Gary Teter Fanboi Love Thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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Silver Crusade

Jack Hammer wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Huzzah! The PostMonster is full of win, and needs a well-deserved vacation. *hugs*

Aren't you sending a large batch of cookies to their offices next week?

Looks like Gary will miss out...

That's a good idea.

Lilith, you can send them to:

Gary Teter
c/o Celestial Healer
PO Box 1
8th Layer, Celestia

I'll make sure he gets them.

Knight Errant Telestial wrote:
It's a trick! Every day at Paizo Publishing is like a vacation!

True! I just spilled my martini and slipped and fell into my wading pool full of epsom salts. I'm going to have to ask the company waiter to get me another of both. *hic*

Joshua J. Frost wrote:
Knight Errant Telestial wrote:
It's a trick! Every day at Paizo Publishing is like a vacation!
True! I just spilled my martini and slipped and fell into my wading pool full of epsom salts. I'm going to have to ask the company waiter to get me another of both. *hic*

LOL. Won't the epsom salt ruin your bermuda shorts?

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber


I think you spelled Sebastian wrong in the thread title.

Dark Archive

Gary needs to fix all the phantom post problems before I will celebrate his day.

David Fryer wrote:
Gary needs to fix all the phantom post problems before I will celebrate his day.

Phantom post problems and the now missing post counts on large threads are a disincentive to slamming his precious servers. The PostMonster General has many tools with which to rule.

Now I have this image of Frost as one of Dean Martin's long lost love children. Man, Dean was awesome.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Now I have this image of Frost as one of Dean Martin's long lost love children. Man, Dean was awesome.

Well, he never said that he wasn't...hmmm....

Gary Teter has brought into existence a fun to use, addicting to be on, fully functional retail website that makes tens of thousands of other such attempts, by other companies, look like fail.

You win Gary Teter.

Plus, you rock and are totally cool !!

Darn right!

I thunk on this a bit and realized something similar. On the Gleemax boards (others were different I'm sure) it was always about the game, and here it is about the GAMERS.

Thanks Paizo for supporting US! (even when we just need to be silly) :)

Emperor7 wrote:
Won't the epsom salt ruin your bermuda shorts?

We already established here that Josh works in the nude.

Kyle Baird wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Won't the epsom salt ruin your bermuda shorts?
We already established here that Josh works in the nude.

Bet Lisa could do without that visual. As could I. EWWWW

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Yay Gary! Have a good vacation.

If I knew where to find such things on the internet, I would at this point post a link to a you-tube excerpt of the von Trapp family singing 'So long, farewell...' from The Sound of Music film.
As it is, you'll just have to imagine it instead, PostMonster General.
Enjoy your holiday, and I hope you've briefed Vic and Ross on how to deal with the five dimensional madness of those emails. ;)

The Sound of Mucus is truly horrible. What did Gary ever do to you, Charles?

EDIT: Oh, that CE25 is fast and wily with his edits, he is!

Liberty's Edge

Jack Hammer wrote:
though we drive them to the brink ourselves!

As evidenced by his recent spate of links...

Gary Teter wrote:

I'm SO glad I'm going on my first vacation in 20 years tomorrow and will miss the rest of this thread.

PS: Site will crash promptly at 5:01 p.m. today.


Jack Hammer wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:

I'm SO glad I'm going on my first vacation in 20 years tomorrow and will miss the rest of this thread.

PS: Site will crash promptly at 5:01 p.m. today.

Man, your boss must be...


You must really love your job. ;)

Hope you have lots of drinks with little umbrellas in them!

Not: Teh hollowing soiler iss vull-gar.

Nad taht slaty stiff onn teh ram!
Liberty's Edge

Mirathan wrote:

People are trying to push the Erik thread ahead by a day. They cannot succeed. We must keep up!

Go Team Gary!

What day is it again?

Liberty's Edge

Jack Hammer wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Huzzah! The PostMonster is full of win, and needs a well-deserved vacation. *hugs*

Aren't you sending a large batch of cookies to their offices next week?

Looks like Gary will miss out...

Hey, she only gives cookies to noobs. Are you suggesting that the Paizo offices are full of noobs?

Gark the Goblin wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Huzzah! The PostMonster is full of win, and needs a well-deserved vacation. *hugs*

Aren't you sending a large batch of cookies to their offices next week?

Looks like Gary will miss out...

Hey, she only gives cookies to noobs. Are you suggesting that the Paizo offices are full of noobs?

Not true. They get real baked delights. The noobs get virtual samplings. Gods require genuine offerings.

Chuck_Norris wrote:
I would like to meet this Gary. Then I will pummel him for stealing my jokes.

You don't punch Teter, because Teter edited your post declaring your attack and then locked the thread.

How many people miss Gary already?

Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?

I cried all weekend.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Dick Cheney wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
I cried all weekend.

And, then you shot someone?

Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
I cried all weekend.
And, then you shot someone?

No, I was too upset.

I know... that's saying something, isn't it?

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Dick Cheney wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
I cried all weekend.
And, then you shot someone?

No, I was too upset.

I know... that's saying something, isn't it?

Well, going on Fox News and bashing Obama should cheer you up. ;P

Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
I cried all weekend.
And, then you shot someone?

No, I was too upset.

I know... that's saying something, isn't it?

Well, going on Fox News and bashing Obama should cheer you up. ;P

It did, for a little while, but it just won't be the same until Gary comes back from vacation.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
I cried all weekend.
And, then you shot someone?

No, I was too upset.

I know... that's saying something, isn't it?

Well, going on Fox News and bashing Obama should cheer you up. ;P

Hey! No hate here. Only love. Gary Teter love. :)

Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?

Me not am missing him!

Messageboard Monster! wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
Me not am missing him!

We're missing that he kept you in check for these last 20 years!

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Charles Evans 25 wrote:
If I knew where to find such things on the internet, I would at this point post a link to a you-tube excerpt of the von Trapp family singing 'So long, farewell...' from The Sound of Music film.

Here, let me google that for you.

Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Lord Fyre wrote:
Dick Cheney wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
I cried all weekend.
And, then you shot someone?

No, I was too upset.

I know... that's saying something, isn't it?

Well, going on Fox News and bashing Obama should cheer you up. ;P

They talked to ACORN instead of bashing Obama. Even Fox News knows that their cause is lost. Bush Lied! Bush Lied!

Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?

Not me, I'm having lots of fun with him gone.

Do you not realize that the end is near?!

The stars have aligned! The servers are in array!

We're doomed without Gary!

Scarab Sages

I keep waiting for whatever digital timebomb Gary must have left to activate and unleash an internet apocalypse.

Emperor7 wrote:
Messageboard Monster! wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
Me not am missing him!
We're missing that he kept you in check for these last 20 years!

Rrragh! Me not happy about that! Now me smash puny Vic Wertz and am declaring me king of messageboards!

Messageboard Monster! wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Messageboard Monster! wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
Me not am missing him!
We're missing that he kept you in check for these last 20 years!
Rrragh! Me not happy about that! Now me smash puny Vic Wertz and am declaring me king of messageboards!

You don't know what you're talking about, n00b! I'm the king of the messageboards!

I am a fan…of getting my $20 he still owes me!

CourtFool wrote:
I am a fan…of getting my $20 he still owes me!

Did you do that poodle dance for him?

Yankee Poodle wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
I am a fan…of getting my $20 he still owes me!
Did you do that poodle dance for him?

Shhhhh! Don't out me like that.

CourtFool wrote:
Yankee Poodle wrote:
CourtFool wrote:
I am a fan…of getting my $20 he still owes me!
Did you do that poodle dance for him?
Shhhhh! Don't out me like that.

A poodle's got to eat. It's bogus that he stiffed you. On the money. ;)

Messageboard Troll wrote:
Messageboard Monster! wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Messageboard Monster! wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
How many people miss Gary already?
Me not am missing him!
We're missing that he kept you in check for these last 20 years!
Rrragh! Me not happy about that! Now me smash puny Vic Wertz and am declaring me king of messageboards!
You don't know what you're talking about, n00b! I'm the king of the messageboards!

Me am going to smashes your head in, Troll!

Then me eat this post!

Must not let Vomit Guy beat Gary...

Silver Crusade

I wonder what Gary would think of the Vomit Guy thread?

Celestial Healer wrote:
I wonder what Gary would think of the Vomit Guy thread?

I think he would...


Celestial Healer wrote:
I wonder what Gary would think of the Vomit Guy thread?

I believe that Mr. Teter would likely begin to spew invectives at whomsoever was involved in th aforementioned thread. If it were in any way possible, I'm certain he would hurl said thread into a metaphorically bottomless digital pit.



I bet someone, at some point at GenCon, shared their consumptions in an unexpected manner.



Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

Celestial Healer wrote:
I wonder what Gary would think of the Vomit Guy thread?

Well, he certainly wouldn't be jealous about the paean to Vomit Guy having more posts, and he certainly wouldn't do anything mean and vicious like ban someone or...change their avatar...

<lightning flash/thunder roll>

Would he?

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