Kingmaker Obituaries


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Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Zen79 wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
... I hope you enjoy it. If I stop being lazy and procrastinating I'll post up my arcane duelist version of Irovetti. ...
Yes, please!

Posted, over in the WotRK stickied thread. Enjoy!

Jason Nelson wrote:
Zen79 wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:
... I hope you enjoy it. If I stop being lazy and procrastinating I'll post up my arcane duelist version of Irovetti. ...
Yes, please!
Posted, over in the WotRK stickied thread. Enjoy!

I statted King Irovetti up as an arcane duelist 20th with a couple of templates tacked on for good measure. ^__^

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Great (and/or Mad) minds think alike! :)

Jason Nelson wrote:
Great (and/or Mad) minds think alike! :)

*fist bump* Kill 'em all. ;)

Name Tibbs
Race Human (Taldane)
Classes/levels Fighter 4
Adventure Rivers run Red
Location Edge of the Narlmarches
Catalyst A full moon.

The Gory Details:
Kill number two in my group so far, and the FNG to boot. The party tracked Kundal the accursed werewolf to the edge of the Narlmarches, where they confronted him and two dire wolves who had fallen in with him. The fighter was isolated and stood basically alone a against the werewolf for several rounds. However, he fell to the mighty great axe and was finished while unconscious by a critical bite, tearing his throat out.

The ranger/barbarian, Trahia, knocked Kundal unconscious after Tibbs fell, but not before taking a bite and failing to fight of lycanthropy. The party used some wolf's bane intended for Kundal to allow Trahia a second save (which he made).

Understandably, the party dispatched of Kundal rather then trying to cure him.

(As a side note, Kundal is stated wrong. With BAB +4, +1 magic greataxe, and a 23 strength (raging and hybrid), he is at +11 to hit, 1d12+10. While power attacking (which I always had him doing), he is at +9 to hit, 1d12+16. The stat block calculates great axe damage as if it were a one handed weapon)

Without further ado, let's get to the body count from today's glorious session!

Name: Mulder "da Cultist", 'Torsin' (real character name unknown), Molly Missy, Fluff Gugg, Mr Straw
Race: advanced reincarnated humanoid (current species unknown), advanced elf, advanced soulbound dolls (the last 3) - 25 pt buy for the PC raced characters
Classes/levels: UA Cloistered Cleric 18, Wizard 18, cohort Bard 16, cohort Cleric 16 (Lamashtu), cohort Rogue 16
Adventure: Sound of a Thousand Screams
Location: The High Folly
Catalyst: being within gaze range on Ilthuliak's turn
The Gory Details: (optional) DC 41 petrification gaze attack, 5 failed Fort saves. Sadly, they got all the statues out in one piece, broke the enchantments, slathered on the buffs & abjurations and smoked Ilthuliak 2 days later from a failed massive damage save against Da Monkette's confirmed 92 point critical hit.

Name: Mulder "da Cultist", Zin Serina "da Monkette"
Race: see above, advanced human (25 pt buy)
Classes/Levels: see above, Monk of Many Archetypes 18
Adventure: Sound of a Thousand Screams
Location: the House at the Edge of Time, starting in K1a (ground floor of the gatehouse), deaths atop the causeway
Catalyst: The Jabberwock, CR 28 version & its lovely eye beams
The Gory Details: (optional) as the massed failure to slather on the buffs before approaching the gatehouse - after diplomacizing the 12 watchghosts into leaving them be for a time - saw the Jabberwock's frightful presence render the 3 doll cohorts into gibbering cowardice cowering and all but Galen Starmight frightened and fleeing pell mell back across the causeway - although Ovirnbaane nutted Armag-Varn up to throw down with a dragon even badder-ass than the great wyrm Ilthuliak - "Mr J" flew atop the gatehouse and scored a confirmed critical hit with a Greater Vital Strike eye beam that utterly incinerated the hapless monk. Said monk succeeded in not catching fire, although the resulting damage put her at -307 hit points. On the subsequent round the Jabberwock nat 20'd a concealment-thwarted critical GVS eye beam that Mulder's determination armor property saved him at a mere 4 points from his -29 hp death threshold. He did catch fire, however, and the subsequent 63 points of fire damage incinerated the cleric and almost all of his gear before a wish from Torsin retrieved all of his non-incinerated gear. Da Monkette's retrieved gear was an amulet, belt, haversack and bracers. Thus, on "round 1" against Nyrissa's "lesser Jabberwock" 3 deaths are tallied.



I'm firing my laser!

Hooray for Mr. J!

psionichamster wrote:

I'm firing my laser!

Hooray for Mr. J!

There will be at least one more of those Sir Hamster. Oh yes...

Turin the Mad wrote:
psionichamster wrote:

I'm firing my laser!

Hooray for Mr. J!

There will be at least one more of those Sir Hamster. Oh yes...

More! More! We want more!

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Name: Arturo Logan
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Sorcerer 8 (Arcane bloodline)
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: The Dunswards, a day's ride from Restov
Catalyst: The soul eater was sent forth.
The Gory Details: The soul eater may have been the catalyst, but it wasn't the cause of death. This is right after clearing out the spriggans from Varnhold. The party had recently returned to Restov to give the Swordlords the update (albeit somewhat resentfully, as they have taken to imagining the Swordlords do not respect them), and to send their NPC guards home to deliver the update to their own people. The guards protested, not wanting the PCs to face unknown dangers alone, but were persuaded. The group set forth to find the Nomen centaurs, doing a bit of exploring along the way, and it was when making camp for the night that the creature attacked. Billowing up out of the darkness (MAN does that thing have insane stealth!), raspily whispering "Arturoooo..." it caught Arturo completely by surprise while he was on watch with Saachi, the battle oracle. They shout to wake the others, Saachi with no idea what this creature is, but knowing it's tearing into her boyfriend and it has to die, but Arturo knowing what it's doing, and how he can send it away. "Kill me before it does, if you have to!" he shouts, baffling and horrifying Saachi. Kalen, the alchemist, is potion-buffing for a long fight, and is like, "What? No!" but the ranger, Tev, wakes up and springs right into action, attacking Arturo. Saachi's laying buffs down on Arturo, some of which are delaying the creature's onslaught, but it's not enough. She surrounds Arturo and Tev with a ring of fire, and she and Kalen try to face the creature alone. It has no interest in Kalen, but attacks Saachi, thinking to easily remove the barrier of fire, and seeing her as the only real opposition between it and its quarry.

The dice were HOT for me that night! The soul eater scored two crits on Arturo, and two on Saachi, all of which were max or near-max damage, and was dealing high amounts of Wisdom damage each time. Tev was standing protectively over Arturo (although he snatched a wand of CLW out of the hand of Rebekah, Kalen's bard cohort, just in case), but when Arturo heard Saachi crying out in pain, he told Tev, "Do it," and seconds later, the sorcerer's lifeless body tumbled through the wall of fire. The soul eater hissed, and flew away into the night to confront the one who summoned it.

Kalen, mutagen-buffed and feral, was livid that they hadn't tried harder to kill the creature, and Saachi was inconsolable, sobbing and slapping away Rebekah when she tried to comfort her, and fighting Tev as he dragged her away from the wall of fire. She finally pulled herself together after they got the scroll of Raise Dead from the Varnhold church into her hands. After a very tense minute in which everyone held their breaths, Arturo, blood-stained and scorched, came gasping back to life. They both just sat there for a while, crying and holding each other tight. Rebekah started crying just from watching their reunion. Kalen set about reconfiguring his infusions to restore their lost sanity, albeit in a quiet fury, and Tev put away Varn's sword, which he had used to kill Arturo, with all the haste he could muster. Previously he had looked forward to wielding it until it could be returned to Varn, but the player declared, "Tev wants the Sword of Friend-Slaying out of his sight!" Kalen was like, ":snarl: :throws infusions at Saachi and Arturo's feet: Here. Drink these. Or don't."

Out of character, we all agreed the scene was awesome, and are impressed with Arturo's bravery, but in-character...there are a lot of feelings. ^_^;; Kalen has long harbored bitter feelings of jealousy and distrust towards Arturo, but he's appalled by how unhesitatingly Tev leaped to kill the man, rather than considering another option, and is angry at Arturo for not considering how his actions might make everyone feel. Tev, known for zealously upholding the law and considering the smallest slight to be "treason," feels like he himself committed treason...but at the request of the Grand maybe the Grand Diplomat committed treason...? But he already died for it... Saachi, meanwhile, feels like she is unfit to rule, because she AND Arturo almost died with no hope of return, and all she could think about was that she wanted to save her boyfriend. And Arturo, famously outspoken against Erastil and basically all organized religion, offered, "I'm not the most pious person out here, but you give me a choice between eternity and nothing? I know which one I'm gonna choose."

Nice. I love the way you described the scene.

Awesome! Great RPing! How'd you determine which PC to attack?


Grand Lodge

Lloyd Jackson wrote:
Nice. I love the way you described the scene.

yes, great story telling.

Liberty's Edge

RuyanVe wrote:

Awesome! Great RPing! How'd you determine which PC to attack?


Well, Vordakai got a couple days of observing the group before they noticed Horagnamon. The module indicates that he attacks arcane spellcasters preferentially, I'm guessing out of an arrogance that assumes spellcasters are the most powerful, since he himself is an arcanist. This could arguably extend to either Kalen or Arturo, but he's seen Kalen wade into battle and come out mostly unscathed, while Arturo hangs back and throws down those pesky battlefield control spells. The group had a LOUD and heated argument on the first day they came into town (Tev thought Kalen was going to sneak back and steal the brewery's hidden beer recipe, like he had done with the magic ring in the barbarian's burial mound, while the rest of the party wondered why he was bringing up an event that happened almost two years ago in-game, loudly and in a place filled with monsters), so Vordakai certainly had his pick of PC names. Honestly, aside from being the only divine caster, Saachi is in many ways the heart of the team, so taking her out would've not only prevented the party from bringing her back right away, if at all, it would have probably traumatized them even more than Arturo's death did. Plus she's the Duchess, so that would've been a major blow to their nation, as well. But Vordakai sees arcane casters as superior, so he targeted Arturo.

I'm glad you guys liked the story! It made me smile to read that. We have our "off" sessions, but most of the time I feel like I'm watching an episode of a TV show when we play, so I'm glad others share my entertainment. The party returned home from their trip early to run their kingdom for another month, and to try to make the nightmares stop, but tonight they venture forth again. They're kind of spoiling for a fight after "the incident," so I hope they don't rashly destroy their ordinarily very good chances for peaceful negotiations with the Nomen centaurs. In any case, though, it should be a good story.

Grand Lodge

Courtney! wrote:
RuyanVe wrote:

Awesome! Great RPing! How'd you determine which PC to attack?


Well, Vordakai got a couple days of observing the group before they noticed Horagnamon. The module indicates that he attacks arcane spellcasters preferentially, I'm guessing out of an arrogance that assumes spellcasters are the most powerful, since he himself is an arcanist. This could arguably extend to either Kalen or Arturo, but he's seen Kalen wade into battle and come out mostly unscathed, while Arturo hangs back and throws down those pesky battlefield control spells. The group had a LOUD and heated argument on the first day they came into town (Tev thought Kalen was going to sneak back and steal the brewery's hidden beer recipe, like he had done with the magic ring in the barbarian's burial mound, while the rest of the party wondered why he was bringing up an event that happened almost two years ago in-game, loudly and in a place filled with monsters), so Vordakai certainly had his pick of PC names. Honestly, aside from being the only divine caster, Saachi is in many ways the heart of the team, so taking her out would've not only prevented the party from bringing her back right away, if at all, it would have probably traumatized them even more than Arturo's death did. Plus she's the Duchess, so that would've been a major blow to their nation, as well. But Vordakai sees arcane casters as superior, so he targeted Arturo.

I'm glad you guys liked the story! It made me smile to read that. We have our "off" sessions, but most of the time I feel like I'm watching an episode of a TV show when we play, so I'm glad others share my entertainment. The party returned home from their trip early to run their kingdom for another month, and to try to make the nightmares stop, but tonight they venture forth again. They're kind of spoiling for a fight after "the incident," so I hope they don't rashly destroy their ordinarily very good chances for peaceful negotiations with the Nomen centaurs. In any case, though, it...

Good stuff Courtney!

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

Since I was short a player tonight, I didn't want the 3 remaining players to start Vordakai's Tower so I used the opportunity to drop in a mini-dungeon in the mountain pass leading to the tower. This also allowed me the opportunity to reveal some information about Vordakai as well. The PC's were traversing a tunnel (culled from Slumbering Tsar) in the complex created by the cyclops. In one of the adjoining rooms, they discovered a pool with a giant plinth depicting cyclopes sacrificing humanoids to the daemons. Exploring the pool is where things went wrong when a negative energy elemental appeared out of the pool (Tome of Horrors).
Name: Syrio Forel
Race: Halfling
Classes/levels: Free hand fighter 6/duelist 1/master of many styles monk 1
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: In the mountains in the Valley of Death
Catalyst: The death throes of a negative energy elemental
The Gory Details: Syrio immediately engaged the negative energy elemental to keep it away from the party cleric and oracle. With his high AC, Syrio was able to avoid most of its attacks, however due to the creatures DR, his halfling sized aldori dueling sword had little effect. The elemental managed to get in a few good hits and used its negative energy channel to whittle the brave, stout halfling to about 9 hit points before the cleric and oracle killed it with spells. Unfortunately, though they stood victorious, the elemental's death throes (a massive negative energy burst) did Syrio in. The party took their comrade back to their kingdom (The Barony of the Eternal Light) and had Syrio raised.

John Benbo wrote:
(culled from Slumbering Tsar)

Hell, yeah! I'll totally be mixing ST into my Kingmaker game if/when I ever get the chance to actually run it.

Dunno how I missed it earlier, but I just read Courtney!'s story-- wow.
I need to go and re-read the soul eater entry now.

AND I need to go look up the Slumbering Tsar.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

The PCs in my group are currently in the midst of Varnhold Vanishing, but greatly up-leveled as it takes place AFTER War of the River Kings and the PCs are now like 15th or 16th level.

However, I've added a bit of mash-up with Hook Mountain Massacre, specifically the Skull's Crossing dam, having Vordakai's island be in the middle of the lake behind the dam, rather than just on a little islet in the river.

I am using some of the cyclops graveknights from the 6-person version of VV that someone posted, wherein they were statted as "Vordakai's Champion." I also advanced the dread zombie cyclopes and added in a great cyclops dread ghoul and made them be defenders of the dam, while the trolls and ogres were attacking and trying to breach it (in league with a coven of 3 annis hags and in alliance with Black Magga, who in this campaign is one of the Tane and a manifestation of crazy monsterness from the First World).

Long story short, Mikah the inquisitor of Erastil was whacked down to around -65 hp by the graveknight's killification prowess but used action points to forestall death temporarily and the other PCs managed to heal him back to not-quite-dead-ness.

The auto-crit-threat ability of the dread zombie cyclops was combined with power attacking x4 crit weapons and also dealt out some truly hardcore damage; even though the crits often didn't confirm due to high AC they were still terribly frightening to the players when they did. While Xanthus the paladin was dropped negative by said crits, I'm pretty sure he was never actually killed.

The amusing part of the battle was that Mikah put up a blade barrier early on during the battle, and at various stages throughout the battle later on Zero the ninja kept jumping right through the blade barrier with impunity, since with his ridiculous Reflex save and evasion he could only take damage from it on a natural 1. :)

Lee Hanna wrote:
AND I need to go look up the Slumbering Tsar.

Try here. The hardcover was printed in only limited quantities; I don't know how many printed copies remain available, but I would not make the assumption that they'll be around forever. Or get the PDFs; the first installment is only $2!

Jason Nelson wrote:
The PCs in my group are currently in the midst of Varnhold Vanishing, but greatly up-leveled as it takes place AFTER War of the River Kings and the PCs are now like 15th or 16th level.

Perfect for entering The Hidden Citadel of Orcus, no? ;)

Jason Nelson wrote:
I am using some of the cyclops graveknights from the 6-person version of VV that someone posted, wherein they were statted as "Vordakai's Champion."

I don't recall the details, but I believe that to be Alexander Kilcoyne's conversion. Just stating for [what may be] proper reference!

Jason Nelson wrote:
Long story short, Mikah the inquisitor of Erastil was whacked down to around -65 hp by the graveknight's killification prowess


Jason Nelson wrote:
but used action points to forestall death temporarily and the other PCs managed to heal him back to not-quite-dead-ness.


Sovereign Court

Jason Nelson wrote:

I am using some of the cyclops graveknights from the 6-person version of VV that someone posted, wherein they were statted as "Vordakai's Champion." I also advanced the dread zombie cyclopes and added in a great cyclops dread ghoul and made them be defenders of the dam, while the trolls and ogres were attacking and trying to breach it (in league with a coven of 3 annis hags and in alliance with Black Magga, who in this campaign is one of the Tane and a manifestation of crazy monsterness from the First World).

FWIW, it was General Chaos who was responsible for that section. I do recall my concerns to him while reviewing it, that Vordokai's pet grave-knight might actually overshadow big V himself :P.

This Obituary goes out not to a PC, but rather a unique Vampire Champion that I was using as a protector of the BBEG from VV.

He was a pretty awesome vampire, with 10 levels in Antipaladin, the sunlight resistance and vampire noble templates and so on. All in all I spent about an hour genning the guy to make him a hard encounter. Gave him glamoured armour and the like, as well as a pretty awesome scythe as a signature weapon. It all came to nothing.

The party ninja saw him whilst invisible and relayed that back to the group. They planned, with dimension doors and haste spells and protection from evil being thrown around. Basically the party was buffed to the 9's before going anywhere near the guy.

The place: The island before entering the tomb.

The time: Midday, but in a very deep shadowy area that wouldn't threaten the vampire from immolation by sunlight.

The Cavalier charged on his horse, and managed the jump across the river, hitting the vampire for enough damage that it went straight to about -20, from over 100 HP. It was a round or two before the rest of the party could get to the Vampire, and so touch of corruption brought him back up to positive HP, at which point he using his delving armour special ability to go underground.

The party waits, a few of the buffs wear off. Readied actions to hit the vampire the moment he pokes his nose up.

He eventually pokes his nose up, at which point all the readied actions trigger, and goes from full HP (roughly 120) to about -200 in a round. Smites and challenges and a lot of magic was poured into this guy. He was pretty much destroyed, nay immolated.

The session pretty much stopped there whilst they figured out how the penetrate the tomb, having found the secret entrance.

The worst bit was that the Vampire called in 12 wolves to help him, but they came after he was already destroyed, at which point the party druid basically wild empathed them and told them to "piss off"

Scarab Sages

Name: Losk
Race: Dwarf
Classes/levels: Fighter 1/Wizard 9
Adventure: Blood for Blood
Location: Armag's Tomb
Catalyst: Ovinrbaan
The Gory Details: Failed Will saves resulted in Losk attacking his fellow party outside Armag's chamber. Subdued after several attempts, he is bound and relieved of his equipment. During the night, he awakens and casts dimension door to escape the camp and retreat into the cave, as the new Armag he raises the skeletal champions and assaults the party again. The battle ended in a retreat, with Losk in possession of the sword.

Not technically dead, but also now technically an NPC.

Scarab Sages Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 4, Legendary Games

Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

I am using some of the cyclops graveknights from the 6-person version of VV that someone posted, wherein they were statted as "Vordakai's Champion." I also advanced the dread zombie cyclopes and added in a great cyclops dread ghoul and made them be defenders of the dam, while the trolls and ogres were attacking and trying to breach it (in league with a coven of 3 annis hags and in alliance with Black Magga, who in this campaign is one of the Tane and a manifestation of crazy monsterness from the First World).

FWIW, it was General Chaos who was responsible for that section. I do recall my concerns to him while reviewing it, that Vordokai's pet grave-knight might actually overshadow big V himself :P.

I haven't actually restatted Vordakai yet, but he'll be suitably up-leveled. I was thinking actually of making the in-the-module Vordakai be like a simulacrum or minion of the real Vordakai and maybe using Adivion Adrissant from the last Carrion Crown adventure for the real V. I've already used a bit of that adventure in terms of describing what has happened to the city of Varnhold. The teeny little town of Varnhold in the module became a border village that the party traveled through en route to the capital of Varnhold, which worked just fine. In this campaign, the effects of the Oculus of Abaddon are just more widespread - a large area of hypnotic depopulation, plus a persistent necromantic tempest and decaying horribulousness around the city of Varnhold itself a la Gallowspire. I will probably take out a lot of the monsters from the Gallowspire city as I'm not sure they really fit the flavor, but I think I will keep the ravener (though maybe have it have just one eye for a bit of extra cyclops flavor).

Jason Nelson wrote:
Alexander Kilcoyne wrote:
Jason Nelson wrote:

I am using some of the cyclops graveknights from the 6-person version of VV that someone posted, wherein they were statted as "Vordakai's Champion." I also advanced the dread zombie cyclopes and added in a great cyclops dread ghoul and made them be defenders of the dam, while the trolls and ogres were attacking and trying to breach it (in league with a coven of 3 annis hags and in alliance with Black Magga, who in this campaign is one of the Tane and a manifestation of crazy monsterness from the First World).

FWIW, it was General Chaos who was responsible for that section. I do recall my concerns to him while reviewing it, that Vordokai's pet grave-knight might actually overshadow big V himself :P.
I haven't actually restatted Vordakai yet, but he'll be suitably up-leveled. I was thinking actually of making the in-the-module Vordakai be like a simulacrum or minion of the real Vordakai and maybe using Adivion Adrissant from the last Carrion Crown adventure for the real V. I've already used a bit of that adventure in terms of describing what has happened to the city of Varnhold. The teeny little town of Varnhold in the module became a border village that the party traveled through en route to the capital of Varnhold, which worked just fine. In this campaign, the effects of the Oculus of Abaddon are just more widespread - a large area of hypnotic depopulation, plus a persistent necromantic tempest and decaying horribulousness around the city of Varnhold itself a la Gallowspire. I will probably take out a lot of the monsters from the Gallowspire city as I'm not sure they really fit the flavor, but I think I will keep the ravener (though maybe have it have just one eye for a bit of extra cyclops flavor).

Here's the "Big V" my group had to tangle with. ^_^

Name: Hakon I (or II?) of Sendis, Baron of Narland
Race: Human
Classes/levels:Fighter 5 (with 1 neg level left from previous raise dead)
Location:Exploring a Hex-Feld north east of Nettle's Crossing
Catalyst:Wrath of the Fey
The Gory Details:The group was on their way back from Restov, where they had just raised the cleric of Torag who was still suffering from the ordeal (aka 2 neg levels due to lack of funds).
Hakon was leading the group when they encountered a faery dragon at a small spring. Harboring a deep resentment for everything fey, he surprised the group by charging at the little creature and felling it with two blows. Blood everywhere with a smug grin on his face he announced to take the corpse with him to the royal taxidermist.
This was met with baffled exclamations and the paladin tried to make away with the corpse intent on healing it back to full health. Being staggered from the breath weapon everything took longer than the paladin thought and by the time he was on his horse ready to go, the dragon was truly dead. He demanded atonement from his liege lord, but Hakon was not inclined to follow the reasoning of his loyal subjects. Meanwhile, the blood spread by being washed downstream...
The following night was not a good one for the group. Being assaulted by three invisible pixies using their arrows and SPAs all-out and having added a good measure of pyrotechnics by the evil GM for much fun with the five times-relit campfire they could not find the pixies nor rest to replenish their spells.
The following day, they happened upon a shambling mound. In my game I had a merchant of Restov ask for the sap as payment for lent money for a previous resurrection and the group was eager to engage the monster to repay their debts.
The pixies, having trailed the group the whole day to learn more about them and their intentions (having failed at all attempts of detect thoughts and being puzzled by the paladin (of course) and the cleric having a strong aura of good about them), immediately saw an opportunity to punish the murderer Hakon once and for all and started harrassing the group with entangle, lesser confusion, and dispelling their buffs.
Abandoning their sound tactics of wearing the mound down with ranged attacks, Hakon charged the monster, scoring a hit (eating an AOO) and was grappeled on the mound's turn for max damage. Its second attack killed his horse right from underneath his arse.
The next round Hakon was pinned and crushed to death.
He will receive a royal burial, complete with mound (barrow wight!)and a park built around it and having a monument errected for the deceased founder and leader of the realm - only to be followed by the ascension of Leonhard I and promotion of Akiros to the office of general which will be celebrated by a grand festival one month hence!


RuyanVe wrote:
what you said...


Nice. :)

Just don't tell the player who's characters' deaths account for 80% of all deaths in my KM campaign so far...

Drawmij's_Heir wrote:

I guess it's time to see who was put to the sword!

Name: Oleg Leveton, Svetlana Leveton, Kesten Garess, Restov Guardsmen.

Race: Human
Classes/levels: Merchant
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Oleg's Trading Post
Catalyst: Careless Druid
The Gory Details: So... my first gaming group really didn't try or care. Its my fault for not being a bit pickier.
I attempted to try and put a boot in their butts after they spent too many weeks roaming the wilderness aimlessly.
They spotted a large group of bandits (8 I think) tearing a path toward Oleg's after the bandits in the Narlmarches stopped reporting in. All they knew was that their men were dead and the boss gets cranky when his liquor supply dwindles. Two of these bandits were named NPCs.
When the PCs got there, Oleg's was on fire and the bandits had sap'd everyone and tossed them into burlap sacks for a long journey to the Stag Lord.
The group's druidess (N) realized that the weakened Oleg, Svetlana and four guards were already in the bags and droped a Stone Call on them all anyway. The civilians were wiped out instantly and the remaining bandits were either slaughtered or fled. The player's response was 'meh, whatever'.

I have a new group that'll be starting Rivers Run Red with the first group broken up (though two of my good players will be continuing on with their old char's). I have replaced the dead NPC's with others so that the new group doesn't suffer a lack of NPC leadership material on account of the first group. Oleg's brother Edmund has surfaced and re-built his brother's Trading Post.
I've taken it upon myself to add a RRR bounty miniquest as follows:

NEW BOUNTY: Blood for Blood
Source: Edmund Leveton (found at Oleg's Trading Post)
Task: A half-orc named Victoria told Edmund that his brother Oleg was slain by a careless elven druid named Priya during a fight with the Stag Lord's bandits some six months ago. The druidess then burned Oleg and Svetlana's bodies in a bonfire along with the bandits and disappeared into the western Narlmarches with several companions. Edmund wants blood for the lives of his brother and sister-in-law.
Completion: Bring Priya's severed head back to Edmund so that he can push it onto a pike above the trading post's main gate.
Reward: Edmund is satisfied that justice has been done and he believes that his brother's spirit is now at rest. The PC's are granted a permanent 10% discount on whatever they buy at Oleg's going forward. In addition, Edmund will now make his 'special stock' available to the PC's.

Aint I a stinker, hehe.

Big Yeti Cane wrote:
Aint I a stinker, hehe.

Not really - sounds like they deserved it...also sounds like they

don't actually appreciate that they're there to build up a kingdom...
That kind of action will mean they never do...

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Warning: Second Darkness Armageddon Echo Spoilers Follow.

Name: Katrina
Race: Elf
Classes/levels:Witch 9
Adventure: The Armageddon Echo
Location:Beyond the Elfgate at the Candlemere Academy, in the markets of Celwynvian.
Catalyst: Bad rope tying, poor decision making, critical kukris and splitting the G@& D!!n party!
The Gory Details:


With Zool (Gnome Destined Sorcerer/Diplomat/Fey Count), and Kif (Grippli Druid and ambassador for the goodly denizens of Hooktongue Slough) dragged through the portal the Council and its agents requested the assistance of the Feegles to re-enter the Fellnight Realm. Incredibly changed since their last visit over a year ago, the entire realm had been reformed from Shadow stuff to resemble the Elven city that once resided where the Tuskwater river now does.

This shadow realm was undergoing its final days, and the party decided to speed up the process of finding Zool and Kif, by splitting up. Katrina decided to Gather Information from the town, but made a terrible Diplomacy roll drawing the attention of a Fetchling Assassin (employed by Rhoswen after her previous defeat at the hands of the council). The Fetchling was studying Katrina when VanDyre (Tiefling Alchemist) spotted the assassin grabbing him. VanDyre called Katrina up and with VanDyre's help they tied up the assassin.

Unfortunately a terrible CMB check meant that as she was patting him down for weapons he managed to wriggle free and sneak attack her. Katrina 5 ft. stepped back and used a Hex to reduce the assassin's AC. VanDyre tried grabbing him again to no avail. The next round the assassin pulled out a full-attack with his Kukris. The resulting critical hits and damage made for one very dead witch.

The assassin then turned to VanDyre: "You have one minute to run, and then I start hunting again." VanDyre's wings took him as far as they could carry. Katrina's hawk familiar grabbed a lock of hair from her mistress' head and sought out Sarynn (Human Barbarian) and landed on her arm. An omen of danger.

With Astrodar (Ihsahn's second personality, developed by staring into a scrying pool with Azathoth's location) drawing Rhoswen's attention things are rapidly going south for our heroes.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Warning: Realm of the Fellnight Queen & Second Darkness: Armageddon Echo spoilers follow.

Name: Kif
Race: Grippli
Classes/Levels: Druid 9
Adventure: Armageddon Echo/Realm of the Fellnight Queen.
Location:Observatory in the Fellnight Realm
Catalyst: Trying to protect a friend.
The Gory Details:


Having been captured by Rhoswyn, Kif and Zool were in trouble. Particularly the gnome Zool, as he was instrumental in her defeat the last time the party had encountered them. Rhoswyn began to drain the life from the vital gnome Zool, and in doing so began to bleach him.
Kif couldn't stand idly by and watch her friend be tortured, so she shifted into the form of an air elemental and flung Rhoswyn out of the room. The dread-fey spirit stepped back inside and transformed Kif into a small harmless songbird (a Nightingale).
Rhoswyn turned back to Zool with a cruel smile... "Now where were we?"

Name: Juju Zombie Katrina
Race: Juju Zombie
Classes/Levels: Witch 9
Adventure: Armageddon Echo/Realm of the Fellnight Queen
Location: Observatory (Razorhorn's Lair)
Catalyst: No Back Up from the Fellnight Queen
The Gory Details:


Reanimated into a Juju Zombie by The Fellnight Queen. Katrina was ordered to prevent the Agents of Kyshahn from going up to the top of the observatory, and gifted with the Songbird Kif. With a tricky use of Spell Bluff and Telekinesis Astrodar (Ihsahn's second personality) pulled the cage away from Katrina, and the combat was short and brutal it was an arrow from Latricia Rezbin (the Warden of Tatzlford) that killed the perversion of Katrina that Rhoswyn had animated with her new staff of Blackfire.

Name: Lelouch Vi Orlovsky
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Cleric 4/Grand Diplomat/Ambassador - Charm and Nobility Domains
Adventure: Kingmaker - Book 2 - Optional GM created quest.
Location: Our Kobold controlled Gold Mine that was under attack.
Catalyst: Lelouch was the number one target on an unknown person's hit list and with 12 Worgs against four level 4 characters and a Wolf (the Druid's), dealing on average 10 damage to Lelouch per round even with his 17 AC.
The Gory Details: After the Fighter (below) went down, the Worg's started closing in on Lelouch, using acrobatics to jump past the front line combatants and go for me personally (due to commanding one of them to attack another - they didn't like that apparently). Through most of the encounter, Lelouch was flanked, surviving only due to sacrificing his spells for healing spells and going through his channels practically every round (he only had 7). It was very close, with Galgo being outright killed, Diago (the other Cleric) going down before me and only Lelouch and the Druid with his Wolf was left standing....until the Wolf moved out of the way to attack the Druid's target, making an opening for the Worg to get me. I was out of Channels, out of all healing spells and two of my three murderous commands, along with my command and charm spells failed earlier, so down on the floor next to the other Cleric, the Worg coup de graced me with only one other Worg left, ignoring the other Cleric and going for the Druid. It was so close and I was genuinely upset to see this character go, but now I have his best friend coming in next session to avenge him and work towards reviving him (for story purposes), so quite possibly, Suzaku Kururugi will be the next person to turn up here. :/

Name: Galgo
Race: Half-Orc
Classes/levels: Fighter 4/Royal Assassin (Sword and Board - Lelouch's right hand man and most trusted ally)
Adventure: Kingmaker - Book 2 - Optional GM created quest.
Location: Our Kobold controlled Gold Mine that was under attack.
Catalyst: Worgs ganging up on him, whilst Lelouch tried to move back for the other Cleric to get behind him to heal (Diago - Other Cleric's wish, which got us both killed).
The Gory Details: Lelouch moved back, the Worg got into Lelouch's old spot, Galgo was flanked with 4 Worg's around him. He was outright killed.

Wow, that was tense. :(

I usually just play for the sake of playing (putting in effort always), but I can't ever get into the game. This time though, I really loved my character (based on Lelouch from Code Geass completely), making my own model and character sheet for him, but with misfortune, a hellish encounter and a bad decision to follow the other Cleric's suggestion, Galgo was damned from the start, Lelouch almost pulled through, but without the aid of the Druid's Wolf protecting me, blocking a path to me, ultimately, Lelouch fell.

Still, I was speaking with the GM about having the Kingdom's magi cast Flesh to Stone on both Lelouch and Galgo (to preserve their bodies), making it so that the monuments of them are actually the real people just frozen in time as stone shells of their former selves. That way for story purposes, I can bring back Lelouch (hopefully), along with Lelouch's right hand man, Galgo.

I dunno. I miss playing as Lelouch already, but what's done is done, so the only thing I can do is try to avenge his death.

Even with his Enchantments, he was a better Cleric than the straight out standard Cleric and aided his allies well. He was their leader and tactician in battle and did well against such terrible odds. It's just a shame he came so close.

Reminds me of Zack from Final Fantasy 7. :(

DM_aka_Dudemeister wrote:

Warning: Realm of the Fellnight Queen & Second Darkness: Armageddon Echo spoilers follow.

Name: Kif
Race: Grippli
Classes/Levels: Druid 9
Adventure: Armageddon Echo/Realm of the Fellnight Queen.
Location:Observatory in the Fellnight Realm
Catalyst: Trying to protect a friend.
The Gory Details:

Steered clear of the spoilers, but favourited for the sheer fact you had a frogman in your party called Kif.

*Plays Futurama tune*

Name: Luthor
Race: Human
Classes/levels: Wizard 2 (Conjuration Specialist)
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Out in the Greenbelt exploring.
Catalyst: Trying to prevent more party members from falling.
The Gory Details: We were exploring the Greenbelt when we came across two Trolls. They were pretty far away but we decided to fight them as we felt that we could handle it and got off our horses. Three of our five members were knocked down by the Trolls and we knocked down one of the Trolls. So we tried to take out the last one. Had a rogue on one side of him in melee with him between two of our horses so I decided to help him out and set up a flank so he could sneak attack it. He hits it but does not do enough to drop it. Then on it's turn it hits me 3 times and does enough damage to kill me twice over.

Grand Lodge

JMD031 wrote:

Name: Luthor

Race: Human
Classes/levels: Wizard 2 (Conjuration Specialist)
Adventure: Stolen Lands
Location: Out in the Greenbelt exploring.
Catalyst: Trying to prevent more party members from falling.
The Gory Details: We were exploring the Greenbelt when we came across two Trolls. They were pretty far away but we decided to fight them as we felt that we could handle it and got off our horses. Three of our five members were knocked down by the Trolls and we knocked down one of the Trolls. So we tried to take out the last one. Had a rogue on one side of him in melee with him between two of our horses so I decided to help him out and set up a flank so he could sneak attack it. He hits it but does not do enough to drop it. Then on it's turn it hits me 3 times and does enough damage to kill me twice over.

lol low lvl mages should not go into melee with trolls. :(

APL + 5 will get you everytime

Grand Lodge

Name: Ylijah
Race: Xeph
Classes/Levels: Aegis/something character level 7
Adventure: Varnhold Vanishing
Location: Area 15, Vordekai's tomb
Catalyst: CR 10 demon vs level 7 party
The Gory Details:

My intrepid band of heroes investigated the Vanishing, finding all the false clues pointing them at the centaurs. They took Skybolt from the spriggan leader, and the Duke (cavalier) loves to use it while he's dismounted, as he has sufficient strength to use it properly. They went to the centaurs, and were met with a war patrol. Negotiations were not successful, and the party was turned away. Nobody thought to give them Skybolt.

Finding the centaurs uncooperative, they wandered briefly before heading off into the mountains to find an unexplained mark on the map that Varn had in his castle (the silver dragon lair, which I will be souping up to allow the Duke a chance to gain a young dragon mount). On their way, they wandered into the valley of the dead and found Vordekai's tomb, powered up for six players, at level 7. Needless to say, they got their butts kicked around pretty good.

They made it to the Piscodaemon, and got trounced properly, doing a whopping four points of damage to it (SR, DR, stinking cloud) before being forced to retreat. They rested and prepped for the fight, everybody aligning their weapon and buffing up. They piled into the room and did a good bit of damage to the demon, but the stinking cloud proved too much to handle and half the party was basically out of the whole fight. Poor Ylijah got pinned by pincher claws and constricted to death while his party helplessly puked their guts out nearby, but they avenged his death.

Ylijah was revived with the scroll of raise dead from the Varnhold Church, and continues on with a negative level.

side note: the party found the Occulus focus room, and with no spells/abilities left and low on hit points, debated breaking the carving. I poker faced like a champ, but inside I was like NO NO NO NO NO. Fortunately they decided not to, and spared themselves a TPK.

thenovalord wrote:
APL + 5 will get you everytime

Seems that way. :(

There were two party members left, but after Coup De Grace'ing my guy, it ignored the fallen Cleric beside him and just went for the Druid.

My Charm Cleric kept everyone alive for the most part, as the main Cleric doesn't have selective channeling, so didn't use his channels. :(

Both the Druid (with his pet Wolf) and other Cleric survived, killing only Lelouch and Galgo, which just so happened to be mine and the other players favorite characters ever.

Suckssss, especially with such a ridiculously hard encounter, but I guess the dice rule the world of Pathfinder and as the Cleric player rolled it randomly and that's what came out, we had to deal with the consequences. :(

Scarab Sages

Bandavaar the Brave wrote:

Suckssss, especially with such a ridiculously hard encounter, but I guess the dice rule the world of Pathfinder and as the Cleric player rolled it randomly and that's what came out, we had to deal with the consequences. :(

Nah, normally the APs are not quite this brutal(well except the end of RotRL AP2). It is just that Kingmaker has that sort of "throwback" quality to it, like the 1st ed days, where you dreaded traveling between towns at low levels because fire giants, dragons, and beholders were on the wandering monster tables :)

Seriously though, a hostile encounter with a shambling mound, a pack of trolls, or a will o wisp (all on the wandering monster tables) at 1st or 2nd level is going to likely result in deaths if not a TPK.

With the exception of a couple of encounters that take place indoors, you will notice that most of the deaths here are from random encounters or homebrew GM encounters.

Liberty's Edge

Kingamker is a campaign where you need to remember that retreating or avoiding an encounters are valid options and I see that as a positive thing.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

OTOH it also is the campaign of "one encounter per day, nova away", which has significant drawbacks for GMs.

Liberty's Edge

Only if you roll exclusively for the 5% day chance of a encounter while entering a new hex.

the adventure say:

"There’s a 5% chance of an encounter occurring each time the PCs enter a hex, and a 15% chance per day or night spent exploring or camping"

5% chance of an encounter when entering an hex
15% each day spent exploring or camping
15% each night spent exploring or camping
Set encounter in the hex if the adventure include that

Add the chance of the set piece reacting to the noise of a random battle in its proximity.

Most of the time the group will have only one encounter in a day, but assuming that is a perfect recipe for disaster the time the GM roll that 15% chance twice or he roll that 5% chance and the 15% chance.
I have rolled even 3 encounter in one day (1.1/1000 chance).

Rolled an encounter in the mad hermit hex? You have 2 encounters in one day (and that is exactly how one of the characters in my campaign died).

Diego Rossi wrote:
Kingamker is a campaign where you need to remember that retreating or avoiding an encounters are valid options and I see that as a positive thing.

The Worg's made it impossible to escape, which is what I was trying to do for most of the two hour combat session. :p

Scarab Sages

I attacked my party of 7 players with 3 worgs at lvl 3 and they nearly had their first TPK. 12 seems like a lot depending on how many are in your party. They are intelligent and coordinate attacks as well as being able to trip. Not an easy encounter. In particular if they are singling someone out vs being opportunistic, you are pretty much dead with a pack that large. That is too many to even block out with AoE spells unless you get them in a bottleneck.

Yea, I had three on me, whilst I was wanting to escape up the ladder out of the cave. How did I survive for so long? Channel + exclude every time things got dangerous. :/

The GM needed to roll a 10 to hit me every time, saying 17AC was pathetic at level 4 and should have been around 24, but there was no escape as it would have been three AoO's and they were hitting every time. :/

Liberty's Edge

I wasn't casting aspersions Bandavaar. Some situations are inevitable.

Stocking up with tanglefoot bags and thunderstones at lower levels can be very helpful. They get obsolete at higher levels, but can help break up mass charges. If you tangle up even 4 out of 12 wolves it is a big help.

Diego Rossi wrote:

I wasn't casting aspersions Bandavaar. Some situations are inevitable.

Ah, I didn't really take it in that way anyway. :)

I was just trying to explain the situation a little better. Tonight was interesting though.

All of the story below is a recording of tonights event, full up with GM created content, so no spoilers are involved. :)

It seems that nobody alive in the current party liked Lelouch and were afraid of his abilities, even though he didn't once show any bad intentions towards them. In fact, if it wasn't for his healing, the whole party would have been wiped out, but yea...

Suzaku turned up, giving his weapons to the Castle Guards (who wouldn't allow him entry if he refused), placing one in each hand and entered the Castle unarmed. He spoke to the guards outside of the Throne room, asking if they could deliver a message.

One of the guards entered and came out swiftly in a panic, but said Suzaku can enter. He entered and had one of the angry council members throw a dagger at him, just scraping his face slightly for 1 point of damage. Unimpressed, Suzaku asked if this was how they treated all people of their Kingdom and turned to the guy throwing the weapon, glaring and saying "you missed...".

As Suzaku entered and walked forwards, naturally everyone in the room was suspiscious of him, but he introduced himself and announced his intentions. He then walked forwards towards the ruler where everyone drew their weapons with an intention to kill.

This is when Suzaku knelt down on one knee and pledged his loyalty to them, explaining he'd happily aid them if they would be so kind as to help him find Lelouch's body, so that he can rest knowing his best friend would have a decent funeral ceremony, which would also allow him to pay his respects to his fallen comrade.

It turned out however, that the Ruler had sent Lelouch's body back to his family who hated him and gave him away at the age of about 7, as a peace trade. Naturally Suzaku was agitated and said quietly to himself how bad that decision was, when all of a sudden the council started worrying about money over the fact the priest who took Lelouch's body away had not been heard from recently.

Suzaku became irritated, having been ignored all of a sudden and began to tap his foot on the ground repeatedly.

Once he gained the attention of everyone, he said "surely a person's life is worth more than gold", to which they disputed it wasn't, telling themselves the priest is probably fine and currently doing something else.

Suzaku wondered why he would want to even become loyal to these irrational and selfish people, but felt if he could worm his way into the Council, he could continue where Lelouch left off....

That was to create a world without war or conflict. Both he and Lelouch wanted world peace, except where Suzaku fought for it with combat prowess and fighting tactics, Lelouch fought by commanding and manipulating people to do his bidding. Lelouch wanted to overthrow the ruler as it was his rightful place (Galgo, the Fighter recognised this and didn't like how everyone overlooked Lelouch out of fear when he had such good intentions) and wished to create a war so brutal that no other nation would ever want to fight again.

This meant becoming a Tyrant, turning himself into the world's enemy and giving his life as the end result. He figured once he was dead, the world's enemy would be gone forever and nobody would want to go to war ever again. However, his plans were cut short and now Suzaku is following in his footsteps, as his Noble and most Loyal Knight.

As the conversation came to an end, the Ruler ordered her guards to escort Suzaku to an Inn (where he had to pay for his own stay, even after thanking the Ruler for her hospitality, thinking she was going to pay for his one night stay). The result was poor however.

Nobody in the Council cared for Lelouch enough to want to aid Suzaku (some thinking it was a mission he should do alone and others just not giving a damn), explaining they had more pressing matters at hand. Money.

So, the very next morning, Suzaku looked for mercenaries around town to hire and aid him, but there wasn't anyone...

So, tomorrow via one on one sessions, I've got to reach Brevoy, find some Merc's to hire, find Lelouch's body to bring back and find their priest who's gone missing because my character is Lawful Good (Lawful to himself, loyal to others unless he strongly disagree's with their outlook on things, or if they go against his nature).

He was given Lelouch's horse and has now ridden off to hopefully succeed in his quest, but I'm thinking things aren't going to go well if it ends up just being him around, even if he's a good Lone Wolf Fighter.

Suzaku Kururugi:

Nicknames: The White Grim Reaper, Knight of Zero
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Fighter (Two-Weapon Warrior)

Motto: "A victory won through dishonest means is no victory at all!"

Level: 4

HP: 32
AC: 20 (21 with Defensive Flurry, 26 Total Defense)

Speed: 30ft
Initiative: 3

Str: 14
Dex: 17
Con: 12 (Can go down to -14)
Wis: 14
Int: 13
Cha: 10

BAB: 4

CMB: 6
CMD: 19

Fort: 5 (+5 to stabilise while dying)
Ref: 4
Will: 4 (6 vs all charm and compulsion effects)


Birthmark - +2 vs enchantment Charm and Compulsion spells
Bastard (Campaign) - -1 Cha checks until proven to be or granted full nobility, +1 Will saves

Bravery - +1 Will Saves vs Fear

Racial: Heart of the Wilderness (replaces Skilled)

Ranks per level: 3
HP per level: 1d10+2 (favoured Class)


1. Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Wakizashi), Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack
2. Double Slice
3. Weapon Focus (Wakizashi)
4. Weapon Specialisation (Wakizashi)


Acrobatics: 6
Climb: 6
Escape Artist: 4
Knowledge (Nobility): 3
Perception: 3
Stealth: 5
Survival: 8
Swim: 6

ACP: -2


+6 (1d6+4, 18-20x2, p or s, deadly)
+6 (1d6+4, 18-20x2, p or s, deadly)

Each Attack with Power Attack: +4 (1d6+8, 1d6+8)

Gear: +1 Mithral Breastplate, Masterwork Wakizashi x2, Bedroll, Flint and Steel, Potion of Cure Light Wounds x2, 28gp

Hopefully this guy will survive against all odds. I've built him to, but then again I built Lelouch to be capable of doing the same with his Charm spells. Against magical creatures though, he failed. :(

Wish me luck. :p

Edit: Andrea - Thanks. I should have really known about those already. They would have possibly saved my life. Time to get some for my guy above I feel!

If you don't mind, please try to keep the "Obituaries" thread as actual Obituaries, or at least direct commentary on them. If you really want to talk about how your GM runs your game and how your fellow players hated your character, please make a separate thread where we can more than happily dive into all the details. Thank you. Not to be a jerk or anything; but Bandavaar, you clearly have enough material to have a whole separate! discussion on.

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