Prep to Run Kingmaker


Jon Brazer Enterprises

Followers of my blog found out that last night I got volunteered to run Kingmaker as soon as Curse of the Crimson Throne is done. So I am starting to prep now (before I even have the email saying that Kingmaker is in my sidecart). So I decided to create a list of everything I am using to prep for Kingmaker. Check it out and make suggestions as to what else I should during the game.

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Yay for great lists!

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Gary Teter wrote:
Yay for great lists!

I was thinking of you Gary the entire time I was making it.

Scarab Sages

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Followers of my blog found out that last night I got volunteered to run Kingmaker as soon as Curse of the Crimson Throne is done. So I am starting to prep now (before I even have the email saying that Kingmaker is in my sidecart). So I decided to create a list of everything I am using to prep for Kingmaker. Check it out and make suggestions as to what else I should during the game.

Critical and fumble decks? I'm also going to integrate the harrow deck into my games as my players haven't seen it yet and its should fit my homebrew altered Kingmaker pretty well.

underling wrote:
I'm also going to integrate the harrow deck into my games as my players haven't seen it yet and its should fit my homebrew altered Kingmaker pretty well.

An anecdote in support of this:

The character I'm playing in our Curse of the Crimson Throne game is a bard by way of fortunetelling, and she uses a Harrow deck extensively. Our group gets completely creeped out over how accurate about 90% of the Harrow predictions end up being to the story. We've had maybe two dud predictions over the course of maybe two dozen in 5 modules. She's given the start-of-module Harrowing on every module as well as doing Harrowings for NPCs (she had a fortunetelling shop in Korvosa) and other PCs, plus before doing anything important in the storyline. Just about every time, the predictions as defined by the booklet (the one provided with the deck) are absolute scarily spot-on.

It's really added quite a bit to the game.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

underling wrote:
Critical and fumble decks?

Doh! Oh yea. I own both and I bring them with me to our current game. Adding.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

Our group has not purchased any Pathfinder products (we are currently playing another system). But this Kingmaker Adventure Path has really caught our eye.
What would be the MINIMUM Pathfinder books I would need (core?) to run this adventure (besides the 6 series adventure books). Do I need monster manuals? The Pathfinder world, religion, etc books?

Technically, you don't need ANY other books if you can reference the Pathfinder Reference Document at the table (here). If you need to have hardcopies, you would only have to have the Core Rulebook and the Bestiary.

All the regional, racial, etc books are mostly flavor and history with very little game mechanics, and none of them are really required for any of the adventure paths or modules.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Newton Philis wrote:

Our group has not purchased any Pathfinder products (we are currently playing another system). But this Kingmaker Adventure Path has really caught our eye.

What would be the MINIMUM Pathfinder books I would need (core?) to run this adventure (besides the 6 series adventure books). Do I need monster manuals? The Pathfinder world, religion, etc books?

Well it would really depend on you and your group.

Do you prefer a D&D different system (3.x/4E)? Do you like a different setting (FR)? All you need are the adventures and do some conversion (whether it be crunch or setting specific info like deities). There's a section of the forums here for conversions.

Do you are curious about the setting (which is a really good setting, IMO) or do not want to convert over deities or shoehorn it into the Forgotten Realms' Dalelands? I'd recommend getting the Guide to the River Kingdoms. This book is good for when the players wander off the adventure (which in my group is often).

If you are not interested in converting the Crunch, the PFRPG core rule book and the Bestiary. The PDF is only $10.

Those, IMO would be the minimums. Everything else on my list would be helpful in their own way, but I wouldn't consider them essentials.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Banesfinger wrote:

Our group has not purchased any Pathfinder products (we are currently playing another system). But this Kingmaker Adventure Path has really caught our eye.

What would be the MINIMUM Pathfinder books I would need (core?) to run this adventure (besides the 6 series adventure books). Do I need monster manuals? The Pathfinder world, religion, etc books?

Our design philosophy: All you need to run an adventure path is the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Pathfinder Bestiary, and the six adventure path installments. There's plenty of other products we produce that help support adventure paths, and these products are invaluable if you want to expand beyond the adventure path or add additional depth to the adventure path that matches our vision for Golarion, but you don't NEED them to play the AP.

Basically, the business model is to coax folks to buy our products because they want them, not because they need them.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
underling wrote:
Critical and fumble decks?
Doh! Oh yea. I own both and I bring them with me to our current game. Adding.

I need to get myself a new set of those.

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Sebastian wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
underling wrote:
Critical and fumble decks?
Doh! Oh yea. I own both and I bring them with me to our current game. Adding.
I need to get myself a new set of those.

A new set?!? You Crit and Fumble that often that you wore out the decks?!? OMG!


DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
underling wrote:
Critical and fumble decks?
Doh! Oh yea. I own both and I bring them with me to our current game. Adding.
I need to get myself a new set of those.
A new set?!? You Crit and Fumble that often that you wore out the decks?!? OMG!

I used it often enough that one of my players took my 3.5 ones for their vampire game and bought me pathfinder RPG copies

Jon Brazer Enterprises

Several new additions to the list. Some are free and one from a new small press. Check them out.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

DMcCoy1693 wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
DMcCoy1693 wrote:
underling wrote:
Critical and fumble decks?
Doh! Oh yea. I own both and I bring them with me to our current game. Adding.
I need to get myself a new set of those.
A new set?!? You Crit and Fumble that often that you wore out the decks?!? OMG!

Yeah, we have a house rule that you crit on a 12 or better (no confirmation roll). Then, to make things really interesting, we threw in some MtG cards. Sometimes you also get to counterspell on a critical hit; other times, you just put a 2/2 bear into play.

(Actually, it was a player in my game who had the decks, and his attendence has decreased dramatically since he had a child. But I love the idea of wearing them out...)

Sebastian wrote:
Yeah, we have a house rule that you crit on a 12 or better (no confirmation roll). Then, to make things really interesting, we threw in some MtG cards. Sometimes you also get to counterspell on a critical hit; other times, you just put a 2/2 bear into play.

You say that and my first thought is that summoning a bear is a cool magic crit.

James Jacobs wrote:
Banesfinger wrote:

Our group has not purchased any Pathfinder products (we are currently playing another system). But this Kingmaker Adventure Path has really caught our eye.

What would be the MINIMUM Pathfinder books I would need (core?) to run this adventure (besides the 6 series adventure books). Do I need monster manuals? The Pathfinder world, religion, etc books?

Our design philosophy: All you need to run an adventure path is the Pathfinder Core Rulebook, the Pathfinder Bestiary, and the six adventure path installments. There's plenty of other products we produce that help support adventure paths, and these products are invaluable if you want to expand beyond the adventure path or add additional depth to the adventure path that matches our vision for Golarion, but you don't NEED them to play the AP.

Basically, the business model is to coax folks to buy our products because they want them, not because they need them.

I really appreciate that thought, but you guys make such GREAT products I feel that I really do NEED them, lol. Anyway, I really like Kingmaker because of all of the APs I have seen, this one looks like it would be the least difficult to modify for a different game world. It will really fit in with my players' wandering around mentality towards adventuring, too. Basically going off in the "wrong" direction from time to time.

This is my Kingmaker Materials List.

Myself and my group are REALLY looking forward to this AP, so inspired by DMcCoy and xorial I of course had to make my own Kingmaker list.

James Jacobs wrote:

Basically, the business model is to coax folks to buy our products because they want them, not because they need them.

Don't I know it, Damn it! You need to stop doing that dude, I want them all ;)

Updated my Kingmaker Materials List. I added a couple of modules that may be used to flesh out the AP. Also added Luven Lightfinger's Gear & Treasure Shop to expand what Oleg carries in time.

made a GM reference board/screen by cutting and pasting from pdf

pack of ~50 event cards for each time the party return to Olegs (rumours, posters quests, hireling turning up, new magic item stock etc)

a weather deck

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
thenovalord wrote:

made a GM reference board/screen by cutting and pasting from pdf

pack of ~50 event cards for each time the party return to Olegs (rumours, posters quests, hireling turning up, new magic item stock etc)

a weather deck

I like these. A lot, actually. I need to print out some stuff for reference, actually; I don't use a GM screen (I'm a dynamic, stand up and act crap out GM, and I usually have a place to make rolls far from PC eyes), so I have to look up rules I don't have memorized or adjudicate ad hoc.

D'you have an example of your event cards? And the weather deck? If not, I can whip up both, but I figure if the dirty work's been done... :D

wasnt a screen, more like 3 sheets i leaned on to reference (map, encounter table, basic terrain description, travel speeds)

the weather is taken from the book and in the correct 70% if weather is mild and has no affect and is just descriptive

the cards, i draw up to 3 each time the party return, are things like

-ITEM: an arcane scroll has arrived at Olegs (with the magic item:scroll random rolls) and i let party decide what it is
-RUMOUR:a rumour all the guards are talking about
-EVENT:a kobold attack on Olegs
-EVENT: truly dreadful weather, run a 'skill challenge'
-EVENT- a reward poster goes up
-HIRELING- a hireling appears he is (roll), skilled, sturdy, etc. cost xgp/day.

about 50 of these

some are one-offs, most get recycled back into the pack.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Interesting. I like that a lot.

I actually just finished making a cold weather deck myself; didn't get too descriptive (the 70% normal weather's just divided into sunny and partly cloudy), but it's still fun to flip through randomly and get stuff.

I think I'll whip up something akin to your item deck as well. Have a list of "always available" items, like rope, backpacks, rations, etc., and then the "just in" deck for masterwork weapons and armor, magic items, and so on.

Scarab Sages

N'wah wrote:

Interesting. I like that a lot.

I actually just finished making a cold weather deck myself; didn't get too descriptive (the 70% normal weather's just divided into sunny and partly cloudy), but it's still fun to flip through randomly and get stuff.

I think I'll whip up something akin to your item deck as well. Have a list of "always available" items, like rope, backpacks, rations, etc., and then the "just in" deck for masterwork weapons and armor, magic items, and so on.

And here would be a great place to plug for the Gamemastery Cards :)

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I've got the Kingmaker deck, and somewhere I've got a pile of GameMastery cards from back when they'd throw a free pack or two in with most orders. I do like 'em a lot, I gotta admit. However, I'm dirt poor, so aside from the obvious copies of the adventures and the books I already own, I'm working on whipping up a lot of home-made stuff to use.

I just finished printing out most of the calendar for the first three years, and I'd have more, but a mystery spill has temporarily taken my printer out of commission until I can clean it out. :(

Anyhoo, yeah, I recommend GameMastery cards to any one with a couple bucks, a credit/debit card, and a home address. Those things are sweet. :D


N'wah wrote:

I've got the Kingmaker deck, and somewhere I've got a pile of GameMastery cards from back when they'd throw a free pack or two in with most orders. I do like 'em a lot, I gotta admit. However, I'm dirt poor, so aside from the obvious copies of the adventures and the books I already own, I'm working on whipping up a lot of home-made stuff to use.

I just finished printing out most of the calendar for the first three years, and I'd have more, but a mystery spill has temporarily taken my printer out of commission until I can clean it out. :(

Anyhoo, yeah, I recommend GameMastery cards to any one with a couple bucks, a credit/debit card, and a home address. Those things are sweet. :D

don't forget: home made stuff - more luv...

i need to start gathering stuffs, it looks like.


Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:
Yeah, we have a house rule that you crit on a 12 or better (no confirmation roll). Then, to make things really interesting, we threw in some MtG cards. Sometimes you also get to counterspell on a critical hit; other times, you just put a 2/2 bear into play.

I support your viewpoint and would like to subscribe to your periodicals.

Dark Archive

I've found some cool stuff on the lists already posted; thanks for the ideas! I'm not planning to DM "Kingmaker" until all the chapters are available and I can get a solid gaming group together, but I suppose it's not too early to start planning:

Golbez57's Kingmaker Goodies

I plan to go through my collection of Dungeon and Dragon magazines to find wilderness/exploration/intrigue material that might be adapted for the campaign, too, and will add those as I come upon them.

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