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I like seeing these new avvies.

Wouldn't it be easier to name the women Urizen doesn't drool over?

Liberty's Edge

Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:

I like seeing these new avvies.

Wouldn't it be easier to name the women Urizen doesn't drool over?


Liberty's Edge

Morning everyone, getting prepped to run this afternoon. Hope the day has been well for everyone.

Studpuffin wrote:
Morning everyone, getting prepped to run this afternoon. Hope the day has been well for everyone.

Howsabout some credit for those of us cleaning the house before folks come over to game?

Hope all is better in the Moorluck home. Any day that starts with cookies and ice cream has to be a good one!

Happy Memorial Day Weekend to the United Statesians, and a big thank you to all the vets. Drive carefully if you're travelling.

Now off to finish cleaning the gaming room and start on the upstairs. Man, I'm hungry.

Liberty's Edge

Treppa wrote:

Howsabout some credit for those of us cleaning the house before folks come over to game?

You get a +2! :P

Hey, is anybody reading The Religion right now? I keep seeing it in clearance sections, and I thought Uri and Pat picked it up. Also, the audio recording is pretty awesome.

Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:
Hey, is anybody reading The Religion right now? I keep seeing it in clearance sections, and I thought Uri and Pat picked it up. Also, the audio recording is pretty awesome.

This one?

The Exchange

Mister Moorluck wrote:

Heavy boots of black, billowing cape hanging from his back.

He has mechanical breath, crossing Lord Vader means certain death!

Lightsaber glows red, fought Obi Wan, now the old mans dead!.

~Still working on the lyrics.~

You could do this to the Iron man song.... I am Darth Vader. Now that I think of it never mind, the I am Darth Vader reminds me of that crappy rap song. I am slim shady. ~Shudder~

The Exchange

Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:
Hey, is anybody reading The Religion right now? I keep seeing it in clearance sections, and I thought Uri and Pat picked it up. Also, the audio recording is pretty awesome.

Ok you lost me.... huh?

Hey all! Hope everyone has a great Memorial Day weekend! Special good luck to Sebastian (I'm not sure if he's going for MAD or just brinkmanship.). Nah, not good luck... break a few legs, Unfrozen Pony Lawyer!

Mister Moorluck wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Morning, all! Just dropping in to say hello. I'm headed off to the opera rehearsal.
Break a leg!

Break a few legs to you too!


Heck, broken legs for everyone! Wheeeeeeeeeee!

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Morning folks ...

Wow, what a day yesterday. Got the pumpkins in, lawn mowed, plants watered, strawberries picked, laundry washed, two truckloads of dump compost acquired, several bags of eel grass gathered before the beaches go into sticker lockdown, and a feast of homemade pizza created...


Might have to take a break today ..


I only did some garden work and mowed the lawn yesterday, and nearly got sunstroke. You monkeys must have some form of Super Endurance feat.

What do you use the eel grass for?

Just packed up all the books from AD&D to 3.5 in the gaming area and stashed them, leaving only Pathfinder! o_o I love Pathfinder, but it's hard not to get... something... in my eye.

Treppa wrote:
Just packed up all the books from AD&D to 3.5 in the gaming area and stashed them, leaving only Pathfinder! o_o I love Pathfinder, but it's hard not to get... something... in my eye.

Yea. I will be doing the same thing. My 3.x, 1e, 2e, Palladium books RPG, Hackmaster, Traveller, and GURPS are all getting boxed up. 15 magazine boxes total.

Mister Moorluck wrote:
I wish you could see Riley, he is covered in ice cream, and is flipping out over Ironman. I think this movie may have replaced Cars.

You can only hope!

Studpuffin wrote:
Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:

I like seeing these new avvies.

Wouldn't it be easier to name the women Urizen doesn't drool over?


Just about every woman deserves a little bit of my drool. It makes a great facial applicator. Clears that complexion issue right up!

Treppa wrote:
Dr. Double Honors, Ph.D. wrote:
Hey, is anybody reading The Religion right now? I keep seeing it in clearance sections, and I thought Uri and Pat picked it up. Also, the audio recording is pretty awesome.
This one?

Yes, that one.

Treppa wrote:
Just packed up all the books from AD&D to 3.5 in the gaming area and stashed them, leaving only Pathfinder! o_o I love Pathfinder, but it's hard not to get... something... in my eye.

I'm in no hurry to stash 3.5 books; there's still plenty of valuable tidbits just waiting to be used.

Exposed Woody to a couple of the better HPB stores last night on the west side of Columbus. That boy must've spent like 200 buckaroos on gaming & psychology books. Half off + an additional 20% off is a good thing. =)

Sharoth wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Just packed up all the books from AD&D to 3.5 in the gaming area and stashed them, leaving only Pathfinder! o_o I love Pathfinder, but it's hard not to get... something... in my eye.
Yea. I will be doing the same thing. My 3.x, 1e, 2e, Palladium books RPG, Hackmaster, Traveller, and GURPS are all getting boxed up. 15 magazine boxes total.

All those 3.x books I just got you ... you're going to stash them away already?

Looks like the woman's family is wanting to order some 'Za. I'm going to be picking it up and followed by some nom nom nom! =D Ciao!

Urizen wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Treppa wrote:
Just packed up all the books from AD&D to 3.5 in the gaming area and stashed them, leaving only Pathfinder! o_o I love Pathfinder, but it's hard not to get... something... in my eye.
Yea. I will be doing the same thing. My 3.x, 1e, 2e, Palladium books RPG, Hackmaster, Traveller, and GURPS are all getting boxed up. 15 magazine boxes total.
All those 3.x books I just got you ... you're going to stash them away already?

Actually, they are getting put in the spare bedroom until I can get another 3 to 4 bookcases. I need to room for other things right now.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

I only did some garden work and mowed the lawn yesterday, and nearly got sunstroke. You monkeys must have some form of Super Endurance feat.

What do you use the eel grass for?


Monkeys love to root around in the soil. Makes for a fun day in mudpies. Plus I've been doing this off and on since April, I'm acclimated. :)

The eel grass is for my compost pile. Seaweed is an excellent 'green' component, since it absorbs a lot of trace minerals from the ocean. Pluss the attacked mini shells are an excellent source of calcium, which plants need for healthy stalks like we need them for bones.

Unfortunately, all the good beaches for harvesting are in the next town over, and all the beaches become sticker-parking only this weekend until Labor Day. I'm glad I grabbed them while I could.


Patrick Curtin wrote:

The eel grass is for my compost pile. Seaweed is an excellent 'green' component, since it absorbs a lot of trace minerals from the ocean. Plus the attacked mini shells are an excellent source of calcium, which plants need for healthy stalks like we need them for bones.

Unfortunately, all the good beaches for harvesting are in the next town over, and all the beaches become sticker-parking only this weekend until Labor Day. I'm glad I grabbed them while I could.


Ah. I'd heard of adding seaweed to compost, but didn't put 2+2 together. I could get it from the local beaches, but fighting the traffic & parking is too stressful. I usually get away with just eggshells in the compost. 'Sides, I ignored my compost pile for a week and now I have a butternut squash and a couple mystery tomatoes growing in it.

Ugh, the heat & humidity outside are awful.

RPG Superstar 2012

Latest news:
I decided to stay an extra day, which turned out to be a good idea, because my mom is in the emergency room due to low oxygen. The nurses think she'd been holding on until my visit. Now, hopefully, she'll improve, but, when the nurses at the nursing home say something like that, the prognosis doesn't seem so good.

I'll let you all know how it goes. In the meantime, if you've got some spare prayers or good thought, it would be great for my mom.

Oh man, I hope your mom pulls through Taig.

taig wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Best wishes and positive thoughts for your mom, and for you & your family in this difficult time.

Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Oh man, I hope your mom pulls through Taig.

+1 to that, taig.

Sharoth wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Oh man, I hope your mom pulls through Taig.
+1 to that, taig.

+2 taig. You have whatever positive energy I can send forth.

The prayers of the Moore household go out to you and your mom Taig. *Hug* Hang in there and call if you need anything.

long distance prayers from Iowa to your mom and your family Taig.

oh yeah, made it to iowa safely. hope everyone has enjoyed the start of the weekend. and Moorluck get some rest buddy.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
Sharoth wrote:
Twin Agate Dragons wrote:
Oh man, I hope your mom pulls through Taig.
+1 to that, taig.
+2 taig. You have whatever positive energy I can send forth.


Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
taig wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Hang in there Taig. My prayers go out to you and your mother.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Youngest son graduated from high school today. It was a wonderful commencement and also the first time our whole family has been together since Christmas. I am very proud of him! Pics soon.

The Exchange

My prayers are with you Taig. I hope everything goes well.

The Exchange

Got out to go gaming tonight. Missed almost everyone. I am however going to be running a small champions game on Weds. Yay me.

Wishing you and yours strength, Taig.

The Exchange

In the cludhouse I have a thread I would like any replies you may have.

RPG Superstar 2012

They gave my mom a breathing treatment and ran tests. According to the emergency room doctor, my mom is not doing appreciably worse than her previous visit to the emergency room. She was in a lot of pain, so they gave her morphine. She went to sleep almost immediately and got admitted into the hospital. I'll be heading over there soon, then back home.

Thanks for all the prayers and well-wishes. I really do appreciate them.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend (In America that is, LOL). Have a burger for me, I'm off to weed!


RPG Superstar 2012

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend (In America that is, LOL). Have a burger for me, I'm off to weed!


Are you gonna share? :)

My mom is sleeping right now, so I thought I'd get a couple of quick posts in

RPG Superstar 2012

I just saw all the Spanky Conressional ban posts. Hilarious!

taig wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend (In America that is, LOL). Have a burger for me, I'm off to weed!


Are you gonna share? :)

My mom is sleeping right now, so I thought I'd get a couple of quick posts in

C'mon over badgah, I'm sure we can come to an accomodation ;)

Best wishes

taig wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:

Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day weekend (In America that is, LOL). Have a burger for me, I'm off to weed!


Are you gonna share? :)

My mom is sleeping right now, so I thought I'd get a couple of quick posts in

Glad to hear things are.....better and that she is sleeping comfortably. *hugs* Get some rest yourself.

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Youngest son graduated from high school today. It was a wonderful commencement and also the first time our whole family has been together since Christmas. I am very proud of him! Pics soon.

AWESOME! Congrats to you and your son! :D

Hanging out with hubby and family today. Than school work tonight. And I have yet to get out of my PJ's. Its gonna be a good day! :D

Lyn! I got the book! It is beautiful, thank you so much! *hugs*

Silver Crusade

Just popping in and saying hi. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. Mine has been uneventful, although I made fettucini alla carbonara last night, and it was good.

The opera rehearsal went well, and I'm feeling good about my decision to be in it (this is the one I was debating about a few weeks back).

Silver Crusade

taig wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Best wishes, Taig. This is such a difficult thing to be dealing with.

Silver Crusade

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Well, I'm back home for the holiday weekend. Nice, but holy crap my cat is getting old. I don't want cat to be getting old. Yeah, she's over ten years old, but I was hoping she'd just stay the same until one day she just dissolves into a pile of dust.
Yah that sux. My first dog (well, the first one I picked out and bought and was primary caregiver for) George is going to be eight this December. It's hard watching my frisky puppy getting a grey muzzle and taking old man naps a lot more often ..
Yeah, the long decline to death is worse than the actual death. It was hard enough to watch it happen to the dog that wasn't my favorite since I was twelve. I'm just glad I might not be here to see most of it.

I went through this with my cat. We got her when I was about seven, and I can remember coming back from college and thinking "what happened?" The kitten who used to sleep on my bed was by then a badly arthritic 14-year-old cat. (She lived to be 17, so we had her from the time I was 7 until I was 24). It can be hard seeing that, especially when you're just back for visits and can see the aging more clearly than someone there for a gradual decline.

RPG Superstar 2012

Tordek Rumnaheim wrote:
Youngest son graduated from high school today. It was a wonderful commencement and also the first time our whole family has been together since Christmas. I am very proud of him! Pics soon.

Congratulations! Will he be going to college right away?

My oldest is 2 years away from graduating.

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