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Okay, I am new to the game and I have a question. I have been playing a ranger but am planning to multiclass into druid because of the idea I have for my character. I already have one animal companion from my ranger class. Can I get a second animal companion from my druid class?
If you're looking for more than one animal companion, the Beast Master PrC from Complete Adventurer will give you three. Be sure to check with your DM to see if you can use it though.

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That sounds pretty cool. Actually what I'm trying to do is create a character similar to Dar from the Beastmaster T.V. series.
You could always use Handle Animal to train your pets to do things. Just get GM permission first and teach them tricks. I could easily see a pick-pocket trick for ferrets for example.

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Drachesturm wrote:That sounds pretty cool. Actually what I'm trying to do is create a character similar to Dar from the Beastmaster T.V. series.You could always use Handle Animal to train your pets to do things. Just get GM permission first and teach them tricks. I could easily see a pick-pocket trick for ferrets for example.
Or a monkey if your character's name is Alladin. :p

Deyvantius |

That sounds pretty cool. Actually what I'm trying to do is create a character similar to Dar from the Beastmaster T.V. series.
LOL, man I"ve tried this many times myself. I say monk/ranger/ Monk to be able to fight with no armor and ranger for the animal companions but also have good martial abilities. Use a bow or star knife instead of that boomerang like thing he used. The tiger is the animal companion at later levels and you'll have to work with your GM in order to find out how to get more than just the tiger. The ferrets may be a trained animal but the hawk was an animal companion. don't forget he saw thrugh the hawk's eyes on several occasions.
Forget the crappy arcane/angle, if necessary just sacrifice seeing through the animal's eyes. There wasn't an arcane bone in Dar's body, don't bastardize the Icon :)

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The current issue of Kobold Quarterly has a Spell-less Ranger Pathfinder variant that actually has a few animal companion things that might help you. One of the Ranger Talents, for example, is Additional Animal Companion. Also, this variant allows the Ranger to use his full class level as his Druid level, not his level -3.
Might be worth checking out ...

Deyvantius |

There were at least 2 Beast master movies :) One was even set in a modern( for the movie ) city. I could be mixing that up with He-Man, but I don't think so.
You are right Beastmaster Lost in Time was part 3 I believe. All are garbage after the 1st one. Don't waste 1.5 hours of your life you can't afford to lose watching any Beastmaster after part 1.

TJ Webb 638 |
Drachesturm wrote:Okay, I am new to the game and I have a question. I have been playing a ranger but am planning to multiclass into druid because of the idea I have for my character. I already have one animal companion from my ranger class. Can I get a second animal companion from my druid class?If you're looking for more than one animal companion, the Beast Master PrC from Complete Adventurer will give you three. Be sure to check with your DM to see if you can use it though.
Actually, the Advanced Players Guide has a Ranger class variant for Beast Master on page 124. It also has a prestige class Nature Warden on 272 that might be of interest to you.

Ben Ehrets |

I've done a fair amount of surfing on the ranger/druid animal companion subject. I see all the questions about getting multiple companions and about what effective level the companion might be, but I'm not seeing an answer to what I'm trying to determine.
If I have a 2nd level ranger and then take a level in druid, I'm confident that with that druid level I could take an animal companion, and - here's the start of the rub - I suspect it would be fine to take one of the companion types available to druids and not to rangers. Let's say deinonychus for sake of example (realizing that some of the power gamers who don't mind the size issues would want the t-rex).
May I add my ranger levels (2 divided by 1 = 1) to my druid level to determine the deinonychus's effective level, even though the animal in question would not have been available to the ranger? (Druid 1 + 1/2 of Ranger 2 equalling a 2nd level druid's animal companion stats)
If the character never takes another level in druid, will the deinonychus advance in abilities, or not? (For example: Can a Ranger 14/Druid 1 have a deinonychus equivalent to that of a Druid 8?)
Putting it another way, can a ranger dip into druid 1 level as a way of accessing the full list of animal companions and then advance that companion at the ranger's usual 1/2 druid rate?

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I've done a fair amount of surfing on the ranger/druid animal companion subject. I see all the questions about getting multiple companions and about what effective level the companion might be, but I'm not seeing an answer to what I'm trying to determine.
If I have a 2nd level ranger and then take a level in druid, I'm confident that with that druid level I could take an animal companion, and - here's the start of the rub - I suspect it would be fine to take one of the companion types available to druids and not to rangers. Let's say deinonychus for sake of example (realizing that some of the power gamers who don't mind the size issues would want the t-rex).
May I add my ranger levels (2 divided by 1 = 1) to my druid level to determine the deinonychus's effective level, even though the animal in question would not have been available to the ranger? (Druid 1 + 1/2 of Ranger 2 equalling a 2nd level druid's animal companion stats)
If the character never takes another level in druid, will the deinonychus advance in abilities, or not? (For example: Can a Ranger 14/Druid 1 have a deinonychus equivalent to that of a Druid 8?)
Putting it another way, can a ranger dip into druid 1 level as a way of accessing the full list of animal companions and then advance that companion at the ranger's usual 1/2 druid rate?
RAW, yes.

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If I have a 2nd level ranger and then take a level in druid, I'm confident that with that druid level I could take an animal companion, and - here's the start of the rub - I suspect it would be fine to take one of the companion types available to druids and not to rangers. Let's say deinonychus for sake of example (realizing that some of the power gamers who don't mind the size issues would want the t-rex).
May I add my ranger levels (2 divided by 1 = 1) to my druid level to determine the deinonychus's effective level, even though the animal in question would not have been available to the ranger? (Druid 1 + 1/2 of Ranger 2 equalling a 2nd level druid's animal companion stats)
If you want your class levels to stack, than you are bound by the more restrictive list, i.e. the Ranger's. If you want the options available to the Druid, then only the Druid's levels count. You can take the Boon Companion feat to lesson the impact, but that's as far as you can go if you want a dino.

Ben Ehrets |

Ah! Thanks, asthyril, I missed the ranger level -3 thing, or forgot it. (I haven't had anybody run a ranger since....well..Pathfinder, heh.
Otherwise, it's looking like a difference of opinions. If there is no clear official word, I'll listen to what everyone says and make a ruling that seems balanced to my campaign. I'm grateful for everyone's input.

Oni_NZ |

My opinion is to just use the Beastmaster archetype and 1 level of druid to open all AC choices. Just remember you to split your effective druidism level amoung all your ACs.
No need to dip to gain all AC choices...
Unlike a normal Ranger, a beast master’s choice of animal companion is not limited to a subset of all possibile animal companion choices—he may choose freely among all animal companion choices, just as a Druid can.
(Emphasis mine)

Ben Ehrets |

Thanks gourry 187 and Oni NZ. I eventually followed up on your advice about beast master. Now I'm thinking just about every ranger would want to be a beast master; unless they really want Profession as a class skill, that 6th level feat, camouflage, and the very few other things you trade for full AC list access and other benefits.