Eidolon: Poison

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest: Final Playtest

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I really don't see the need for the line 'This poison can be used no more than once per round.' Its just not the way poison creatures work. If a giant wasp stings or a spider bites you twice in round you get poisoned twice.

It has been restricted it to a single bite or strig attack already. (A change I can understand as I expected to see some 10 tailed stinging eidolons.) And you cannot take the poison ability multie times. I think the once per round is a bit over the top. Though.

Maezer wrote:

I really don't see the need for the line 'This poison can be used no more than once per round.' Its just not the way poison creatures work. If a giant wasp stings or a spider bites you twice in round you get poisoned twice.

It has been restricted it to a single bite or strig attack already. (A change I can understand as I expected to see some 10 tailed stinging eidolons.) And you cannot take the poison ability multie times. I think the once per round is a bit over the top. Though.

There is a bunch of weird exception rules that don't follow the core rulebook for the summoner and his Eidolon. I am hoping they clean it up over the next few months. How many attacks could you get anyway? 1 and another 1 for haste? Is that so broken?

You can summon a bunch of giant wasps and haste them and do way more poison damage.

How about this:

-Choose quadruped
-Put it in its bite
-Add reach twice and combat reflexes
-Multiatack may grant you an iterative attack
-Add pounce (optional)
-Finally add haste.

Wich give us between 4 and 5 attacks per round with poison, wich add up to +8 to the DC, each round, also you must factor the onset effect of the poison. So its quite breakable if not restricted, but not extremely if you ask me.


YawarFiesta wrote:

How about this:

-Choose quadruped
-Put it in its bite
-Add reach twice and combat reflexes
-Multiatack may grant you an iterative attack
-Add pounce (optional)
-Finally add haste.

Wich give us between 4 and 5 attacks per round with poison, wich add up to +8 to the DC, each round, also you must factor the onset effect of the poison. So its quite breakable if not restricted, but not extremely if you ask me.


The most I see is 3 and one attack is -5 and that means you have no other natural attacks on your Eidolon. Seems balanced to me.

3 attacks and thats only at level 9 and higher and only while hasted.

So at max you are looking at poison with a +6 DC or 3 different folks getting poisoned at +0 DC.

Not hardly powerful.


Maezer wrote:

I really don't see the need for the line 'This poison can be used no more than once per round.' Its just not the way poison creatures work. If a giant wasp stings or a spider bites you twice in round you get poisoned twice.

It has been restricted it to a single bite or strig attack already. (A change I can understand as I expected to see some 10 tailed stinging eidolons.) And you cannot take the poison ability multie times. I think the once per round is a bit over the top. Though.

Any extra clarification to rules are ok with me.

i also disagree with that line...most abilities the eidolon gets should be of equal power to most other monsters...

YawarFiesta wrote:
-Add reach twice

Not allowed.

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