Round 2 Rules Questions:

Round 2: Summoner and Witch

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Dark Archive

Malagfein wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:

Whether you lose the old ones or not is a non-issue. The later versions let you summon the creatures of the lower ones (and in higher quantity).

Actually, it does matter. At 10th level caster level, the maximum level of spell like ability that can be quickened with Quicken Spell Like Ability is 1st level, which would be the Summoner's Summon Monster I ability. Though the Summoner uses a communal pool for the various Summon Monster levels they get, Jason did not specifically say they lose access to previous Summon Monster levels, in fact, his previous post in regards to the uses of Summon Monster per day seem to indicate that the previous Summon Monster levels are not lost, as seen here when he responded to Iliyan.

The point is not the quantity of summon creatures gained, it is whether or not a feat can be applied to the Summoner's Summon Monster I ability.

I think the intention is the lower level summons are replaced by the higher level summons.

Draeke Raefel wrote:
I think the intention is the lower level summons are replaced by the higher level summons.

That could very well be the intent, it just isn't clarified. If the previous Summon Monster is scrubbed in favor of the new level, that is fine, however, if they get to keep the lower level of Summon Monster spell like ability, then Quicken Spell Like Ability becomes a viable feat for this caster.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Mauril wrote:
The Witch's viper familiar only gives a +2 Bluff bonus while the Wizard's viper familiar gives him a +3. Is this typo or are Wizard vipers just slightly better?

Should be +3

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Thraxus wrote:


Does the gate ability of the summoner only allow summoning/calling or can it be used for planar traval as well?

Does a witch need to meet the prerequisites for Brew Potion in order to select the cauldron hex?

Yes on gate (as currently written).

No on Brew Potion... this lets you get it early.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Talomyr wrote:

I asked this question in another topic, but this seems to be the place to get an official answer so...

One of the ways a familiar/witch can learn new spells is having two witches familiars commune with each other. Could a Raven familiar teach a Viper familiar invisibility? I believe the text says that the spell has to be on the witch's spell list, are the familiar bonus spells considered to be on the witch's spell list?

No, since invisibility is not on the Viper Witch's spell list.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Malagfein wrote:


Does the Summoner loose access to Summon Monster I once he has access to Summon Monster II, likewise for II when he gets III, etc. I know you clarified that the uses are from a communal pool (no Summon Monster I 3 + Cha / day, then the same for Summon Monster II, etc.)
Also, since this is a spell like ability, would it be eligible for the feat Quicken Spell Like Ability (pg. 315, Pathfinder Bestiary) if the caster is 10th level, and uses Summon Monster I (1st level spell, as per pg. 316 Empower SLA / Quicken SLA chart) as the spell like ability (barring the chance he loses Summon Monster I when he gets higher level Summon Monster spells).

No.. he keeps access.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Paizo Employee Director of Games

Spacelard wrote:
iZOMBIE wrote:

A question on Eidolons, if an Eidolon is carrying any gear (weapons, armor etc.) when it is returned to it's home plane (dismissed or otherwise) does the gear go with it, and reappear with it on summoning, or does it fall to the ground?

Edit: i see a similar question has already been asked, but not answered.

Yea. I've asked this twice.

*whistles...makes cup of tea*

Still working it out. Expect more later on today.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Spacelard wrote:
iZOMBIE wrote:

A question on Eidolons, if an Eidolon is carrying any gear (weapons, armor etc.) when it is returned to it's home plane (dismissed or otherwise) does the gear go with it, and reappear with it on summoning, or does it fall to the ground?

Edit: i see a similar question has already been asked, but not answered.

Yea. I've asked this twice.

*whistles...makes cup of tea*

Still working it out. Expect more later on today.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Thanks, as a lot of the builds I have seen have the eidolon kitted out with baubles. Now a STR 10 summoner will have a hard time dragging a set of huge plate armor, etc. around.

Spacelard wrote:
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Spacelard wrote:
iZOMBIE wrote:

A question on Eidolons, if an Eidolon is carrying any gear (weapons, armor etc.) when it is returned to it's home plane (dismissed or otherwise) does the gear go with it, and reappear with it on summoning, or does it fall to the ground?

Edit: i see a similar question has already been asked, but not answered.

Yea. I've asked this twice.

*whistles...makes cup of tea*

Still working it out. Expect more later on today.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Thanks, as a lot of the builds I have seen have the eidolon kitted out with baubles. Now a STR 10 summoner will have a hard time dragging a set of huge plate armor, etc. around.

Indeed, or may be very upset when that really expensive +4 mithral fullplate gets left behind in oblivion.

Dark Archive

Indeed, or may be very upset when that really expensive +4 mithral fullplate gets left behind in oblivion.

That is one thing I can't see happening. Just like the paladin's mount who goes back to the celestial realm, if items go with the Eidolon they should show back up when it returns.

Can you keep cackling to keep extending a Hex by 1 round or was the intent to extend a particular Hex only once?

Dark Archive

wraithstrike wrote:
Can you keep cackling to keep extending a Hex by 1 round or was the intent to extend a particular Hex only once?

I would say the intention is to be able to continue to cackle and increase the duration. You just have to keep giving up your move action.

Draeke Raefel wrote:
Indeed, or may be very upset when that really expensive +4 mithral fullplate gets left behind in oblivion.
That is one thing I can't see happening. Just like the paladin's mount who goes back to the celestial realm, if items go with the Eidolon they should show back up when it returns.

Paladin mounts don't go back to the celestial realm anymore. They just live in the physical realm all the time. The Paladin can summon them to him, but it's from another spot on this plane, not from the celestial plane.

Draeke Raefel wrote:
Indeed, or may be very upset when that really expensive +4 mithral fullplate gets left behind in oblivion.
That is one thing I can't see happening. Just like the paladin's mount who goes back to the celestial realm, if items go with the Eidolon they should show back up when it returns.

Yea, agreed but the question needs addressing.

Items should but at the moment there is no "official" answer and if the answer is no then the whole eidolon build concepts which are cropping up will need to be revisted.
No magical items, etc. will tone down the eidolon with no Amulets of Mighty Fists et al.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Jason, can you verify that it is your intention that, by making offensive hexes "supernatural abilities", they are supposed to bypass Spell Resistance, per the rule on p. 220?

I'm not arguing the point, I just wonder whether it was a minor error not making these spell-like abilities.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Spacelard wrote:
iZOMBIE wrote:

A question on Eidolons, if an Eidolon is carrying any gear (weapons, armor etc.) when it is returned to it's home plane (dismissed or otherwise) does the gear go with it, and reappear with it on summoning, or does it fall to the ground?

Edit: i see a similar question has already been asked, but not answered.

Yea. I've asked this twice.

*whistles...makes cup of tea*

Still working it out. Expect more later on today.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

How would this be different from say a Paladin's Mount?

Also on the wording of the summoning... could a summoner call his eidolon on day 1, then dismiss him on day 2 then re-summon him back on day 2? It seems the wording supports this, but I'm unsure of the intent.


delabarre wrote:

Jason, can you verify that it is your intention that, by making offensive hexes "supernatural abilities", they are supposed to bypass Spell Resistance, per the rule on p. 220?

I'm not arguing the point, I just wonder whether it was a minor error not making these spell-like abilities.

I believe since the target gets a save, and if a touch they get an attack of op, it was intended to bypass spell resistance.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Jason Bulmahn wrote:
Frostflame wrote:
I have a question about the witch class. It states her familiar can add spells from scrolls, does the scroll have to have spells from the witch list or is it any spell arcane or divine?
As with adding spells to a wizards spellbook, they must be from the Witch spell list.

This is basically the Extra Spell/Expanded Knowledge/etc problem where if an ability says "add spell" but doesn't include "from any spell list" then it is limited to your class spell list.

I don't think this needs to be clarified in the Witch, since clarifying with "from your class spell list" are wasted words and makes the whole problem confusing (people will say "since Extra Spell doesn't say 'from your spell list' it must allow all spells from any spell list."

Maybe add a line in the spellcasting section of the Core book to say "Effects that add new spells to your spells know are limited to your class spell list unless otherwise" if clarification is needed.

A couple quick eidolon questions.

reach wrote:

Reach (Ex): One of an eidolon’s attacks is capable

of striking at foes at a distance. Pick one attack. The
eidolon’s reach with that attack increases by 5 feet.
  • Does reach apply to all of the eidolon's attacks of a given type? For example if I had 4 tentacles how many times would I have to take this evolution to get reach for all 4 tentacles?

  • Can the "Free" Evolutions you gain with a base form be cashed in and used for something else? For example if I wanted to make a giant chicken can I trade the bipeds limbs (arms) in for wings?

  • I have another question about Reach. I suspect the answer is "no", but I had to ask anyway...

    Reach is one of the few (the only? I havn't read close enough to be sure of that) attack modifier evolutions that does not explicitly state "natural attacks". Can it thus be used to increase reach with a wielded weapon?

    Zurai wrote:

    I have another question about Reach. I suspect the answer is "no", but I had to ask anyway...

    Reach is one of the few (the only? I havn't read close enough to be sure of that) attack modifier evolutions that does not explicitly state "natural attacks". Can it thus be used to increase reach with a wielded weapon?

    I would think so. You would justs grow long arms.

    The Exchange

    Jason wrote:

    Andrew Betts wrote:

    Can Augment Summoning also affect monsters summoned through this Spell-Like Ability?

    Jason Bulmahn
    Lead Designer
    Paizo Publishing

    Disenchanter wrote:
    Since ritual magic is new to the rules, does the Eidolon ability count as a spell, spell like ability, something distinctly different?
    I don't need an answer now, but clarity would be nice to avoid open ended debates as to wether or not Augment Summoning affects the Eidolon, and other such things.

    Summoning the eidolon is a supernatural ability... and it is not subject to Augment Summoning.
    Jason Bulmahn
    Lead Designer
    Paizo Publishing

    No offense but um which is it?

    Crimson Jester wrote:
    Jason wrote:

    Andrew Betts wrote:

    Can Augment Summoning also affect monsters summoned through this Spell-Like Ability?

    Jason Bulmahn
    Lead Designer
    Paizo Publishing

    Disenchanter wrote:
    Since ritual magic is new to the rules, does the Eidolon ability count as a spell, spell like ability, something distinctly different?
    I don't need an answer now, but clarity would be nice to avoid open ended debates as to wether or not Augment Summoning affects the Eidolon, and other such things.

    Summoning the eidolon is a supernatural ability... and it is not subject to Augment Summoning.
    Jason Bulmahn
    Lead Designer
    Paizo Publishing

    No offense but um which is it?

    Seems very straight forward to me. The Augment Summoning feat applies to any monster the summoner summons using his summon spells normally, including his Spell Like ability to cast 'Summon Monster #'. However, it does not apply to summoning his Eidelon, which is not summoned via a summoning spell, but instead is summoned like the old Paladin Mount feature (pulled from an outer plane on command).

    Dark Archive

    How many times can an Eidolon rend? If it has six arms and all six claw attacks hit, does it rend three times or just the once? Despite my appreciation for the possible damage, I hope its just once. Otherwise, the possible damage is a bit on the insane side.

    Regardless of the answer, I think that the final version should be more specific on this point to relieve confusion.

    YuenglingDragon wrote:
    Regardless of the answer, I think that the final version should be more specific on this point to relieve confusion.

    I agree.

    I believe that it is just once, but it could use clarification.

    Dark Archive

    Spacelard wrote:
    Draeke Raefel wrote:
    Indeed, or may be very upset when that really expensive +4 mithral fullplate gets left behind in oblivion.
    That is one thing I can't see happening. Just like the paladin's mount who goes back to the celestial realm, if items go with the Eidolon they should show back up when it returns.

    Yea, agreed but the question needs addressing.

    Items should but at the moment there is no "official" answer and if the answer is no then the whole eidolon build concepts which are cropping up will need to be revisted.
    No magical items, etc. will tone down the eidolon with no Amulets of Mighty Fists et al.

    Personally i would rather my eidolon take his stuff with him for the very reason of a Str 10 summoner. If i want my amulet of natural armor back, i can just take it off of him before i dismiss him.

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:

    A couple quick eidolon questions.

    reach wrote:

    Reach (Ex): One of an eidolon’s attacks is capable
    of striking at foes at a distance. Pick one attack. The
    eidolon’s reach with that attack increases by 5 feet.

    # Does reach apply to all of the eidolon's attacks of a given type? For example if I had 4 tentacles how many times would I have to take this evolution to get reach for all 4 tentacles?

    I hope so. I had a concept for a cthulhu type of eidolon and would like to only have to buy it once for my 4 tentacles.

    Dennis da Ogre wrote:
    Can the "Free" Evolutions you gain with a base form be cashed in and used for something else? For example if I wanted to make a giant chicken can I trade the bipeds limbs (arms) in for wings?

    I believe the answer is no for 2 reasons.

    1---i just don't think you can though i have seen this question asked once before with no official answer.

    2---you wouldn't be able to cash them in for wings sense you can't take wings until 5th level. Now, once your 5th...if the above part is yes, then i don't see why not. But i do remember seeing Jason saying that he didn't leave the 1st level form with just 7 points because he didn't want to "open the flood gates". (i just don't remember which thread)

    Dark Archive


    1---i just don't think you can though i have seen this question asked once before with no official answer.

    2---you wouldn't be able to cash them in for wings sense you can't take wings until 5th level. Now, once your 5th...if the above part is yes, then i don't see why not. But i do remember seeing Jason...

    The official answer was "no" on another thread. They want to limit the amount of points people have to do stupid things with at lvl 1( and I mean stupid as in game breaking, not talking about concepts ).

    Dark Archive

    How would the ride skill work with an appropriately sized Eidolon? Could I negate hits to it with a good enough ride check and the Mounted Combat Feat?

    Do I even to to take ride checks for things like guiding with my knees since I can just tell my Eidolon what to do? What about leap and control mount in battle?

    YuenglingDragon wrote:

    How would the ride skill work with an appropriately sized Eidolon? Could I negate hits to it with a good enough ride check and the Mounted Combat Feat?

    Do I even to to take ride checks for things like guiding with my knees since I can just tell my Eidolon what to do? What about leap and control mount in battle?

    The same as it works with a Paladin's mount, which is also sentient. That is to say, yes, you can negate a hit, you can guide it with knees (which doesn't require talking), or you can just talk to it and tell it what to do.

    Dark Archive

    mdt wrote:
    The same as it works with a Paladin's mount, which is also sentient. That is to say, yes, you can negate a hit, you can guide it with knees (which doesn't require talking), or you can just talk to it and tell it what to do.

    Good call. Might have to invest in the ride skill.

    Is a eidolon supposed to be able to take the Improved Damage evolution and Improved Natural Attack for the same attack?

    Kamai wrote:
    Is a eidolon supposed to be able to take the Improved Damage evolution and Improved Natural Attack for the same attack?

    I thought about it too, but nothing to me says that you cant. After all this is basically what happens to the animal companion when it upgrades and takes improved natural attack.

    Can you take the evolution Improved Natural Attack and apply it to the evolution Poison or Energy Attack?

    QOShea wrote:
    Can you take the evolution Improved Natural Attack and apply it to the evolution Poison or Energy Attack?

    No, neither of these are natural attacks.

    Liberty's Edge

    Witch Hex range: Ward, Charm, Retribution, and Death Curse.

    What is the range on these particular Hexes? Has anyone said anything about this?

    Checked the lists of messages, but couldn't find this.

    Dismissal will get rid of the Eidolon.

    Would Dispel Magic do the same as it is a summoned creature?

    And if so, what is the effective spell level it has to try to dispel?

    QOShea wrote:

    Checked the lists of messages, but couldn't find this.

    Dismissal will get rid of the Eidolon.

    Would Dispel Magic do the same as it is a summoned creature?

    And if so, what is the effective spell level it has to try to dispel?

    I am pretty positive I read in the rules or in a post that Dispel Magic would not work but Dismissal and/or Banishment would.

    QOShea wrote:

    Checked the lists of messages, but couldn't find this.

    Dismissal will get rid of the Eidolon.

    Would Dispel Magic do the same as it is a summoned creature?

    And if so, what is the effective spell level it has to try to dispel?

    That rule is close to the bottom of page three in the playtest document - dispel magic will not work, but dismissal and banishment function normally.

    Dark Archive

    pantamalion wrote:

    Witch Hex range: Ward, Charm, Retribution, and Death Curse.

    What is the range on these particular Hexes? Has anyone said anything about this?

    Add the nightmares hex to that range request. I had a thread back when the playtest first started called 'Hex ranges and stuff' but I think it's already fallen into the archives.

    I am wondering myself can eidolon have more heads than one. So can he take more bite attacks.

    liffi wrote:
    I am wondering myself can eidolon have more heads than one. So can he take more bite attacks.

    No. Taking bite a second time increases the strength damage multiplier to 1.5.

    Although ya could fluff it as both heads attacking and biting, could explain the better damage as well

    Liberty's Edge

    mdt wrote:
    YuenglingDragon wrote:
    The same as it works with a Paladin's mount, which is also sentient. That is to say, yes, you can negate a hit, you can guide it with knees (which doesn't require talking), or you can just talk to it and tell it what to do.

    My DM disagrees. There is no rule he or I can find that says an intelligent mount will be able to know what I want in combat all the time. He says combat would be too loud. Anyone got RAW on this issue?

    Witch Abilities:

    Flight: is this 'activated' as a Standard Action or is it 'always in effect' i.e. you can fly at-will (in 1 minute increments) as long as you have remaining minutes left? The ability just says 'you can fly' without much to indicate it's an 'activated' ability. As is, it could even be a Standard Action each round you're flying... Could be clarified.

    Retribution: it refers to 'damage', does this include ability damage?

    Waxen Image: it says 'this effect occurs on the witch's turn' (after referencing the Standard Action to exercise control and ensuing Will Save). Does this mean the TARGET's actions occur on the Witch's turn, or do they happen as normal on target creature's Init, and only the "Control Target"/ ensuing WIll Save happen on Witch's Initiative? Basically I think re-organizing the ordering of the wording here would be alot clearer.

    Death Curse: The wording about the 'second save' re: the 4d6+level damage confused me: I thought it had something to do with the 2nd round effect (which doesn't have any Save). Perhaps better to mention it directly as part of the final save (i.e. Save or Die and you still take damage even if you save) ...?

    McCaul wrote:
    mdt wrote:
    YuenglingDragon wrote:
    The same as it works with a Paladin's mount, which is also sentient. That is to say, yes, you can negate a hit, you can guide it with knees (which doesn't require talking), or you can just talk to it and tell it what to do.
    My DM disagrees. There is no rule he or I can find that says an intelligent mount will be able to know what I want in combat all the time. He says combat would be too loud. Anyone got RAW on this issue?

    Telepathic link.

    And the Mounted Combat Feat says nothing about "whispering sweet nothings" in your mounts' ear - it's an extension of whatever actions you use to Ride the mount in the first place, namely physical touch, which should work in Silenced areas just as well. Certainly nothing to suggest being a sound or verbally dependent ability.
    And the Eidolon is definitely NOT anything like "it's own creature" that you must control or persuade. Eidolons do not exist separate from Summoners, though their constituent energy may be doing something or another, but it's not it's own self-contained, self-directed free-range Eidolon.

    Are witch hexes supposed to be an exception to the standard rule that supernatural abilities do no provoke attacks of opportunity? I think this puts some hardship on the witch, especially for her touch attacks!

    Dire Gnome wrote:
    Are witch hexes supposed to be an exception to the standard rule that supernatural abilities do no provoke attacks of opportunity? I think this puts some hardship on the witch, especially for her touch attacks!

    I don't think it is, but it should be or they should be able to use it defensively to not provoke.

    xJoe3x wrote:
    I don't think it is, but it should be or they should be able to use it defensively to not provoke.

    The way the rules are currently phrased, all hexes provoke an AoO, even if they require a melee touch attack to use (and that's most of them)

    Chris Kenney wrote:
    xJoe3x wrote:
    I don't think it is, but it should be or they should be able to use it defensively to not provoke.
    The way the rules are currently phrased, all hexes provoke an AoO, even if they require a melee touch attack to use (and that's most of them)

    Why makes them super suck for a caster with low AC and HP. Its something that needs to be changed, preferably as opposed to later.

    Liberty's Edge

    Does the Huge evolution physical ability scores really stack with the large. So a +16 to Strength? That seems a little high and I am not sure why it would stack. Another thing are there any penalties for the ED dying beyond it just disappearing for a day?

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