The Unofficial Top 32 Guildhall, Local #2010

RPG Superstar™ 2010 General Discussion

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RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

Sean McGowan wrote:
I can't really see a trip out to the west coast in the cards for myself this summer; time will tell, but unlikely.

Same; I'd love to but my situation would have to change quite a bit.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

now Origins I can do, even if Paizo can't.

Hells, I live here.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Dedicated Voter Season 7 aka Draconas

If only it wasn't on the exact mirror opposite side of the US from me. Ah well, I'll just try and attend Dragoncon for the first time this year. It's only an hour and a half north of me.

The Exchange

I should be at Origins again this year, and maybe GenCon. Not sure about GenCon though. We'll see!

We should organize a meet or maybe even some table-top rpg goodness. PFSociety or otherwise.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

I'm looking to be at Gen-Con, but that's probably it this year, and that's really dependent on several factors. I don't think I can afford two cons in 2010.

The Exchange

Seth White wrote:
I'm looking to be at Gen-Con, but that's probably it this year, and that's really dependent on several factors. I don't think I can afford two cons in 2010.

I'm lucky in that I am friends with an older couple that have a double-sized retailer booth and often have extra passes. They know my love of rpgs and cons and have kindly offerred them to me severla years in a row. Last year was my first chance to go to GenCon since it was in Milwaukee. I usually take my nephew to Origins each year.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Bill Dodds wrote:
Seth White wrote:
I'm looking to be at Gen-Con, but that's probably it this year, and that's really dependent on several factors. I don't think I can afford two cons in 2010.
I'm lucky in that I am friends with an older couple that have a double-sized retailer booth and often have extra passes. They know my love of rpgs and cons and have kindly offerred them to me severla years in a row. Last year was my first chance to go to GenCon since it was in Milwaukee. I usually take my nephew to Origins each year.

I haven't been to Gen-Con (or any rpg convention outside of Minneapolis/St Paul) since it was in Milwaukee, in 93 actually. I'm really hoping to be able to go this year.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

FWIW after some deliberation I decided I would put a fairly brief critique of everyone's creature up. I'm slow though so I've only gotten to the first three so don't feel singled out if I haven't gotten to you or vise versa.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Orange Toque

Dennis Baker wrote:
FWIW after some deliberation I decided I would put a fairly brief critique of everyone's creature up. I'm slow though so I've only gotten to the first three so don't feel singled out if I haven't gotten to you or vise versa.

Thanks, Dennis. I am trying to do the same, but Real Life is kicking me pretty hard right now. Every bit of criticism is useful to a writer; it makes you see how others see your work. Hopefully, I will be able to put up my critiques before round 3 starts. Everyone involved should get as much feedback as possilbe, because that will make all of us better writers.


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Madgael

Tobias Mullen wrote:
Dennis Baker wrote:
FWIW after some deliberation I decided I would put a fairly brief critique of everyone's creature up. I'm slow though so I've only gotten to the first three so don't feel singled out if I haven't gotten to you or vise versa.

Thanks, Dennis. I am trying to do the same, but Real Life is kicking me pretty hard right now. Every bit of criticism is useful to a writer; it makes you see how others see your work. Hopefully, I will be able to put up my critiques before round 3 starts. Everyone involved should get as much feedback as possilbe, because that will make all of us better writers.


Same here. Been kind of a rough week on the whole, and I'm feeling bad about not having posted much so far, especially on my compatriots' achievements this round. Hopefully I can get out there and get involved in the discussions a bit more this weekend (after a full night's sleep, et al). Oy.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Brian Hoffman wrote:
Hopefully I can get out there and get involved in the discussions a bit more this weekend (after a full night's sleep, et al). Oy.

Smart move Brian. You don't want to get behind a keyboard giving feedback when you're tired. Take it easy and rest up. We'll be in a holding pattern for a few days, you'll have time.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Madgael

Seth White wrote:
Bill Dodds wrote:
Seth White wrote:
I'm looking to be at Gen-Con, but that's probably it this year, and that's really dependent on several factors. I don't think I can afford two cons in 2010.
I'm lucky in that I am friends with an older couple that have a double-sized retailer booth and often have extra passes. They know my love of rpgs and cons and have kindly offerred them to me severla years in a row. Last year was my first chance to go to GenCon since it was in Milwaukee. I usually take my nephew to Origins each year.
I haven't been to Gen-Con (or any rpg convention outside of Minneapolis/St Paul) since it was in Milwaukee, in 93 actually. I'm really hoping to be able to go this year.

I can really only get in one big con a year these days. (Have to save up my wife points.) GenCon will be the big one for us though this summer. I've only missed one in the last 10-11 years or so, a couple of years ago when my daughter was born. Indy is pretty cool though - you should give it a try (though Milwaukee sure had character, I'll admit).

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Brian Hoffman wrote:
Seth White wrote:
Bill Dodds wrote:
Seth White wrote:
I'm looking to be at Gen-Con, but that's probably it this year, and that's really dependent on several factors. I don't think I can afford two cons in 2010.
I'm lucky in that I am friends with an older couple that have a double-sized retailer booth and often have extra passes. They know my love of rpgs and cons and have kindly offerred them to me severla years in a row. Last year was my first chance to go to GenCon since it was in Milwaukee. I usually take my nephew to Origins each year.
I haven't been to Gen-Con (or any rpg convention outside of Minneapolis/St Paul) since it was in Milwaukee, in 93 actually. I'm really hoping to be able to go this year.
I can really only get in one big con a year these days. (Have to save up my wife points.) GenCon will be the big one for us though this summer. I've only missed one in the last 10-11 years or so, a couple of years ago when my daughter was born. Indy is pretty cool though - you should give it a try (though Milwaukee sure had character, I'll admit).

Yeah, I'm definitely planning on it. It looks like a lot of fun and it's been way too long since I've been.

Milwaukee was easy because at the time I lived 45 minutes away. :)

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

For what it's worth, I just posted a lengthy discussion about colons and semicolons in my thread. I posted there because a few people decided to bring up the subject in a manner suggesting that a lesson wouldn't be out of place, but I'm flagging it here because it might have wider appeal.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Chris Mortika wrote:
For what it's worth, I just posted a lengthy discussion about colons and semicolons in my thread. I posted there because a few people decided to bring up the subject in a manner suggesting that a lesson wouldn't be out of place, but I'm flagging it here because it might have wider appeal.

While your information on using the colon and semicolon is very cool, I worry you may be violating the rules by posting that in your own thread while voting continues, Chris. If you get a chance, I'd move it out of your thread to a totally new one. Or just drop your advice here.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Chris Mortika wrote:
For what it's worth, I just posted a lengthy discussion about colons and semicolons in my thread. I posted there because a few people decided to bring up the subject in a manner suggesting that a lesson wouldn't be out of place, but I'm flagging it here because it might have wider appeal.

You are a total word geek.

I... am far from a word geek but I am a geek in so many other ways that I can appreciate your word geekiness from afar.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Neil Spicer wrote:
I worry you may be violating the rules by posting that in your own thread while voting continues, Chris.

Hmm. I took pains not to address the actual entry, nor any of the issues that were raised about, for example, templates or critter motivation.

In any case, the post was over two hours ago by now. I hope that doesn't disqualify me --I can't imagine how it would-- but it's out of my hands.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Chris Mortika wrote:
Hmm. I took pains not to address the actual entry, nor any of the issues that were raised about, for example, templates or critter motivation.

Yeah, I suspected that was why you felt safe posting that stuff. And maybe it's fine? But, it did make me wonder if that might be viewed as a rules violation.

I went back to review Wes' admonition thread. And he quoted the rules where it states, "Contestants are prohibited from posting in their own entry threads beyond asking for feedback and requesting your vote. Such discussion may not add to, expand upon, or clarify the content of the submission. Doing so may result in disqualification, in the sole discretion of the judges and/or Paizo."

I read that to mean it isn't just forbidding stuff that addresses the actual entry. You're only allowed to ask for feedback and request folks to vote for you. So, a discussion on colons/semi-colons (although not directly related to your item) does still give insight to the voters about how meticulous you might be...or whatever. The bottom line is that the impression that additional discussion leaves could potentially sway someone to vote for you. So, placing it in your item's thread probably isn't good.

Nevertheless, I think you'd be fine to post that somewhere other than your item discussion thread, if you wanted. Or, it would even be appropriate to post that in your thread after voting ended.

Chris Mortika wrote:
In any case, the post was over two hours ago by now. I hope that doesn't disqualify me --I can't imagine how it would-- but it's out of my hands.

Yeah, I suspected bringing it up as late as I did might not reach you in time. Regardless, it's water under the bridge now. I just thought I'd try and reach out to you as quickly as I could so you could edit it if you still had time left.

Trying to be helpful,


Neil Spicer wrote:
Chris Mortika wrote:
For what it's worth, I just posted a lengthy discussion about colons and semicolons in my thread. I posted there because a few people decided to bring up the subject in a manner suggesting that a lesson wouldn't be out of place, but I'm flagging it here because it might have wider appeal.
While your information on using the colon and semicolon is very cool, I worry you may be violating the rules by posting that in your own thread while voting continues, Chris. If you get a chance, I'd move it out of your thread to a totally new one. Or just drop your advice here.

Nah, it's not addressing any points about his monster. Wes and I agree that he went farther into the English-grammar-nerdery deep end than most people would want to, but that doesn't disqualify him.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Thanks, Sean.

And thanks, too, Neil, for looking out for us.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2009, RPG Superstar Judgernaut

Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Nah, it's not addressing any points about his monster. Wes and I agree that he went farther into the English-grammar-nerdery deep end than most people would want to, but that doesn't disqualify him.

Awesome. I didn't mean to stress poor Chris out, either. I just wanted to help avoid a DQ if the rules got interpreted more strongly than they first appeared. Apologies, Chris.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Chris, I enjoyed your semi-rant about semicolons.

I'm very glad that didn't count as a DQ (I always read that as Dairy Queen, unfortunately). That would be really horrible. I know I wouldn't want to progress because of something like that, and I'm sure everyone agrees.

The Exchange

If that happened, I could see Chris go into a rage, snakey-hair whipping in fury, eyes blazing red as he screamed "@%$-#$%@ MOTHER@$&%@*$ SEMICOLONS!" Thank you, judges, for not Dairy-Queening him. That would suck.

..and Chris would forever hate grammar.


Sovereign Court

Andrew Sun wrote:

Hey there Lynx. Trey runs the JJWM myspace profile and probably thinks you're crazy as he doesn't know of my gaming habits, whereas I need to actually check the Modern Epic profile more often, especially 'cause we got a show coming up this Friday at Lindberg's, whoo! That said, Paizo really needs a messaging system to go with our profiles =).

It'd definitely be cool to play some Pathfinder. I'll be really busy this week but after that I'll be sure to contact you by the weekend at the very least. What kind of games do you guys run (roleplaying/combat, homebrew/modules)?

We play pathfinder society and also most of the homegames have switched at least to pathfinder rules.

There was a decent showing at Visioncon last week.

Just shoot me a message sometime and we'll talk. email probably better since I usually use facebook and rarely check myspace.

I agree Paizo definetly could use a messaging system


The Exchange

Well, I suppose I ought to throw my item out for review now that we are well past the Wonderous Item stage.

I said I would post it here, so have a gander, friends!

(note: this is duplicated in the Clark, Give Me Feedback thread)

Infernal Claw of Torment
Aura strong necromancy [evil]; CL 13th
Slot hand(s); Price 99,400 gp; Weight 1 lb
This heavily tattooed and strangely warm leather glove and gauntlet is tipped in black talons, with swirled runes covering every inch of its deep russet exterior. Sliding the glove on is unnerving as it seems to squirm its way up the wearer’s arm until it seals itself just beyond the elbow.
An infernal claw is constructed from the heavily enchanted dismembered and deboned arm of a devil or demon and has several powers.
-The wearer gains a claw attack, normally d6+ Str modifier but adjusts for the size of the wearer. This claw attack is considered ‘armed’ and can bypass DR/evil protection.
-Holding the claw aloft, fingers spread, evokes a symbol of pain as an incandescent infernal rune lights up on the palm of the glove. The effects of the spell-like effect last 13 rounds but otherwise acts as a symbol of pain, including the 60’ radius which is centered on the bearer of the infernal claw.
-Holding the claw aloft, fist clenched, evokes a symbol of weakness as a different rune on the back of hand flares to life. The effects function like the spell, with the same duration and range as the symbol of weakness.
The symbols can each be used once per day, though there is no limit to the claw attacks. Evoking one of the symbols or using the infernal claw in a melee attack immediately ends the duration of any active symbols, though the lingering effects of the symbol remain for the standard 60 minutes. The bearer and up to three creatures of the bearer’s choosing are immune to the symbol effects.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, gentle repose, symbol of pain, symbol of weakness, Cost 49700

Some thoughts after reading all the critiques of the multitude of items so far:
A) SPELLinnaCAN! Damnit. I really should have read ALL the critiques from last year, but I was just uber-excited and submitted the first day I could.
B) Formatting. I believe I submitted without proper bold text, etc. (since then I have fixed it)
C) Did not alphabatize my spell requirements (again, now fixed)
D) Kept referring to the effects of the Claw as the symbol effects instead of the infernal claw's effects. This just reinforced the SiaC of the item.

What perhaps got me in as an alternate was the imagery and descriptiveness. I'd love to see if my assumptions match up with what our judging staff wrote.

Now that I have gotten heavily into this forum as a result of this contest and read thousands of posts on last year AND this year's critiques, suggestions, and submissions, I feel ready and much more prepared for next year.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16 aka tejón

Who else is finding one week to be woefully insignificant to absorb the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting? I swear I'm going cross-eyed...

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

Bill Dodds wrote:

Infernal Claw of Torment


There are a handful of technical issues, but if you've posted in the feedback thread you're probably aware of them. The imagery is really great on this.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7

Lief Clennon wrote:
Who else is finding one week to be woefully insignificant to absorb the Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting? I swear I'm going cross-eyed...

*raises hand*

It is indeed much to take in. Between that, reading the comments on all the monsters and revising both my wondrous item and my monster based on everyone's feedback, I'm amazed I actually have time for sleep and food.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

I'm meandering through it. I've read the races and ethnicities and the northernmost countries (I spotted the cavemen and the vikings and liked what I saw; what can I say).

I'm pretty sure I would go crosseyed if I tried to gobble it down beginning to end.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

I've mostly been reviewing the deities. For me, those are always the linchpin of a setting.

I've spun through the races a bit as well. Seems odd to me that there are so many human cultures represented, but demihumans don't exhibit that kind of diversity. I suppose it can be hand-waved away as a result of "the more malleable human genome" or somesuch, but it's not an aspect that I care much for.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Bill Dodds wrote:

Infernal Claw of Torment

Aura strong necromancy [evil]; CL 13th

I thought I wasn't going to like this but on reading it this is pretty cool. The way you invoke the symbols is pretty cool and IMO doesn't feel like a spell in a can (which is likely why you are an alt).


When members of your race typically live for hundreds of years, cultures are going to evolve more slowly.

That said, there are variant nonhuman cultures in the setting... we just didn't have the space to devote 2 pages to each of them (especially as for most of them they're confined to a very specific area).

Further information on:
Desna can be found in Pathfinder #2.
Lamashtu can be found in Pathfinder #5.
Abadar can be found in Pathfinder #8.
Zon Kuthon can be found in Pathfinder #11.
Cayden Cailean can be found in Pathfinder #14.
Calistria can be found in Pathfinder #17.
Sarenrae can be found in Pathfinder #20.
Rovagug can be found in Pathfinder #23.
-(further information on spawn of Rovagug in Pathfinder #24)
Iomedae can be found in Pathfinder #26.
Asmodeus can be found in Pathfinder #27.

The above articles are in-depth looks at the deities. The major gods each get a two page spread in Gods & Magic.

The demon-lords got a paragraph or so each in Pathfinder #18.

Information on the 'herald' of each deity (a unique creature that runs errands for the deity to Golarion, as Golarion deities do not make a habit of manifesting avatars) usually features in the bestiary section of the Pathfinder which includes an article on that deity, although Desna's herald, The Night Monarch was printed in Pathfinder #5 as far as I recall, along with Lamashtu's herald. (Paizo were still sorting out their patterns for articles and associated content in the early days of the adventure paths.)
Rovagug doesn't really have a herald, but just the nasty beasties known as the spawn of Rovagug instead, of which Golarion's version of the tarrasque is a member.

Or if you're in a pinch for some information, you could always try Yoda8myhead's wikipedia, (he has a link in his messageboards profile) or try the Tuesday night chat which usually takes place in the Paizo chatroom (Lilith has a link in her messageboards profile) at 20:00 Paizo Standard Time (PST) on every Tuesday. (There are other chatters there at other times, but you can put James Jacobs himself to the question on Tuesday nights unless he's having difficulty parking his car or is off watching a film... ;) )

I hope that was helpful. I'm off to bed and to ponder which of you get the dubious privilige of my two remaining Round 2 votes...

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Sean, good to hear that there's more demihuman goodness awaiting me. Thanks for your response.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
<all kinds of good stuff about Golarion deities.>

Thanks, Charles, that's good info. When I'm a little better acquainted with Golarion overall, I'll come back to some of the more in-depth stuff.

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
I'm off to bed and to ponder which of you get the dubious privilige of my two remaining...

I still have Thin Mints left. Just sayin'.

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Joe Wells wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
I'm off to bed and to ponder which of you get the dubious privilige of my two remaining...
I still have Thin Mints left. Just sayin'.

Joe is right Charles. Votes are precious, never dubious.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Hydro

Joe Wells wrote:

I've mostly been reviewing the deities. For me, those are always the linchpin of a setting.

I've spun through the races a bit as well. Seems odd to me that there are so many human cultures represented, but demihumans don't exhibit that kind of diversity. I suppose it can be hand-waved away as a result of "the more malleable human genome" or somesuch, but it's not an aspect that I care much for.

Well, which are most DMs more likely to say- "I want to run a viking adventure", or "I want to run a gold dwarf adventure"?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6

Nicolas Quimby wrote:
Well, which are most DMs more likely to say- "I want to run a viking adventure", or "I want to run a gold dwarf adventure"?

Sure. It just seemed a little lopsided that humans take nearly double the page count of all other races combined. Sean has set me straight, though, so no biggie.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean

Joe Wells wrote:

I've mostly been reviewing the deities. For me, those are always the linchpin of a setting.

I've spun through the races a bit as well. Seems odd to me that there are so many human cultures represented, but demihumans don't exhibit that kind of diversity. I suppose it can be hand-waved away as a result of "the more malleable human genome" or somesuch, but it's not an aspect that I care much for.

Personally, I liked that; too many campaign setting books give almost no detail on the varitey of human cultures, but give you a half dozen option on demihuman subraces. It was actually nice to see a full page writeup each for half a dozen human races- all just pure worldbuilding detail and not simply a list of different stats and traits.

That said, I certainly look forward to seeing that same detailing given to all the demihuman races; even after reading Elves of Golarion I'm still jonesing for more information on Mordant Spire elves, for instance.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

It's been a lot of fun competing with all of you in this contest. The voting booths are closing soon, and I want to wish everyone best of luck.

I think there were many really great entries this round. There's a lot of top-notch work here, and it truly is an honor to compete against all of you.

If I get out-designed, I'll be proud of what I've done so far, and continue to follow the progress of those that move forward.

Thanks to everyone for coming up with stellar designs and for being cool, decent people. I look forward to seeing what happens next. And I promise I'm gonna buy the module of whoever wins, because I already know it will rock.

Good luck everyone!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Best of luck to you, too, Seth; you're a class act.

Question: Have you run into Joe Outzen, the fellow from Saint Louis Park who did pretty well the first year?

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Even though my outlook doesn't look good at this point it was a pleasure to compete with so many talented hopeful designers.

I thought every monster had potential and it will be a shame not to see half of them get to realize that potential (at least inside the competition).

Good luck to everyone.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 7

Best of luck everyone!

This was a fun round. All the monsters were great to read and to think and talk about. I spent so much time reading the entries and the comments that I didn't get around to commenting on any of them until Saturday. I have a huge appreciation for the judges and the posters who commented on every monster. My brain definitely needs a break after 4 or 5 of them! I wish I'd started earlier...

Again, good luck!

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean

Cosigned with the above comments about how great the entries were this round; if I don't make the cut, it takes the sting off knowing that the competition was this strong.

So I have a proposal, of sorts: I have preliminary stats for my monster written up, having assumed that would be the next challenge. I figure I'm not the only one. Even if I'm in the bottom 16, I intend to finish them and post them in my monster thread. Partially because I hate to think of them going to 'waste' as it were, partially to give me something to distract me from having been cut, and hey, partially because I'm not willing to relinquish the limelight quite yet. :::grin::: I'd suggest anyone else in the bottom 16 who might be in a similar frame of mind do the same. My goal would be to have them ready to go by Friday afternoon, the same as if I advanced to the next round. I figure if nothing else that would allow us some feedback and give the rest of the board something to occupy their time with over the weekend while they're waiting for the top 16 entries to be revealed. And to sharpen their teeth on, so to speak. (Yes, my mind has been blazing with tooth-oriented puns all week. go figure.)

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32 , Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8

Let me echo the good luck! I enjoyed reading the items and the monsters and I look forward to seeing what comes next. Cheers!

Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7, Dedicated Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

Hey, I just wanted to peek my head in here and say something...

Well done.

This is rough, putting yourselves out there with each assignment and exposing your handiwork to the raw feedback of the internet. Even if and when you decide to give this a go, I think you'll find acquiring honest feedback is one of the toughest challenges. I'm saying this as someone who's been hammering away at this dream for the last three years while he keeps the day gig, maintains the house and helps raise two short people.

Everyone's got their own situation, everyone's got their own challenges, but you guys are going out there, busting your humps and giving us your best. That takes determination and bravery. Don't forget it.

However this round or later rounds turns out, wear the tag with pride and don't stop putting it out there. You've got to earn your spurs somewhere, and 2010 isn't a bad time to start.

Rock it out, gentlemen.

(You may return to your drinks.)

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

Sean McGowan wrote:

Cosigned with the above comments about how great the entries were this round; if I don't make the cut, it takes the sting off knowing that the competition was this strong.

So I have a proposal, of sorts: I have preliminary stats for my monster written up, having assumed that would be the next challenge. I figure I'm not the only one. Even if I'm in the bottom 16, I intend to finish them and post them in my monster thread. Partially because I hate to think of them going to 'waste' as it were, partially to give me something to distract me from having been cut, and hey, partially because I'm not willing to relinquish the limelight quite yet. :::grin::: I'd suggest anyone else in the bottom 16 who might be in a similar frame of mind do the same. My goal would be to have them ready to go by Friday afternoon, the same as if I advanced to the next round. I figure if nothing else that would allow us some feedback and give the rest of the board something to occupy their time with over the weekend while they're waiting for the top 16 entries to be revealed. And to sharpen their teeth on, so to speak. (Yes, my mind has been blazing with tooth-oriented puns all week. go figure.)

I think that would be cool if everyone created a monster entry for their critter, complete with stats.

I know Sean said no posting of stats, so any posting should probably wait until voting for Round 3 is complete, to not take away from the Top 16.

But I'd love to see everyone's monsters statted up, whether they got voted on to Round 3 or not.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8 , Star Voter Season 6

Yes more drinks!

For 16 of us will be in our cups tomorrow.

Seth White wrote:

I think that would be cool if everyone created a monster entry for their critter, complete with stats.

I know Sean said no posting of stats, so any posting should probably wait until voting for Round 3 is complete, to not take away from the Top 16.

But I'd love to see everyone's monsters statted up, whether they got voted on to Round 3 or not.

Statted up, and ready for a PbP throw down.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32 aka Madgael

One last huzzah for the Class of 2010 before our herd is brutally culled tomorrow...


RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32, 2011 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Marathon Voter Season 7, Marathon Voter Season 8, Marathon Voter Season 9 aka DankeSean

Brian Hoffman wrote:

One last huzzah for the Class of 2010 before our herd is brutally culled tomorrow...


Be excellent to each other.

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