About IngrgeIngrge
Strength 16 (+3)
Size: Medium
Armor Class: 25 = 10 + 3 [Bracers of Armor] + 1 [Ring of Protection] + 6 [dexterity] + 1 [Dodge] + 2 [Wisdom] + 1 [Monk] +1 [Amulet of Natural Armor]
Initiative modifier: + 8 = + 6 [dexterity] + 2 [trait]
Attack (handheld): + 11 = 9 [base] + 2 [strength]
Light load: 86 lb. or less
Languages: Elven, Common Unarmed +11 [1d6+3, crit 19-20/x2]
Skill Key Skill Abil Ranks Misc
Ranger (Urban)
Monk (Zen Archer)
Class HP rolled Level 1: Ranger 10 Ingrge's Equipment:
More about Ingrge: PFS Chronicles/Info:
PFS ID#: 239913-5
Hunting Lodge: Roll Survival for day job Bot Me:
- Ingrge primarily provides scouting abilities (searching and tracking) and ranged support in combat; he also has skill with some rogue abilities... - When exploring/scouting ahead, he'll try to conceal himself (Stealth), check for traps/foes (Perception), and also look for any tracks (Survival)... - When encountering traps, he'll attempt to disable it (Disable Device)... - In combat, he prefers hanging back and attacking with his Magic Composite Longbow; however, he can also fight in close quarters with his bow when threatened and not draw an AoO (Point Blank Master). - He'll generally use Deadly Aim and Flurry of Bows when possible; he keeps a variety of arrow types in his Efficient Quiver to use when DR creatures are faced/known. - He'll use Acrobatics in combat if needed to avoid an AoO... NOTE: Ingrge's favored enemy is the Undead (+2 attack, +2 damage, can perform Knowledge checks on Undead untrained)… He also has modest skill in the Knowledge Arena (Local, Religion, Geography)... Notable Items
Typical Scouting Rolls
Knowledge Rolls
Save Rolls
Most Used Combat Rolls
Base Ranged Attack (30' or less):
Typical Attack (Full Ranged Attack Action, 30' or less):
[dice=Longbow (Iterative)]1d20+10+2+1+1-2-2[/dice]
[dice=Longbow (Rapid Shot)]1d20+15+2+1+1-2-2[/dice]
Typical Attack (Full Ranged Attack Action, outside of 30'):
[dice=Longbow (Iterative)]1d20+10+2+1-2-2[/dice]
[dice=Longbow (Rapid Shot)]1d20+15+2+1-2-2[/dice]
To avoid AoOs:
To break free from a grapple:
Other Skills: