithral counterpart.
You got a page number and / or quote somewhere to back up that sentence? The examples I gave seem to suggest the opposite, and there's nothing in the mithral description or special materials heading to suggest that you are correct.
Sorin Hellsing |
how i understand the wording is that the weapon is masterworked. so the rapier would cost 320 gp (masterworked plus base price). the mithril cost would be 500 gp (because the weapon weighs 1 lb because of the material). so the total price (according to me ) would be 820 gp.
Weapons and armors fashioned from mithral are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.
Mithral has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.
Type of Mithral Item Item Price Modifier
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
Shield +1,500 gp
Other items +500 gp/lb.
Jeraa |
strongblade wrote:how i understand the wording is that the weapon is masterworked. so the rapier would cost 320 gp (masterworked plus base price). the mithril cost would be 500 gp (because the weapon weighs 1 lb because of the material). so the total price (according to me ) would be 820 gp.Weapons and armors fashioned from mithral are always masterwork items as well; the masterwork cost is included in the prices given below.
Mithral has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 15.
Type of Mithral Item Item Price Modifier
Light armor +1,000 gp
Medium armor +4,000 gp
Heavy armor +9,000 gp
Shield +1,500 gp
Other items +500 gp/lb.
You do realize this thread died 2 years ago, yes? For that matter, the post you quoted was from 4 years ago.