Gauging Interest - Pathfinder Society Scenario PBP

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Hello all,

As the new year begins, I think it's a goot time to take on a new venture. A job change has made it difficult to consistently find time to game face-to-face, so I think I'd like to try my hand at DMing a PBP game on these boards. Now, since I'm new at this, I thought it might be wise to start out with something short. I'm thinking a low tier (1st level characters) PF Society scenario. I'm still mulling over which PFS scenario to run, so if anybody has a suggestion, I'm open to it. Then, if things go well, we could discuss continuing on with a larger campaign. I might even like to take on an AP if the players are interested. We shall see.

In any case, let me introduce myself briefly. I'm 37 years old, married, father of two young boys. I've been role-playing since the early 1980's, and I have a fair bit of experience as both player and DM. Most of my role-playing has been D&D, but I've dabbled in many other game systems, not to mention board games, card games, computer games, you name it.

I'd prefer players who have demonstrated commitment to a PBP before, as player and/or DM. So, the game may not necessarily be a first-come first-served affair. It depends on how many people express interest. For now, if you are interested, you can just chime in and throw your hat in the ring. If you want to introduce yourself, or point me to any other PBP's you're involved with, that too would be helpful.

I hope to hear from some of you soon.


I have a lot going on right now, but if you need an extra player after others have chimed in, let me know.

PbP Veteran, I've never quit a PbP game, and I run several.

We're similar in background (39 next month, playing since 83, father of 10yo twin boys)

I'd be happy to play in your PBP. I've started a few here as a player and never left any (although most of them have been closed/neglected by the DM's).

Celestial Half-Porc wrote:
I have a lot going on right now, but if you need an extra player after others have chimed in, let me know.

Sounds good, I'll keep you in the 'maybe' pile! Thanks!

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

PbP Veteran, I've never quit a PbP game, and I run several.

We're similar in background (39 next month, playing since 83, father of 10yo twin boys)

Xaaon, you sound like a great fit. Do you have any thoughts about what type of character you'd like to play?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

I'm definitely interested as I have been unsuccessful at finding a Pathfinder Society venue near home, so PBP would be a nice compromise. However, I am new to PBP, so I understand completely if you think I should be disqualified from the campaign. Just let me know the scoop.

As for my backgroun, I am 41, married 3 years with a one year old daughter at home who is the apple of my eye. I've been role-playing since I was 12 (D&D, Champions, Call of Cthulhu, Deadlands, Paranoia, etc.) and can't kick the habit (as my wife calls it).

If you are willing to accept me in the PBP, let me know and I will put together a character. I'm willing to play any scenario, as I have not played any to date.

Thank you for your consideration!

Badslacker wrote:
I'd be happy to play in your PBP. I've started a few here as a player and never left any (although most of them have been closed/neglected by the DM's).

Badslacker, I think you'd be a good fit for this game also. Welcome, you are player #2. As I asked Xaaon, I'll ask you: Thoughts on a character concept?

Larry Lichman wrote:

I'm definitely interested as I have been unsuccessful at finding a Pathfinder Society venue near home, so PBP would be a nice compromise. However, I am new to PBP, so I understand completely if you think I should be disqualified from the campaign. Just let me know the scoop.

As for my backgroun, I am 41, married 3 years with a one year old daughter at home who is the apple of my eye. I've been role-playing since I was 12 (D&D, Champions, Call of Cthulhu, Deadlands, Paranoia, etc.) and can't kick the habit (as my wife calls it).

If you are willing to accept me in the PBP, let me know and I will put together a character. I'm willing to play any scenario, as I have not played any to date.

Thank you for your consideration!

Larry, I like your forthrightness, your role-playing history, and your well-written intro post. You're in!

I'm pleased to say that we have three players already!

Xaaon of Korvosa
Larry Lichman

At this point, I'm considering strongly running PFS Scenario #5, 'Mists of Mwangi.' Anybody have any experience with that scenario, positive or negative?

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Herbert Birdsfoot wrote:
Larry Lichman wrote:

I'm definitely interested as I have been unsuccessful at finding a Pathfinder Society venue near home, so PBP would be a nice compromise. However, I am new to PBP, so I understand completely if you think I should be disqualified from the campaign. Just let me know the scoop.

As for my backgroun, I am 41, married 3 years with a one year old daughter at home who is the apple of my eye. I've been role-playing since I was 12 (D&D, Champions, Call of Cthulhu, Deadlands, Paranoia, etc.) and can't kick the habit (as my wife calls it).

If you are willing to accept me in the PBP, let me know and I will put together a character. I'm willing to play any scenario, as I have not played any to date.

Thank you for your consideration!

Larry, I like your forthrightness, your role-playing history, and your well-written intro post. You're in!

Awesome! Thanks, Herbert!

As for character concept, I'm thinking Rogue or Fighter. Probably Human. I'll work something up over the weekend and post my ideas here for your review.

I assume you'll be using the character creation guidelines in the Society guide book?

Thanks again!

This is the description of the Mists of Mwangi scenario, if anyone wants to express an opinion based on that...

Pathfinder Lugizar Trantos recently returned from the Mwangi Expanse with haunted eyes and a pack full of strange idols. Absalom's famed Blakros Museum purchased his pieces and Lugizar vanished. The strange monkey idols he pulled from the misty jungles of Mwangi carry with them a fell curse, and now their power has laid claim to the museum. Can the Pathfinder Society uncover the source of the curse in time, or will the Blackros Museum be forever lost to the mists of Mwangi?

Larry Lichman wrote:

Awesome! Thanks, Herbert!

As for character concept, I'm thinking Rogue or Fighter. Probably Human. I'll work something up over the weekend and post my ideas here for your review.

I assume you'll be using the character creation guidelines in the Society guide book?

Thanks again!

Yes, we will use the creation guidelines from the guidebook. If anyone needs one, you can download it for free. :)

Heya! Im very interested! I've done PbPs before, although haven't seen one to conclusion. A few times the DM lost steam, and one time I just had to unexpectedly leave due to a deployment (which won't be happening anytime soon). Pretty much glued to a computer most parts of the day, so Ill stay connected and active!
Would probably play a NG Cleric or Druid of Sarenrae, focused on support. Probably human.
Would this be an official PFS game, 'cause that'd be rad as I haven't had much PFS lately.

Sovereign Court

I'm running the other PFS pbp on the boards at the moment, and with the other pbps I'm in, I'm afraid I won't have time for this. But I wanted to pop in and say that Mists of Miwangi is one of my favorite scenarios both as a player and as a DM, so I'm sure you'll have fun with it - I think it really captures the essence of the Pathfinder Society.

Calixymenthillian wrote:
I'm running the other PFS pbp on the boards at the moment, and with the other pbps I'm in, I'm afraid I won't have time for this. But I wanted to pop in and say that Mists of Miwangi is one of my favorite scenarios both as a player and as a DM, so I'm sure you'll have fun with it - I think it really captures the essence of the Pathfinder Society.

Awesome, thanks for saying hello and validating my choice of scenarios. That probably seals the deal, unless anyone offers a clear reason for not playing 'Mists of Mwangi.'

Your game inspired me to try this one, btw, Calix.

I am in a few PbP's right now, (you can see the alises), but I have never done a Patherfinder Scenario. If I could get a little assistance setting that up, if something different needs done, I would be game.

If a spot is open, I would love to be the arcane guy. I am jonesing on sorcerers right now. I might be interested in doing a "boom boom" evocation type, since my current characters are mostly into the enchantment sort of thing.


I'll throw my hat into the ring here. I have never played any PBPs here at paizo before, but I am/have been involved in several at -- most notably, I've played Roxanne d'Cannith in Sigil Prep for over four years now.

Still got openings, Herbert? I think a PFS adventure sounds like a great idea as it is a nice self contained unit.

If you'll have me, I'm also in the early 40s age group. I 'took up' pbps about 3 months back when my face to face group kind of fell to bits. I've just started a Pathfinder game on another forum (a bit higher level), and have signed up for an Earthdawn Game here which is just about to start so I'm getting up to speed on how the game format works.

Character wise, there are so many interesting options in PF I'm happy to fill gaps.

I'm UK based which does mean I'd have a bit of time zone lag, but I'm online pretty much every day and can usually check this forum from work if required so can keep up a decent post rate if needed.

Herbert Birdsfoot wrote:
Badslacker, I think you'd be a good fit for this game also. Welcome, you are player #2. As I asked Xaaon, I'll ask you: Thoughts on a character concept?

I'm thinking about a human\fighter mercenary (chaotic neutral),

half-elf\bard wanderer(chaotic good) or an elven\wizard scholar (neutral). Will probably decide soon considering other characters.

Herbert Birdsfoot wrote:

I'm pleased to say that we have three players already!

Xaaon of Korvosa
Larry Lichman

At this point, I'm considering strongly running PFS Scenario #5, 'Mists of Mwangi.' Anybody have any experience with that scenario, positive or negative?

Heh, it's one of the few I've bought, but I haven't really read it.

An archaeologist type rogue or bard. If we're starting out on a Pathfinder Society adventure, I'd love to keep the Pathfinder dungeon crawl thing going.

From the look of it, there are 6 requests before me plus an alternate, so as I guess an organised play has a limit of 6 PCs I'll wish you all good luck and good gaming this time.

Grand Lodge

Herbert Birdsfoot wrote:

I'm pleased to say that we have three players already!

Xaaon of Korvosa
Larry Lichman

At this point, I'm considering strongly running PFS Scenario #5, 'Mists of Mwangi.' Anybody have any experience with that scenario, positive or negative?

I'd love to play, this is my Society character. Unfortunately, I've already run Mists of Mwangi; I'd be very interested in any other scenarios you might run in the future.

I had a really good time running Mists of Mwangi, I think it's a strong scenario and you'll have a blast.

Terrific, it looks like we've got a nice 'table' here. Tell you what, guys, to keep things on the manageable side, I'm going to cut it off at five players. Turns out, I'm happy with everyone who replied (no need to refuse service to anyone at this establishment) so we'll go in order. The five initial players will be:

Xaaon of Korvosa
Larry Lichman

And, as alternates we'll have Rokku, grufflehead, and Celestial Half-Porc if interested as such.

Baroso, I'm pretty well settled on running 'Mists' but I will certainly keep you in mind for future endeavors, assuming this one works out well.

Kjob, in answer to your question, I'm not really intending to run this as an official PFS scenario, sorry. Even though I'd like to have you guys follow the official guidelines for character creation, I'm not sure that I want to follow the guidelines for all aspects of the game. I hope that doesn't dampen your interest at all.

Herbert, with all the responses you have gotten, go ahead and take me off the list. I have several games now, and it looks like there are several people who aren't in any games here. Let them have my spot. Good luck to the party and thanks for considering me.

I'll break down the high points of character creation, for ease of reference.

1. Factions are in play, so please choose one of the five factions for your character.

1a. First level characters.

2. No evil alignments.

3. 20 point stat buy.

4. Max hp for first level.

5. 150 gp to spend for starting equipment, nothing magical.

6. Item creation feats are not in play, so anyone making a wizard starts with Spell Focus instead of Scribe Scroll as a bonus feat.

7. Two traits each to start with (each of which must come from a different trait category).

8. Please write up a short physical description and background. Remember, though, that each player will be undertaking this mission at the behest of the Pathfinder Society, so please factor that in. Also, don't forget your chosen Faction for the background as well.

I think that about covers it! Players, please do get started on creating your characters. The sooner they're complete, the sooner we can start. And, if possible, please try to coordinate your endeavors so that we have a fairly balanced party.

I'm going to stop talking now.

Gerald wrote:
Herbert, with all the responses you have gotten, go ahead and take me off the list. I have several games now, and it looks like there are several people who aren't in any games here. Let them have my spot. Good luck to the party and thanks for considering me.

Thanks for your interest, Gerald, and good luck to you as well.

Alright, Rokku, the fifth spot is yours for the taking as first alt.

Dark Archive

Here is Kjob's Druid-in-Progress. May change feats/spells prepared depending on how group composition goes. Also, can turn him into a cleric pretty fast if someone else was dead set on druid, Im happy either way.
Character was written up late at night, so I expect errors and will get to them tomorrow, heh.

I'll get started on my character, bard, or rogue?

I'll be bringing a Ranger to the table. Working on him now.


I'll fill in the fluffy details later, my eyes hurt!

Xaaon of Korvosa wrote:

I'll get started on my character, bard, or rogue?

Xaaon, I'd say it depends on what Larry wants to do. If he goes fighter, you should probably go with a rogue. But, if he wants to go rogue, then your bard would be good. I think I'd lean more toward the former option, to give the party more staying power, but I'll leave the final decision to you guys.

On that point, I would also point out to Badslacker that your wizard option is the only arcanist who has been mentioned at all, so I'd advise going that route, unless you guys want a party with virtually no arcane magic.

I thought I'd point out, also, that Silas is from the Chelaxian faction, and Alezandaru is from the Andoran faction.

It's certainly not mandatory that all five factions be represented at the table, but I think it will make the game more interesting if faction overlap is minimized. Just food for thought.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Well, I was gonna go Fighter, but based on the party make up, it looks like we need an arcane caster. So, I'll make a Sorceror instead. It's been a while since I played a caster, so this should be pretty fun!

That'll give us a Ranger, Druid, Rogue/Bard, and Sorceror. Pretty balanced party, IMO.

I'll post my character info up later today or early tomorrow (today's my Mother-in-law's birthday, so I may not be able to finish him today, but I'll try...)

Larry Lichman wrote:

Well, I was gonna go Fighter, but based on the party make up, it looks like we need an arcane caster. So, I'll make a Sorceror instead. It's been a while since I played a caster, so this should be pretty fun!

That'll give us a Ranger, Druid, Rogue/Bard, and Sorceror. Pretty balanced party, IMO.

I'll post my character info up later today or early tomorrow (today's my Mother-in-law's birthday, so I may not be able to finish him today, but I'll try...)

Badslacker had expressed the possibility of playing a wizard, but if you want to take sorcerer, that does nail down the arcane caster role.

So, Xaaon you could probably go with either of your choices (depends on how much trapsmithing you want to do, I suppose). AAnd, Badslacker, you could likely go just about any route you want, depending on what area you want to beef up the party's resources (melee, arcane magic, etc.)

Larry, don't worry about getting the character done today. I won't be able to start reviewing sheets until tomorrow, and everyone else isn't done yet anyway.

Unless anyone objects, I'll go fighter on this one (still building him).

Badslacker wrote:
Unless anyone objects, I'll go fighter on this one (still building him).

I think that sounds great. To sum up the party, then...

Kjob - Druid
Rokku - Ranger
Larry Lichman - Sorcerer
Badslacker - Fighter
Xaaon - Bard or Rogue

Looks good. Let me know if you guys need any help on character building.

The Exchange

As a lurker wishing you well....

In case you haven't read it, there is a Pathfinder Society thread on these boards for this great adventure with advice, issues and tips on running it. That may help you, Herbert.

As someone who played in this recently, I will say that you guys need to bring your A-game to this party, especially when the five of you are all first level. That is what my group did and it paid off. It is a superb choice to start DMing with.

Cheers and Good luck everyone

I appreciate the advice, French Wolf! I'll check out the thread for any tips which may be pertinent.

Players, can you rise to the challenge?

This is my fighter. Still needs some work but most of the stuff is up.

DM: Could I take the Taldor trait of expert duelist (+1 to AC while next to a single foe)? The character's personality is much closer to Qadira, but they don't have any decent traits that would suit him.

My 2 cents, a bard would be nice for someone else to have cure light wounds prepared since I'll have a max of two. That said, I'd recommend people buy a pot or two as PFS scenarios can be pretty unforgiving.

Ammian wrote:

This is my fighter. Still needs some work but most of the stuff is up.

DM: Could I take the Taldor trait of expert duelist (+1 to AC while next to a single foe)? The character's personality is much closer to Qadira, but they don't have any decent traits that would suit him.

Okay, I guess I don't see a problem with reflavoring the Expert Duelist feat to be Qadiran instead of Taldoran. It's all good by me.

Kjob wrote:
My 2 cents, a bard would be nice for someone else to have cure light wounds prepared since I'll have a max of two. That said, I'd recommend people buy a pot or two as PFS scenarios can be pretty unforgiving.

My understanding is that newly created PFS characters cannot purchase magic items, unless I'm misreading something.

Herbert Birdsfoot wrote:
Kjob wrote:
My 2 cents, a bard would be nice for someone else to have cure light wounds prepared since I'll have a max of two. That said, I'd recommend people buy a pot or two as PFS scenarios can be pretty unforgiving.
My understanding is that newly created PFS characters cannot purchase magic items, unless I'm misreading something.

Good point, is the Pathfinder Lodge that we begin in for Mists of Mwangi located in a city where we'd be able to buy Potions of CLW? Its considered an item thats always available (but you're right, no magic items during creation), so we'd be able to buy it after we get our in-brief but before we begin our mission.

Kjob wrote:
Good point, is the Pathfinder Lodge that we begin in for Mists of Mwangi located in a city where we'd be able to buy Potions of CLW? Its considered an item thats always available (but you're right, no magic items during creation), so we'd be able to buy it after we get our in-brief but before we begin our mission.

I'll have to think on that.

In the meantime, does anyone have a 100% completed character sheet? Just let me know, so I can review it. Not trying to rush anyone, just looking for something to do.

Scarab Sages

Here is my Sorceror, Khandakar. I still have to work on my background, but I believe he's done other than that.

As for a background, I'm leaning towards this:

Khandakar is a displaced Chelaxian who has spent the last 10 years in Osirion. He doesn't know too much about his heritage since he left Cheliax when he was 7, but when his bloodline manifested itself a year ago, he began asking questions. After several inquiries in Osirion, he was eventually steered toward the Pathfinder Society. As he started becoming more familiar with the people and regulations of the local Pathfinder Lodge, Khandakar felt that his best chance of learning about his family and his heritage was to become a member of the Pathfinder organization. He has only been a member of the Pathfinder Society for the past few months, but the information he has gained so far has encouraged him to continue following his current path.

Let me know what you think...

Dark Archive

Silas is all good to go, I have him set up assuming we are able to buy some pots once in town, but I can easilly remove them if you decide that way.
Also spells prepared are just what Id normally have while traveling, they may change once we start depending on what my character knows going into it.

Starting my character tonight, had a massive amount of work to do last night. I'll make a rogue, since I think we need a trap finder.

Seeker of Secrets stuff in?

Scarab Sages

X'abbo is under construction.

Human Rogue using Spears and short sword. (nice leaf blade)

Rest of the name is still under thought. X'abbo yes, I'll figure out the rest.

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