Tarrasque Substitute |

Tarrasque Substitute wrote:Tarrasque Pinworm wrote:High fives all around? Wait.. you don't have any hands do you?Tarrasque Substitute wrote:Sorcerers of the Shore wrote:~stomps in and gobbles up remains~0gre wrote:~ZAP!~WTF!
Can we get this thread back on topic please? I'm too lazy to read upthread, where it the beholder?
Woo hoo! I knew if I waited long enough, I'd find someone like you! Even if you're not quite the real thing...
Awww, I hoped you'd love me for who I am...
That's ok, chest bump instead..

Nstrivaxon, the Cunning |

Nstrivaxon, the Cunning wrote:Umm no sir.. but Timmy over there might need a lawyer, those evil bankers are out for his ummm soul.Seoni Stunt Double wrote:
Wait.. you're casting a spell on me now? I'm not sure that's in my contract for this volume.. could someone call my lawyer?*Pfft!*
You called?
Wait, are you on my list?
You're not on my list? Excellent. I'm always on the lookout for fresh vic... errrr... for 'new clientele', that is to say. Can I interest you in an Asmodeus 666 contract? It's our standard 'pay later' contract, and quite watertight under the pressure at the bottom of any ocean floor. In fact one client last week used his as a submersible, in the hope that it might make the ink run. No such luck for him, sadly, although he did run out of air, and is now enjoying the finest hospitality our infernal welcoming committee can spare him.

Ambrosia Slaad |

AncientVaults&EldritchSecrets wrote:Well, actually, Paizo can easily make a "Mindbreaker" that looks just like a mindflayer and does the same thing. Nobody is stopping Paizo from doing that......sage words...
AV&ES, see Into the Darklands. With Intellect Devourers, Seugathi (new!), and Neothelids all detailed inside, you really don't need to create a "Mindbreaker."
.This reminded me. There is no reason not to make Yuan-Ti. Just don't call them Yuan-Ti. Just call them Naga.
Again, see Into the Darklands for both versions of the Serpentfolk.
Since the thread went off-topic and became the norm, answering an on-topic question is now off-topic. :) Chaos!

Princess Of Canada |

In theory, nothing in the "Spell Compendium" and "Magic Item Compendium" is neccisarily closed content - sure the books themselves may be, but the contents are reasonable enough to translate.
The magic items themselves are relitively straightforward, nothing about them is unuseable in Pathfinder, they are simply like a recipe book for people who want to make their own equivilents (few of the items if any need to be converted, only have their GP costs evaluated and remove the XP requirements to bring it into line)
As for the spells in the "Spell Compendium", most of them are fairly practical (except for Assassin spells, since they lost their spellcasting ability in Pathfinder, these are now redundant or could be rolled into other classes instead) and can be used in Pathfinder without difficulty - after all, nothing about them is really unique, anyone could change the spells name (and in game most spellcasters often name their spells differently anyway to make them sound unique to themselves) and bang, no infringement of the copyright.
At the end of the day, almost anything is backwards compatible, sure some monsters and such are closed content (but within the confines of your own games, go ahead - convert the Beholder and Gemstone Dragons, but dont expect to see them in the Pathfinder books anytime soon officially. But there are TONS of alternatives, dont be tied down to an old school of thought, throw in some new stuff - your players wont know what to expect with something they didnt see in 3.5)

VooDoo |

Stebehil wrote:I thought so upon reading the first statement. The only solution is to buy the old books and convert them for you home game (which shouls be no big problem). I would be very careful about posting those conversions anywhere public, though.
I think I'm going to make a thread on how to do this the right way.
AMiB, Have you done this? If so, would you point me to it?
I'd like to know the issues with "fans" creating/updating some non-OGL monsters to PF accountability, and then, if possible, sharing them with like friends/gamers.
I do not know the intricacies of the OGL nor all of IP, but I'm willing to listen.
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