So what really happened to Aroden?

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

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DM here with some juicy ideas...

Liberty's Edge

He's dead. James said so a while ago. Let me see if I can find the link, because its pretty old. Erik also said they don't have plans on releasing info yet.

Edit: Its in this thread about 9 posts down.

And this from Erik

Studpuffin wrote:

He's dead. James said so a while ago. Let me see if I can find the link, because its pretty old. Erik also said they don't have plans on releasing info yet.

Edit: Its in this thread about 9 posts down.

And this from Erik

Thank you, very helpful. But of course, as DM, I can do anything I want....;-)

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

Which is exactly why we aren't saying anything officially.

Erik Mona wrote:

Which is exactly why we aren't saying anything officially.

That's why you're the king, Erik.

Dark Archive

1) He was getting dotty in his old age and he slipped in the shower.

2) Asmodeus stole his godhood, and has him locked away, in a prison that is supposed to be holding someone else...

3) He's imprisoned in the Eye of Abendago, but he's not alone in there.

4) He's face down in the Worldwound, his divine blood serving as the necessary component to open this horrific rift.

5) He's alive and well and kicking demon arse in the Worldwound, but unable to contact his followers, trapped on the cusp of this world and the Abyss, fighting to keep the Abyss at bay, trying to block the portal with his own body, like the little dutch boy and the word-that-used-to-mean-dam.

6) That thing the Aboleth did to the Azlanti? The Aboleth have a god, and it did to 'the Last Azlanti' something similar.

7) Cyric killed him.

8) Raistlin killed him.

9) He's working in a salt mine under Castle Waldorf.

Set wrote:

1) He was getting dotty in his old age and he slipped in the shower.

2) Asmodeus stole his godhood, and has him locked away, in a prison that is supposed to be holding someone else...

3) He's imprisoned in the Eye of Abendago, but he's not alone in there.

4) He's face down in the Worldwound, his divine blood serving as the necessary component to open this horrific rift.

5) He's alive and well and kicking demon arse in the Worldwound, but unable to contact his followers, trapped on the cusp of this world and the Abyss, fighting to keep the Abyss at bay, trying to block the portal with his own body, like the little dutch boy and the word-that-used-to-mean-dam.

6) That thing the Aboleth did to the Azlanti? The Aboleth have a god, and it did to 'the Last Azlanti' something similar.

7) Cyric killed him.

8) Raistlin killed him.

9) He's working in a salt mine under Castle Waldorf.

Good stuff. Very creative. But not creative enough. ;-)

Sovereign Court

Tiger got him.

Sovereign Court

Set wrote:
1) He was getting dotty in his old age and he slipped in the shower.

That's my answer!

Guy Humual wrote:
Tragically Aroden slipped getting out of the shower a little over one hundred years ago (showers having been invented the previous year). Sadly bathmats weren't invented till the following year.

The first rule of Dead God Club is that you do not talk about Dead God Club.

What really happened to Aroden?

He got a little tired, heard about a great alternate plane with a fantastic beach, and said to the guy with the overpowering spell: "Go ahead. Do it."

My thoughts is aradon when beyond, to places even the gods are not safe. As to why he went to such a place I am not sure, but some great thing there, more then a god beyond good, beyond evil killed him.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

In three years, Paizo will be releasing a new campaign setting, entirely separate from Golarion. It'll have psionics, magic dune buggies, and a race of savage barbarians that can shrink to Tiny size at will. There'll be one god. Three guesses who.

Chris Mortika wrote:
In three years, Paizo will be releasing a new campaign setting, entirely separate from Golarion. It'll have psionics, magic dune buggies, and a race of savage barbarians that can shrink to Tiny size at will. There'll be one god. Three guesses who.

1. Barry (Baz or Bazza) god of home brew.

2. Dave (Dave-o) the grifter he who does not put in for the carton or slab of beer and yet drinks the beer.
3. Terry (Tez)of the gun skoal, able to skoal from a beer gun, tap, beer bong, or yard glass.

Did I get it right?

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Um (choke) thank you, 8th Dwarf. We'll consult with the judges and get right back to you.


It's all about Asmodeus.

Besides, the second rule about dead god club is that gods never truly die, they just wait for the right time to come back and throw the world into chaos. Hit the edition reset button, suddenly Asmodeus is on the ropes. Cue the Keystone cops.

Darrin Drader wrote:

It's all about Asmodeus.

Besides, the second rule about dead god club is that gods never truly die, they just wait for the right time to come back and throw the world into chaos. Hit the edition reset button, suddenly Asmodeus is on the ropes. Cue the Keystone cops.

So the Gods of Golarion have the same retirement plan as DC Comics heroes? Nobody ever "dies", they just came back in a future issue/supplement with longer hair?

Set wrote:

7) Cyric killed him.

Nah, that couldn't be, because we'd have had a hundred years of madness, catastrophy, mass genocide, and the appearance of goofy races like Elves² and Dragonheads.

Chris Mortika wrote:
In three years, Paizo will be releasing a new campaign setting, entirely separate from Golarion. It'll have psionics, magic dune buggies, and a race of savage barbarians that can shrink to Tiny size at will. There'll be one god. Three guesses who.

Well, I'll loooove dune buggies.

Can we have nice drinks with outrageous names, like "Orgasm" and "Screwdriver", too? I'll do the gig if I can have them, and be God of Mental Power, Savage Shrinkage, and Drinks With Outrageous Names. I was getting sick to death of this prophecy and humans crap.

What is dead can never die!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

F33b wrote:
Darrin Drader wrote:

It's all about Asmodeus.

Besides, the second rule about dead god club is that gods never truly die, they just wait for the right time to come back and throw the world into chaos. Hit the edition reset button, suddenly Asmodeus is on the ropes. Cue the Keystone cops.

So the Gods of Golarion have the same retirement plan as DC Comics heroes? Nobody ever "dies", they just came back in a future issue/supplement with longer hair?


Aroden's death is one of the core elements of the campaign setting. He's not coming back.

The Exchange

But is he still standing in line waiting to see Lady death?


He got married and his wife won´t let him hang out with his worshipers anymore. He´s a big boy now.

Liberty's Edge

Crimson Jester wrote:
But is he still standing in line waiting to see Lady death?

I think a God's death would have to be a little more final than that... He has to stop existing fully to truly be dead.

I wonder if it all wasn't part of his plan, really. Become the god of prophecy, build up prophecy to critical mass, then destroy all of it to prevent some incredible disaster down the line. Apocalypse averted.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Crimson Jester wrote:
But is he still standing in line waiting to see Lady death?

Nope. Pharasma already sent him on, and she's not talking about WHERE she sent him.

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
But is he still standing in line waiting to see Lady death?
Nope. Pharasma already sent him on, and she's not talking about WHERE she sent him.

As long as there's boat drinks, it's cool.

Man o man. Aroden should never have messed with Chuck Norris, Conan and Captain Kirk at the same time.

Liberty's Edge

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
But is he still standing in line waiting to see Lady death?
Nope. Pharasma already sent him on, and she's not talking about WHERE she sent him.

Not even if she's tickled?

He formed a prog-rock supergroup and has written several concept albums about it.

James Jacobs wrote:
Crimson Jester wrote:
But is he still standing in line waiting to see Lady death?
Nope. Pharasma already sent him on, and she's not talking about WHERE she sent him.

That's because she cannot pronounce "boudoir".

ericthecleric wrote:
He formed a prog-rock supergroup and has written several concept albums about it.

Have you heard our new song? It's three hundred years long, including a 50 year guitar solo by yours truly.

Next time, we go back to the longer songs our fans have come to expect from us.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

He got eaten by Cthulhu.

Sovereign Court

You're likening Kirk's double hand chop to the martial skill of Chuck Mighty Norris and the raw power of the mid 80's Schartzanneggern'sausage? O_O

Erik Mona wrote:

Which is exactly why we aren't saying anything officially.

It is so interesting to see Mona's comment (which I find to be rather "dead-on") balanced against Jacobs. It's like we are finding pieces of the dead sea scrolls what I see is:

Nothing will ever be officially released on Aroden's death because DMs can take it however they want with mature, epic characters that might cross into this territory one day in a grand scheme to bring Aroden back...or interact with him, or suddenly discover his power is available again, although only at a trickle...

Whatever DMs do, for those that are of this ilk, at least in my opinion, Mona and Paizo "get it." And now, I officially take back my other thread on the Starstone...

ALTHOUGH...if something were developed, James, I do believe that Monte Cook should be the one that develops the Starstone Cathedral/test or at least the "outline" as wisely suggested above. Monte has a way with the wacky and epic (see Jabel Shammar's multi-portal god-like device that he created for example).

Thank you all for such an entertaining conversation.

Shadow Lodge

Aroden = Asmodeus.

Seriously, Aroden just got tired of being a goody-goody, made an evil persona, and eventually just gave up on being good.

KaeYoss wrote:
What is dead can never die!

An object at rest cannot be stopped!

Dave Young 992 wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Nope. Pharasma already sent him on, and she's not talking about WHERE she sent him.
As long as there's boat drinks, it's cool.

Ah, Things to Do in the Outer Planes When You're Dead. Is Mister Shhh one of Achaekek's heralds?

{suddenly horrified by the thought of Critical Bill passing the Starstone test}

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I think the important thing to remember about Aroden's death is that it made prophecy go all pear-shaped. My working theory is that his death was part of a massive temporal paradox that has thrown the timeline into disarray.

Liberty's Edge

Saradoc wrote:
Erik Mona wrote:

Which is exactly why we aren't saying anything officially.

It is so interesting to see Mona's comment (which I find to be rather "dead-on") balanced against Jacobs. It's like we are finding pieces of the dead sea scrolls what I see is:

Nothing will ever be officially released on Aroden's death because DMs can take it however they want with mature, epic characters that might cross into this territory one day in a grand scheme to bring Aroden back...or interact with him, or suddenly discover his power is available again, although only at a trickle...

Whatever DMs do, for those that are of this ilk, at least in my opinion, Mona and Paizo "get it." And now, I officially take back my other thread on the Starstone...

ALTHOUGH...if something were developed, James, I do believe that Monte Cook should be the one that develops the Starstone Cathedral/test or at least the "outline" as wisely suggested above. Monte has a way with the wacky and epic (see Jabel Shammar's multi-portal god-like device that he created for example).

Thank you all for such an entertaining conversation.

Dude, they're just messing with your head. >:D

Purple Dragon Knight wrote:
You're likening Kirk's double hand chop to the martial skill of Chuck Mighty Norris and the raw power of the mid 80's Schartzanneggern'sausage? O_O

It's all about unbeatability. Kirk may not be the best fighter around, but with his cunning tenacity, he's a tough act to beat.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber

He is playing the part of Deity in the upcoming movie "Dude, Where's My Deity?"

James Jacobs wrote:
Nope. Pharasma already sent him on, and she's not talking about WHERE she sent him.

Ah! I thought the new guy at work seemed familiar!

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I reread the section detailing Aroden's death. The prophocy talked about Aroden's RETURN. So doesn't he have to leave first? NOw that he has, he can return.

Tim Statler wrote:
The prophocy talked about Aroden's RETURN. So doesn't he have to leave first?

He left long ago. He left the world to enter the heavenly spheres. And the prophecy said that he would return bodily to the world to rule mankind and lead them to undying glory yada yada yada.

KaeYoss wrote:
Tim Statler wrote:
The prophocy talked about Aroden's RETURN. So doesn't he have to leave first?
He left long ago. He left the world to enter the heavenly spheres. And the prophecy said that he would return bodily to the world to rule mankind and lead them to undying glory yada yada yada.

.... But then he was killed by a mysterious blue Golem that was muttering something about "need suspense and strife, where's the fun without that? Need to sell these aypees."

Diviners are puzzling to this day about these "aypees"

Sovereign Court

Before you worry about the answers you have to make sure you ask the right questions.

Let's be less vague, how was Aroden killed?

And while we're at it... who, or what, was responsible? What was their motive? Is anyone/anything else implicated? Can we do it all again to Rovagug?

Dark Archive

KaeYoss wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Tim Statler wrote:
The prophocy talked about Aroden's RETURN. So doesn't he have to leave first?
He left long ago. He left the world to enter the heavenly spheres. And the prophecy said that he would return bodily to the world to rule mankind and lead them to undying glory yada yada yada.

.... But then he was killed by a mysterious blue Golem that was muttering something about "need suspense and strife, where's the fun without that? Need to sell these aypees."

Diviners are puzzling to this day about these "aypees"

The Golem is purple...


Aroden, wasn't he that guy who punched the Hulk till he turned back into banner? I think they shot him with some crazy red laser beam from space, too.

Mighta been some other bloke, though.


psionichamster wrote:

Aroden, wasn't he that guy who punched the Hulk till he turned back into banner? I think they shot him with some crazy red laser beam from space, too.

Mighta been some other bloke, though.


You're rambling, man, I never hit any hulks. And I don't beat people into banners. That sort of brutality is more Rovagug's deal, maybe Gorum's.

Definitely! I can see them beat someone until they're flat and hang them from their lance.

what happened to Aroden?

two words: swine flu

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