Forsaken like race

Pathfinder Online

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I create a new thread from a quote from the Exodus thread, to avoid flooding it with my stupid ideas :

Bigmancheatle wrote:

Ustalav is across the River, a Kingdom of Vampires, Werewolves, and Undead.

Past the Echo woods to the north, is Numeria, a Kingdom of Mages and Barbarians, as well as giant robots, with lasers.

Far east, and Far south is the rest of the River Kingdoms.

One of the things I absolutely loved in WoW, was the possibility of playing a real, actual rotten undead !

I don't mean some kind of vampires and whatnot, but a real zombie-like character with free will, just like WoW's Forsaken.

But I'm not sure if this kind of race could be easily explained by the lore, on a large scale. You can always find a good excuse for one aware, not necessarily evil undead character, but for a whole community...

Scarab Sages Goblinworks Executive Founder

The only place that you would find this is down in Garund (another continent) in Geb. The nation their is made up of undead.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Closest equivalent in Golarion would probably be ghouls, but as Dakcenturi notes you'd only find them as openly accepted citizens in Geb and parts of the Darklands.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Well, I imagine that Golgotha wouldn't mind ! :D

But anyway, I was just being silly.^^

Goblin Squad Member

Edit no need for doublesssss

Goblin Squad Member

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The advanced race guide doesin include Dampire if i recall correctly they are half vampire by birth. To be honest I'd say let's get the dwarves, gnomes, half orcs, etc done before we worry about the Umm exotic.

Goblin Squad Member

Agreed with Vwoom. The core races and then the uncommon races. Exotic races should come after that if at all.

Goblin Squad Member

While I would love to have the opportunity to play an actual undead character, I think the limitations that would have to be placed on such a character would make it almost un-playable in PFO.

Perhaps an a arena option for such a thing? (I think this was already nixed by the devs, though).

Goblin Squad Member

Vwoom wrote:
To be honest I'd say let's get the dwarves, gnomes, half orcs, etc done before we worry about the Umm exotic.

Is this a required response to every idea someone has? It kind of shuts down the conversation by stating the obvious and IMHO is kinda rude.

Goblin Squad Member

It is not my intension to be rude, and I do not mean to shut anybody down, I did mention that such a thing (dampire) is out there.

Goblin Squad Member

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Pax Feydred wrote:
Vwoom wrote:
To be honest I'd say let's get the dwarves, gnomes, half orcs, etc done before we worry about the Umm exotic.
Is this a required response to every idea someone has? It kind of shuts down the conversation by stating the obvious and IMHO is kinda rude.

Keeping people grounded in reality isn't rude.

Goblin Squad Member

Lord Zodd wrote:
Pax Feydred wrote:
Vwoom wrote:
To be honest I'd say let's get the dwarves, gnomes, half orcs, etc done before we worry about the Umm exotic.
Is this a required response to every idea someone has? It kind of shuts down the conversation by stating the obvious and IMHO is kinda rude.
Keeping people grounded in reality isn't rude.

I agree that it's good to keep focused. This thread didn't really seem like a demand for a certain race though as much as it was kind of a 'what if' proposition.

On that note, while playing undead would be interesting I'd lean more towards the werewolves or giant robots. Or giant cyborg werewolves! *flashbacks to Sabrewulf in KI2*

Goblinworks Executive Founder

I confirm that it was not so much a proposition as a "what if" comment.

It could why not lead to actual ideas though, like the possibility for evil high level necromancer, to become lichs, or to convert an other willing evil character into a permanent undead.

Goblin Squad Member

Alpha membership may give you capability somewhat like that:

Special Invite to Monster Casting events

Note this is not same as the OP. You would not be playing a player character, but rather an advanced PvE character. This may be available from the store.

Goblin Squad Member

Well there's always the possibility of one transforming themselves into a lich perhaps. Such a process if it ever existed in the game, I would imagine would be an arduous task. One that would include perhaps the secrets to its ritual being hidden away on a dusty scroll buried deep in some necropolis. Obfuscated from the eyes of the living, dark secrets of unlife beckon those searching to cheat death and pursue the unyielding thirst for power.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Well, there is the 'monster play' aspect of an alpha pledge, which might allow undead, though we don't have any idea if/when that feature might be added. With so few alpha accounts, it's probably a very low priority.

They might sell access to monster play to other accounts, since they probably need more than 57 players to run events with. If it's too cheap, that would be something of an insult to everyone who made an alpha pledge, but again, we're only talking about 57 people.

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