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Female Human Barbarian/2

Staggering under the blow; Anya nevertheless remains standing. Diving and rolling to get behind the giant to flank it with Ragnar she again swings her battle axe into it's uncaring flesh.
Attack & Damage:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 91d12 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 (+flank?)

If an acro is needed go ahead and roll it FW

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"Don't stab it, chop it!" Helga stares at the carnage a moment and then at her bow, then puts her speed to effect.

"The ship!" she exclaims to Stefnir. "That's how we stop it - burn the ship!" She takes off at a run that no-one present could match (expeditious retreat for you). She runs directly to the ship on the shore and searches for flint and steel, oil, tinder - anything that might burn!

Male Human Druid 2

Seeing that his weapons are much better for stabbing, than chopping, he follows behind Helga.

"I can create flame". "Let's burn that cursed ship to the waterline".

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Having quickly staunched the woman's bleeding, Kurn sees Helga and Stefnir running toward the ship, but he continues toward the sound of battle.


1d20 ⇒ 10

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

As the undead monster before him grows Jorgen growls in anger.

His hand upraised white light seems to pool at its center.

"Fall!" he roars as the silvery light rushes towards the abomination.

Knowledge religion1d20 ⇒ 1

Disrupt Undead
Attack1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7Ranged Touch
Damage1d6 ⇒ 4

Here's hoping being large with a wooden leg kills his touch AC

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari follows Kurn to the sounds of fighting.

Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15

The Exchange

Drago is hit left and right by the attacks of Ragnar.

Anya acrobatics check 1d20 ⇒ 1

Anya tries to tumble round the monster but its wooden leg stops that route with a bump to her head. Then her axe almost cuts the creature down in one blow.

Jorgen's magic also misses thanks to the massing combat around the giant ghoulish monster.

Drago's attack on 1d4 ⇒ 2 Ragnar again, 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18, damage 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

The warrior Drago is knocked clean out of the fight, landing in a heap.

Everyone is close enough to join in, the creature is reeling but may survive one or two small blows.

Helga and Stefnir run up the quay and reach the cursed ship, the sail is furled and the half-mast is still jury-rigged like a bonfire in waiting. The deck wood looks strong and difficult to light, while the trapdoor is back in place.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

[ooc]At -7, Fortitude to stabilize: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Taking the time to focus his energies, Jorgen again unleashes a silvery bolt of divine powe, this one striking the undead giant directly in the forehead.

Disrupt Undead
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
1d6 ⇒ 6

"You have no place here!"

The Exchange

And it drops in a slack heap as the magic of Jorgen shatters the dark energy leaving a broken wooden lump of wooden oar and a rotten body. A body with slashes and cuts to add to Drago's previous hurts.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

As Kurn arrives at the battle scene "Well done Jorgen!". He then moves to Ragnar and checks him over.

Heal check/stabalise

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15

I said you wouldn't need Kurns help

Female Human Barbarian/2

Her rage dropping along with Drago's lifeless corpse, Anya leans on her battle axe to stop from falling to the ground. Catching her breath she pants out "Quick, someone see to Ragnar!" While she looks on at Drago's ravaged corpse with a combination of fury, pity and sadness.

The Exchange

Kurn Thornsson wrote:

As Kurn arrives at the battle scene "Well done Jorgen!". He then moves to Ragnar and checks him over.

Heal check/stabalise 1d20+10 I said you wouldn't need Kurns help

You can stabilise him Kurn but he needs healing at -7 to get him back on his feet.

We are out of rounds now but I am interested to see whether Helga and Stefnir intend to go through with firing the Marked Albatross?

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen nods to Kurn then strides forward to stand over the body. Drawing his focus he calls upon divine energy and goes down to one knee, his dagger carving a rune in the fallen captain's chest that begins to glow red.

"Stand back" he says quietly.

Carving blast rune (fire) in Drago's chest.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

"Ragnar is hurt badly" declares Kurn to the others. He holds his Holy Symbol and places his hand on Ragnar's head "Krakis, although I'am no longer worthy, give the power to heal this sea warrior in your mighty name"

Channel twice

2d6 ⇒ (2, 6) = 8

Male Human Druid 2
Kurn Thornsson wrote:

"Ragnar is hurt badly" declares Kurn to the others. He holds his Holy Symbol and places his hand on Ragnar's head "Krakis, although I'am no longer worthy, give the power to heal this sea warrior in your mighty name"

Channel twice


you might want to wait till everybody else can gather around

Male Human Druid 2

Stefnir has every intention of burning this cursed ship to a crisp. He will do so from a rowboat or the shore if possible, since he has no intention on sitting foot on it's decks again.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

The sailor coughs as he comes to, whatever he tries to say (likely profanity) comes out as garbled nonsense.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

Kurn helps Ragnar sit up. "Take it easy my friend".

Kurn will burn a 1st level spell to cast cure light wounds on Ragnar

1d8 ⇒ 5

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

Ari seeing that the fight here is over, thinks that Helga and Stefnir might need some help. He heads off to the quay in a jog, shouting back at the others; "I'm off to help Helga and Stefnir with the ship"

The Exchange

Stefnir Ogmundrsson wrote:
Kurn Thornsson wrote:

"Ragnar is hurt badly" declares Kurn to the others. He holds his Holy Symbol and places his hand on Ragnar's head "Krakis, although I'am no longer worthy, give the power to heal this sea warrior in your mighty name"

Channel twice


you might want to wait till everybody else can gather around

Too late but I'll rule that Ragnar, Ari, Anya and Jorgen are in Kurn's area of healing.

The Exchange

Ari Thornsson wrote:
Ari seeing that the fight here is over, thinks that Helga and Stefnir might need some help. He heads off to the quay in a jog, shouting back at the others; "I'm off to help Helga and Stefnir with the ship"

The Marked Albatross is against the wooden quay. It can be fired from that or a boat but the quay is an integral part of Stuvoy (as Stefnir would know).

Ari arrives just as Helga and Stefnir are deciding what to do.

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"We cannot waste any more time. Let's pile what wood and oil we can into this tub and push her out on the tide, or tow her with a fishing boat," Helga declares.

The Exchange

As this is going on, a Qin warrior leaves their longhouse and moves swiftly towards the scene. Also Breda comes running down across the bridge and stops with a strangled cry when she sees the old man lying in a heap not far from Drago's burning body.

As the party stand by, several other heads begin to pop out now that the danger seems to have past. Breda falls to her knees over the man, mouthing the word, "father," over and over again, drips of saliva falling from her mouth. Kurn recognises him as the bridge guard that first stopped him crossing into the High Hall stockade.

Tavnia follows at a much slower pace, with him is the young Lord Mercik and the one-eyed bard. It will be a minute or so before that group reaches the battlefield.

The lookout bell stops ringing and the cove falls silent.

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

"Thuhngks Kuhn.",grunts Ragnar as he stands. Surveying the scene, he frowns.
"Suhmhuh uh thuhnk wuh wuhr uht uh wuh-kuhm. Uh wuhn't buh suhpruhzed uhf duh kuhck uhs uht uhftuh duhs."


"Somehow I think we wore out our welcome. I won't be surprised if they kick us out after this."

Male Human Cleric 2
Ragnar Stolen-Voice wrote:

"Thuhngks Kuhn.",grunts Ragnar as he stands. Surveying the scene, he frowns.

"Suhmhuh uh thuhnk wuh wuhr uht uh wuh-kuhm. Uh wuhn't buh suhpruhzed uhf duh kuhck uhs uht uhftuh duhs."

Translation: ** spoiler omitted **

"I think you may be right smiles Kurn ruefully, so lets help the others, quick!"

Kurn jogs over towards the ship.

Male Human Druid 2

"Cut the ropes and push her off Stefnir screams". "i will produce the flame needed to set the b%!!* alight".

Stefnir will gently touch the rail of the boat, and cast Alter Winds to cause the wind to carry the boat out to sea. He will then cast produce flame, and lob two sets of flame onto the deck. If others bring oil or flammables he will wait till the ship is doused before casting the produce flame spells

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga hoists the sail and jumps ashore to cut the ship free.

Profession (sailor): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Male Human Druid 2
Helga Evadottir Alfchild wrote:

Helga drops the sail and jumps ashore to cut the ship free.

Profession (sailor): 1d20+7

"Don't drop the sail"! Stefnir calls. "I'm going to use it to get the boat away from the shore".

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

I meant hoist, sorry wrong words!

The Exchange

The breeze 1d20 ⇒ 14 is out to sea enough. It will probably head straight out towards the south.

Helga and Stefnir can start to release the Marked Albatross and it slowly begins to drift out towards the centre of the bay. Stefnir's spells will complete the task.

Meanwhile the there was fish oil in the storage caves that Anya smelt. Anyone who has oil on them can help set the blaze. The mast and sail arrangement that Ragnar built will probably burn, especially with the help of magic.

Kurn heads down to help the others at the Cursed Ship.

Is anyone else stopping with Breda to face the elders of Stuvoy and their lord?

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

If we want to get technical, the mast is kind of a jury-rigged mess after the trip here.

Ragnar shakes his head at Kurn's run for the beach. Garbled though it is, he sounds sarcastic when he says,"Wuhll, thuht duhn't luhck suhspuhshuhz..."

He shrugs to Anya and Jorgen, walking closer to Breda.
"Uh'm suhrruh wuh duhdn't guht huh uhn tuhm tuh huhlp huhm", he says awkwardly.

"I'm sorry we didn't get here in time to help him."

I guess I'll stay, though I'm probably the worst spokesman.

The Exchange

Ragnar Stolen-Voice wrote:
If we want to get technical, the mast is kind of a jury-rigged mess after the trip here.

True, true. But still sufficient for the wind.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Jorgen strides over to Breda, bowing his head slightly at her loss. Looking over his shoulder at the burningg corpse he looks the distraight girl in the eye.

"It may not mean much, but he has been avenged."

The Exchange

Breda looks up at Jorgen and he notices through the tear-stained eyes she understands and approves of his words. Then the crying takes over again and the once proud warrior tears the air up, wailing; her head bowed and shoulders jumping.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Not used seeing or dealing with this type of emotion, and never having known any emotional connection to her own father, Anya slowly moves over near Breda, stands uncomfortably for a while, then, not knowing what else to say, rumbles "He died well."

Then, knowing she's done all she can and confident the others can handle the ship, she turns and with a defient stare, both hands placed around the handle of her ground battleaxe, and waits for the arrival of the Lord of Stuvoy and his retainers.

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2
Ragnar Stolen-Voice wrote:

If we want to get technical, the mast is kind of a jury-rigged mess after the trip here.

Ragnar shakes his head at Kurn's run for the beach. Garbled though it is, he sounds sarcastic when he says,"Wuhll, thuht duhn't luhck suhspuhshuhz..."

He shrugs to Anya and Jorgen, walking closer to Breda.
"Uh'm suhrruh wuh duhdn't guht huh uhn tuhm tuh huhlp huhm", he says awkwardly.
Translation: ** spoiler omitted **

I guess I'll stay, though I'm probably the worst spokesman.

Kurn doesn't do talking and diplomacy on land.

Kurn reaches the shore after the ship sails out into the bay. "Well done everybody, but we may have a problem with the locals in a minute. The old warrior we saw is dead and I think I saw the young Lord and his retainers heading this way. Anya and Ragnar will meet them first, so you may want to intervene" says Kurn looking at Stefnir as party leader. " I need to check out a casualty I treated earlier and out of interest, has anybody seen Saorise?" Kurn shrugs his shoulders and move back to the woman he treated earlier.

The Exchange

As Kurn says those fateful last words, the ship begins to catch fire properly and wheels slightly on the breeze and heads out to sea.

Looking around, there is no sign of Saorise on the quay or beach. But Helga and Stefnir may remember that the trapdoor was open on the Albatross.

While Helga, Stefnir and the rest are helping to send the ship on its way and as Kurn finally reaches them, the Lord and his party reach Breda. Tavnia leans down and checks out the old man, afterwards shaking his head. The druid with thin bony arms lifts the sobbing girl to her feet and murmurs, "he is gone. Come with me, Breda. I need someone to carry his body up to the stockade. At this point, Olaf and Thorsten step out of the shadow of the Lord Mercik and start to pick the stiffening body from the stained grass.

Lord Mercik himself looks at Anya and Jorgen. "How many died? Tell me what happened."

The bard stands slightly behind one shoulder, his white eye glittering in the morning light as he takes in the trail of destruction and burning ship, "it looks like they are trying to destroy the Albatross, my Lord."

Male Human Barbarian (Sea Reaver) 2 HP 22/23, NLD 0; AC 16, FF 14, T 12; Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1; Init +4, Perc +6

Ragnar nods, even though they weren't speaking to him. He keeps his response clear and simple.
"Druh-guh Luhng-uhcks.", he says, pointing to the burning corpse.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

"We left the cave to find Drago's...revenant butchering the villagers. I believe there are 3 dead."

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

"The creatures in the shrine were difficult to slay - once we heard the commotion in the town, we disengaged and swam or sailed to intervene as swiftly as we could. We never imagined ... this," Helga gestures at the carnage.

"Once we saw it ... we realised we had to destroy the ship, as soon as may be."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

Female Human Barbarian/2

Tired, in pain and the minuscule amount of patience she possess long gone, Anya looks down at the young lord and growls out "Something was killing your people. We just stopped it. No need to thank us or anything."
Intimidate:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

The Exchange

The boy's face mottles red at the words of Anya. He steps forwards and points at Helga, obviously angry now.

Intimidate 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

"Three dead! Three dead! It should be you that's dead not my people!" he squeaks with a breaking voice.

Realising how silly he sounds, the boy opens his mouth to get even more angry, "and this girl tries to growl at me, the Lord's son. I have half a mind to toss you out. My father would have hit her for that insult."

So we have Helga, Jorgen, Ragnar and the smooth talking Anya with Lord Mercik and Sawrik. They are about 100 yards from the quay.

Meanwhile the rest are on the quay watching their efforts succeeding, then Kurn, Ari and Stefnir notice movement on the deck 150 feet out. Lit by the burning deck and mast area, they see someone stagger out of the trapdoor then collapse. When she stands again, the woman's furs are burning too and she starts screaming and batting at her clothes.

Suddenly the frantic movement wheels her towards a siderail and the ship tips to throw her over the side. Saorise's screams are cut off by the ice cold water.

Male Human (Kreig) Inquisitor 2

Is this out of Jorgen's line of sight/earshot?

Female Half-Elf Bard 2/Ranger 2

Helga steps between Anya and Mercik.

"You would be within your rights, my lord," she begins. "We brought your people grief omn our ship today, which is why we're disposing of it so it can do no more harm."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

... but then the screaming from the ship distracts her.

"What is that idiot still doing aboard?" she exclaims in horror. "Anya! You have to swim for her she'll never survive the water!"

Male Half-Elf Cleric 2

As Kurn wanders over to the wounded woman he helped before, he hears the scream and looks to see Saorise burning and fall off the ship. "The Witch is probably the one who caused the dead to rise and now she is paying the price of her evil!" he thinks to himself.

Fw - What is the condition of the woman please?

The Exchange

Jorgen Ulrichsson Truesight wrote:
Is this out of Jorgen's line of sight/earshot?

The village cove is a bit like an amphitheatre so that people can see down into the water from most angles. The ground does undulate a bit which is why Drago was hidden from view from the beach.

Kurn can re-visit the beach and the woman lying on the stones. She is breathing shallow.


The woman has taken a heavy blow to the neck and face, she needs rest or healing. Out of game is is on 0 hit points.

Those on the quay are much closer to the sea and the ship and Saorise than Anya and the rest. It will take most if not all of two rounds for Anya to reach the sea.

Female Human Barbarian/2

Anya starts to smile as the youth, barely reaching her chest height, tries to intimidate her. She is stopped from laughing right in his face though as Helga steps between them. Her face clearly displaying her annoyance she puts her hand on his sisters shoulder in preparation to move her aside and opens her mouth to say something no doubt somewhat less than diplomatic when the screams of the sorceress interrupt her.

Looking to her sister in even deeper annoyance at the call for rescue the big, gore spattered woman swears under her breath, then throws down the axe at Merick's feet saying "Here. I believe this is yours. Next time you need help you can use it yourself." and then begins running as fast as she can for the water.

Double move, 80', running (so 320'?)

And boy, don't ya just gotta love her? ; )

The Exchange

Full run is 4 times normal speed, i.e. 160 feet. And love, not the first emotion that springs to mind. Fun though.

Male Half-Elf Rogue 2

"I'll get her", shouts Ari, taking a deep breath and diving into the water.

Swim check 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

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