Clark Peterson Legendary Games, Necromancer Games |
![Black Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9258-BlackDragon_500.jpeg)
Hey guys.
Here is a placeholder thread. Lock it until at least a day after the announcement of the top 32.
I want people to be properly focused on the winners. Then, after that, we can start discussing the ones that didn't win. I don't want to divert all our attention away from the winners.
But that said, I will be happy to give feedback again this year.
So please don't post in here yet people. And lets make sure to be appropriately focused on the winning entries. I'm happy to give feedback, but let's not take the spotlight from those who made it.
Also, be prepared. If you ask for feedback here you will get it. Oftentimes it can be a bit unvarnished, if you know what I mean. I give it to you straight. So if you ask for it, get ready to get it. :)
Azmahel |
Ferryman's Toll
Aura faint abjuration and necromancy; CL 5th
Slot throat; Price 1400 gp; Weight —
This small pouch, which holds two tarnished silver coins, is made of chafed, gray burial shroud, and worn around the neck with a simple leather strip. Some pouches also contain other mostly archaic symbols of life, death and passage such as animal bones, salt or scarabs, but the coins are always present. All items except for the coins may safely be removed from the pouch, but should the coins ever be removed the ferryman's toll ceases to function until they are returned.
The ferryman's toll enforces the natural passage between life and death, and prevents malevolent spirits from returning. It is highly prized by those who fear the wrath of a recently deceased as well as those who battle the undead and wish not to join their ranks should they falter.
As long as the ferryman's toll is placed around the neck of a dead creature it prevents the creature from rising as an undead for any reason. If worn by a living creature, it gains the same protection from rising as an undead should it die, but it is also bolstered against some of their most feared attacks, gaining a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws against curses and diseases from undead creatures. If the ferryman's tolls wearer is dying, he suffers a -2 penalty on Constitution checks to stabilize himself.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bleed, consecrate, remove curse, remove disease; Cost 700 gp
Now, where is Sean's thread ? ;)
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![Mathus Mordrinacht](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9045_Mathus.jpg)
Tear me up, Clark.
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 8th
Slot wrists; Price 30,000 gp; Weight --
Also known as Desna’s Binding, this thick leather bracer is adorned with three worn, faceless gold coins that cannot be removed.
Usable three times per day, this item allows its wearer to roll any initiative roll, attack roll, damage result, saving throw, spell penetration check, or skill check twice, then select the result. If both results indicate failures, the roll results in a failure.
Any single roll or check may only be affected by this item once. Any other ability, feat, spell, or item that allows a roll to be re-rolled cannot be used on a roll affected by this item.
This item’s uses reset at midnight and the usages do not rollover.
Although this is a single bracer, it takes up the entire wrists slot. You may not use another item that also uses the wrists slot, including another bracer of the fickle mistress.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, haste, heroism, or moment of prescience; Cost 10,000 gp
Tim Forner |
Cats Eyes
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot --; Price 30,000 gp; Weight --
This pair of crystal marbles works in concert. Holding one up to the eye allows the user to see through the other, regardless of the distance between them, provided both marbles are on the same plane. The user can rotate the marble in hand to change the view through the other. The cats eyes grant the user low-light vision. Otherwise, the user's vision, including any spells or special abilities in effect, functions through the link between the two marbles. Peering through the cats eyes provokes attacks of opportunity.
In addition, you can hold a single cats eye in your hand and concentrate to divine the location of its mate. This functions as a locate object spell, except that the target object is always the other cats eye.
Any creature can use a cats eye and the magic functions regardless of which marble is used. So, it is possible for someone else to pick up a remote cats eye and use it to spy on the original user.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, clairaudience-clairvoyance, locate object; Cost 15,000 gp
Solrenevermead |
![Lord Soth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LordSoth.jpg)
thank you again Clark for your time and your feed back.
Amulet of Idios
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 8th
Slot Neck; Price 24,000 gp (Copper), 96,000 gp (Silver), 216,000 gp (Gold); Weight --
This bronze circular amulet has six gem stones set at equidistant spaces around its edge. The center is set with a clear quartz surrounded by a metal arm that is fashioned in the likeness of a roaring dragon. Its tail surrounding the quartz and its open maw surrounding one of the six gems. The wearer of the amulet may rotate the dragon to lock its maw onto another stone of their choosing conferring upon the wielder the bonuses associated with the stone as shown below.
Azurite Strength
Red Jasper Dexterity
Agate Constitution
Aventurine Intelligence
Tigers Eye Wisdom
Carnelian Charisma
The amount of enhancement bonus is dependent on the the metal used to craft the dragon. Copper, silver, or gold. Conferring a +2, +4, or +6 respectfully. Once the arm has been moved it can not be be moved again for for a minimum of 24 hours. These bonuses are temporary for the first 24 hours after that they become permanent. If the wielder choses to change the chosen stone he loses all bonuses gained from the previous selection.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, bull's strength, cat's grace, owl's wisdom, fox's cunning, bear's endurance, eagle's splendor; Cost 12,000 gp (Copper), 48,000 gp (Silver), 108,000 gp (Gold)
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Reliquary of the Red Death
Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th
Slot -; Price 49,140 gp; Weight 1/2 lb.
The color of dried blood, this sturdy palm-sized wooden box serves no magical function unless a live insect is trapped inside for at least 24 hours. If opened again after 24 hours had passed, in place of the insect is a sticky blood-red ichor known reverently by most assassins as the Red Death. Treat the ichor as two doses of a contact poison with no immediate effect, onset time, or saving throw.
Although magical in nature and technically not a poison, the ichor is subject to the normal poison rules for accidentally exposing oneself while readying it for use, applying it onto a weapon, or wielding such a coated weapon in battle.
When the proper command word is spoken, any living creature within 60 feet that had been exposed to the ichor in the last 24 hours is beset by a blood-red insect swarm appearing immediately in that creature's square. Treat such swarms as army ant swarms that remain until destroyed or until their target is entirely consumed. Creatures consumed by such swarms cannot be brought back to life by raise dead or resurrection, though true resurrection works as normal.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, creeping doom, creator must possess the poison use class feature; Cost 24,570 gp
Pierce Coady |
![Red Raven](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/06RedRaven.jpg)
I lost the submitted version to a defective memory stick but this is for all intents and purposes the item I submitted. Looking forward to the critique.
Carved Finger Bones of Obligation
Aura strong necromancy; CL 13th
Slot neck; Price 47,200 gp; Weight ¼ lbs.
This ancient leather purse holds five fire blackened human finger bones. The surface of these finger bones have been carved with runes that glow a sullen red as if just plucked from the fire. This cramped script describes a contract of servitude that is binding even beyond death.
Once every three days the bearer may reach into the purse, pull forth any number of bones found therein, and throw them to the floor in adjacent empty locations. For each bone used this way, a human skeleton clad in tattered furs and cracked leather rises to defend the bearer. These skeletons will surround the bearer and guard her from all melee attacks for the next ten minutes.
If a defending skeleton is destroyed, the finger bone that summoned them returns to the leather pouch. If the skeleton(s) manage to kill a creature, the skeleton that landed the killing blow cuts, rips, or bites off a finger bone from their defeated adversary and places it in the pouch. Having fulfilled their oath, this skeleton immediately crumbles to dust as the defeated creature assumes their obligation. If the defeated creature does not have fingers or claws, such as an ooze or plant, a bone is not placed in the purse but the victorious skeleton is still released from servitude. For this reason found bags may contain fewer than five finger bones.
All summoned skeletons use the statistics found in the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary except these skeletal defenders have 13 hp. All defeated creatures that take the place of a previous defender have the skeleton template applied to them.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate dead, control undead, Channel Energy (negative); Cost 23,600 gp
sandrinus |
![The Horned Hunter](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9036-HornedHunter.jpg)
Hello Clark, Thanks for the oportunity to have feedback again!!
I submitted ¨The mask of the Devourer¨...
Mask of the Devourer
Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th
Slot head; Price 48,000 gp; Weight -.
This creepy-looking mask made from patched skin covers the botton half of the user's face like a veil.
To activate the mask, the user must take a bite of rotten meat and pass a DC 14 Fortitude Save. If the save fails the user is sickened for 1d4 minute and can't activate the mask in the next 24 hours.
When the mask is activated 4 long tentacles covered with mouths sprout from beneath it. The user can issue mental comands to the tentacles for the next 10 rounds. Each tentacle act as an independet being and can do a slam attack, grapple an oponent or act as an extra hand.
The tentacles have the same base attack as the user, 10 feet reach, 22 Str, Improved Grab, 1d8 base damage for the slam attack, 15 hp and can be attacked by a sucessful sunder attempt. If a tentacle is severed, the user can sprout a new one in his next turn as a free action. In adittion, whenever a creature initiates its round grappled by a tentacle, its mouths deal 10 points of damage to that creature.
At the end of the activation period the tentacles search for 5 pounds of rotten meat within reach, if it can't find the meat in the next 3 rounds the mask feeds on the user draining 1d4 Con before deactivating, if the meat is found the tentacles force the user to take a full round action to consume it before deactivating. The amount of rotten meat searched by the mask increases by 5 pounds at each use in the same day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, summon monster VI; Cost 24,000 gp
FireHawk Star Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 8 |
![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DragonSacrifice_final.jpg)
Strand of Beating Hearts
Aura faint necromancy; CL 3rd
Slot belt or neck; Price 2,800 gp per heart; Weight 1/2 lb. per heart
This collection of blackened humanoid hearts is bound together by strands of hair, bone, and fiber and worn around the neck or waist, or carried as a totem. Each heart is collected from the strongest of the victor's defeated enemies and then enchanted to grant the victor the power of the defeated enemy. A strand will typically have one to six hearts that grant the possessor with a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage, and saves against fear, plus temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + the number of hearts on the strand.
During combat the hearts will begin to beat as if still alive. This unnerving effect will cause fear in an engaged humanoid target whose hit points are reduced to under 15% and fails a will save. While feared if the target's health is reduced to -1 or fewer hit points by the possessor, the target must save or die. If the slain target is the same level or greater then the possessor then the spell bane will be triggered by the bloodshed.
The hearts will also resonate with the rhythmic beats of any drumming. This resonance can be manipulated as many times per week as hearts in the chance (number of hearts in d20) to cast crushing despair in the direction of the focus of the possessor.
If the possessor of the item is not the one who collected the hearts then the possessor will suffer from nightmares up to four times a month.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Knowledge (arcana), perform (ritual dance), heart(s), ashes of aid and symbol of fear scrolls; Cost cost of scrolls per heart
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My son Nerrat wrote this last night and asked me to post this when the thread was unlocked. I'll have to post it from my own account as I'm at work and logged in under my account.
Hi, Mr. Peterson, it was really fun joining this year too. I can’t wait too join (and hopefully make the top 32) next year!
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Bell of Lost Moments
Aura strong enchantment; CL 13th
Slot ---; Price 19,800 gp; Weight 1½ lbs.
The bell of lost moments is a bronze hand-held bell. Ringing this bell will paralyze all humanoids within 30 feet except for the ringer (Will DC 20 negates). Creatures who cannot hear are not affected by the bell. Those affected gain the paralyzed condition for 2d4 rounds. After 2d4 rounds, those affected cannot remember anything that happened during that period. The bell sounds like a high-pitched chime that lasts for about 5 seconds. The bell can only be rung once every 24 hours.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item; hold person, mass; daze person; Cost 9,900 gp
BTW, I have to admit, I thought I had a chance. Please give me your thoughts, and if you need to criticize the item harshly, go ahead. I really want to know what was the problem.
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![The Fifth Archdaemon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Charon_final.jpg)
Hey Clark, thank you so much for your time. Everyone else can also feel free to tear this one up. One of my players really wants to use it, so I need to fix any problems with it.
Meditation Beads of the Shocking Fist:
Aura Moderate evocation; CL 5th
Slot --; Price 4760 gp (type I), 9520 gp (type II), 14286 gp (type III), 19040 gp (type IV), 23800 gp (type V)
Weight –
Meditation Beads of the Shocking Fist are prized by students of The Order of the Shocking Fist and the beads bear their emblems. It is tradition for mentors to bestow this prize as a gift to a favored student upon reaching a desired level or completing a sacred task. Any monk wearing these enchanted meditation beads has truly earned the respect of their elders and should be considered a force to be reckoned with.
These special beads have been enhanced by magic to do more than simply help with daily meditation. When used by a character with points left in their Ki pool, these beads can store up to 5 Ki points when a character meditates using the beads for 1 hour (per point stored). A Ki point can be drawn from the beads at a later time for immediate use as a swift action. There are 5 variations of these beads, each determined by the maximum number of Ki points that can be stored.
Additionally the beads can be activated to sheath the wearer’s fists in sizzling electricity. This effect functions the same as a shock weapon and lasts for a number of rounds less than or equal to the number Ki points stored in the beads, as chosen by the wearer. Activating the beads in this way will expend 1 stored point of Ki per round and is also a swift action. If there are no Ki points currently stored in the beads, this ability will not function.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Ki Pool, call lightning or lightning bolt;
David Roberts Star Voter Season 6 |
Thanks for taking the time to give feedback on these. We all appreciate it very much.
Cauldron of Potent Concoctions
Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot --; Price 2,500 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
The runes and sigils engraved into this small iron hand cauldron are barely visible beneath a crust of boiled over effusions. The cauldron of potent concoctions allows its user to mix two potions together, sacrificing one to amplify the power of the other. As a standard action the user can pour two potions into the cauldron: the primary potion and a potion to be sacrificed. The resulting mixture retains the abilities of the primary potion but its caster level is multiplied by the spell level of the sacrificed potion plus one. For example, if a potion of cure light wounds was sacrificed to amplify a potion of spider climb with a caster level of 3rd, the resulting mixture would possess the properties of a potion of spider climb with a caster level of 6th, thereby increasing the effect’s duration by 30 minutes. Potions that are not dependent on caster level, such as lesser restoration, gain no benefit when amplified by the cauldron of potent concoctions.
The bubbling and frothing mixture is highly unstable and loses its magical properties as soon as it leaves the cauldron, unless it is consumed. Sacrificing more than a single potion destroys the additional potion and has no further effect on the mixture.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Heighten Spell; Cost 1,250 gp
Dredan |
![Large Water Elemental](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/TSR95053-38.jpg)
Clark is my item, Tear it up interested to know, pretty sure it was not "awesome" enough, but I think the mechanics and word count was not the reason for "not kept"
Aura strong conjuration; CL13th
Slot - ; Price 120,000 gp; Weight -
Upon first glance the consortium looks like a standard portable hole. Opening the consortium is the same as a portable hole except when unraveled the cloth transforms into a 4 feet wide by 8 feet high door. Inside the consortium all magical effects become visible as per the spell detect magic. This function is always on and anyone within the consortium can benefit from the spell. Whoever activates the consortium receives the following benefits while inside: +2 morale bonus to all skill checks, +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, and a +10 enhancement bonus to Spellcraft checks. Once per day when the workshop is activated, the activator can cast the spell make whole per the spells description. Whoever activates the consortium has full access to the 26 servants to command and assist in whatever tasks are needed as per the spell mage’s magnificent mansion. The consortium’s shops dimensions are as follows:
• Bedroom (10’ by 10’)
• Main workshop floor (30’ by 60’).
• Leatherworking shop (10’ by 20’).
• Store room (10’ by 30’).
• Tailor shop (10’ by 20’).
• Carpentry shop (10’ by 20’).
• Alchemy lab (10’ by 20’).
• Smithy (30’ by 20’).
Each room is equipped with the appropriate equipment and masterwork tools for operating each shop. The consortium replenishes food and mundane supplies like the fuel for the blacksmith forge, once every 24 hours. Any equipment, if broken, must be replaced. The workshop does not provide construction materials for making any items.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect magic, fox’s cunning, good hope, identify, mage’s magnificent mansion, make whole; Cost 60,000 gp
vagrant-poet Dedicated Voter Season 6 |
Shoot me with your AK of judgement mighty Orcus!
Joyous Flower of the Darklands
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Slot Neck; Price 9,000 gp; Weight —
Originally grown in the depths of Darklands by svirfneblins singing in prayer to Nivi Rhombodazzle, the deep gnome goddess of gems and luck, a joyous flower of the darklands is a beautifully-worked, indigo, crystal flower which is worn as a brooch. Any movement of light is reflected strangely on its smooth surfaces, making it appear to alternately bloom and fade as its wearer moves. It grants its wearer a +1 luck bonus on attack rolls and Reflex saves and, as it does so, it hums a quietly reverent, joyous tune, heard only by its possessor.
However its greater power can only be unlocked in the hands of one you can truly comprehend and repeat its song. A bard of at least 6th level can spend rounds per day of his bardic music to grant the luck bonus given by this item to all of his allies within 50 feet, in a similar manner to using regular bardic music.
The wearer of this items can see color normally with darkvision for 30 feet, and can see everything between 30 and 60 feet in faded colours. This does not extend the range of the creature’s darkvision, nor grant a creature darkvision, it merely allows it to perceive color.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, good hope, tongues, 1 rank in Perform (sing); Cost 4,500 gp
Please? :D
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![Red Dragon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO9093-RedDragon_500.jpeg)
Armbands of Shared Pain
Aura Moderate Universal; CL 12th
Slot Arm slot; Price 7,000gp; Weight 1 lb.
These armbands need to be worn by two separate people in order to function. Once per day, the wearer can have up to 30 points of damage transfer from the other wearer to him. This is a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Twice per day, each wearer can choose to transfer up to 20 hp to the other, as a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Each wearer knows how close to death the other is, as per the deathwatch spell. As long as it least to person wearing and armband is conscious, the other automatically stabilizes. Both people must be on the same plane for these effects to work.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Shield Other, Stabilize, Deathwatch ,
Cost 3,500gp
Philip Snyder RPG Superstar 2009 Top 16 aka NChance |
Clark, if you could be so kind as to layeth the critique smack down.
Antlered Crown
Aura strong conjuration and necromancy; CL 9th
Slot hands; Price 55,300 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This crown of deer, elk, and caribou antlers is bound with strands of woven ivy. By speaking the command, usually a brief prayer to Erastil, a pair of phantom antlers appears atop the wearer's brow, and also upon the brows of up to eight other creatures within a 30 ft radius of the wearer. For the next nine minutes, whenever the wearer casts a cure spell, the wearer may divide the total number of hit points healed amongst any affected ally within 30 feet. For example, a 3rd level cleric could cast cure moderate wounds while wearing the crown, potentially healing 10 hit points. He could instead heal two affected allies 4 hit points each, while healing himself 2 hit points.
An antlered crown can be activated three times per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, mass cure light wounds, spectral hand; Cost 27,650 gp
...sonnuvacrap, I typed "hands" instead of "head" for the item slot.
Zombieneighbours Marathon Voter Season 9 |
Hey clark, love to have your feed back on this if you can.
Eye of Thrice-Returned Malice
Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th
Slot neck; Price 7600 gp; Weight - lbs.
This amulet appears to be an apotropaic charm against evil eye, common in the desert lands of the Padishah Empire. It takes the form of a stylised hand with an eye in its palm. However, the artisanship and materials set it apart from the common variants available in every bazaar. Fashioned from silver, with the eye detailed in Ivory and Lapis Lazuli, the amulet is a thing of beauty. Designed to turn away magic that would harm its wearer, the amulet uses enchantment magic to trick casters into making themselves the targets of their own spells.
Once per day, when the bearer of the Eye of Thrice-Returned Malice successfully passes a will save to negate a spell or spell-like ability, he may, instead of negating the spell, elect to make the caster the new target.
The spell is resolved in all other ways as normal, using the caster’s Difficulty Class, feats, etc. If the spell has multiple targets, the amulet protects only the wearer. The spell treats the caster as being in the original target’s location for purpose of area effect.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Confusion; Cost 3800 gp
Sir Ophiuchus |
![Aldern Foxglove](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/heads2.jpg)
Thanks so much for doing this, Clark! Please let me have it.
Distaff of the Fates
Aura strong divination and evocation (if miracle is used); CL 17th
Slot – ; Price 103,350 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This two-foot pole of aged ash wood has a tangled mass of unworked gray threads wrapped around one end that are securely knotted into place halfway down its length. Unless all the threads are torn from a distaff at once, they never seem to grow any fewer.
Once per day, the bearer of a distaff of the fates may draw one thread from it as an immediate action. This grants him a split-second insight into what fate has in store and allows him to plan accordingly. The next time he rolls a d20, he knows whether or not his result will be successful. He may then choose to reroll the die, but if he does he must take the new result. If the bearer makes no such roll within a minute of drawing the thread, the foreknowledge is no longer valid and he does not gain these benefits. The bearer does not have to hold the distaff to draw its threads, but it must be within his reach.
Once per month, a distaff's bearer may weave the strands of fate by drawing three threads and braiding them together as a full-round action. This allows him to make a limited wish that can duplicate any spell of 5th level or lower.
Finally, if the bearer tears or cuts all the threads from a distaff of the fates at once he may command the Fates directly, making a wish. Doing this is a standard action, and drains all power from the distaff permanently.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, limited wish, wish or miracle, creator must have 5 ranks in Craft (weaving); Cost 51,675 gp
Sander Skeie aka Smands Star Voter Season 6 |
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 11
Slot-; Price 36000 gp; Weight 1lb.
These small spherical shaped objects, made out of polished agate, are often found as sets of ten inside a finely crafted silk woven bag. Upon opening the bag, a careful listener may hear hushed snickering from the marbles. As a standard action the marbles may be poured from the bag and directed at an enemy. The marbles will then, at a speed of 50 feet, torment the targeted creature by forcing themselves underfoot. In effect, every 5-feet of movement the target makes requires a successful DC 15 Acrobatics check to avoid falling prone. Even when the enemy is prone, the marbles will continue to harass them, and an audible chuckling can be heard from the agate spheres. Getting up from prone position while the marbles is upon you requires a DC 20 Acrobatics check or fail, wasting the move action. The marbles of mischief has no effect against flying creatures, or creatures without legs. Creatures with more than two legs gets their usual stability bonus, if they have one, on their Dexterity checks. The owner of the marbles of mischief may change their target or command them to return as a standard action. Although persistent, the marbles are easily bored and will return to the silken bag after ten rounds, no matter if their owner commands them otherwise. If the silken bag is not readily available for them to enter, they will whine and rub against their owners foot for a round before going inert. The marbles needs one hour of rest before they can be used again.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects. Cost 18000 gp
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Clam of Infusion (lesser):
Aura: Moderate Evocation, Strong (no school); CL: 13th
Slot: ---; Price: 24,200gp (lesser), 56,800gp (normal), 144,000gp (greater); Weight: ---
These clams were initially created by the aquatic elves for defense of their underwater homeland. They would cast a single spell of 3rd level or lower with a range of touch upon the clam. The spell can have a maximum caster level of 10, and must be able to target living creatures. The clam acts as a spell storing device until a single pearl of 100gpv is placed inside the clam’s maw. Once the pearl is inside, the clam will shut, trapping the pearl.
24 hours later the clam opens with the stored spell infused into the pearl. The pearl is now a grenade like weapon that explodes upon impact, releasing the spell’s effects on all in a 10’ radius. The pearl can be thrown 60 feet just like a bead of force; however, it suffers no range penalties when thrown underwater.
If an unwanted spell is already stored in the clam, it can be removed by casting the new (wanted) spell upon it. The previously stored spell is lost.
The normal version of this clam can infuse 4th – 6th level spells with a maximum caster level of 15, but requires a pearl of 1,000gpv.
The greater version infuses 7th – 9th level spells with a maximum caster level of 20 and requires a pearl of 2,500gpv.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, Imbue with spell ability; Cost: 12,100gp (lesser); 28,400gp (normal); 72,000gp (greater)
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Hey Clark, this was my item, though I think may have made a few last minute tweaks before hitting submit:
Brand of the Unyielding Tyrant
Aura moderate necromancy and universal; CL 7th
Slot -; Price 68,600 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
The tip of this vicious branding iron continually shifts and warps, never holding a coherent form except while held by a spellcaster who has their own arcane mark. When so held, the tip fixes on the shape of the bearer’s arcane mark.
While the tip is set to a specific arcane mark, should the brand be heated and then applied (as a full round action,) to the bare skin of a pinned, helpless or willing living creature, the target must succeed on a DC 15 Will save or be affected by an arcane mark spell as though cast by the wielder. For as long as the arcane mark remains, the target suffers a -6 penalty to saves and spell resistance against enchantment (compulsion) spells cast by the one to whom the mark belongs. Additionally, any dispel checks against such spells affecting the target are made at a -4 penalty. Unlike a normal arcane mark, this effect cannot be removed by an erase spell, but fades normally after 1 month and can be removed earlier with a break enchantment, limited wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell.
Clerics of gods with the fire and law domains have been known to craft a variant of this brand which functions based upon the holy symbol of the crafter’s deity rather than an arcane mark. Crafted this way, the brand always bears the same holy symbol, and the penalties are halved, but apply to spells of all divine casters who follow the god whose symbol is depicted.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane mark, bestow curse, clerics with both the fire and law domains may ignore the arcane mark requirement; Cost 34,300 gp
Thanks for doing this, it’s awesome that you’re taking the time to give us feedback!
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![Sheyln (Symbol)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/runelords_god_symbols_FINAL.jpg)
Dear Clark,
It feels like an age has passed since we wintered in that namless burb outside São Paulo! I know I promised I wouldn't bring it up again, but I can't stop laughing every time I recall your gull impression and how it so offended the locals! Was the ear-lobe re-attachment successful?
At any ways, as you may have surmised, the purpose of this communique is to entreat you to provide your insight on my 2010 RPG Superstar Wondrous Item entry, the Smoker's High Hat. Spare not my feelings; it's hard to take insult from a man you've seen squak whilst dodging coffee beans and hand-crafted rosaries.
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 50,000 gp; Weight --.
A smoker's high hat is a common gentleman's top hat, rustic and worn, with a gray band just above the brim. Upon command, the wearer can transform the lower half of his body to a cloud of ash and smoke. This bestows upon the wearer a limited etherealness. The weaer gains concealment and can move the lower half of his body through solid surfaces, as though he were ethereal; this allows the wearer to ignore difficult terrain, ascend vertical surfaces, and the wearer recieves only half damage from falls.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, blink; Cost 25,000 gp
Majuba |
Amulet of Idios
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 8th
Slot Neck; Price 24,000 gp (Copper), 96,000 gp (Silver), 216,000 gp (Gold); Weight --
Not to intrude on Clark, but I really like this item. It's just exceedingly overpriced. This is one time that I'd call multiple ability score bonuses as "similar abilities" and use the 75% for 2nd, 50% for each additional rule. That would make the price 15K, 60K, and 135K.
Xaaon of Korvosa |
Here was my item, I feel I may have been hindered by NOT adding Golarion fluff to it.
Ghostfire Torch
Aura moderate abjuration; CL 9th
Slot -; Price 1,800 gp; Weight 1 lb.
This polished birch torch flares to life with a pale green incorporeal flame when lit. Within the 20 foot bright illumination radius of the torch incorporeal creatures become almost corporeal. This near corporeal state negates movement through solid objects and their attacks do not surpass natural armor, armor and shields. In addition they lose their 50% reduction in damage from corporeal sources and they may be affected by normal weapons. Within the 40 foot dim illumination radius of the torch, incorporeal creatures are reduced to 25% reduction in damage from corporeal sources, but maintain the rest of their incorporeal abilities. Once lit the torch quickly burns out, only lasting for 10 minutes.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, dimensional anchor, ability to channel positive energy Cost 900
I used the following to figure it's cost:
Single use, use activated 4x9x50gp = 1800gp
Love to hear your thoughts on this item Clark.
Solrenevermead |
![Lord Soth](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/LordSoth.jpg)
Solrenevermead wrote:Not to intrude on Clark, but I really like this item. It's just exceedingly overpriced. This is one time that I'd call multiple ability score bonuses as "similar abilities" and use the 75% for 2nd, 50% for each additional rule. That would make the price 15K, 60K, and 135K.Amulet of Idios
Aura Moderate Transmutation; CL 8th
Slot Neck; Price 24,000 gp (Copper), 96,000 gp (Silver), 216,000 gp (Gold); Weight --
Thank you. I think that is what killed the item was the pricing. again though thank you.
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Perimeter Spikes
Aura varies, see text; CL 1
Slot –; Price 2,000 gp per set; Weight 1/2 lb per spike.
These spikes, when placed in the ground no more than 30 feet apart from each other, provide a number of effects based on which spikes you choose. Each type includes a set of 4 similar spikes. Spikes from one set can be combined with spikes from another set to produce multiple effects, though purchase of the entire sets are still required.
Alarm, faint abjuration: These ward the surrounding area from trespassers. If any creature enters the area without saying the correct secret password, a mental alarm will be triggered for everyone within the warded area, as if effected by an alarm spell.
Lesser Healing, faint conjuration: Any creature sleeping in the area regains extra hit points equal to their constitution modifier (maximum 5) after a nights rest.
Elements, faint abjuration: Creatures can exist comfortably in extreme temperatures, so long as they remain within the surrounded area. Fortitude saves are not required for extreme temperatures within -50 to 140 degrees.
More powerful, and varied, versions of perimeter spikes exist. Some are said to enable people to see invisible creatures, as well as heal to a greater extent. These spikes are a boon to the traveling adventurer, who frequently makes camp in unfamiliar territory.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, alarm, cure light wounds, or endure elements; Cost 1,000 gp per set
Thank you for taking the time and energy to look at all these entries! =)
Meds Star Voter Season 9 |
Thanks so much for providing feedback again this year. Below is my attempt. Please don't feel that you need to pull any punches. (And if anyone else has comments, I'd be delighted to hear them too.) Thanks!
Shards of the Devil-Mirror
Aura strong divination; CL 19th
Slot eyes; Price 52,000 gp for a pair; Weight —
These two crystal fragments fit over the user's eyes, revealing the darkness in people's hearts. Whenever the wearer looks at someone, disturbing glimpses of the subject's past flood the wearer's vision.
The shards grant a +10 profane bonus on Sense Motive checks, and a -2 penalty on saving throws against charm and compulsion effects created by evil creatures.
Once per day, the wearer can see more than a fleeting glimpse of the past. This acts as the vision spell, but it can only target a person in the wearer's line of sight. The vision must relate to an act of evil. If the target is overwhelmingly evil, this may stun the wearer (per the detect evil spell).
Only good outsiders appear unchanged through the shards of the devil-mirror — they are immune to the shards' effects. Both shards must be worn, and creatures must be visible to the wearer, for the magic item to have any effect.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, detect evil, detect good, vision; Cost 26,000 gp
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Alright, Mr. Peterson: teach me. I was really excited about this, and keep thinking I have pretty good ideas, but I am missing something in your estimation, so I need to learn what to improve on (even if it hurts) and then do it.
Boots of the Sea Treader
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot feet; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Commonly crafted from the hide of an aquatic predator, these boots frequently sport
scales or small fins as decoration on the calf. The wearer of such footwear can walk
on water using her land speed, including charging or running. As a swift action, the
wearer may also fall into the water and stand, upside down, on the underside of the
While attached to the surface of the water (above or below it), the wearer suffers
no penalties to fighting underwater. If the wearer is tripped or fails an Acrobatics check
(as when charging over choppy waves), or is carrying more than a light load, the boots
cease to provide any benefits. Reactivating their power is a standard action, after
coming back into contact with the water’s surface.
Boots of the sea treader confer no ability to breathe under water.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, freedom of movement, water walking; Cost 5,000 gp
Of course, I covet any comments the community has to offer, as well.
drakkonflye |
![Faun Chirurgeon](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90119-Faun_500.jpeg)
Hmmm....these themselves are some very good entries for the most part, which makes me realize how difficult it must have been for you guys to find 32 really good entries out of so many. As for myself, this was a first time for me with a LOT of encouragement (I.E. "pressure") from my game group to give it a go. I didn't really expect to make it to the top 32, so I'm not as disappointed as some people might be, but I definitely want to try again next year, so really need to see some feedback on my own entry. Thanks!
Aura faint necromancy; CL 5th
Slot wrist, Price 16,200 gp Weight -
Normally worn on the weapon arm, this silver bracelet resembles a serpent that coils around the wrist and lower arm of the wearer, with the head resting on the back of the wearer's hand. Upon command, the wearer may imbue a weapon in hand with poison (1d3 Constitution damage, 1/round for 6 rounds, Fortitude DC 14 negates) for one round up to three times per day as a swift action. An attack made with a missile weapon confers the poison effect to the missile when fired. If no weapon is currently in hand, the wearer may use the poison effect to make a touch attack instead. The poison effect stacks with any weapon damage, including bonus damage dice, but does not stack with any poison that deals Constitution damage, regardless of its source. Instead, additional attacks against a poisoned opponent extend the duration of the poison by one round and increase the save DC by +2 for each successful hit. Poison effects that deal damage other than Constitution damage are unaffected. The bracelet magically resizes to fit any wearer of Small, Medium, or Large size.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, poison; Cost 8,100 gp
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Thanks for the feedback in advance Clark. Here is my item:
Mantid Sac
Aura faint conjuration; CL 4th
Slot ---; Price 500 gp; Weight ---
As bad as a Mantid Sac tastes, the hatching and rapid maturation of millions of mantid eggs in the swallower’s stomach is an even worse experience. Once the gooey white egg sac is ingested, the colony of tiny mantids within reaches adulthood almost instantaneously and begins assisting its host’s bodily functions, granting fast healing 1 and a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity-based skill checks and initiative checks. Due to the insects’ magically accelerated life cycle, the colony only survives for 10 rounds after ingestion, but may be expelled earlier by the host in the form of a 15 foot cone-shaped burst of buzzing insects. Those caught in the cone take 4d4 points of piercing damage and are sickened for the remainder of the colony’s lifespan. Each victim can attempt a DC 13 Reflex save for half damage and to avoid the sickened effect entirely. Expelling the mantids is a standard action for the host that does not provoke an attack of opportunity and ends the beneficial effects experienced by ingesting the Mantid Sac.
Mantid Sacs are typically created by mites, using fleshwarping techniques stolen and adapted from the drow. In addition to the normal effects of the Mantid Sac, a mite also gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its vermin empathy ability while hosting a colony.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, summon swarm; Cost 250 gp
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![Mark Moreland Drowning Devil Avatar](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Private-MarkDrowningDevil.jpg)
Ankh of Energy Reversal
Aura moderate conjuration and necromancy; CL 7th
Slot —; Price 10,080 gp; Weight 1 lb.
Carved from dramatically speckled stone such as agate, snowflake obsidian, or unakite, an ankh of energy reversal always fits in a single hand.
Once per day, the wielder of an ankh may activate it to reverse positive and negative energy as it affects or emanates from them. This effect lasts for up to one minute and the ankh must remain held or become inactive. While active, all spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities which channel or otherwise utilize positive or negative energy use the opposing energy type. For example, a cure light wounds spell targeting the wielder would function as inflict light wounds and vice versa. Similarly, a cleric who normally channels negative energy instead channels positive energy while wielding this item. In addition, while the ankh is active, the wielder gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws made against either energy type.
Wielders of neutral alignment with respect to good and evil may use an ankh of energy reversal twice per day.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, death ward, inflict light wounds; Cost 5,040 gp
Stuart Lean |
Thanks for taking the time to do this. As a first time entrant I will admit a nagging desire to know how/what to improve. Having taken more time to peruse the boards and comments posted since entering, I have spotted some rookie errors myself, but am curious to see what else needs to be approached.
Circle Medallion
Aura Moderate Abjuration CL 7th
Slot neck; Price 36,000 gp; Weight 0lbs.
Created by the leader of an Adventurer guild to enable its members to keep in touch over long distances, request help or knowledge or communicate covertly with each other, this simple, efficient design has been copied and adapted by various institutions over the years. This handy item is usually worn around the neck in contact with the user’s skin and enables them to communicate telepathically to any other bearer of a Circle Medallion with whom they are acquainted, regardless of distance. Because of this, Circle Medallions are created either as a pair or for a whole group at once, though new Medallions may be created and given to new bearers at a later date by the original Medallion’s creator. Circle Medallions usually take the form of a bronze disc or coin a few inches wide bearing the guild’s symbol, and are often a badge of membership and recognition. A Circle Medallion created on its own with no other Medallion to link to is effectively useless, and all linked Medallions will appear similar in some way.
Users must have the Medallion worn or held against bare skin to be able to send or receive messages, and both must occupy the same plane. A moment’s concentration is needed to begin communication with another bearer, and the recipient may choose to ignore and block the connection if they so wish at any time, though doing so means they do not receive any messages from the sender until the link is established again. Communicating through a link is a free action, and follows the usual rules for communicating via telepathy. Additionally, the presence of the link helps to guard its user against malign mental influence, conferring a +2 insight bonus to any save to resist mind-affecting spells or effects that target them.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, Sending; Cost 18,000 gp
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Wizard’s Portable Lab
Auramoderate conjuration CL 9th
Slot - Price 150,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Though it looks to be a spellbook filled with arcane script, this book actually contains four connected rooms suitable for arcane research and item creation. Each room is ten feet wide, ten feet long and ten feet high. The first room has shelves upon which components can be stored. The second room contains a fully equipped wizard’s lab and the third contains an alchemist’s lab. The fourth room is a carpeted library, complete with shelves and a fireplace.
Anyone who touches the book and speaks the command word is transported into the rooms within the book. Speaking the command word again causes one to exit the lab. A person can transport up to an additional fifty pounds of weight into or out of the lab in this way. Read magic allows the caster to discern from the pages of the book both the contents of the rooms and the command word necessary for entering and exiting the lab. If the book is destroyed, any living person within the lab book is immediately expelled along with anything they are carrying; all else is destroyed with the book.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Secure Shelter Cost 75,000 gp
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Namu’s Claddaghs
Aura strong conjuration; CL 13th
Slot neck; Price 76,400 gp; Weight -
A set of Namu’s Claddaghs intensifies an existing, emotional bond between wearers, forming an empathic link. A romantic relationship is unnecessary; the connection between comrades-in-arms is sufficient.
The wearer of a Claddagh from a set always knows the approximate direction and distance to other wearers. They also know their emotional state (angry, fearful, etc.) and general health (100%; 50%; 10% of maximum hit points, or dying).
By touching the Claddagh and concentrating, a wearer may transfer a portion of their vital energy across the bond as a move-equivalent action. The energy can heal an ally at an equal cost in hit points of damage to the wearer. Alternatively, the energy can draw from their friend one condition or affliction that they are currently suffering. This crosses the bond and inflicts the wearer instead. For curses, the wearer does not receive a saving throw and suffers the full effects of the curse. For diseases and poisons, the wearer must make the remaining count of saving throws instead of the original victim, however the wearer gains a respite of the original onset time. The following conditions cannot be transferred: Broken, Dead, Disabled, Dying, Entangled, Helpless, Incorporeal, Invisible, Pinned, Prone, Stable. Only a good-aligned wearer can perform this transfer, as it requires an act of self-sacrifice.
These heart-shaped rubies were first incorporated into a pair of rings made by the druid Namu for her daughter and son-in-law. They have since been set into broaches or torcs, and created in sets of up to six (the price is per pair). Regardless of their setting, these stones always occupy the neck slot.
Requirements Craft Wonderous Item, know location, heal, wild empathy ability; Cost 38,200 gp
I think this is how I submitted it .... so many last second tweaks! All comments much appreciated. I can now see some parallels between this and the 'Stone of Alliance', which made me quite happy.
Xaaon of Korvosa |
Thanks for the feedback in advance Clark. Here is my item:
Mantid Sac
Aura faint conjuration; CL 4th
Slot ---; Price 500 gp; Weight ---Description
As bad as a Mantid Sac tastes, the hatching and rapid maturation of millions of mantid eggs in the swallower’s stomach is an even worse experience. Once the gooey white egg sac is ingested, the colony of tiny mantids within reaches adulthood almost instantaneously and begins assisting its host’s bodily functions, granting fast healing 1 and a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity-based skill checks and initiative checks. Due to the insects’ magically accelerated life cycle, the colony only survives for 10 rounds after ingestion, but may be expelled earlier by the host in the form of a 15 foot cone-shaped burst of buzzing insects. Those caught in the cone take 4d4 points of piercing damage and are sickened for the remainder of the colony’s lifespan. Each victim can attempt a DC 13 Reflex save for half damage and to avoid the sickened effect entirely. Expelling the mantids is a standard action for the host that does not provoke an attack of opportunity and ends the beneficial effects experienced by ingesting the Mantid Sac.
Mantid Sacs are typically created by mites, using fleshwarping techniques stolen and adapted from the drow. In addition to the normal effects of the Mantid Sac, a mite also gains a +2 enhancement bonus to its vermin empathy ability while hosting a colony.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, cure light wounds, summon swarm; Cost 250 gp
Oh my gahhhhd....that's exceptionally disturbing...and awesome.
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My son Nerrat wrote this last night and asked me to post this when the thread was unlocked. I'll have to post it from my own account as I'm at work and logged in under my account.
My immediate input is that the item doesn't squarely reflect the effect of the magic it takes to build it. But I have only looked at it a few seconds, and then I have to take my wife lunch.
There's no reason to combine hold person and daze into the same item - you are holding them and that's succinct. Also, the memory loss doesn't come into play mechanically. What requirements go into that? How does one adjudicate memory loss for PCs? My NPCs - that's easy. But the item doesn't discriminate between friend and foe, which makes it harder to use and causes problems with the 'fourth wall' concept.
I suspect there are a couple of more minor mechanical concerns. UYou don't need a mass version of hold person to amke an item that paralyzes more than one person. Addressing that issue will also change the DC. Probably, cost vs DC was a little troublesome, too. As a regular hold person effect, the DC is out of balance and the cost is too high. Raising the DC to 20 might make the cost too low.
Finally, some folk might think the item gives away an important part of adventuring: how do you sneak into the castle guarded by sixty men? Pick a door, hold most of the, and then they won't remember you walking into their midst, killing a few of them, and hiding the bodies. I think the impact an item has on the game experience is as important a part of design as costing, mechanics, and balance.
That's my input. Someone smarter will come along and make more sense here in a few minutes, I am sure. I just wanted to include my comments, becasue I respect the level of design talent and the imagination at work here for your young age. You might get tired of hearing the age thing, but then so it is for all prodigies. I heard.
Wichtsson |
Elemental Floor Paint
Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th
Slot -; Price 1400 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This magical paint is held in a 9 oz. jar and can be used to cover 100 square feet of floor. There are four varieties of the paint (red, blue, white, brown), each with its own illusionary terrain effect. The affect is only seen by those who step on the paint. Those who step on the painted area must make a Will save each round (DC 17) or take 1d4 points of temporary constitution damage from their believe in the terrain. Those who make a single Will save against being harmed are no longer damaged by the painted area. Leaving the painted area likewise requires a successful Will save (DC 17). Red elemental floor paint creates an illusion of fire while blue creates an illusion of drowning. White elemental floor paint creates an illusion of a freezing blizzard and brown creates an illusion of an acidic pool. The effect lasts for 1d6+6 hours. The creator of the paint has to decide which type of Elemental Floor Paint he is creating.
Requirementscraft wondrous item, confusion, hallucinatory terrain; Cost 700 gp
Lil' Kid |
Cloak of the River
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 5th
Slot -; Price 30,000 gp; Weight 3lbs.
This brown traveling cloak grants its wearer the ability to walk upon water, and a + 10 to base speed.
Requirements craft wondrous item, expeditious retreat, water walk; Cost 15,000 gp
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Joining the avalanche....Thanks for doing this Clark. It's refreshing to see industry insiders like yourself and the Paizo staff so willing to interact with fans and aspiring writers. I'd appreciate any feedback/critique.
Ashes of Memories Lost
Aura Faint conjuration and moderate enchantment; CL 10th
Slot --; Price 3,500 gp; Weight --
This extremely fine powder is derived from the charred coals of desiccated wormwood root. The ash is pure white in appearance and feels virtually weightless. Dispersing a single handful of this substance into the air creates a nearly transparent cloud with a 10-foot radius. In any round a spellcaster enters or is within the cloud, he must make a DC 17 Will save. Failure means that the ability to cast a random spell prepared by the spellcaster (or random unused spell slot if the subject casts spells spontaneously) is lost for the next 24 hours. The cloud remains active for 10 minutes. A moderate wind disperses the cloud in one round. The ashes do not function in rain. The ashes affect creatures with spell-like abilities as if they have spells. Failure of a DC 17 Will save consumes the use of a random spell-like ability for a 24-hour period. The ashes do not affect magic items unless the item is an intelligent magic item. Treat intelligent magic items in the same way as creatures with spell-like abilities or as NPC spell casters, which ever is more appropriate.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, fog cloud, feeblemind; Cost 1750 gp
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![Chained Spirit](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/b5_chain_spirit_final.jpg)
Aura moderate illusion; CL 4th
Slot eyes; Price 21,000 gp; Weight -
The lenses of this item are made of rainbow hued glass. When placed over the eyes of the wearer, the goggles allow normal vision. Upon utterance of a command word, the goggles create an illusion of the wearer. The wearer can guide this illusion at will, and view the area ahead of the illusion as with their own eyes. The illusion makes no sound or scent, granting the illusion a +10 competence bonus on Stealth checks. The illusion cannot interact with objects, and may only occupy empty space. You must concentrate to use ghost scout goggles, if you do not concentrate or, the illusion or wearer are attacked, the illusion is instantly dispelled. If the illusion is involuntarily dispelled, the wearer is stunned for 1d4 rounds. The goggles work for up to 10 minutes per day. The duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1 minute increments. Both lenses must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, arcane eye, silent image; Cost 10,500 gp
Interested to hear feedback...
Thanks in advance!
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Hunter’s Moon
Aura Moderate Divination; CL 7th
Slot - ; Price 56,000 gp; Weight -
This small jewel, carried by hand or fixed to an item, is used to track enemies or prey by a hunter. The small and round blue moonstone shines with inner light while it’s dormant. When it’s awakened, using the Azlanti word for Hunt and pointing it to a target, its color changes to a reddish tone. Once activated, the user can see the target’s direct path as long as the target has not moved farther than 680 feet from the jewel. The path appears in the form of a reddish mist left by the target. The jewel reveals the path taken by the target, not how he traveled it or any implements used to pass obstacles. There is no way for the target to know that he is leaving a trail, but if a true seeing spell is used the trail will be revealed, but just up to 120 feet.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Items, Locate Creature; Cost 28,000 gp
Xaaon of Korvosa |
Elemental Floor Paint
Spoiler:Aura moderate illusion; CL 7th
Slot -; Price 1400 gp; Weight 1 lbs.
This magical paint is held in a 9 oz. jar and can be used to cover 100 square feet of floor. There are four varieties of the paint (red, blue, white, brown), each with its own illusionary terrain effect. The affect is only seen by those who step on the paint. Those who step on the painted area must make a Will save each round (DC 17) or take 1d4 points of temporary constitution damage from their believe in the terrain. Those who make a single Will save against being harmed are no longer damaged by the painted area. Leaving the painted area likewise requires a successful Will save (DC 17). Red elemental floor paint creates an illusion of fire while blue creates an illusion of drowning. White elemental floor paint creates an illusion of a freezing blizzard and brown creates an illusion of an acidic pool. The effect lasts for 1d6+6 hours. The creator of the paint has to decide which type of Elemental Floor Paint he is creating.
Requirementscraft wondrous item, confusion, hallucinatory terrain; Cost 700 gp
Interesting item, the big problem I see with it is the writing. It's a variation on the spell in a can. You also do not indicate how long it takes to paint the scene. While it seems the costing it based upon illusionary terrain, it has a duration of hours and a confusion effect that keeps them in the room, do they continue to take damage every round? Extremely under cost considering the potential.
leste |
War Paint of the Totem-Beast
Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th
Slot -; Price 2,150 gp/dose; Weight -
“Find your beast-brothers”, the shaman had said while he painted the totem sign on Josha's face. “Learn how they track, how they hide, how they hunt, and share their wisdom with your man-brothers”. Josha found no man-brother alive when he returned, but he tracked and he hid as his beast-brothers would. And now, as only one half-drunken outlander was left to stand watch, he would show him how they pounced.
When a dose of this magical war paint is applied to a creature's face or body, a Tiny to Large creature of the animal type must be chosen. The wearer is granted a special insight to that animal's ways and gains the following powers:
1)A +2 competence bonus on Perception, Stealth, Climb or Swim (DM's choice depending on the animal chosen).
2)The ability to communicate with all animals of the chosen type as if he was affected by a speak with animals spell.
3)The power to assume the form of the chosen animal as if he was affected by a beast shape II spell.
After the beast shape effect ends the war paint fades, it otherwise lasts for 24 hours.
Frequent use of this war paint takes a toll on the wearer by affecting his mannerism and making him think more and more like a beast. With each application the wearer suffers Charisma drain equal to the number of previous applications during the last 5 days minus the number of currently drained points (this formula aims to override healing between applications). These points can't be healed while the war paint is in effect.
Requirements: Craft Wondrous Item, speak with animals, beast shape II; Cost: 1,075 gp/dose
Thanks in advance Clark! (be merciless)