
amstrdm's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


pdboddy wrote:
Doesn't seem to work in Chrome though. -.-

Really? That's all I use and it works like a charm.

First off, sorry for raising this thread from the dead.
Secondly, thank you for sharing this amazing tool!
Thirdly, two things I've noticed:

  • Zombie check-box doesn't get cleared when you hit Reset
  • Attempting to apply the Zombie template to a creature with a Fly speed causes it to hang indefinitely. This seems to be caused by the following code snippet:


var n = Speed.search(/fly/);

if(n >= 0) {
var amount = Speed.match(/fly\s(\d*)\sm/);
changeSpeed( "fly", amount[1], "false", "clumsy" );