Trinia Sabor

Don't Trust Me's page

31 posts. Alias of baron arem heshvaun.


Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
captain yesterday wrote:

I don't trust google at all.

I refuse to even use their search engine.

Google is your friend! Trust the Computer!

Dark Archive

Could Ultron solo this AP?

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

"She's with me."

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Trussst in me.

Dark Archive

Freehold DM wrote:
Immortality. That's the ticket.

Immortality you say. Why just meet us here Freehold. Safety first!

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I should have seen that coming.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

James, at Gencon will you and Baron Armen Heashvaun please meet me here?

No urban Aboleths I promise!

Dark Archive

Erik Mona wrote:

In fact, friction renewed strengthened alliance and mutual respect between House Thrune and Asmodeus is a significant plot point in Hell's Vengeance.

More soon.

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Dark Archive

Greyfield wrote:
Damn these virtual dice!

You should buy the Korean U Dice U Win {tm} virtual dice upgrade that Khara has purchased, for only three easy installments of $19.99 each. You get a free Crit to confirm with each of your purchases.

Everyone have a good Friday.

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
You could always come to Paizo and sneak into the building and sit down on Wes's couch and start asking him questions in person, I suppose. Wes likes visitors!

I am going to save this post so that my defense attorney can submit it as evidence before the court.

Dark Archive 1/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Dawn Reed-Burton wrote:
I had a young man ask me if he could GM the Pathfinder Society modules, etc. He will be 18 in 6 months & has been gaming (3.5, 4th ed, Pathfinder, & the systems that use the percentage die + d10's)for 4 to 5 yrs.

If the man is old enough to carry a side arm, then he's old enough to defend himself from players at the table.

Dark Archive

Victory will be mine !

Dark Archive

Merisiel, where exactly were you when Osama bin Laden "was brought to justice".

Dark Archive 1/5

We will give our very lives for you.

Also, joining the Cheliax faction is tax deductible.

Dark Archive

I've won !

Dark Archive

Merisiel Sillvari wrote:
"Suny" wrote:

Has Merisiel sneaked around and found out the names of the new iconicals?


Share a little info please my lady, I'll keep quiet.

Dark Archive 1/5

Perhaps a certain Baron can take the lead should the Para Countess ever desire to be "retired" to court.

Just saying.

Dark Archive 1/5

Joko PO wrote:
Is it Ironic to say that Andoran is dominating?

That's just propaganda/idle talk/hearsay/urban myth/crashed weather balloons.

Dark Archive

Victory is Mine!

Dark Archive

I call March 4.

Or March 8.

Place your bets

Dark Archive

I'm a paladin of asmodeus!

Dark Archive

Store Blog wrote:
Most of Paizo's designers have specific topics within our campaign setting that they control, and the demons of Golarion are ruled over by James Jacobs.


James Jacobs IS Lamashtu, Demon Queen and Mother of Monsters!

All hail James Jacobs!


Dark Archive

The Globsterlope!

Most Dread Herald of Great Cthulhu!

Cthulhu fhtagn! Cthulhu fhtagn!

Dark Archive

GeraintElberion wrote:
baron arem heshvaun wrote:
I bet she can't cook !
Stop messing with us Baron, Not Hank Woon is one of your aliases!

No messing, trust me, she can't cook! I was just trying to help Mothman's cause/post.

GeraintElberion wrote:
And would you be willing to consider Parminder Nagra, Hanan Turk or Aishwarya Rai for Kyra?

In a 'who would play the iconics' thread about a year ago I also named Aishwarya Rai as a possible Kyra. While I can not say I am a fan of Ms. Rai's work, the movie would be an automatic box office success in a number of key international markets.

That being said I think I would much prefer Thandie Newton as Kyra. Unless James gets his chance to go back in time and get the young Val Kilmer, in which case he can pick up a younger Iman along the way for Kyra.

After all she's already married to a Thin White Duke of an elf.

Dark Archive

LMPjr007 wrote:
It is amazing to me how you make crack out of paper and ink!

That's why they give you all the previews man.

All these peopple at Paizo are RPG enablers !


Dark Archive

Surprisingly, feminism, the edition wars, religion and the word 'gish', were never brought up by anyone at any of the tables ...

Dark Archive

Sebastian wrote:
Yeah, we have a house rule that you crit on a 12 or better (no confirmation roll). Then, to make things really interesting, we threw in some MtG cards. Sometimes you also get to counterspell on a critical hit; other times, you just put a 2/2 bear into play.

I support your viewpoint and would like to subscribe to your periodicals.

Dark Archive

Of course, this probably all stems from warhorse milage warranties, pack mule covarage insurance, and the premium trade in value of riding dogs.

Dark Archive

All of the above are on the short list of possibles.

Dark Archive 1/5

There will be new art in each blog from now on. And twice that many blogs and pics on Thanksgiving, Christmas and James Jacobs' birthday !

Yaay !

Dark Archive 1/5

Slip 'n Kneecap, you know I got your backs right ?