Aurelio 90 |
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Plotus: a city by the Spire , (Monte Cook, Malhavoc Press)... gosh, i REALLY wish a PF edition of this wonderful setting.
An original world and cosmogony, the metropolis Plotus with eleven districts, factions, history and probably mythic dungeons (Goth Gulgamel and Jabel Shammar?)
... and The Amalgam Armor of the Iron Mage. That was an ugly artifact :S

Nathanael Love |
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I own all 35 books of the Quintessential I & II series, as well as the couple of PDF additions they did. Ten years ago, in the early d20 era, they were really fantastic (even if some were of variable quality), so it's quite a shame that they're basically unused (and unobtainable) now.
I only have 3 of these. I picked them up used at a local store, but it would be very hard to collect them all at this point.

PathlessBeth |
The Quintessentials have since been added to OBS as PDFs. There's also a big bundle of all the Quintessential I and IIs.
I don't have any of them. Which ones do y'all think are worth getting first?

djones |
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Fifteenth'ing Traps and Treachery 1 & 2; they're seriously top notch stuff and I even read those books just for fun. Dungeon Craft, also by L&L, should get more love. Loads of great stuff in the Paths series, especially Path of Shadow.
Also throwing in a vote for the The Genius Guide to the Time Thief, someone should give that Owen KC Stephens guy a job.
S&S Book of Eldritch Might is also good and I have previously on these forums sung the praises of Wolfgang's Book of Roguish Luck
Also, Vallus games undeFEATable Arcane Trickster in particular, and some of the things from that line in general.
Sadly, Complete Scoundrel is specifically *not* OGL. /cry

cablop |

I don't know if already mentioned here, but the "d20 SKILLS-N-FEATS MARTIAL ARTS SYSTEM" BY KENNETH S. HOOD was a nice material i used to give more flavor and power to combat and stealth classes. If i find a way to adapt it to PF i'd continue using it.
It suggests to ban some feats from the game; but in practice i found that you don't need to ban them from the game for it to work nicely.
A downside is it doesn't have rules for epic levels, so if you were playing 3.5 and wanted to continue beyond lvl 20 you're characters are going to exhaust the options in a few levels and you'll need to start homebrewing things.

Trivy |

Hands down, Dreamscarred Press' "Ultimate Psionics". I never once thought that the 3.5 "Expanded Psionics Handbook" could be outdone. DSP did it, and with aplomb. It's a monster book (with a monster price tag, sadly; $80 brand new), but man, is it worth it...
Seconded. I love psionics. Got this book and never regretted it. Most DM's I've dealt with hate psionics and won't allow them, but I finally convinced my friend to let me play one. Running a soulknife, and they don't suck like in 3.5!

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I know it's off topic somewhat. Is there a way to mix and match 3.5. with Pathfinder using HeroLab? The Book of the Righteousness is getting a update to 5E. Not sure if they will do it for Pathfinder. I recommend it though as I find it better at least in terms of flavor than Inner Sea Gods. As well I also wished that the Holy Warrior Class would have been the replacement for the Paladin in Pathfinder.

Gizmo Cecil |

Greetings one and all!
Excited to talk to everyone. You all seem so lovely and informative. So I just have an idea for a possible encounter for my group. My setting is based off of Studio Ghibli, British animation from the 80s-90s and I am trying to make it as light hearted as possible. Turns out my players surprised me by eating everything I threw at them and more. I was used to having my other group run in the opposite direction and going on to commit mass murder. Nope not this group. it was like they railroaded themselves except they were in character.(which was why I was confused at first.
Anyways since they have taken all my plot hooks, ideas and interacted with any npc within a 50ft radius it made me feel more encouraged to make a better game and keep letting them have fun.
So here is my idea.
I was thinking of having a circus troupe or some band of entertainers be encountered on the street, maybe among a highway or what ever and the main attraction is a skeletal dragon encounter(only the torso, limbs, and head). This dragon would be controlled by a group of goblins with a series of pulleys. The players would be in no real danger and would win loot for besting the infamous challenge. The secret to winning is something like cutting the wires so the dragon can't move/attack the party.
Critiques? Is my idea dumb? Can it be improved upon? What would you guys do differently.

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What are your favorite 3rd party rules supplements from the 3.0 and 3.5 eras? What parts of that product were best? What specific rule or mechanic saw the most use in your game (ie, spell, feat, magic item, piece of gear)?
Fantasy Flight Games : Mythic Races
Malhavoc Press: Book(s) of Eldritch Might, Book of Hallowed Might, Arcana Unearthed, Ptolus, and pretty much every other d20 supplement Monte Cook's company did.