New races?

Advanced Player's Guide Playtest General Discussion

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I haven't heard of any new races in the APG.Just curious if there are any new races.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

I haven't heard any thing on new races either for this book, which makes me assume no since new races would be a huge selling point for the book and would also affect the campaign setting greatly. However, the new Bestiary has given the racial stats for a few monsters to play as PCs; aasimar, drow, drow noble, duergar, goblin, kobold, orc, svirfneblin, tengu, and tiefling.

Jason has previously stated no new races in the AGP. Any new races would likely have to wait for the Monstrous PC book, when they get around to it.

If you want new races, you'll need to be vocal (without being jerks) about it. Paizo, like any company, is out to make what sells. The only way to get a Monstrous/New PC race book is to convince them there is a big enough audience for it.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 4

With the campaign setting the way it is, I think it would be hard to add altogether new races. There is a lot information out there about the lands and their people and it seems the only way to do a new race would be to make the race’s population very low. I’m not saying it cannot be done; it would just need some clever reasoning followed by clever writing and placement. There is some groundwork laid already however. The gearman come to mind right way, and it fits in the warforged role/race type that many players want available. Any type of planetouched or bloodline is a reasonable option, like the generic ‘fire elf’ or werewolf kin (shifters), though as been overused in some other settings. On that note, the ice trolls that Baba Yaga commands could make a great PC race, powered down from their normal troll cousins of course. There are also other planets and a gateway could simply open up and four new races walk out. With a highly populated, and unmapped, asian and middle eastern themed areas of the world, new races could even arrive by boat or caravan being part of books released on those areas. I guess my point is I do want new races but I don’t expect Paizo just to throw them out without thinking it through; and they will really need to because it feels, to me, like new races are a much stronger burden to place on the campaign setting than new classes. Though, if I was told there were over 9,000 tibbets living in one of the major cities I do a back flip. Who knows, after we have a world full of high level summoners we could have books and books new, crazy PC races.

TheTwitching King wrote:
With the campaign setting the way it is, I think it would be hard to add altogether new races.There is a lot information out there about the lands and their people and it seems the only way to do a new race would be to make the race’s population very low. I’m not saying it cannot be done; it would just need some clever reasoning followed by clever writing and placement. There is some groundwork laid already however. The gearman come to mind right way, and it fits in the warforged role/race type that many players want available. Any type of planetouched or bloodline is a reasonable option, like the generic ‘fire elf’ or werewolf kin (shifters), though as been overused in some other settings. On that note, the ice trolls that Baba Yaga commands could make a great PC race, powered down from their normal troll cousins of course. There are also other planets and a gateway could simply open up and four new races walk out. With a highly populated, and unmapped, asian and middle eastern themed areas of the world, new races could even arrive by boat or caravan being part of books released on those areas. I guess my point is I do want new races but I don’t expect Paizo just to throw them out without thinking it through; and they will really need to because it feels, to me, like new races are a much stronger burden to place on the campaign setting than new classes. Though, if I was told there were over 9,000 tibbets living in one of the major cities I do a back flip. Who knows, after we have a world full of high level summoners we could have books and books new, crazy PC races.

Just remember, Pathfinder RPG is not the same as Golarian. Golarian is a specific setting, which you can use the PFRPG to play in, but it is not, and should not be, the only world. If you check the PFRPG Core book there is no world specific information at all contained therein, except for a list of gods. And, the fluff of said gods is not supplied.

Well, I do think that most of the RPG stuff we'll see will fit into Golarion. They want their product lines to mesh well I'd say.

On the other hand, there's more then one reference to lesser-known races in the Golarion material.

Take the suli, for example: They are first described in the Quadira companion. No word was lost about them before, yet here there are.

Any new introductions we'll see (and I do think we'll see more of them down the line) will share one important characteristic with the suli: They'll be of little consequence in the big picture:

Golarion is mostly human. Not even the other 6 core races combined can even come close to matching humans in influence and numbers. New races, like the suli, will be even less numerous and known than elves or dwarves. They will often be a regional matter, and people from further away will never hear about them. Some people might see one when he's off adventuring around the world, but even so, the tale of his passing will be treated like any other urban legend:

"A cousin twice removed from my neighbour's coworker saw a man with scarlet skin and burning hair the other day!" "Sure, and I saw the Mothman walking his Chupacabra the other day. The man was probably in his cups again. Remember when he said he saw his neighbour conducting dark rituals? The woman was dressing a chicken for lunch. I bet he saw a red-head with a bad case of sunburn."

mdt wrote:
Jason has previously stated no new races in the AGP. Any new races would likely have to wait for the Monstrous PC book, when they get around to it.

Which is a shame since I would like to see tieflings and aasamirs get their write up as well as genasi type race

MerrikCale wrote:
Which is a shame since I would like to see tieflings and aasamirs get their write up as well as genasi type race

Well, they both got stated out in the Bestiary, and I heard that one of the APs has a whole buncha tiefling stuff (don't own it yet, so don't know which ones).

The 3.x Races of Faerun also had three or so pages on each planetounched types, including tieflings, aasamirs, genasi, and others. None of it should be too hard to convert to PF.

Dark Archive

Some player monstrous races also make it into other resources. Strix exist in one of the Council of Thieves books, for example.

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Well, they both got stated out in the Bestiary, and I heard that one of the APs has a whole buncha tiefling stuff

True. I would like to see some more races myself, but I maybe in the minority

The AP was the first in the Council of Thieves series. If we get new races thru the AP I would be just as happy

I would politely like to advocate some new races. While I like the idea of statting up aasimar and tieflings I would enjoy seeing some new races as well. Living constructs, like the ironborn from Malhavoc Press, interest me as do a beast race like the litorian or sibeccai for Unearthed Arcana/Ptolus. I'm even okay with a humanoid, dragonman race like the dracha from UA.

Also, for some reason I've always liked gripplis (small tree frogmen). They lurked in Greyhawk and I've always like them.

If we do see new races I'd appreciate the same design idea that went into decisions about then new class. A new race should have both a new mechanical approach and a new roleplaying niche.

For instance, making dragonmen honorable would bump up against what dwarves already do. On the other hand, making them greedy merchants with huge egos that can sniff out treasure and make back room depicts a brand new and unique race.

As to why I think we need new races, I'd say the cultures that could spring from them could be better for my campaigns than even new classes. While I like the oracle, having my players meet one doesn't shake up their world.

But an ironborn cavalier, serving a Machine God and programmed to serve basically as a sentient slave unable to flee, is chilling. Very interesting interaction with the PCs and their larger world.

I personally got rid of Half-Orcs and filled the niche with the Half-Dwarf. It rids me of the implications of Half-Orc existence, and the fact that I removed Orcs (and Drow) completely because I'm tired them. I modeled after the Dark Sun concept of uber-endurance, and went from there.

World of Dusk wrote:

If we do see new races I'd appreciate the same design idea that went into decisions about then new class. A new race should have both a new mechanical approach and a new roleplaying niche.

I agree here. I think a localized approach for new races is the best option in most cases.

I would like to see something akin to the trollborn (giantborn?) from 2nd edition for the Land of the Linnorm Kings. The race would be small in number and really found only in that location. Elsewhere they would be mistaken for large humans.

Hate to threadjack...

LPJ Design is coming out with a product called the Race Creation Cookbook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It is a point based system to create fair and balanced races for all your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game sessions. This has a planned release of Dec 2009 / Jan 2010 since the first draft has come in and now we are on the editing phase. I hope this helps solve what you are looking for.

Dark Archive

I too would like to see a genasi type race. I envision them being decended from the daliances of genies and mortals since the bestiary introduced one genie for each of the four elements.

Dark Archive

LMPjr007 wrote:

Hate to threadjack...

LPJ Design is coming out with a product called the Race Creation Cookbook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It is a point based system to create fair and balanced races for all your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game sessions. This has a planned release of Dec 2009 / Jan 2010 since the first draft has come in and now we are on the editing phase. I hope this helps solve what you are looking for.

I have the old 3.5 Race Creation Cookbook, so I am looking forward to this.

LMPjr007 wrote:

Hate to threadjack...

LPJ Design is coming out with a product called the Race Creation Cookbook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It is a point based system to create fair and balanced races for all your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game sessions. This has a planned release of Dec 2009 / Jan 2010 since the first draft has come in and now we are on the editing phase. I hope this helps solve what you are looking for.

Sounds quite cool actually

World of Dusk wrote:
But an ironborn cavalier, serving a Machine God and programmed to serve basically as a sentient slave unable to flee, is chilling. Very interesting interaction with the PCs and their larger world.

Sounds kind of cool! I have the Book of Iron Might and it would be nice to be able to mix and match between the Ironborn and the Warforged as some type of Pathfinder amaglam and run with it.

kindredspirit wrote:
I personally got rid of Half-Orcs and filled the niche with the Half-Dwarf. It rids me of the implications of Half-Orc existence, and the fact that I removed Orcs (and Drow) completely because I'm tired them. I modeled after the Dark Sun concept of uber-endurance, and went from there.

Are you calling them 'Muls' or something else? It'd be cool to see something up on the homebrew forum for your race.

LMPjr007 wrote:
LPJ Design is coming out with a product called the Race Creation Cookbook for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. It is a point based system to create fair and balanced races for all your Pathfinder Roleplaying Game sessions. This has a planned release of Dec 2009 / Jan 2010 since the first draft has come in and now we are on the editing phase. I hope this helps solve what you are looking for.

Not having seen the 3.5 version, are you going to provide an example or two based on the information / steps provided in your 'cook book'?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I think Lizardfolk would make a great PC race. However, there was no stats like there were for Kobolds in the Bestiary to make them PCs.

David Fryer wrote:
I too would like to see a genasi type race. I envision them being decended from the daliances of genies and mortals since the bestiary introduced one genie for each of the four elements.

Already covered to a large degree by the Suli in the Qadira book. Though I would also like to see one from the Djinn, Efreet, Shaitan and marid.


Weylin wrote:

Already covered to a large degree by the Suli in the Qadira book. Though I would also like to see one from the Djinn, Efreet, Shaitan and marid.


I agree. I would like to see a seperate race for each element. The Suli is ok, but it doesn't cover that ground really

Personally, I love elemental aspects as a major part of any fantasy setting.

Which is why I love Exalted as a setting (though I think it is regularly to high in power for my liking) and the Avatar cartoon series.

Still wish a setting had a good integration of the chinese elemental system (wu hsing), but I have not found one that integrated it into a fantasy setting similar to Exlated or Avatar.


Dark Archive

Weylin wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I too would like to see a genasi type race. I envision them being decended from the daliances of genies and mortals since the bestiary introduced one genie for each of the four elements.

Already covered to a large degree by the Suli in the Qadira book. Though I would also like to see one from the Djinn, Efreet, Shaitan and marid.


The last that you mentioned is what I was reffering to. The Suli are Janni born, so they are closely tied to the material plane rather than the elemental planes like genasi are.

David Fryer wrote:
Weylin wrote:
David Fryer wrote:
I too would like to see a genasi type race. I envision them being decended from the daliances of genies and mortals since the bestiary introduced one genie for each of the four elements.

Already covered to a large degree by the Suli in the Qadira book. Though I would also like to see one from the Djinn, Efreet, Shaitan and marid.


The last that you mentioned is what I was reffering to. The Suli are Janni born, so they are closely tied to the material plane rather than the elemental planes like genasi are.

Woudl personally like to see Sean Reynolds flesh out the Elemarn races he devleped more as a Pathfinder counterpart for Genasi.


I'd enjoy seeing a lizardfolk-like race as well as the elemental races. The design book mentioned above sounds worth checking out as well.

I'd say the following seem of interest as possible races:
1. elemental race for each element
2. half-giant or half-dwarf or half-troll type of race (or all three)
3. lizardman race (or the grippli!)
4. living construct race
5. beastman race.

I'd also throw in the idea of an insect race. The thri-kreen were alien and creepy and the dolmites (spelling?) from psionics srd were interesting as well. different castes with different elemental attachments with colored carapaces to match.

Paizo Employee Director of Games

As of this time, there will be no new races in the APG.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Urizen wrote:
World of Dusk wrote:
But an ironborn cavalier, serving a Machine God and programmed to serve basically as a sentient slave unable to flee, is chilling. Very interesting interaction with the PCs and their larger world.
Sounds kind of cool! I have the Book of Iron Might and it would be nice to be able to mix and match between the Ironborn and the Warforged as some type of Pathfinder amaglam and run with it.

One of the things I like about the ironborn is that they may or may not be under the control of their master. The PCs can never be sure if they can trust an ironborn or if has been ordered to lie to them to achieve another end.

Of course, if they want to free an ironborn, cutting off the head of his master might work.

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

As of this time, there will be no new races in the APG.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

Bummer, but since I didn't see it advertised not really surprising. It just felt somewhat like an omission, with extra feats, spells, classes, magic items etc. all making it in.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

World of Dusk wrote:
It just felt somewhat like an omission, with extra feats, spells, classes, magic items etc. all making it in.

While players could play a PC of a non-core race, that seems more like an addition to put in a GM book, as it's ultimately up to the GM if a race exists in their setting or not. A GM certainly has final say over whether a class, feat, or spell exists as well, but these seem like smaller potatoes compared to a new race. I think it was actually an error on WotC's part to release so many new races in player-oriented books and I'm glad to see Paizo holding back when it comes to race glut. (Though I would still like to see a Rakasta/Litorian/Catfolk for PFRPG and specifically in Golarion, but I know that's almost guaranteed not to happen.)

yoda8myhead wrote:
World of Dusk wrote:
It just felt somewhat like an omission, with extra feats, spells, classes, magic items etc. all making it in.
While players could play a PC of a non-core race, that seems more like an addition to put in a GM book, as it's ultimately up to the GM if a race exists in their setting or not. A GM certainly has final say over whether a class, feat, or spell exists as well, but these seem like smaller potatoes compared to a new race. I think it was actually an error on WotC's part to release so many new races in player-oriented books and I'm glad to see Paizo holding back when it comes to race glut. (Though I would still like to see a Rakasta/Litorian/Catfolk for PFRPG and specifically in Golarion, but I know that's almost guaranteed not to happen.)

I agree but then we have prestige classes in the base book and those seem just as world specific.

Do you know why we aren't likely to see those races? I may have missed posts about it, so please forgive me if it should be glaringly obvious. I'm just curious why Paizo wouldn't want to add races when they seem so popular and if they have officially commented.


Paizo Employee Creative Director

New races are the most difficult things to fit into a game world. New spells, new classes, new feats... ALL of those things are elements you can add to a character during game play as you level up, but you only get to pick a new race once, at the start of a campaign. A proliferation of new race options doesn't really work unless you're in a situation where your players get to build new characters all the time, either because you build new characters each session or because your campaigns only last for a few sessions.

The cornerstone of our gameplay experience is the Adventure Path. This mode of play is not enhanced by adding new races to the mix often.

Furthermore, we've already established what races exist in Golarion, and while we could always add new core races like goblin or orc to the mix, BRAND new races don't have a pre-built presence in the world and it's awkward having to fit them into established world continuity.

In fact, the only thing that I can think of that'd be HARDER to fit into an established game world or campaign than a new race is probably a new ability score. As a result, you'll see us do rules for new races before you see us do new ability scores.

James Jacobs wrote:

New races are the most difficult things to fit into a game world. New spells, new classes, new feats... ALL of those things are elements you can add to a character during game play as you level up, but you only get to pick a new race once, at the start of a campaign. A proliferation of new race options doesn't really work unless you're in a situation where your players get to build new characters all the time, either because you build new characters each session or because your campaigns only last for a few sessions.

The cornerstone of our gameplay experience is the Adventure Path. This mode of play is not enhanced by adding new races to the mix often.

Furthermore, we've already established what races exist in Golarion, and while we could always add new core races like goblin or orc to the mix, BRAND new races don't have a pre-built presence in the world and it's awkward having to fit them into established world continuity.

In fact, the only thing that I can think of that'd be HARDER to fit into an established game world or campaign than a new race is probably a new ability score. As a result, you'll see us do rules for new races before you see us do new ability scores.

Thanks for the quick reply. Since I'm not looking for new ability scores (but I do miss my Comeliness so I guess I'm not completely against the idea) I'm glad races come first.:)

James Jacobs wrote:

Furthermore, we've already established what races exist in Golarion, and while we could always add new core races like goblin or orc to the mix, BRAND new races don't have a pre-built presence in the world and it's awkward having to fit them into established world continuity.

Just to point out again James, your audience is no longer strictly Golarion Adventure Path subscribers. It has broadened significantly, and hopefully will continue to broaden as more and more people buy Pathfinder RPG. While that will hopefully also broaden your adventure path audience, I don't think you can hope for a large percentage of your new customers to start buying your AP line. If they were likely to, they would have under 3.5.

As one of those new customers, I don't want to be relegated to a second class citizen because I don't buy your AP lines. I only say something because when I see posts like these, I feel like they are saying 'Well, if you don't buy our AP stuff, your opinion really doesn't count much for us'. Please welcome all us new guys in and respect the fact we don't all buy modules. We're very loyal, WoTC kind of forgot how loyal we can be, and we tend to buy lots of books for years at a time, even after a company has started publishing stuff that's getting to be more pyrite than gold.

I really really REALLY like what you've done with PFRPG and I want you to grow and continue to have success. But to do that, you'll need a big audience, and to realize that a lot of that audience just won't buy everything you put out, especially modules and world specific books.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

mdt wrote:

Just to point out again James, your audience is no longer strictly Golarion Adventure Path subscribers. It has broadened significantly, and hopefully will continue to broaden as more and more people buy Pathfinder RPG. While that will hopefully also broaden your adventure path audience, I don't think you can hope for a large percentage of your new customers to start buying your AP line. If they were likely to, they would have under 3.5.

As one of those new customers, I don't want to be relegated to a second class citizen because I don't buy your AP lines. I only say something because when I see posts like these, I feel like they are saying 'Well, if you don't buy our AP stuff, your opinion really doesn't count much for us'. Please welcome all us new guys in and respect the fact we don't all buy modules. We're very loyal, WoTC kind of forgot how loyal we can be, and we tend to buy lots of books for years at a time, even after a company has started publishing stuff that's getting to be more pyrite than gold.

I really really REALLY like what you've done with PFRPG and I want you to grow and continue to have success. But to do that, you'll need a big audience, and to realize that a lot of that audience just won't buy everything you put out, especially modules and world specific books.

As time goes on, chances of us doing a rulebook that doesn't dovetail as gracefully into Golarion increase. But for now, the rulebooks we're doing should and have to be things that can work well with Golarion. OBVIOUSLY we hope that new folks who we bring in with the rules get into Golarion, but at the same point we don't want to ignore our established fans by providing rulebooks that they can't use with Golarion or that WE can't use in creating our Golarion products. At this point, despite the fact that we're bringing in a lot of new customers with our rulebooks, the VAST MAJORITY of the content we produce is Golarion stuff. That might change in the future. Just because we're skewing toward Golarion support and compatibility now shouldn't be read as us thinking of folks who want to use Pathfinder to run games set in Greyhawk or the Forgotten Realms or their homebrew worlds. In fact, we made Golarion pretty "generic" in terms of world assumptions (in the same way Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms are "generic") so that the assumed baseline is the same for everyone, making it equally easy to adapt Golarion material to whatever game you happen to be running.

In any event... the thing that's kept Paizo an industry leader is our work on adventures and world-specific books. Those books win lots of awards. They helped us survive losing the foundation of our entire company's purpose when the magazines went away. Adventures and world books are what we do best. We're relatively new to the core rules business, and it seems to be doing VERY well so far, but we're not going to throw out what we do best and what we enjoy creating and what our established customers want in favor for something new.

It's best if we can do both. That way EVERYONE gets something they want.

James Jacobs wrote:

As time goes on, chances of us doing a rulebook that doesn't dovetail as gracefully into Golarion increase. But for now, the rulebooks we're doing should and have to be things that can work well with Golarion. OBVIOUSLY we hope that new folks who we bring in with the rules get into Golarion, but at the same point we don't want to ignore our established fans by providing rulebooks that they can't use with Golarion or that WE can't use in creating our Golarion products. At this point, despite the fact that we're bringing in a lot of new customers with our rulebooks, the VAST MAJORITY of the content we produce is Golarion stuff. That might change in the future. Just because we're skewing toward Golarion support and compatibility now shouldn't be read as us thinking of folks who want to use Pathfinder to run games set in Greyhawk or the Forgotten Realms or their homebrew worlds. In fact, we made Golarion pretty "generic" in terms of world assumptions (in the same way Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms are "generic") so that the assumed baseline is the same for everyone, making it equally easy to adapt Golarion material to whatever game you happen to be running.

No arguments there, James. You all do good work. And, I agree, the first few books (first year or so) would almost have to dovetail easily with your other stuff. I'm just trying to point out a possible blind spot before it bites you on the nads. ;) I realize you are all very busy getting things ready for new books, both AP's and rulebooks. I just don't want a false impression to take root that Golarion is the begin and end all. As a newcomer, perhaps I see it more clearly, or maybe I'm just more sensitive to it since I don't use Golarion, but there is a big prejudice against any post that doesn't have to do with a Golarion specific slant on any PFRPG question. It's very frustrating to post something and get 3-4 responses, often at least one by a dev, that 'Golarion doesn't allow that' or 'That can't happen in Golarion'. So when I see a post like the original you had, it pings my 'Golarion Only Right Way' radar. ;)

James Jacobs wrote:

In any event... the thing that's kept Paizo an industry leader is our work on adventures and world-specific books. Those books win lots of awards. They helped us survive losing the foundation of our entire company's purpose when the magazines went away. Adventures and world books are what we do best. We're relatively new to the core rules business, and it seems to be doing VERY well so far, but we're not going to throw out what we do best and what we enjoy creating and what our established customers want in favor for something new.

It's best if we can do both. That way EVERYONE gets something they want.

Agreed. As I said, just trying to point out a subtle but distinct thread I see from both community and dev that Golarion is the only right way, and that is a bit off-putting to us non AP guys. ;) Rather say something early than wait until it's too late.

As with MDT I'm also making a homebrew. I started another thread so as not to threadjack my own race thread, but now I'm threadjacking anyway.

I believe I understand what Paizo is doing. They have only released two core rulebooks while they've written tens of thousands (hundreds of thousands?!) of words about adventures and Golarion. So us newbies have to be patient.

However, I did switch my subscriptions to the Pathfinder adventure path but turned away after the ogre incest rape issue. I came back because of the core rules (and the adventure paths coming up seem more my style).

So I'm hoping for variety. Ogre love for those who want it, catfolk for others, and psionic aliens barely surviving on a blasted world cratered by asteroids and overrun by dinosaurs, ninjas, and pirate ships for me.

Hmmm, maybe we just need something like an outerplanar "city-state/island/space station" built on a multiplanar crossroads. New races would wonder through all the time and most would never bother pop down to Golarion.

And maybe Zeb Cook could co-develop it... :)

Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Hmmm, maybe we just need something like an outerplanar "city-state/island/space station" built on a multiplanar crossroads. New races would wonder through all the time and most would never bother pop down to Golarion.

And maybe Zeb Cook could co-develop it... :)

That's actually a very good idea. No, really.

If Paizo tackled the planes of Golarion next they could literally open doors to other worlds as needed. Heck, they could make their next campaign the planes of Golarion and connect the two campaigns of Golarion and the planes of Golarion together.

World of Dusk wrote:
I'd enjoy seeing a lizardfolk-like race as well as the elemental races... I'd also throw in the idea of an insect race.

I have a couple home-brewed races that might fit, but I don't know if I'll get to it before NaNoWriMo ends. The lizardfolk are a little weird though, and may not fit your ideal.

World of Dusk wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:

Hmmm, maybe we just need something like an outerplanar "city-state/island/space station" built on a multiplanar crossroads. New races would wonder through all the time and most would never bother pop down to Golarion.

And maybe Zeb Cook could co-develop it... :)

That's actually a very good idea. No, really.

It was a great idea when Zeb did it the first time. :) I'm pretty sure James and the Paizo crew will eventually come up with something for outerplaner missions, but I imagine that their schedule is booked up for the next couple years. I'm patient (for now)... besides, the longer it marinates in their brain juices, the better it'll get. :)

Almost all of my Sigil cant has fallen out of my head, overwritten by Firefly, Farscape, and Shadowrun slang. I'm not sure if this a good or a bad thing.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

World of Dusk wrote:
If Paizo tackled the planes of Golarion next...

You know about this, right? Sure, it's only 64 pages and information on the Great Beyond could fill thousands of such volumes, but it's a start ;-)

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
As a result, you'll see us do rules for new races before you see us do new ability scores.

Aw, no Comeliness score? :)

Dark Archive

Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
As a result, you'll see us do rules for new races before you see us do new ability scores.

Aw, no Comeliness score? :)

I personally was waiting for the Hawtness ability. However I am glad to see things like this won't appear. I agree that it always seems awkward introducing new races into a world, especially with the assumption that "hey this race has actually been around forever, you just didn't know it." I could handle some other presentation such as adding new races via Spelljaming or another world or Planescape, but never liked them just sprouting up in a campaign.

Dark Archive

If new races appear, I would expect to see them in Arcadia or Tien or Vudra or farther into Kel or deep in the Lands Below or hidden away in the Mwangi Expanse or capering amongst the mysterious ruined cities of the Crown of the World.

Keep them, for the most part, out of the way of the central map of Golarion that we've seen to date, and they might be more palatable.

There are also, right there on the map, some tucked away places where an entire civilization could be hidden, such as in the nameless valley, surrounded on all sides by mountains, in the southwestern corner of Osirion, north of the ruins of Kho.

The map that we've seen is hardly the end of the story, and even on the map, there are dozens of possibilities for very limited numbers of unusual peoples to thrive, with Hermea, Geb, Nex and Numeria being prime launching grounds for small local numbers of dragon-touched people, or necropolitans, or spell-warped men, or mechanical people.

There are certain places I could see new races existing but folks would think them something else. Specifically anthropomorphic animal races. I can imagine a Golarion version of the lupin existing in Darkmoon Vale where they get mistaken for werewolves all the time. In Cheliax they could pose as Tieflings and few would be the wiser...

Dark Archive

Well at the risk of treading on some toes not all of Golarion is mapped so I would imagine it would be possible to fit new races in those currently unexplored areas

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Weylin wrote:

Personally, I love elemental aspects as a major part of any fantasy setting.

Which is why I love Exalted as a setting (though I think it is regularly to high in power for my liking) and the Avatar cartoon series.

Still wish a setting had a good integration of the chinese elemental system (wu hsing), but I have not found one that integrated it into a fantasy setting similar to Exlated or Avatar.



1. Living Construct type for the Metal Element? Foo-Lion? Foo-Dog?
2. Living Plant type for Wood Element
3. Living Dead (undead) type for Earth Element? Or Goliath-type? Oni?
4. Dragon-kin type for Fire Element
5. Amphibious type for Water Element

6. Raptoran-type for Air Element? Tengu?
7. Living Dead (undead type) for Void Element? Gaki?
8. Homonoculus-type for Quintessence?

Lantern Lodge

half genies sound good. (Marid, Shaitan, Ifrit, Djinn)

just please try to balance them with the core races.

Some Yokai for Tian Xia (Neko Musume, Kitsune, Ame Warashi ETC. just please make any furry features optional rather than mandantory. some of us like are catgirls looking human but playing with balls of yarn out of the blue. or fishing in some samurai's koi pond by hand.)

preferably on par with core races

Kevin Mack wrote:
Well at the risk of treading on some toes not all of Golarion is mapped so I would imagine it would be possible to fit new races in those currently unexplored areas

I would think new races would be likely there

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