TJ Webb 638 |
Well, since I don't see anyone else responding I'm just going to post what I've worked out. Using the 0-level light spell, a wayfinder would have cost 1800gp, so I added that to the total cost of the item. Using the rules for multiple similar abilities the second slot costs 1350gp, third and subsequent slots cost 900gp. I added this to the total I got from the normal rules for Magic Item Creation and then rounded down to the nearest thousand gp.
I looked at the two wayfinders I listed earlier, in the equation for each there was a single part of the problem that made the listed cost totally out of the question. In the Wayfinder of Passage it was Dimension Door. If you do not limit it to once per day (1/5 the normal cost) the formula works. In the Ebon Wayfinder the Darkvision component alone costs more than the wayfinder sells for, however if you do not multiply it by 2 for not using a body slot again the equation works.
that makes the equations:
Ebon Wayfinder price = 18,000gp
Darkness 1/day: 2[spell level]* 3[caster level]*1800[command word activation]*2[no body slot]*.75[similar ability discount]=3240
Darkvision continuous: 2[spell level]* 3[caster level]* 2000[constant use]= 12,000
Base Wayfinder cost(light spell): 1800[command word activation]*1/2[o-level spell]*2[no body slot]=1800
extra slot: 1800*.75[similar ability discount]=1350
total= 18,390gp
rounded= 18,000gp
Wayfinder of Passage price = 136,000
Dimension Door 1/day: 4[sl] *7[CL]*1800[command]*2[no body slot]=100,800gp
Feather Fall constant: 1[sl]*1[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=4000gp
Knock constant:2[sl]*3[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=24000gp
Resist Energy constant, sort of:2[sl]*3[CL]*2000[constant]*2[no body slot]=24000gp
Base Wayfinder cost(light spell): 1800[command word activation]*1/2[o-level spell]*2[no body slot]=1800
extra slot: 1800*.75[similar ability discount]=1350
2nd extra slot: 1800*.5[similar ability discount]=900
total= 136,850gp
Rounded= 136,000gp
This is the best I've got. If anyone sees something I missed, please post.
To sum up:
Add your spells and abilities then add:
1800gp for the first slot
1350gp for the second slot
900gp for the third slot and each additional beyond the third.
Then round down to the nearest thousands position.