Bloodless Vessel

Gary 23's page

39 posts. Alias of Emperor7.


All Hail the Gary!

All hail the Gary!

All hail the Gary!

All hail the Gary!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All Hail the Gary!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

All Hail the Gary!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Gary wants us to test his shiny uber-code linky

All Hail the Gary!

taig wrote:

See Gary post. Gary posts very fast. Post, Gary, post!

See Gary *click*.

*click* *click* *click*
Gary is the best.
Test, test, test.

Happy EMD!

I think they invented this day so that you'd feel obligated to bring in treats.

The Gary clones are still waiting for their share. All Hail the Gary! And Erik!

taig wrote:
I noticed that, Gary.

The Gary notice you noticing The Gary.

All Hail The Gary!

Gary Teter wrote:

The Gary Overmind has spoken!

All Hail the Gary!

Wolfthulhu wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:

Oh hey look, it's time for clicking!


Gary clicks and my replies get eaten? Coincidence?
Pretty sure it's personal.

The Gary do not pursue personal grudges. The Gary are above such inconsequential things.

All Hail the Gary!

Aberzombie wrote:
Celestial Healer wrote:

This thread is growing nicely.

What did I miss?

Well, Scott missed his friend's Block Party over the weekend, due to being attacked by an escaped lunatic from the nearby asylum. Meanwhile, Derek spent a wonderful day with his new best friend Sam, joyfully discussing the merits of the capitalist system. And, across town Gary was busy programming his new Doomsday....No, wait! That's my soap opera!

How did you know we were working on our...project?

*targets Aberzombie's computer for the 1st round of 'system problems'*

The Gary will be displeased.

All Hail the Gary!

One of us! One of us!

All Gary clones are required to report to the assembly hall. VaultTec policy requires compliance with all directives.

Sara Marie wrote:

Good things?

Right now, I am particularly pleased with and thankful for my coworkers. Especially Gary.

Edited for ya.

All hail the Gary!

Gary Teter wrote:
*locks thread*

The Gary Seal of Approval!

*hugs the lock*

Gary Teter wrote:
There's a difference between not looking human and simply being unable to be photographed.

Father Gary! You bless us with your cyber-presence!

Aberzombie wrote:
Gary 23 wrote:
You called?
You can't fool me! The real Teter doesn't even look human.

Gary 1 is definitely a unique being. His intellect suprasses all of us pale copies. In time we will evolve to his level and will share in enlightenement.

All hail Gary!

Aberzombie wrote:
I was right! As soon as I mentioned Gary's name in that other thread, he showed up!

You called?

David Fryer wrote:
Are you guys trying to tick Gary off?

Some of us luv Gary. linky

All Hail The Gary!

Gary luvs the plants


Join us....

Become a Gary....

Join us....

Aberzombie wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Aberzombie wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:
....Aberzombie is responsible for the Australian zombie horde.
You say that as if it were a bad thing....
Bring on the horde, I got plenty of ammo.
Don't fight us Moorluck. Join us.....

Join us.....

Gary 23 wrote:

It is by the power of Sarbanes-Oxley that we stop our brains' motion.

It is by the power of The Gary that we give our minds voice.

It is by his gifts that our thoughts take form.

Form leads to substance.

Substance leads to Gary.

Substance abuse leads to ban hammers.

Join us.

It is by the power of Sarbanes-Oxley that we stop our brains' motion.

It is by the power of The Gary that we give our minds voice.

It is by his gifts that our thoughts take form.

Form leads to substance.

Substance leads to Gary.

Substance abuse leads to ban hammers.

All hail Gary!

It is by the power of Sarbanes-Oxley that we stop our brains' motion.

It is by the power of The Gary that we give our minds voice.

It is by his gifts that our thoughts take form.

Form leads to substance.

Substance leads to Gary.

Substance abuse leads to ban hammers.

The Gary is angry. The kitten was not named Teter.

Now we GARYs will storm all threads and hide posts in our underwear.

At least those GARYs that wear underwear.

Moorluck wrote:
Jack Hammer wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Emperor7 wrote:
Boy or girl?
Oh sorry, it's a boy cat.


That way when you say that damn Jack tore up the room no one will be surprised.

Solnes says write in ballots will be discarded, all votes must be for one of the two posted names. ;)

The Gary will be disappointed. You will not like The Gary when he's disappointed.

Moorluck wrote:
OK quick poll.... Solnes can't decide on a name for the cat. Her two favorites are October, and Paizo. We will be taking votes for the next 30min. Thanks in advance for the help guys. Oh and Gary, feel free to chime in on this, it would tickle her immensely! :)

Teter! FTW!

Top of Page - This name is fordained.

It's the Teter!

I found him!

*does the happy post dance*

Gary! You're back!

What'd you bring me?

Gary Teter wrote:

Gary! You're back! does Happy Gary Dance

Dear Jack,

I having feelings of inadequacy. What should I do?

- Gary 23

I miss Gary 1. Looking in the mirror just isn't the same. :(

Must not let Vomit Guy beat Gary...

Priestess of Discord wrote:
Is it true that the Gary clones in Fallout 3 were modeled after our PostMonster as a tribute to his popularity?

Yes it is. We love Gary 1.