Artemis Entreri

DaBear1313's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts (6 including aliases). 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Scarab Sages

Use Prestidigitation to put a Bulls-eye target on the back of the Fighters/Paladins/Cavaliers helmet/cloak

Use Mage Hand to uncinch the horses girth straps.

Scarab Sages

Thanks, can't get to DA from work :)

Scarab Sages

N'wah wrote:

Interesting. I like that a lot.

I actually just finished making a cold weather deck myself; didn't get too descriptive (the 70% normal weather's just divided into sunny and partly cloudy), but it's still fun to flip through randomly and get stuff.

I think I'll whip up something akin to your item deck as well. Have a list of "always available" items, like rope, backpacks, rations, etc., and then the "just in" deck for masterwork weapons and armor, magic items, and so on.

And here would be a great place to plug for the Gamemastery Cards :)

Scarab Sages

Alrighty I managed to run the first session of Stolen Land and my group had fun.

I have 3 of the new classes from the APHB and 3 classics.

Varian, a Lawful Good human male Cavalier of the order of the Lion
Constance, a Lawful Good human female Paladin of Iomedea
Poe, a Lawful Neutral elven male Ranger of Erastil
Ari, a Chaotic Good half-elven female Inquisitor of Cayden Cailean
Willow, a Chaotic Good elven female Witch
Naviia, a Chaotic Good elven male Wizard

They have the steward, Anando and the porter, Jacobi from the Hirelings: Into the Wild PDF and 4 1st level warriors as guards. (4 of the six took the Rich Parents Trait…). The guards are a bit of an odd assortment. I had them randomly pick races and then did high/low for gender and we ended up with a half-orc female, an elvan male, a female dwarf and a female human.

The ambush went well.

The Paladin and the Cavalier waited in the courtyard/market area for the bandits to arrive. (I thew in an extra bandit to balance the 6 players) Once the bandits and Happs dismounted to talk to Oleg, Varian and Constance stepped in and demanded their surrender at that point Happs went belilgerant as he only saw the two of them, the witch who was standing in the backgroud, but Happs Failed his Percetion roll with a 3. The wizard, inquisitor and the ranger opened up from range. End result was two dead bandits and 3 captured ones, Including Happs. The cavalier maxed damage on braining Happs with the flat of his greatword and knocking him the &*$@ out, at that point the remaning 2 bandits surrendered.

They then got the bandits to give up the location of their camp, the password and I dropped the name of the Stag Lord. They then headed off to fight the bandits leaving their Guards and NPC’s at the Trading Post to guard it while their off killing bandits.

All in all a nice session…