The thread Gestapo

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Celestial Healer wrote:
Anderlorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Can I flag Sebastian's post for sloppy BBC coding?
Is that an opinion or fact ... ;)
Sebastian's posts are fair game regardless.

Sebastian the force is against you padawan.

Sebastian wrote:
Thanks a lot, you just pushed me over to the dark side. Good work.

Um, you never left the dark side.

Celestial Healer wrote:
Anderlorn wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:
Can I flag Sebastian's post for sloppy BBC coding?
Is that an opinion or fact ... ;)
Sebastian's posts are fair game regardless.

I agree!

bugleyman wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Thanks a lot, you just pushed me over to the dark side. Good work.
Just? As if...


Scarab Sages

Sebastian wrote:
Thanks a lot, you just pushed the dark side over to me. Good work.

Fixed that.

Silver Crusade

Aberzombie wrote:
Fixed that.

Now could you "fix" Courtfool?

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
Fixed that.
Now could you "fix" Courtfool?

Depends. How much would you pay me?

Silver Crusade

Do it for charity.

The Exchange

Celestial Healer wrote:
Do it for charity.


Celestial Healer wrote:
Do it for charity.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

Scarab Sages

Anderlorn wrote:
There's no such thing as a free lunch.


Zombie + overpopulated city = a shit load of free lunches


Aberzombie wrote:
Anderlorn wrote:
There's no such thing as a free lunch.


Zombie + overpopulated city = a s@%& load of free lunches



However the zombies pay by being undead and the lunches pay by being eaten alive and perhaps becoming zombies themselves.

And zombies still do not react well to things that go boom or swish\thump.

It's important for me to point out that since Gary put the flagging system in place, our moderation has almost entirely been the direct result of YOU, the community, using that flagging system. Those of you who draw a hard line between community self-moderation and the few Paizo employees (my self included) who take a little time each day to mod the boards, are drawing a line between two things that are already intermingled. You, the community, ARE self-moderating--when you don't like something, when you think something violates the rules, when you think something is illegal, you flag it and move on. We check the flags, act on the ones that we feel need to be acted on, and then we move on. We facilitate, in most cases, the community's desire to see a post cleared or a thread cleaned up or, sometimes, a thread's lock-down or removal. I love the flagging system. Why? Because I don't have to read everything anymore. You, the community, decide what to bring to our attention (99.9% of the time) and we act on that in a way that considers both Paizo's needs (good, clean, fun, messageboards where people aren't jerks) and the needs of the community.

We're not huddled in the dark around our monitors every hour of every day reading every post in every thread hoping, WAITING, with bated breath, to find a post that we can crush like the kings of old. Instead, we let you be you and moderate when you ask us to. :-)

phantom posts are spreading.

Scarab Sages

Anderlorn wrote:
....the zombies pay by being undead....

Yeah, but being a kick ass zombie rocks!

Anderlorn wrote:

.... and the lunches pay by being eaten alive and perhaps becoming zombies themselves.

Well, that's what they get for being alive.

Scarab Sages

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
We're not huddled in the dark around our monitors every hour of every day reading every post in every thread hoping, WAITING, with bated breath, to find a post that we can crush like the kings of old.

Whoa! It's like he's got a camera in my house.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

We're not huddled in the dark around our monitors every hour of every day reading every post in every thread hoping, WAITING, with bated breath, to find a post that we can crush like the kings of old. Instead, we let you be you and moderate when you ask us to. :-)

Uh huh, that's what they all say ... ;)

OOh OOh, I got one - flash the lights and siren.

Thinks about pulling the fire (flag) alarm and run really fast so they don't catch me... hmmm???

Aberzombie wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
We're not huddled in the dark around our monitors every hour of every day reading every post in every thread hoping, WAITING, with bated breath, to find a post that we can crush like the kings of old.
Whoa! It's like he's got a camera in my house.

They are studying zombies.

Dawn of the Dead - a good flick

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Anderlorn wrote:
Dawn of the Dead - a good flick

Did you see me in it? I was an extra.

By the way, I noticed by your post count that you're a newbie, so welcome to the boards.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Stuff about flagging and being a good citizen.

Seems like it's worked pretty well to me. Nobody's going to be happy with everything all the time, but I can't imagine how anyone could come out with a fairer, more practical system. Above all, the Spice must flow.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

It's important for me to point out that since Gary put the flagging system in place, our moderation has almost entirely been the direct result of YOU, the community, using that flagging system. Those of you who draw a hard line between community self-moderation and the few Paizo employees (my self included) who take a little time each day to mod the boards, are drawing a line between two things that are already intermingled. You, the community, ARE self-moderating--when you don't like something, when you think something violates the rules, when you think something is illegal, you flag it and move on. We check the flags, act on the ones that we feel need to be acted on, and then we move on. We facilitate, in most cases, the community's desire to see a post cleared or a thread cleaned up or, sometimes, a thread's lock-down or removal. I love the flagging system. Why? Because I don't have to read everything anymore. You, the community, decide what to bring to our attention (99.9% of the time) and we act on that in a way that considers both Paizo's needs (good, clean, fun, messageboards where people aren't jerks) and the needs of the community.

We're not huddled in the dark around our monitors every hour of every day reading every post in every thread hoping, WAITING, with bated breath, to find a post that we can crush like the kings of old. Instead, we let you be you and moderate when you ask us to. :-)

Flagged for being abusive!!!

Sovereign Court

Heathansson wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

Peanut butter mayonaise...

I just happened to try this last night....story too long and wasn't bad.

My mom used to make these for lunch all the time, no matter how many times I told her I didn't like them, my brother and she however did. Other interesting penut butter sandwiches I've had in my day that I actually like

Peanut butter and pickle, this one is actually really good, you get sandwich slices of dill pickles (not sweet pickles).

Peanut butter and popcorn, also surprisingly good, and crunchy.

Sebastian wrote:
Flagged for being abusive!!!

Silly little pony lawyer.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Flagged for being abusive!!!
Silly little pony lawyer.

Poor My Little Pony Sebastian - he always picked on.

Dark Archive

Aberzombie wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
We're not huddled in the dark around our monitors every hour of every day reading every post in every thread hoping, WAITING, with bated breath, to find a post that we can crush like the kings of old.
Whoa! It's like he's got a camera in my house.

Hmm that would explain the weird whirling noise coming from the strange hanging ornament with wires in my room as well.

Sebastian wrote:
Got almighty, out of all the stupid parts of Episode I, the whole x leads to y, y leads to z, z leads to the DARK SIDE! crap has to be one of the stupidest.

THAT'S the stupidest part?!?

Not Jar Jar Binks?!?

Not Annakin fumbling through the war and doing everything exactly perfectly by accident?!?

Dark Archive

Aaron Bitman wrote:

Not Annakin fumbling through the war and doing everything exactly perfectly by accident?!?

Or not getting shot down and killed by the battledroids for flying where he never belonged?

Dark Archive

Aaron Bitman wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Got almighty, out of all the stupid parts of Episode I, the whole x leads to y, y leads to z, z leads to the DARK SIDE! crap has to be one of the stupidest.

THAT'S the stupidest part?!?

I actually found that as one of the better parts of the movie, as do many of my therapist friends.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
It's important for me to point out that since Gary put the flagging system in place, our moderation has almost entirely been the direct result of YOU, the community, using that flagging system.

This post makes me curious enough to want to hit "Flag" to some random post, just to see what the interface is like. I don't ACTUALLY want to flag anything, though. If I just hit "Flag" will the site take me to some function that I can cancel out of? Or will it automatically flag the message in a way I can't revoke?

I'm not even sure I should bother posting this message. If someone responds "Yeah, go ahead and hit Flag. Trust me." how will I know it's not a joke?

Liberty's Edge

Just adding my 2cp.

I have been reading these boards for a long time and I think Lisa and Co. have done an exceptional job of managing these boards. Moe power to 'em!

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

Aaron Bitman wrote:

This post makes me curious enough to want to hit "Flag" to some random post, just to see what the interface is like. I don't ACTUALLY want to flag anything, though. If I just hit "Flag" will the site take me to some function that I can cancel out of? Or will it automatically flag the message in a way I can't revoke?

I'm not even sure I should bother posting this message. If someone responds "Yeah, go ahead and hit Flag. Trust me." how will I know it's not a joke?

There is an option under 'flag' for 'Just wanted to test the flagging system.' for exactly this reason. Or you can just refuse to select anything.

Scarab Sages

Aaron Bitman wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
It's important for me to point out that since Gary put the flagging system in place, our moderation has almost entirely been the direct result of YOU, the community, using that flagging system.

This post makes me curious enough to want to hit "Flag" to some random post, just to see what the interface is like. I don't ACTUALLY want to flag anything, though. If I just hit "Flag" will the site take me to some function that I can cancel out of? Or will it automatically flag the message in a way I can't revoke?

I'm not even sure I should bother posting this message. If someone responds "Yeah, go ahead and hit Flag. Trust me." how will I know it's not a joke?

There's actually a flagging option that reads that you're just playing with the system.

As to the OP, let me chime in with some support for the moderation that was done. The deleted posts weren't IMO funny or clever. They were extremely juvenile, and I can entirely relate to a business that does not want to draw in googlers who saw those topics as being discussed on Paizo.

Aaron Bitman wrote:

I'm not even sure I should bother posting this message. If someone responds "Yeah, go ahead and hit Flag. Trust me." how will I know it's not a joke?

Warning you will be flogged and flogged again.

Liberty's Edge

Aaron Bitman wrote:
Joshua J. Frost wrote:
It's important for me to point out that since Gary put the flagging system in place, our moderation has almost entirely been the direct result of YOU, the community, using that flagging system.

This post makes me curious enough to want to hit "Flag" to some random post, just to see what the interface is like. I don't ACTUALLY want to flag anything, though. If I just hit "Flag" will the site take me to some function that I can cancel out of? Or will it automatically flag the message in a way I can't revoke?

I'm not even sure I should bother posting this message. If someone responds "Yeah, go ahead and hit Flag. Trust me." how will I know it's not a joke?

It lets you select a reason; one of those reasons is "I just wanted to try flagging." Another reason should be "Sebastian is talking;" they haven't put that in yet though.

Liberty's Edge

Huh...all those posts weren't there a second ago.....

Heathansson wrote:
Huh...all those posts weren't there a second ago.....

We snuck in under your nose. I think your werewolf nose is brokey... lol

Ross Byers wrote:
There is an option under 'flag' for 'Just wanted to test the flagging system.' for exactly this reason. Or you can just refuse to select anything.
Wicht wrote:
There's actually a flagging option that reads that you're just playing with the system.


The Exchange

bugleyman wrote:

Well, since I pretty much don't mind being banned any more (which seems like a very possible result of voicing my concerns), I'll be the one to ask:

Exactly what the heck is going on with these forums?

Entire threads are now disappearing without any kind of notice. FROM THE OFF-TOPIC board. Why? I suppose because they discussed accusations about a media figure, which is now (apparently) forbidden, but I can only guess, because NO ONE IS SAYING. Stuff just disappears.

Irrespective of the merits (or lack thereof) of a given thread, just removing stuff wholesale, and without notice, is anathema to a healthy message board. Please stop before these boards lose all value as a discussion forum.

The two threads struck me as potentially libelous, and so it seemed eminently sensible for their removal. I don't agree with all the moderation that goes on, but I agree with the vast majority of it, and it's Paizo's website and they can do what they like. They owe no duty to us to allow us to voice what we think, and we are guests on their property. Acting like you have some right here is pretty dumb.

The Exchange

Anderlorn wrote:
The real problem is two fold. One, the moderators feel this is a normal message board. It is not, it belongs to a company and therefore most of us are paying customers and no company should ever correct customers unless that person is totally absurd and very offensive that would earn the company a law suit or a major loss of business. Being frustrated and blunt over a 3rd party may or may not be an area of correction. Using certain words to correct customer actions shouldn't be used.

We don't pay to use the messageboards - they are offered free as a corollory to the online shop. You can use the message boards and buy absolutely nothing from Paizo.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

Wicht wrote:
I can entirely relate to a business that does not want to draw in googlers who saw those topics as being discussed on Paizo.


I like the community we have.

Aubrey the Malformed wrote:'s Paizo's website and they can do what they like. They owe no duty to us to allow us to voice what we think, and we are guests on their property. Acting like you have some right here is pretty dumb.

Message boards have been around for a while, and the most successful ones seem to adhere to a pretty common set of best moderation practices. I am simply pointing out that removing stuff wholesale, and without notice, isn't one of those best practices (and for good reason).

In any event, I have NO IDEA how you read a sense of entitlement into what was said.

bugleyman wrote:
In any event, I have NO IDEA how you read a sense of entitlement into what was said.

I'm didn't see that [sense of entitlement] in the post, although I did see a number of things that provoked a, "Huh?"-type reaction. Like announcing that you were likely going to be banned from the Paizo forums for having a complaint.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Bagpuss wrote:
Libel standards for public figures are pretty lax, under US law.

True enough... but, for the sake of discussion, let's say we're in a position where we're asking the question "can we get our nuts sued off?" The legal answer to the question may indeed be "probably not," but the *responsible* answer is to avoid the situation where you have to ask the question in the first place.

Vic Wertz wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:
Libel standards for public figures are pretty lax, under US law.

True enough... but, for the sake of discussion, let's say we're in a position where we're asking the question "can we get our nuts sued off?" The legal answer to the question may indeed be "probably not," but the *responsible* answer is to avoid the situation where you have to ask the question in the first place.

True. Very true.

Vic Wertz wrote:
True enough... but, for the sake of discussion, let's say we're in a position where we're asking the question "can we get our nuts sued off?" The legal answer to the question may indeed be "probably not," ...

You do not know Buckwheet's attorneys.

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

CourtFool wrote:
Vic Wertz wrote:
True enough... but, for the sake of discussion, let's say we're in a position where we're asking the question "can we get our nuts sued off?" The legal answer to the question may indeed be "probably not," ...
You do not know Buckwheet's attorneys.

You rang?

Blazej wrote:
I'm didn't see that [sense of entitlement] in the post, although I did see a number of things that provoked a, "Huh?"-type reaction. Like announcing that you were likely going to be banned from the Paizo forums for having a complaint.

A few weeks ago, I had a post removed (still no idea why), so I went away for a bit. The very first time I came back, pretty much the first thread I posted in was deleted wholesale. It seemed to me that dissent of any kind was likely to be met with deletion, and eventually outright banning when I didn't take the hint.

I'm glad to see I was wrong.

I took a step back too and realized Paizo was letting vent a little but they in the end I compromised silently with them. I got off my soap box and they didn't ban me while I was on the war path.

And how come we can not derail this dismal thread?!

Here is some hot chocolate from my Momma's basement

We can't move on if we keep beating a dead horse ... :)

Kevin Mack wrote:
Well the problem is that since they were removed a lot of people do not know what the title of the threads were.

There are still threads to evidence the comments I've made.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
It's important for me to point out that since Gary put the flagging system in place, our moderation has almost entirely been the direct result of YOU, the community, using that flagging system.

Your comment marginalizes the responsibility you have to exercise good judgment, Joshua. It is the result of us only insofar as we save you the time of pouring through the boards. We attract your attention to potential trouble. That does not mean you should leap in and generalize about threads, it does not excuse lock-down based on personal taste, it does not justify hot-headed replies, and it does not justify kicking at someone's reasonable freedom of expression.

As most of the excesses I've seen involve you, Joshua, it belies your righteous air that you are trying to brush off the responsibility you have assumed by accepting moderation responsibility here... accepted ith zeal, I may add.

Now you may continue as you are going. It's Paizo's business--I'm just one customer and my copper pieces probably don't matter much to you. I think I clearly articulated my concerns and I'm done with this--here they are in summary just in case you missed them: (1) moderator judgment and conduct is a model to the posters on these boards and (2) even-handedness is the best way to keep people on these boards, losing neither one side of an issue nor the other.

Based on those concerns I give you 2.5 out of 5 stars for moderation so far, Joshua. You lost a half a point by trying to dodge the responsibility you have assumed--it sets a bad example for Paizonians.

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