Monster Advancer

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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I needed a quick way to apply the Monster Advancement rules from PRPG, so I put this web page together. It will take any creature in the Bestiary and make it "Advanced" "Young" "Giant" "Celestial" "Feindish" or add Hit Dice with just a click.

It isn't a "perfect" adjuster, as in I'm not a perfectionist, so not all the stats are really correct, but they're close. Also, I put this together over 4 evenings, so there are definitely bugs. Still, I think I'll use it this weekend at our game.

Let me know what you think.

It's just a simple page of javascript and uses the monster database from d20pfsrd converted into xml.

I get an "ActiveXObject not set up" message and then it says its loading [the monster] but never does...

Scarab Sages

master0fdungeons wrote:
It's just a simple page of javascript and uses the monster database from d20pfsrd converted into xml.

That's very cool, m0d. :) I may use this to generate token data for MapTool!

You really should look into using a JS framework, though. Makes the XML handling much simpler! <grin>

Liberty's Edge

Very cool result, it looks good and I suspect it will be very helpful.

Just to give some troubleshooting information:

I am getting the activexobject error listed above when I open the page in IE 7.

When I open the page in chrome, I don't get any errors, but it says loading and stays loading indefinitely.

Page seems to work perfectly in firefox however and its great.

Thanks a lot for the work!

Edit: Error code I am getting in IE 7.

Line: 129
Char: 35
Error: Object expected
Code: 0

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Mind if I embed that in an iframe in the site?

stuart haffenden wrote:
I get an "ActiveXObject not set up" message and then it says its loading [the monster] but never does...

Oops. I never tried it with IE. I use firefox. I hadn't realized javascript was such a pain between versions. Anyway, I got it mostly working in IE now. Only the 2 column output isn't working and I don't know why. So use firefox if that's important. I mostly wrote it so I could compare the before and after creatures anyway.

Here's the link again

jreyst wrote:
Mind if I embed that in an iframe in the site?

Please do.

Liberty's Edge

Likewise I think its great.

However there is one (non critical) bug I found and that is that it displays a '0' instead of the HitDie and bonuses.

Just letting you know.

once again - brilliant piece of work.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Bookmarked, that's a pretty handy tool. I'm getting the same bug as Nikolas Athas above. It's a minor thing, but helps with things like Fiendish or Celestial templates to know how much bonus damage is getting done.

master0fdungeons wrote:
stuart haffenden wrote:
I get an "ActiveXObject not set up" message and then it says its loading [the monster] but never does...

Oops. I never tried it with IE. I use firefox. I hadn't realized javascript was such a pain between versions. Anyway, I got it mostly working in IE now. Only the 2 column output isn't working and I don't know why. So use firefox if that's important. I mostly wrote it so I could compare the before and after creatures anyway.

Here's the link again

Some extra feedback: It didn't work for me before, and now it does. I'm running Opera.

Nikolaus Athas wrote:

Likewise I think its great.

However there is one (non critical) bug I found and that is that it displays a '0' instead of the HitDie and bonuses.

Oh, I get that one, too.

And I have a feature suggestion:

Augment Summoning: Which would just grant a +4 enhancement bonus to Str and Con.

The second "shadow" listed give the following "NaN 0 [Adv]+NaN" as hit points when advanced 2 hit dice.

Okay, version 1.1:
Fixed: '0' instead of HD
Fixed: 'NAN' on hit dice in some cases
Added: Augment Summoning
Also I reorganized the monsters so Large Blue Dragon is Dragon, Blue, Large. Also, the two shadows -- one was a shadow demon (fixed)

Let me know if you spot any other oddities.

Also, if this is slow to load, you can copy the two files to your local computer and run it. If the two are in the same directory it should work. You just need the htm and the xml files:

Cool, but one thing that doesn't seem to change as it should: The strength modifier to damage when size changes. A Large dog has 1d8+5 listed damage with a strength of 25, and a Medium bat has 1d8-4 damage with a strength of 11. These are quite big differences from the appropriate damge. A very young boar deals 1d4+0 damage with a strength of 9.
I understand that some difference isn't a big deal, but they are quite large differences in one of the most important combat statistics.

Otherwise, very cool app that I'll surely both bookmark and use!

Some more errors/suggestions:

Could you list snakes as "Snake, constrictor" and "Snake, venomous" (and I think the venomous snake is missing, there's just the viper, which is a familiar)?

And Giant creature is out of whack: I tried it on a viper. The natural armour isn't changed correctly.

AC in general seems to have problems.

Example for constrictor snake:

(Base) AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)
(Giant) AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) [Adv: -2 Dex, +2 natural]

* Str bonus to dmg fixed (I think). So giant looks better.
* Snakes grouped together
* some other stuff clean up too.


And Giant creature is out of whack: I tried it on a viper. The natural armour isn't changed correctly.

AC in general seems to have problems.

Example for constrictor snake:

(Base) AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 natural)
(Giant) AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +2 natural) [Adv: -2 Dex, +2 natural]

I think the natural armor is correct. I just tacked on the [Adv: -2 Dex, +2 natural] but didn't update the other numbers. It looked like more work that it was worth. The AC, Touch, and FlatFooted get recalculated, I just don't go through the (+3 Dex, +2 natural) and try to parse the different types.

So the giant you have shown has a total of +4 natural armor (+2 originally and +2 due to the advancement to giant). Going from any smallish size to "Large" gives a +2 natural armor bonus. I'm using the table Size Changes Table.

master0fdungeons wrote:

I think the natural armor is correct. I just tacked on the [Adv: -2 Dex, +2 natural] but didn't update the other numbers. It looked like more work that it was worth. The AC, Touch, and FlatFooted get recalculated, I just don't go through the (+3 Dex, +2 natural) and try to parse the different types.

Not only would it probably be a fun exercise, it would take your application closer to perfection. And those numbers can be interesting and useful.

So I say go the extra mile! (Imagine guy with weird hairstyle in a suit giving you an inciting speech! CHAKAAAA!)

I've added Half-Dragon and Half-Fiend now as well. Enjoy.

Sovereign Court Contributor

master0fdungeons wrote:

I've added Half-Dragon and Half-Fiend now as well. Enjoy.

Dude, this is sweet. Mind if I post a link from my blog?

I miss Lou Agresta. For a while there, it seemed like he was always popping into my audio waves. What is he doing now?

Louis Agresta wrote:

Dude, this is sweet. Mind if I post a link from my blog?

None at all. I just made it for my own use, but the more use the better. I, however, make no claims that its accurate. It's meant to be a good shot at the advancement, not for perfectionists. But it's great for on the fly stuff.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Hey, assuming you're still paying attention to this thread :)

(and in any case, now it's back from the grave)

I'm working on extending it beyond 30 HD, right now I'm working at +50. I may make more extensive changes that support arbitrary HD. Because, well, for me +30HD just wasn't enough :)

Hope you're not bothered by that. I just find the Pathfinder way of advancing monsters WAYYY more klunky than the 3.5e way, and this tool is too good to pass up.

Edit: I'll probably add extra templates, too, though most will not be pure Pathfinder templates (e.g. the epic pseudonatural template from ELH and the corrupted creature template from BoVD - and, of course, one of my favorites, evolved undead from LM).

Sounds great. Improvements are always welcome.

Liberty's Edge

I use this site all the time; but much to my chagrin, it's down. I'm hoping that you'll put it back up soon.

There is another at, but it's a totally different deal and adds all kinds of odd things with complicated formatting.

Your straight up Monster Advancer is better.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Sorry about that. My wife is starting a business, and we needed the web space. I just moved it to my dropbox and added a redirect from the old url. The new location is


The list of monsters never loads in Chrome.

same here, anybody has an idea how to fix this? (aside from super hepful stuff like "use firefox, noob!!!1!")

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Okay, I spent the morning fixing it up. So long as people still use it, I'll update it.

It now works in chrome, firefox, and IE.

Also, it is now up to date with a bunch of new sources. Creatures from more than one source, list the source in parenthasis in the drop down list. Also, the created creature info now has the source for the creature at the bottom of the output.

Also, notes for IE. It's slower and won't show two columns. I don't really know why and don't want to spend any more time looking at it.

Liberty's Edge

master0fdungeons wrote:

Sorry about that. My wife is starting a business, and we needed the web space. I just moved it to my dropbox and added a redirect from the old url. The new location is


Thank you! And good luck to your wife! :)

Grand Lodge

I'm noticing that when I try to add the advance template to the Giant Spider creature, the java script stops working. Has anyone else noticed that, as well as any other creatures it might apply too.

Kayne_rahl wrote:
I'm noticing that when I try to add the advance template to the Giant Spider creature, the java script stops working. Has anyone else noticed that, as well as any other creatures it might apply too.

Should be fixed now.

First off, sorry for raising this thread from the dead.
Secondly, thank you for sharing this amazing tool!
Thirdly, two things I've noticed:

  • Zombie check-box doesn't get cleared when you hit Reset
  • Attempting to apply the Zombie template to a creature with a Fly speed causes it to hang indefinitely. This seems to be caused by the following code snippet:


var n =;

if(n >= 0) {
var amount = Speed.match(/fly\s(\d*)\sm/);
changeSpeed( "fly", amount[1], "false", "clumsy" );

amstrdm wrote:

First off, sorry for raising this thread from the dead.

Secondly, thank you for sharing this amazing tool!
Thirdly, two things I've noticed:
  • Zombie check-box doesn't get cleared when you hit Reset
  • Attempting to apply the Zombie template to a creature with a Fly speed causes it to hang indefinitely. This seems to be caused by the following code snippet:

It is now fixed. Thanks for finding it.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Oh man this is purse awesome. I can't believe I didn't notice this until now. Thanks for making this.

Doesn't seem to work in Chrome though. -.-

pdboddy wrote:
Doesn't seem to work in Chrome though. -.-

Really? That's all I use and it works like a charm.

The advancer is still available if anyone still uses it:

Liberty's Edge

I usually use this program when I run, at least once a month. It's been super handy! However, the site has expired and GoDaddy is sitting on it, waiting for its admin to come and let them know it's still loved.

Hey Admin! We still love it! Will you give it another year?


Dark Archive


There's a similar site/app that I use for my summoned monsters:
Dingles Games NPC generator

Dark Archive

I found the original version posted on another webserver.

PRPG Monster Advancer

FYI, I reached out to Brian who was originally hosting the site. He is no longer running this site and it's being managed by someone else now. I'm hoping that "someone else" will see this post and contact me directly about getting this site updated with the monsters from the newer Bestiaries.


I have seen that the website posted above doesn't work anymore. As I have used the tool quite often I decided to host it myself:

I already reached out to the original creator and asked him if his not OK with it.

Have fun with this great tool!

Jeremias wrote:

...I decided to host it myself:

Monster Advancer

unfortunately the file is missing, Firefox only downloads the front page (no monster statistics so won't work offline), and the German version is kaput.

Monster Advancer on d20PFSRD also has dead website link.

Monster Advancer at Clever Orc Games is there but is 3.5 & PF...

Azothath wrote:
Jeremias wrote:

...I decided to host it myself:

Monster Advancer

unfortunately the file is missing, Firefox only downloads the front page (no monster statistics so won't work offline), and the German version is kaput.

Monster Advancer on d20PFSRD also has dead website link.

Uploaded the Zip file (I forgot that one):

Sadly, I have no clue who is responsible for the german version, else I would gladly host it too. The link is there from the previous iterations, I didn't do anything with the HTML. (I am just someone with webspace to spare, nothing more)

I have filed a report with d20pfsrd about the dead website, so they can maybe redirect to my webspace. But it is probably of a lower importance.

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