Starting Skills

Rules Questions


Sorry about the newb question. In 3.5 starting skills was X int modifier. Is it correct in Pathfinder that its + int modifier?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Hi, Latean. That's not a dumb question at all. The two games treat skill ranks differently, particularly for begining characters.

I believe that in D&D 3.5, as with Pathfinder RPG, the starting number of skill ranks is determined by class, plus or minus one skill for every 2 points of Intelligence above or below 10, respectively.

So a Cleric (2 skill ranks) with an Intelligence of 16 (+3 skill ranks) has a base of 5 skill ranks per level. (If the PC is human, add 1 skill rank.)

In D&D, this number is quadrupled (always) for first level. So the non-human Cleric with Int 16 would receive 20 skill ranks at first level, and 5 skill ranks every level thereafter.

Under Pathfinder rules, that quadrupling doesn't happen. However, each class skill receives a +3 bonus. So, the non-human Cleric with Int 16 would receive only 5 skill ranks, but if she assigned them to class skills, she'd have a +4 (+1 rank, and +3 for the class skill bonus) in each.

Also in Pathfinder, there's a bonus each time a PC takes a level in its favored class, that the character can take as either +1 HP or +1 skill rank.

Sovereign Court

Latean wrote:
Sorry about the newb question. In 3.5 starting skills was X int modifier. Is it correct in Pathfinder that its + int modifier?

According to 3.5 it was

class (x + INT modifier)X4 at 1st level

Where x is the class related number. In PF the skills have been altered to:

class (x + INT modifier) with no multiplication See PFCRB Table 4.1.

When you level up you gain skill points as the PF skill system per level (check out Table 4.1 in the PF Core Rulebook). Additionally you get +3 on (class specific) skills you put ranks into and as you level. So I interpret this to mean if you can add 3 points to the class skill but expend only one point. But remember you can never have more skill ranks in any skill higher than your class level/HD.

NB: Humans gain 1 extra skill point per level in addition to the above.

I'm sure other posters will correct me if I'm wrong, but I hope this helps.

Scarab Sages

The +3 to your skill is a bonus and is not counted as "ranks" in the class.

You only apply the +3 bonus to skills in which you have invested at least one rank, and which appear on your class skill list.

So, for example, a level one Rogue puts one skill point into Acrobatics. This skill is part of the class skills for Rogues. The rogue also has a dex of 16, for a +3 modifier.

Your total skill modifier is +7.

+1 for the rank, +3 for the dexterity modifier, and +3 for the class skill bonus.


Chris Mortika wrote:

Hi, Latean. That's not a dumb question at all. The two games treat skill ranks differently, particularly for begining characters.

I believe that in D&D 3.5, as with Pathfinder RPG, the starting number of skill ranks is determined by class, plus or minus one skill for every 2 points of Intelligence above or below 10, respectively.

So a Cleric (2 skill ranks) with an Intelligence of 16 (+3 skill ranks) has a base of 5 skill ranks per level. (If the PC is human, add 1 skill rank.)

In D&D, this number is quadrupled (always) for first level. So the non-human Cleric with Int 16 would receive 20 skill ranks at first level, and 5 skill ranks every level thereafter.

Under Pathfinder rules, that quadrupling doesn't happen. However, each class skill receives a +3 bonus. So, the non-human Cleric with Int 16 would receive only 5 skill ranks, but if she assigned them to class skills, she'd have a +4 (+1 rank, and +3 for the class skill bonus) in each.

Also in Pathfinder, there's a bonus each time a PC takes a level in its favored class, that the character can take as either +1 HP or +1 skill rank.

Ok I have a monk, int is only 8 so thats a negative one. What would the class skill bonus be? 3 since normally monks are 4 + int for gaining skills?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Yep, 3. Plus 1 bonus rank if he's human. And if Monk is his favored class, he can take another +1 skill rank (or hit point).

And in those rare cases were # of class skills + Int. modifier = 0 or a negative number, the character receives a single skill point + human bonus + favored class bonus. In other words, there is a minimum of 1 skill point before adding in the human and favored class bonus.

Let the ranting begin.

Scarab Sages

Mynameisjake wrote:

And in those rare cases were # of class skills + Int. modifier = 0 or a negative number, the character receives a single skill point + human bonus + favored class bonus. In other words, there is a minimum of 1 skill point before adding in the human and favored class bonus.

Let the ranting begin.

That's still up for debate, as it isn't in any officially released errata. I believe one of the devs made his opinion known on the subject, but that's just his opinion until said errata shows up. :)

Sovereign Court

Magicdealer wrote:

The +3 to your skill is a bonus and is not counted as "ranks" in the class.

You only apply the +3 bonus to skills in which you have invested at least one rank, and which appear on your class skill list.

So, for example, a level one Rogue puts one skill point into Acrobatics. This skill is part of the class skills for Rogues. The rogue also has a dex of 16, for a +3 modifier.

Your total skill modifier is +7.

+1 for the rank, +3 for the dexterity modifier, and +3 for the class skill bonus.

You are right, I worded this incorrectly. It is as you say ;0

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I have a Rogue, and I'm just starting out.

So, if I'm getting this right...according to the new rulebook (for the playtest), a level one Rogue would have 10 skills, plus their Int modifier?

No idea. Try posting in the playtest forum; you're more likely to get a solid answer there.

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