Ekeebe's Type Cast PbP OOC Thread

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

here is the OOC thread...post any questions or ideas here please.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Here is my character for now; might make a few tweaks, suggestions welcome.

http://www.angelfire.com/id/deathquaker/gaming/charsheets/Iriel_Lasslanta.p df

Made this in PC Gen; the sheet calculates in the Traits but doesn't say what they are; they are Resilient (+1 to Fort) and Suspicious (+1 to Sense Motive, sense motive is Class Skill)

Rough background, can be changed to suit GM's needs, etc.: Iriel lived amongst fairly isolationist elves, but longed to explore the outside world and meet other races. Shortly before she technically came of age, she ran off to wander the world, using the skills she learned in the elven forest to survive. She is curious about others and keen on learning from them, but her isolated background and reserved way of speaking makes her come off as aloof.

After being wounded by highwaymen, she was taken in by The Aristocrat who had her injuries tended to; in gratitude she offered to patrol his lands and ward off poachers and unwanted predators, which had been a problem for a long time. Although sometimes obstinate and poor at following orders, she is nonetheless loyal to the old man.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Looks right, you are clear to play, i may ask for a favour though, could i please get you to make another alias, using the name of your character, and put your background and a link to the character sheet into that alias.

it will make life a little easier for me. thank you.

Comme ca?

http://www.angelfire.com/id/deathquaker/gaming/charsheets/Iriel_Lasslanta.p df

Background (slightly updated): Iriel lived amongst fairly isolationist elves in a forest city, but longed to explore the outside world and meet other races. Shortly before she technically came of age, she ran off to wander the world, using the skills she learned in the elven forest to survive--and later to adapt these skills in more civilized areas, where she could meet those she was so interested in. She is still curious about others and keen on learning from them, but her isolated background and reserved way of speaking makes her come off as aloof.

After being wounded by highwaymen, she was taken in by The Aristocrat who had her injuries tended to; in gratitude she offered to patrol his lands and ward off poachers and unwanted predators, which had been a problem for a long time. Although sometimes obstinate and poor at following orders, she is nonetheless loyal to the old man and often serves as his bodyguard.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

perfect thank you.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, so I've upped the ante a little, and decided on 5 PCs, so that means the list is now as follows:

1. DeathQuaker (Ranger)
2. Gamender (Illusionist or Lorekeeper)
3. Celestial Half-Porc (Rogue)
4. Max Hellspont (Bard)
5. Ravn (Witch)

Reserve 1. Eric Swanson
Reserve 2. Gerald

Oh, I almost forgot about some of the things that people usually ask about when creating characters:
* HP is average per level (half the HD +1, so 6 for fighter 7 for Barbarian, etc)
* Standard character wealth for 9th level (which is 46, 000 gp)

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Is there a gold piece limit you would like to keep on a single item?

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

I have no problems with what you spend the money on, just as long as it's from the Pathfinder Core Rulebook.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

I am going to play a Tengu rogue/shadow dancer.

Here's what I have so far.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

the character looks fine, just flesh out the rest, and await the IC thread.

I am going to wait until everybody has their characters ready, that way we won't have any missing PCs when we start.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8
Ekeebe wrote:

the character looks fine, just flesh out the rest, and await the IC thread.

I am going to wait until everybody has their characters ready, that way we won't have any missing PCs when we start.

Awesome, still have a lot to do anyway.

male human Witch 9

I made him human instead of half-orc.
Stats is done, i just need to write him a background, and maybe i'll make a few minor changes when i see the illusionist.

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

Do you guys have a template for putting up your statblock in your profile? I'd like to do that.

Read Ekeebe's HP rules so I need to give my char 9 more hit points (I did exactly half HP).

We should work on how we all know each other.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Zidoren was hired on recently by the Aristocrat for his knowledge of Hallowfeld and the surrounding area (Because he was raised there). The Aristocrat hopes he can use Zidoren's local connections if anything were to go a rye while visiting.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Stat Block

Just copy and paste into your alias. Formatting should be good.

I'm on the wait list. Just wanted to post to get a dot in the thread so I can keep up with it. Thanks.


Profile updated with full character sheet. This supercedes the .pdf (which doesn't calculate in finesse for the Elven Curve Blade). Added some food and water to equipment list.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, just an update so that people know what is happening.

With christmas and New Year just around the corner, I'm not sure if we will be able to get the game up before then, but if we can, then great.

Okay, so I've looked through the characters presented to me so far, and these are the only things that need to change to make them playable.

*You have only spent 74 skill points, and i calculated that you should have 77 to spend (6 + INT mod (+2)/level x 9 levels + 5 favoured class bonus = 77 skill points). so you have 3 skill points to spend.
*Your HP seem incorrect to me, your math should be as follows: 9d10+9+4 (10+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+6+9+4 = 71 HP) dont forget that rangers are now d10 HD.

other than that, your character is perfectly ready to play.

*Your HP are just 1 point over total, the only number that is incorrect is the 1st level HP, it should be 6 not 7, so just change your HP from 57 to 56.
*You cannot use Ward on yourself, you have to cast your ward hex on another person.

Other than that, your character is perfectly ready to play.

Celestial Half-Porc:
*Your character is missing a backstory

Other than that, your character is perfectly ready to play

Gamender and Max Hellspont, I am missing characters for both of you, if you could post to tell me whether you are still interested, or if you are going to be busy over the christmas/new year holidays, that would be great.

Have a happy and safe christmas everyone.

Gah, gamender here. It's been one hell of a busy week, and I barely have time to make a char up. Or even attend to other pbp's. Anyway, This is what I got so far, still adapting from a previously defunct character.

Anyway, I'm picking up scrolls wholesale. Anyone got a good idea on what I should get? Been a while since I played a caster.

male human Witch 9

I updated my sheet.
i'm going away on vacation tomorrow morning. I will have a computer with me, but the signal is very weak so don't expect any post from me the next week. I just wanted to say that i'm still with you.
I will be back right after new year.

Merry christmas everybody.

That's what I get for backwards mathing the favored class points rather than recheck what I did in PC Gen. It was actually 7 bonus hit points and 2 bonus skill points, not the 5/4 distribution I wrote on the character sheet (Because that gives me three more hit points and three less skill points, which is the discrepancy you were seeing). This is fixed now.

Note: Player has Master's Degree in English, cannot do arithmetic to save life. Will try to be careful.

BTW I'm at least back from Christmas so will be able to post, though might not be on right around New Year's weekend.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Just wondering what is happening, its almost the new year, and I would like to find out who is still keen, and who isn't.

I'm definately still running this game, I'm just awaiting people to finish their characters so I can start.

I am on the WL, Ek. Do you want me to prepare a sheet for your review anyway? I can certainly do that if you want.

I'm here as well. And I threw up a hasty background. Inventory might change until we actually start. I notice I am consumable-less.

sorry, still just need the backstory. Will have it very soon.

Ready Ekeebe.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, just reviewed the characters that needed reviewing, and this is what I have noted.

Celestial Half-Porc:
You are ready to play, your character is correct.

* Your total og GP left over is off by one, please add another GP to your total.
* Your HP are lower than i calculated, your math should be Wizard (4x9) + 9 + 9 = 54 HP, not 45.
* I need a physical description from you.

other than that, Amihan is ready to play.

Max Hellspont:
I have yet to see any character as yet, please create your character as soon as possible.

Now for the pushy DM part, I am giving all players until this Friday night to finish your characters for review, if I do not see a finished character ready for refview by Friday, I will be choosing a reserve spot to take your place.

Sorry to be pushy, guys, but I have been waiting over a fornight to start this game.

Gerald, I will review what you have given me, so that if characters aren't finished on time, I can choose out of my reserves.

Eric Swanson, please create a character so that I can review it, and so that I know that my reserves are ready to jump in at a moments notice.

This will be posted in the hookup thread aswell as the OOC thread so that nobody misses this post.

[EDIT]the only thing I need you to do for me, Gerald, is could you please itemise your equipment list, that way I don't have to spend ages trying to look everything up. Thank you[EDIT]

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Character review time.

* Please itemise your equipment so that it is easier for me to calculate.

Other than that you are ready to await gameplay as a reserve.

Ekeebe wrote:

Eric Swanson, please create a character so that I can review it, and so that I know that my reserves are ready to jump in at a moments notice.

Ekeebe, He is done, just need to finish buying equipment.

Female Human Arcanist 5 | AC (16)12/12/10 | HP 37/37 | F+4, R+4, W+6 | CMD 15 | Perc.+1, Initiative+10 | Prescience 8/day | Arcane Reservoir 5/8 |

Ek, I have totaled up my items on my character sheet. I came up with 42,070 gold and one silver spent, leaving a bit to buy potions and scrolls. If I am missing something, please let me know.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Character review time.

* You have forgotten about masterworking costs for your armour and weapons (which should add 450 gp to your total spent).

Other than that, you are ready for play.

Eric Swanson:
* Your Perception bonus is +10, not sure where you got this from, you cant have spent any skill ranks in it, so the total should be +0
* Your CMD is 28, my math works out 25
* You have 94 HP, even with toughness and your all of your favoured class bonus, you total should be 90.
* You have a +6 to damage for your Masterworked Composite Shortbow, the total should be +4.
* You haven't factored in your Weapon Training class bonus to yourattack rolls for your flail or greatsword, you should be at, power attack not calculated, Greatsword: +16/+11 (+9 damage) +2 Flail: +16/+11 (+7 damage)
* Please itemise (add buy cost) your equipment so that it is easier to calculate.

I keep forgetting about this thread. Best to bookmark it. Anyway, after reading a certain illusion thread, I might be changing a few details about my character, shifting the focus from heavy images to..something else. Probably enchantments, to keep some of the theme. Mostly comes in the form of a few spell changes. Saves the discussion on how much I can illuse and some-such, and the headache of thinking too creatively.

Edit: Forget what I just said. Except for the bookmarking part.

My apologies to everyone. Real life has unexpectedly kicked into overdrive since Christmas, and I have finally come to the realization that I am just not going to be able to get a character together or participate in this PbP - which is a bummer because it looks really interesting! Please give my spot to the next person on the reserve list. I look forward to seeing how this PbP progresses. Thank you for your patience, and happy gaming!

Best regards!

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Thank you, Max Hellspont for notifiying me, this will speed things up, and you are more than welcome to observe the thread.

Okay, Eric Swanson, Gerald, this means that you must both fight to the death for the spot! *Insert typical evil DM laughter here*

Just kidding.

Okay what I am going to do is hold off on deciding until Eric Swanson makes the changes said in the review of his character, and then decide, unless you miss the deadline, then Gerald will automatically be in.

When I decide, I am going to look at the party, and decide based on build and class for who gets the spot, if a certain role needs to be filled, then I will choose the player most suited for that role.

I explained what I am doing because I know how it feels to be passed up for a spot in a PbP for no reason, and the DM just saying, "Meh, they were here first!"

Do we need to still figure out how we know each other before the adventure begins?

I've worked for the Aristocrat for awhile (Ekeebe, does he have a name? :) ), and Amihan used to, and he became her patron. So we'd probably know each other at least a bit.

Maybe my character went recruiting for the bodyguard caravan and found Zidoren?

Maybe Aristocrat worships at Elisen's temple?

Just trying to get the ball rolling... I'm not bound to these ideas, rough as they are.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

well the way you have all written your backgrounds, you all seem to be well connected with the elderly aristocrat.

Your character being an elf could have spent a very long time working, or "Volunteering" for the old man, even though he would probably still pay you. He's a nice old man.

Amihan would have already been a part of most of the PCs lives life, as she is the daughter of the scullery maid, allowing you to have met the half elf, and recognise her talent, alerting the aristocrat to this, leading very well into Amihan's background.

Iriel, being the person that patrols the area, you could have encountered Zidoren and peacefully resolved the issue, recommending him for a job with the Aristocrat after hearing that Zidoren was sellswording, and after hearing about his talents.

Wow, would you belive I have just noticed that I am missing something!

Ravn, Eric Swanson, I need a backstory for both of you please. Please don't forget the deadline. If you need any help with it, then please ask for it.

Now because I haven't chosen out of the reserves yet, I will help explain their attatchment to the group a little more.

Elisen could be the cleric keeping an eye on the old aristocrat, because they share the same deity and religeon, if this is the case, the aristocrat would have befriended the girl, and helped her with her studies, aventually allowing the two to become good friends. Elisen would feel a loyalty to the kind old man, allowing her to tag along.

just my thoughts, that way, I'm not forcing backstories on you, I like players to come up with their own ideas on how they know each other. That's how i would like things to be if I were a player, so that is the way I treat my players.

Ekeebe wrote:

Character review time.

Eric Swanson:
* Your Perception bonus is +10, not sure where you got this from, you cant have spent any skill ranks in it, so the total should be +0
* Your CMD is 28, my math works out 25
* You have 94 HP, even with toughness and your all of your favoured class bonus, you total should be 90.
* You have a +6 to damage for your Masterworked Composite Shortbow, the total should be +4.
* You haven't factored in your Weapon Training class bonus to yourattack rolls for your flail or greatsword, you should be at, power attack not calculated, Greatsword: +16/+11 (+9 damage) +2 Flail: +16/+11 (+7 damage)
* Please itemise (add buy cost) your equipment so that it is easier to calculate.

OK I updated the character again, and also I am going to get a brief background to you, just kinda hectic now. had a Birtday yesterday so enjoyed myself.

Now back to work lol!

Ekeebe wrote:

Eric Swanson, I need a backstory for both of you please. Please don't forget the deadline. If you need any help with it, then please ask for it.

just my thoughts, that way, I'm not forcing backstories on you, I like players to come up with their own ideas on how they know each other. That's how i would like things to be if I were a player, so that is the way I treat my players.

OK finished the background, let me know if it needs to be fleshed out more.

Ekeebe wrote:

Character review time.

Eric Swanson:
* Your CMD is 28, my math works out 25

Ekeebe, actually according to the PFSRD you can add deflection and dodge bonus to the CMD, so the CMD should be 28.

male human Witch 9

Ba'andu is done, with background and all.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

you are ready to go, thank you for coming up with the background, I was getting worried, but now I have nothing to fear.

Eric Swanson:
* You haven't fixed your attack bonuses, you bonuses shoud be as follows
**+1 Thundering Greatsword +16/+11 to hit (2d6+9, 19-20/x2, S) or w/Power Attack +13/+8 (2d6+18, 19-20/x2, S)
**+2 Flail +16/+11 (1d8+7, x2, B, disarm, trip) or w/Power Attack +13/+8 (1d8+13, x2, B) or

Other than that, your character is ready to go, even without this change, you can still play, but you will be penalising yourself for damage.

Now for both of you fitting in with the party.

Ba'andu already has a reason for fitting in with the old man, fleshing it out a little, it could be said that the old man made frequent visits to Ba'andu and his father, making him an old friend of the family. This way there is more loyalty to the old man.

Toren Nigard, I'm thinking that maybe the aristocrat was a regular through the gates when you were placed on gate patrol in your younger years, and so you both became well aquainted. Also if you don't mind, you could have fallen in love with the aristocrat's beautiful daughter, and wish to reconnect with her to see if she shares the same feelings that you do, hence the wanting to settle down and start a family.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

Okay, Deadline is up, and everyone has a playable character.

I thank everyone for being patient with me and the other players.

Okay, I am going to go with Gerald's character for the game, and Eric Swanson will be my last reserve.

I am going to put up the IC thread very soon, as in I will be creating the thread straight after I post this.

Ekeebe wrote:

Eric Swanson:

* You haven't fixed your attack bonuses, you bonuses shoud be as follows
**+1 Thundering Greatsword +16/+11 to hit (2d6+9, 19-20/x2, S) or w/Power Attack +13/+8 (2d6+18, 19-20/x2, S)
**+2 Flail +16/+11 (1d8+7, x2, B, disarm, trip) or w/Power Attack +13/+8 (1d8+13, x2, B) or

Other than that, your character is ready to go, even without this change, you can still play, but you will be penalising yourself for damage.

Now for both of you fitting in with the party.

Toren Nigard, I'm thinking that maybe the aristocrat was a regular through the gates when you were placed on gate patrol in your younger years, and so you both became well aquainted. Also if you don't mind, you could have fallen in love with the aristocrat's beautiful daughter, and wish to reconnect with her to see if she shares the same feelings that you do, hence the wanting to settle down and start a family.

Ekeebe, I like the changes for the BG for Toren and i have incorporated them into my sheet.

Ekeebe wrote:

Okay, Deadline is up, and everyone has a playable character.

I thank everyone for being patient with me and the other players.

Okay, I am going to go with Gerald's character for the game, and Eric Swanson will be my last reserve.

I am going to put up the IC thread very soon, as in I will be creating the thread straight after I post this.

Ok, ya win some and ya lose some. i will monitor the IC thread and be ready to go first off the bench, he he.

Male no, I think I'll just sit here, you go ahead though... Father 2/Geek8

IC thread is up.

IC Thread

Okay, EK, I will post IC this afternoon. I am going ot buy some potions, scrolls, etc, with my remaining funds first.

And Eric, if this game is anything like my in person games, be ready. I have a habit of getting eaten by a killer ___________, troll, stirge, etc. within the first couple rooms of any adventure!!

Gerald wrote:

Okay, EK, I will post IC this afternoon. I am going ot buy some potions, scrolls, etc, with my remaining funds first.

And Eric, if this game is anything like my in person games, be ready. I have a habit of getting eaten by a killer ___________, troll, stirge, etc. within the first couple rooms of any adventure!!

Gerald, Be sure some of those potion are healing Ok? LOL!

Okay, the party may be in conflict very soon, where do people wish to be tactically. Please tell me the coloured square you wish to be, or where abouts you wish to be (as in 2 squares up and 1 square left of the pink square, etc).

The map is here.

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