Summoner Playtest by Post Interest

Gamer Connection

I'm planning to organize a summoner vs. summoner arena battle called something along the lines of "Skirmish Rings of Vudra". Each player brings one summoner and one Eidolon to the skirmish ring. Contests will be one on one. Summoners cannot directly attack each other but can attack each other indirectly through their eidolon or summoned creatures. Summoners can attack their opponents eidolon or summoned creatures. Battle ends when one summoner dies or one eidolon is defeated. Summoners and Eidolon begin the battle in their rings but may move from their rings to the arena floor if they wish.

This will be first come (fully statted summoner and eidolon) first serve.

Any interest?

Yes, very interested. I'll have the sheet done tonight. I assume it's first level?


I'll see if I can scrap something together. What are the baseline rules? Point buys, levels, etc?

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
Yes, very interested. I'll have the sheet done tonight.

That's the spirit. Quick and dirty. Survive a battle and you go on to the next one.

Davi The Eccentric wrote:
I assume it's first level?

Yes, first level with PRPG rules and a 20 point buy for summoners.

Kibbutzers are also welcome in the game thread as long as you kibbutz in character and gamble.

If a summoner survives three consecutive battles, we'll level up the contest to the second level (but what are the chance of that happening?).

Dark Archive

I would be interested as well.

Shadow Lodge

Now I only need to make a Summoner for the sample Eidolons I have...

Definitely interested.

Great. Battles will be one at a time to start. I'll ask players to post frequently to keep the tournament moving.

Shadow Lodge

How are we doing HP?

What is a Summoner's starting gold?

Can we use Pathfinder Traits?

Dragonborn3 wrote:

How are we doing HP?

What is a Summoner's starting gold?

Can we use Pathfinder Traits?

Maximum hit points for first level with choice of putting favored class bonus into hit points or skill point (hit points would probably make sense).

Let's give 100 gold to start ... any you don't spend, you can gamble on yourself for future rounds.

Yes. Two pathfinder traits from any published Paizo source (Wayfinder not included).

Sound fair?

Shadow Lodge

Yes. Now off to spend 1800gp*! Bwahaha.

Not really, though, cause where is the fun in that? .

*Combine Rich Parents with Duskwalker of Katapesh.

Dragonborn3 wrote:

Yes. Now off to spend 1800gp*! Bwahaha.

Not really, though, cause where is the fun in that? .

*Combine Rich Parents with Duskwalker of Katapesh.

Ouch. Maybe I should restrict traits to those allowed in Pathfinder Society games?

Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Dragonborn3 wrote:

Yes. Now off to spend 1800gp*! Bwahaha.

Not really, though, cause where is the fun in that? .

*Combine Rich Parents with Duskwalker of Katapesh.

Ouch. Maybe I should restrict traits to those allowed in Pathfinder Society games?

Of course, he did say he wasn't going to do that right after. Also, rolling for my eidolon's second hit die: 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

"Well, I'm ready to get started. How about you, Pythia my darling?"


In other words, done with both parts of my sheet.

Shadow Lodge

Max HP for the Eidolon, or should we roll?

Game thread.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Max HP for the Eidolon, or should we roll?

Give me a few minutes to think about that.

EDIT: Yeah, let's go for max. I think we'll have more dead summoners though so if you want to compete again later, you'd better give you summoner a sibling.

Pythia wrote:


In other words, done with both parts of my sheet.

Looks good. Weapon finesse makes this guy pretty deadly. Remember to max the hit points.

You're in the first ring.

I'll get the arena mapped tonight. I still have to decide on the size. I'd like a creature to be able to make a move and meet the other creature in the middle so I guess we are talking about starting points about 60 to 80 feet apart.

Liberty's Edge

Fly high, Silver Wing!

*makes whirring sound, flies up in a spiral*

Well, I've posted on the main thread. Also, as for the death rate we're probably going to have, couldn't we just say that, if you fall into negative HP but not enough to kill you, you just stabilize from, well, DM fiat basically, then a convenient cleric heals you, etc. Your character's out of the tournament, but the character's still alive for the loser's bracket (or something like that).

Lyle, Member of the SkyCallers wrote:
Fly high, Silver Wing!

Well, these look good as well. Enter the game thread. Lyle and Silverwing will be up against Havelock and Pythia.

Hmm, getting a bit pressed for time, I'll try and stat something up today, but pencil me in as a 'kibbitzer' for now

I want in on this!

Kurth and Pincher is ready for round 2

*Pinch pinch*

Dark Archive

I'm going to have to bow out. I have too much on my plate right now.

Looks like Kurth and Pincher are up next.

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