Problems / Errata in Bestiary

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

Quandary wrote:

Ankylosaurus: Stun Ability

It says DC23 but doesn't say what Save Type, and it isn't a universal ability AFAIK. I'd say Fort, but it needs to say.

This would indeed be a Fortitude save.

Quandary wrote:

Universal Ability: Trample

It says 'works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the trampling creature does not need to make a check'. If it works just like Over-Run, and the Trample creature does not have Improved Over-Run (which most don't, Bison have Improved Bull-Rush but not Improved Over-Run), can't the target just choose to step out of the way? The text says if they choose not to take the AoO they can try to avoid the damage by a Reflex Save for 1/2 damage, but this wording doesn't actually counter the fact they can simply step out of the way if it indeed 'works just like Over-Run'. I think the INTENT is that the Reflex for 1/2 is REPLACING the normal way to avoid a non-Improved Over-Run, but the ability needs the wording to support that.
Also, it is sort of implicit in the idea of "Trampling", but it needs to actually say that the target is automatically knocked Prone ('normally' requring beating the DC by 5+ if you rolled, but Trample doesn't roll). I don't think leaving it up to the reader to know they should apply a status condition because it's obvious is the best approach here.

Creatures that have trample attacks are generally pretty big monsters. Trample's better than overrun, because the person being trampled cannot just step out of they way. They either have to decide to try to avoid the trample by making a Reflex save, or they can take the trample and get an attack of opportunity. You aren't automatically knocked prone when your'e trampled, in any case.

James Jacobs wrote:
Trample's better than overrun, because the person being trampled cannot just step out of they way.

Then it probably shouldn't say that trample "works just like the overrun combat maneuver, but the trampling creature does not need to make a check"; presumably it should also add something like "and the target cannot choose to avoid the trampling creature".

In 3.5, a choker was able to use its Improved Grab ability on larger creatures (up to size Large). However, the choker in the Bestiary doesn't seem to have that ability (contrast with the entries for the behir and the darkmantle which specify that they can use Grab on creatures of any size).

It's possible that this is intentional (i.e. that the choker can only Grab creatures of size Tiny or smaller), but I doubt it based on the flavour text: "A choker will attempt to grasp creatures of almost any size, but prefers lone prey of its size or smaller."

hogarth wrote:

In 3.5, a choker was able to use its Improved Grab ability on larger creatures (up to size Large). However, the choker in the Bestiary doesn't seem to have that ability (contrast with the entries for the behir and the darkmantle which specify that they can use Grab on creatures of any size).

It's possible that this is intentional (i.e. that the choker can only Grab creatures of size Tiny or smaller), but I doubt it based on the flavour text: "A choker will attempt to grasp creatures of almost any size, but prefers lone prey of its size or smaller."

This problem was already been addressed in other old threads, and James Jacobs' answer was this:

James Jacobs wrote:

Chokers should probably have a bit of amendment to their strangle ability that lets them grab targets of any size, yeah.

Dark Archive

Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere else (I found nothing with a thread search) but the entry for Ghouls in the bestiary is missing the "Defensive Abilities; Immune undead traits" bit.


I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but the Imp, Quasit and Homunculus have incorrect CMB scores; since they're Tiny creatures, they should use their Dex bonus for calculating CMB, not Str.

The faerie dragon also has an incorrect CMB score; it should be +4 (+3 BAB, +3 Dex, -2 size) instead of +8.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

On pg 271, the Vampire Spawn description says

Bestiary wrote:
It gains channel resistance +2, DR 5/silver, resist cold and energy 10...

Resist energy 10? Cool. I wonder what that does.

I suspect, of course, that it is supposed to say "cold and electricty 10".

Also, the description says that a vampire spawn is identical to a wight, except as modified. However, this seems to imply that it leaves the "Create Spawn" ability of a wight intact. The Create Spawn ability of a Vampire and a Wight differ in several ways. Can this be clarified, i.e. do Vampire Spawn create any spawn? If so, do they rise in 1d4 days or 1d4 rounds? etc.

Does a Vampire Spawn's fast healing 2 provide the same general "revert to gaseous form and escape" that a vampire's fast healing 5 does?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

thekwp wrote:

On pg 271, the Vampire Spawn description says

Bestiary wrote:
It gains channel resistance +2, DR 5/silver, resist cold and energy 10...

Resist energy 10? Cool. I wonder what that does.

I suspect, of course, that it is supposed to say "cold and electricty 10".

Also, the description says that a vampire spawn is identical to a wight, except as modified. However, this seems to imply that it leaves the "Create Spawn" ability of a wight intact. The Create Spawn ability of a Vampire and a Wight differ in several ways. Can this be clarified, i.e. do Vampire Spawn create any spawn? If so, do they rise in 1d4 days or 1d4 rounds? etc.

Does a Vampire Spawn's fast healing 2 provide the same general "revert to gaseous form and escape" that a vampire's fast healing 5 does?

It should be resist electricity 10. Vampire spawn can't create span themselves at all. And the fast healing 2 does indeed work the same way as it does for normal vampires.

(I'm not sure if I should post this here or not, but here goes.)

There is a discrepancy between the PRD's Horse speed (50') and the tables in the PFCR (specifically the Mounts and Vehicles table in the Additional Rules chapter). Maybe the latter is a cut and paste relic from 3.x, but it implies that light/normal horses have a speed of 60', while heavy/advanced horses have a speed of 50'.

I'm going with the assumption that all horses now have a speed of 50', but if that is incorrect I would like to know a.s.a.p. (as some of my parties are doing a lot of overland travel on a timetable).

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

1) Merfolk can learn the language Sahuagin as a bonus language.

2) Sahaugin (page 239) themselves don't know this language:

Languages Aquan, Common; speak with sharks

One of these statements has to be incorrect.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Oliver von Spreckelsen wrote:

1) Merfolk can learn the language Sahuagin as a bonus language.

2) Sahaugin (page 239) themselves don't know this language:

Languages Aquan, Common; speak with sharks

One of these statements has to be incorrect.

I prefer to think that the sahuagin do have their own language.

The rock throwing ability reads as:

Rock Throwing (Ex) This creature is an accomplished rock thrower and has a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls with thrown rocks. A creature can hurl rocks up to two categories smaller than its size; for example, a Large hill giant can hurl Small rocks. A “rock” is any large, bulky, and relatively regularly shaped object made of any material with a hardness of at least 5. The creature can hurl the rock up to five range increments. The size of the range increment varies with the creature. Damage from a thrown rock is generally twice the creature's base slam damage plus 1-1/2 its Strength bonus.

And yet, every creature with rock throwing in the bestiary has their rocks doing slam damage plus 1-1/2 it's strength bonus instead of twice the base slam damage. It does say generally, but if generally creatures with rock throwing in the Bestiary are doing x1 instead of x2 slam damage with rocks, then the rock throwing ability should read that way.

Didn't find this on a search, so maybe it hasn't been mentioned before.. The Planetar Angel only has 3 iterative attacks with its greatsword, while it should have 4 due to a +17 base attack.

And since I've wondered about this and it's at least moderately relevant: How come Angels and other monsters with cleric spellcasting no longer gain access to domain spells and domain powers?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Are wrote:

Didn't find this on a search, so maybe it hasn't been mentioned before.. The Planetar Angel only has 3 iterative attacks with its greatsword, while it should have 4 due to a +17 base attack.

And since I've wondered about this and it's at least moderately relevant: How come Angels and other monsters with cleric spellcasting no longer gain access to domain spells and domain powers?

Because access to domain spells and domain powers is something that clerics get. For the same reason, monsters that cast wizard/sorcerer spells don't gain specialty school powers or bloodlines.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

We have updated the PDF of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary.

The PDF now incorporates errata to correspond to the second printing of the hardcover.

Errata to the first printing has also been released as a separate PDF on the Pathfinder RPG Resources Page.

To verify the version you have, please view the credits page. If the bottom of the page reads 'Second Printing, April 2010', you already have the most recent version.

Those of you who have access to the PDF may download the updated version for free here. (If the file shows that it has already been personalized, you'll need to repersonalize it before you can download the new version.)

Also, orders for the Bestoary are now being fulfilled with copies from the second printing.

Vic Wertz wrote:

Errata to the first printing has also been released as a separate PDF on the Pathfinder RPG Resources Page.

Is there going to be errata for the errata? ;-)

"In the Rakshasa stat block, in the Melee line, change the kukri damage to “(1d4+4/15–50).”"

I'm pretty sure that should be (1d4+4/15-20).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

We'll continue to post errata, yes. And if we introduce new errors in an errata, those'll be fixed, I hope, in following errata.

The rakshasa error with its kukri's threat range doesn't exist in the print version of the Bestiary's 2nd edition, in any event.

It looks like all of the elementals above medium size are only getting 1x str bonus to damage instead of 1.5x str bonus to damage (the rules on primary attacks are if the monster gets 1 attack, it deals 1.5x strength bonus). It looks like all of the small and medium elementals are getting the appropriate bonus.

Eric Tillemans wrote:
It looks like all of the elementals above medium size are only getting 1x str bonus to damage instead of 1.5x str bonus to damage (the rules on primary attacks are if the monster gets 1 attack, it deals 1.5x strength bonus). It looks like all of the small and medium elementals are getting the appropriate bonus.

Not a bug -- Large and larger elementals have two slams, not one.

hogarth wrote:
Eric Tillemans wrote:
It looks like all of the elementals above medium size are only getting 1x str bonus to damage instead of 1.5x str bonus to damage (the rules on primary attacks are if the monster gets 1 attack, it deals 1.5x strength bonus). It looks like all of the small and medium elementals are getting the appropriate bonus.
Not a bug -- Large and larger elementals have two slams, not one.


Dark Archive

I see the second printing didn't add the missing bit in the Ghouls entry regarding "Defensive Abilities; Immune undead traits".

Maybe next printing/errata.


The fast flight ability of Gold Dragons, as far as I can tell, only affects gold dragons for 3 of the 10 age categories they have after gaining the ability, and doesn't even do anything at the age where they gain the ability. Is that intentional?

Fast Flight (Ex) A young or older gold dragon is treated as one size category larger when determining his fly speed.

- Young/Juvenile: doesn't do anything since Large and Huge dragons have the same fly speed.

- Young Adult/Adult/Mature Adult: gives the dragon +50 ft fly speed.

- Old/Very Old/Ancient: doesn't do anything since Gargantuan and Colossal dragons have the same fly speed.

- Wyrm/Great Wyrm: doesn't do anything since there is no size larger than Colossal.

I propose the following change to the ability:

Fast Flight (Ex) A young or older gold dragon's fly speed increases by an additional 50 ft.

Are wrote:

And since I've wondered about this and it's at least moderately relevant: How come Angels and other monsters with cleric spellcasting no longer gain access to domain spells and domain powers?

They are not clerics :-)

This is - more or less - the answer we been given by James if I'm not misstaken. Makes sence.

Dark Archive

Typo page 182 Iron Cobra 3rd printing: In the description it says "Cold Iron Cobra (+0 CR): This cobr’s natural attacks"
There is an "a" missing from cobra

Dark Archive

Typo page 30 3rd printing Bat Swarm, It Says "Special Features" instead of "Special Abilities"

Dark Archive

Formatting error page 266 Treant, It says "Immune plant traits; DR 10/slashing" but DR is supposed to come before Immune according to Bestiary page 6

Liberty's Edge

Page 16
In the Ant, Giant stat block, in the Poison special ability,
change the DC to “14.”

I guess this part from the recent Errata hasn't been applied to the PDF. Seems not reported yet, so I post here.

Liberty's Edge

Page 265
In the Tiger, Dire stat block, in the Feats line, delete “Iron
Will.” In the Skills line, change the Stealth skill bonus to
“+15 (+23 in tall grass).”

It seems this part of the errata hasn't been reflected in the Bestiary PDF yet.

Liberty's Edge

Page 272
In the Vargouille stat block, in the AC line, change the AC
to “15, touch 12, f lat-footed 14 (+1 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size).”
In the Skills line, change the skills to “Fly +13, Intimidate
+5, Perception +7, Stealth +8.”

The latter part of this errata for the Bestiary is a little bit odd.
The "change" in the Skills line mentioned here is identical to the first printing.

Ommissions on Page 255:

Snake, Constrictor and Snake, Venomous are both missing "space" and "reach" headings and values.

Ommission / Error on Page 119:

The Electric Eel animal companion at level 4 gains an electricity attack, however there are no rules to indicate how it discharges this. The non-companion e-eel discharges the electricity with a tail attack. The animal companion e-eel does not have a tail attack.

Should the level 4 animal companion e-eel gain a tail attack?

Ommission on Page 236:

Roc animal companion does not have it's fly speed type (average) indicated.

Ommission on Page 86:

Triceratops animal companion does not have it's Special Qualities listed (low-light vision, scent).

Ommission on Page 83:

Triceratops Stun special ability indicates that the save is: "must make a DC 23 save or be dazed". It is missing the save reference... I'm assuming its a Fortitude save?

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Ommission on Page 83:

Triceratops Stun special ability indicates that the save is: "must make a DC 23 save or be dazed". It is missing the save reference... I'm assuming its a Fortitude save?

I see this is already addressed in Post #301 in this thread.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Ommissions on Page 255:

Snake, Constrictor and Snake, Venomous are both missing "space" and "reach" headings and values.

For Medium creatures that have the standard Space/Reach of 5 ft./5 ft., we always omit the space and reach headings in stat blocks.

James Jacobs wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Ommissions on Page 255:

Snake, Constrictor and Snake, Venomous are both missing "space" and "reach" headings and values.

For Medium creatures that have the standard Space/Reach of 5 ft./5 ft., we always omit the space and reach headings in stat blocks.

Thanks for letting me know... probably saved me from about another 80 posts when I noticed the others :)


Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Ommissions on Page 255:

Snake, Constrictor and Snake, Venomous are both missing "space" and "reach" headings and values.

For Medium creatures that have the standard Space/Reach of 5 ft./5 ft., we always omit the space and reach headings in stat blocks.

Thanks for letting me know... probably saved me from about another 80 posts when I noticed the others :)

We mention that in the Bestiary intro, by the way... specifically on page 6 in the description of what the Space/Reach entry in a monster's stat block means.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Ommission / Error on Page 119:

The Electric Eel animal companion at level 4 gains an electricity attack, however there are no rules to indicate how it discharges this. The non-companion e-eel discharges the electricity with a tail attack. The animal companion e-eel does not have a tail attack.

Should the level 4 animal companion e-eel gain a tail attack?

If stats for an animal companion don't say otherwise, a special attack granted to the animal companion works the same way as it does for the monster version of the animal. We don't repeat this information in the eel's animal companion entry because doing so would be a waste of space; all the actual rules for its electricity attack are there on the same page, after all.

Thanks for your previous replies Sean & James.

Typo/Calculation Error on Page 133:

Although the errata addressed the Raven's fly skill, it's perception skill (+6) is calculated incorrectly:

Fly +6 (+4 size, +2 Dex);
Perception +9 (1 rank, +3 class skill, +3 focus, +2 Wis);

Additional, it does seem odd that this animal has 2 feats, and I suspect it accidentally got the toad's Skill focus feat added to it. The raven also has no Racial Modifier, so I suspect that 1 of 2 things happened:

1. Someone purposely gave the raven the Skill Focus feat in lieu of a racial mod
2. Someone accidentally gave the raven the Skill Focus feat and forgot to give it a racial mod (which I am guessing would be a Perception bonus).

Typo/Calculation Error on Page 40:

The Leopard's climb skill (+11) is calculated incorrectly:

Acrobatics: (+8) +4 Dex, +1 rank, +3 class skill
Climb: (+10) +8 climb speed, +2 Str
Perception: (+5) +1 Wis, +1 rank, +3 class skill
Stealth: (+11) +3 focus, +4 Dex, +1 rank, +3 class skill

Ommission on Page 203:

Steam Mephit's Boiling Rain ability does not indicate a "range" for the ability.

According to this thread, there is a possible omission in the description of the Improved Natural Attack Feat on page 315.

The feat is missing a 'Special' entry in order to be taken multiple times for different kind of Natural Attacks (like, for example, Weapon Focus does). This feature was included in the 3.x version, but is amiss in the Pathfinder version.

Basically, as the rules are currently written, a creature could not take both Improved Natural Attack (Claws) and Improved Natural Attack (Bite), since the feat cannot be taken twice (by RAW).

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Wraith wrote:

According to this thread, there is a possible omission in the description of the Improved Natural Attack Feat on page 315.

The feat is missing a 'Special' entry in order to be taken multiple times for different kind of Natural Attacks (like, for example, Weapon Focus does). This feature was included in the 3.x version, but is amiss in the Pathfinder version.

Basically, as the rules are currently written, a creature could not take both Improved Natural Attack (Claws) and Improved Natural Attack (Bite), since the feat cannot be taken twice (by RAW).

That is indeed an error; you can't take Improved Natural Attack more than once per attack type, but you CAN take it multiple times per attack.

Dark Archive

I believe the Troll Will Save is incorrect.
As a 6 HD monster a Good save would be +5, Poor +2
With a Wis of 9, which gives a -1 mod.
So the Good Save would be +4, Poor +1.
The Will Save listed is +3.
As a humanoid usually one save is Good, which in the troll's case is Fort.
I think they added 1 instead of subtracting 1, the save type is Poor and the true value should be +1.

chopswil wrote:

I believe the Troll Will Save is incorrect.

As a 6 HD monster a Good save would be +5, Poor +2
With a Wis of 9, which gives a -1 mod.
So the Good Save would be +4, Poor +1.
The Will Save listed is +3.
As a humanoid usually one save is Good, which in the troll's case is Fort.
I think they added 1 instead of subtracting 1, the save type is Poor and the true value should be +1.

The Troll has the Iron Will Feat, so it should be:

Good Save: Fortitude; Base +5, Con +6 = +11
Bad Saves: Reflex; Base +2, Dex +2 = +4
___________Will; Base +2, Wis -1, Feat +2 = +3

So, essentially, the Troll's Saves are right.

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:
Climb: (+10) +8 climb speed, +2 Str

The leopard has Str 16 - that's a +3 modifier, not +2.

p. 100, Chromatic dragon, white: As mentioned in this post, the base speed listed for white dragons is 60 ft., but all the specific stat blocks for white dragons say 30 ft. No explanation is given for this discrepancy so I'm guessing the base stat block is wrong.

Liberty's Edge

Gibbering Mouther (p. 153)

Blood Drain (Ex) On a successful grapple check after grabbing, several of the creature’s mouths attach to its target. Each round it maintains its grapple, its mouths automatically deal 1d4 points of bite damage and 1 point of Constitution damage as it drains its victim’s blood.

Engulf (Ex) says it "works like Swallow Whole" (pp. 304-305).

Swallow Whole says "If a creature with this special attack begins its turn with an opponent grappled in its mouth (see Grab), it can attempt a new combat maneuver check (as though attempting to pin the opponent). If it succeeds, it swallows its prey, and the opponent takes bite damage. ..."

(1) Does this refer to the grapple check made to maintain the grapple? There's no special "combat maneuver check" to pin. If you maintain the grapple by making a grapple check, as part of that standard action, you can move, damage, pin, or tie-up. PCR p.200.

(2)If at the beginning of my turn my gibbering mouther has a grappled opponent in its mouth (courtesy of Grab and a successful check last round), and I make my grapple check to maintain the grapple, that automatically triggers Blood Drain (1d4 dam. + 1 CON damage) AND I can choose to Engulf (another 6d4 dam. +2 CON damage). 7d4 dam. +3 CON damage from a CR5 monster? That doesn't seem right.

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