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Well, since I don't see anyone else responding I'm just going to post what I've worked out. Using the 0-level light spell, a wayfinder would have cost 1800gp, so I added that to the total cost of the item. Using the rules for multiple similar abilities the second slot costs 1350gp, third and subsequent slots cost 900gp. I added this to the total I got from the normal rules for Magic Item Creation and then rounded down to the nearest thousand gp.

I looked at the two wayfinders I listed earlier, in the equation for each there was a single part of the problem that made the listed cost totally out of the question. In the Wayfinder of Passage it was Dimension Door. If you do not limit it to once per day (1/5 the normal cost) the formula works. In the Ebon Wayfinder the Darkvision component alone costs more than the wayfinder sells for, however if you do not multiply it by 2 for not using a body slot again the equation works.

that makes the equations:
Ebon Wayfinder price = 18,000gp
Darkness 1/day: 2[spell level]* 3[caster level]*1800[command word activation]*2[no body slot]*.75[similar ability discount]=3240

Darkvision continuous: 2[spell level]* 3[caster level]* 2000[constant use]= 12,000

Base Wayfinder cost(light spell): 1800[command word activation]*1/2[o-level spell]*2[no body slot]=1800

extra slot: 1800*.75[similar ability discount]=1350

total= 18,390gp
rounded= 18,000gp

Wayfinder of Passage price = 136,000
Dimension Door 1/day: 4[sl] *7[CL]*1800[command]*2[no body slot]=100,800gp
Feather Fall constant: 1[sl]*1[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=4000gp
Knock constant:2[sl]*3[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=24000gp
Resist Energy constant, sort of:2[sl]*3[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=24000gp

Base Wayfinder cost(light spell): 1800[command word activation]*1/2[o-level spell]*2[no body slot]=1800
extra slot: 1800*.75[similar ability discount]=1350
2nd extra slot: 1800*.5[similar ability discount]=900

total= 136,850gp
Rounded= 136,000gp

This is the best I've got. If anyone sees something I missed, please post.

To sum up:
Add your spells and abilities then add:
1800gp for the first slot
1350gp for the second slot
900gp for the third slot and each additional beyond the third.
Then round down to the nearest thousands position.

Patcher wrote:
Do continue with your anecdotes, I'm happy to read more.

My wife plays a chaotic-neutral druid in our campaign, Runt. She is a half-elf that was orphaned, she has no memory of her true parents, she was raised by the mother tiger who found her. Runt believes she is a tiger. Since she reached level six and can now wild shape into one, it is difficult to argue the point with her. I play a ranger and our animal companions are her "brother and sister". (I used a feat and the gm allowed me to take a tiger as an improved animal companion). Runt looks at things differently.She is not a PETA advocate, predators eat meat.

My wife recently discovered that her character can be a bad ass if used correctly. Since losing our fighter due to personality conflicts out of character, I have been filling in as the party tank. Not exactly what a ranger is designed for, but what can you do. When I failed a save and a naga/wizard convinced me that I wanted to take a stroll during combat, it was down to her and the wizard. Since there was no tank with a "fight me" sign on his chest to distract the bad guys from the wizard he was a sitting target. She wild-shaped into a wholly rhino and started ripping into the enemy. She managed to keep them busy while the wizard figured out how to finish the boss. She might occasionally be distracted by a ball of string, but she is definitely not a stick-in-the-mud, and she definitely adds to the group dynamic.

My character is a member of the Pathfinder Society and I eventually want to get him a wayfinder. I had thought I might design my own using the rules for item creation. I figured that the wayfinder component itself had a cost so I reverse engineered it based on the rules given to determine what that cost would be. However, when I did that the math didn't add up. The Ebon wayfinder cost less than creating a similar item without the wayfinder component. The Wayfinder of passage seemed to cost more than its none wayfinder counterpart.

Ebon Wayfinder price = 18,000gp
Darkness 1/day: 2[spell level]* 3[caster level]*1800[command word activation]* (1/5)[charges per day/5]*2[no body slot]*.75[similar ability discount]=3240

Darkvision continuous: 2[spell level]* 3[caster level]* 2000[constant use]* 2 [no body slot]= 24,000

total= 27,240gp

Wayfinder of Passage price = 136,000
Dimension Door 1/day: 4[sl] *7[CL]*1800[command]*(1/5)[charges per day/5]*2[no body slot]=20,160gp
Feather Fall constant: 1[sl]*1[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=4000gp
Knock constant:2[sl]*3[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=24000gp
Resist Energy constant, sort of:2[sl]*3[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=24000gp


Long explanation, I know, but I am hoping I simply forgot some rule. I want to design a different wayfinder, but if i don't know how they are priced I can't go to my GM with my ideas.

Dragonborn3 wrote:
Drachesturm wrote:
Okay, I am new to the game and I have a question. I have been playing a ranger but am planning to multiclass into druid because of the idea I have for my character. I already have one animal companion from my ranger class. Can I get a second animal companion from my druid class?
If you're looking for more than one animal companion, the Beast Master PrC from Complete Adventurer will give you three. Be sure to check with your DM to see if you can use it though.

Actually, the Advanced Players Guide has a Ranger class variant for Beast Master on page 124. It also has a prestige class Nature Warden on 272 that might be of interest to you.

I'm not quite sure what weight has to do with them sleeping in the armor. It is well within his light load encumbrance. Oh well, There are some nice advantages to Mithral as well. Although I will miss the DR 3/.

Thanks for the feed back.

I am drawing up an 8th level Fighter (he's actually a convert from a different setting) and had several questions about how Armor Training effected certain feats and abilities. In particular: Endurance and the Barbarian class Fast Movement. Depending on how the story unfolds he might end up with a couple levels of Barbarian.

Endurance states "You may sleep in light or medium armor without getting fatigued."
Fast movement states "This benefit applies only when she is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load."

The reduced check penalty and removing the movement penalty seems to imply that the fighters treat medium and (at 7th lvl) heavy armor as if it was at least one stage lower (or more) much like the description for Mithral armor. I could always go with Mithral full plate, but if it is just going to be redundant I would prefer to spend my gold elsewhere.

I could argue both sides of this question, so I was hoping to get some kind of official ruling. I don't want to munchkin my character, but I don't want to short change him either.