Untitled III

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Ah figgered, whut thuh hell.

Ah reckon so.

Silver Crusade


RPG Superstar 2012


Nice new digs zombeh. Yew do that thar blood-splatter on the wall yerself? Purdy ...

Silver Crusade

Ah'm glad this new thread her has meh porch 'n meh lawn 'n meh guns. Everthang Ah needs fer shootin hippehs.

Sovereign Court


Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut.

Silver Crusade

Ah hope we don' have no more hippeh gremlins roun here.

I'd settle fer bein' able to hear what's bein' said. Them thar gremlins done FUBARed the old shack


Silver Crusade

Dagnabbit! Them hippehs foun' this thread too!

Git outta here, ya hippeh dragon! GIT OFF MEH PROPERTEH!!!


Silver Crusade

Hey Mammeh, whut's on the barbeecue?

Nuthin' lessen one-a yew bags me a hippeh!

Scarab Sages

Goddang hippehs.


Half-runs, half-saunters out of thread towards the nearest canabis patch.

Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

<Sights shotgun at a tree>

I'll get one a them tree-sittin hippehs.



Dayum! Thet's jest a sqwirrul.

taig wrote:

<Sights shotgun at a tree>

I'll get one a them tree-sittin hippehs.



Dayum! Thet's jest a sqwirrul.

Howl kin ewe tell? Mite bee wonna dem minyateyur revenewers in a sqwirrul soot.

Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut.

dibs on da new basement!

Copious amounts of smoke begin rising from the high grass that grows on the unmowed property that abuts Untitled III's yard.

Puff the Magic Dragon wrote:
Copious amounts of smoke begin rising from the high grass that grows on the unmowed property that abuts Untitled III's yard.

Golldurn hippeh dragun gone mak da BBQ taste awl weird wit dat funny hippeh smok!

Scarab Sages

Thet shor is wun big hippeh lizerd. Bigger'n thet uhther lizerd boah whut wuz runnin round fer alla them years. Goddang hippeh lizerds.

Silver Crusade

Dang hippeh.

Kin Ah shoot thet hippeh whut's on the naybore's properteh? Whar's that lawyer felleh?

Scarab Sages

If'n ah wuz yew, ah woodn't lissen tuh no lawyer fella. They's jest as bad as them dang hippehs.


Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut, froggeh.

Silver Crusade

Hey, has anywun seen the lich-man? Ain't seen that feller aroun fer a spell.

I miss him too!

Celestial Healer wrote:
Hey, has anywun seen the lich-man? Ain't seen that feller aroun fer a spell.

Me thinks da dog got'im

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Poor Lichy. I allus said that dog'd be the death of him. His bones looked mighty tasty.

Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut, Mammeh.

Scarab Sages

Yew think Lichy gived thet dawg uh belleh ache?

He musta've ate poodle

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon.

Silver Crusade


Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Howdeh. Ah'm back. Bin in the hoosegow fer a spell. Turns out, it's agin the law ta punch a hippeh. Who knew?

Scarab Sages

Goddang hippehs. Thar awtuh be uh law uhgenst em.

Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut, lich-man. We wuz worried aboutcher.

Thar musn be a law agin shootin them hippehs, cuz Ah bin doin that all along.

Scarab Sages



Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

RPG Superstar 2012


Silver Crusade

Ah tell you whut, badger.

Scarab Sages


Goddang hippehs.

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Silver Crusade


Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Ah guess ya kin shoot a hippeh, since theh ain't 'roun' ta complain 'bout it once they's ded. But if'n ya punch one, theh go a'runnin' ta the PO-lice.

Dam shame. Luks lahk Ah'll hafta jest shoot'em when I see'em.

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