That is where we differ. *I* don't pay for anything. I seize the rum and the hot women. Jewelry is like everything else; if it impedes my intended path to what I am going to pillage, it *will* be broken and trampeled.
I just heard a new report that people are drinking more, and lower quality stuff. More for us I guess. :)
Excellent! Mammon was flat out wrong. When I get back to Hell, I'm going to collect on my bet ... and perhaps a couple of his hotter concubine thralls.
Infernal Bulmahnaut #666 wrote: Quote: things that should be trampled and broken fine china
Math that attempts to impugn Lord Jason's writings
costume jewelry
real jewelry
empty rum bottle
full rum bottle
empty rum barrel
full rum barrel
Quote: things that should not be trampled and broken hot women
Lord Jason's writings
empty rum bottle
full rum bottle
empty rum barrel
full rum barrel
** spoiler omitted **
My answer of "42" got me flogged...
Infernal Bulmahnaut #666 wrote: That is where we differ. *I* don't pay for anything. I seize the rum and the hot women. Jewelry is like everything else; if it impedes my intended path to what I am going to pillage, it *will* be broken and trampeled. Well, I guess that's the infernal side coming out...otherwise, you sound like a Bulmahnaut. *Shakes head at #8.*
Most excellent! So, without further delay, where is this vessel heading? I grow weary from inaction. You would not want to see what happens when I grow restless.
What in Hell am I saying? Yes, you would. Heh Heh Heh.
Excellent choice. Who's piloting this vessel?
I'm one of the pilots, Infernal. Do you have piloting experience?
Do I have piloting experience? Hell, do I?
Aerially speaking, yes.
I grew restless once.....
When #5 was a little calf
He grew so brave and daring
His father thought he'd 'prentice him to some career sea-faring
Mistaking his instruction which within in my brain did gyrate
I'd took and bound this promising boy apprentice to a pirate!
Fellas, we seemed to have picked up a passenger who has been smoking something.
Smoking something? I'll show you smoking something...
<belches forth a fireball at All-Purpose M in Drag. Smoke wafts out from his nostrils. Covers mouth>
Excuse me. Boy that rum burns.
Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Um....OK!
Fellas, we seemed to have picked up a passenger who has been smoking something.
Hey man, you got some for me?
dang hippeh wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Um....OK!
Fellas, we seemed to have picked up a passenger who has been smoking something. Hey man, you got some for me? Stabs the hippy in the eye and tosses the hippy overboard. Hey sharky, a little treat for ya.
Bulmahnaut #3 wrote: dang hippeh wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Um....OK!
Fellas, we seemed to have picked up a passenger who has been smoking something. Hey man, you got some for me? [i]Stabs the hippy in the eye and tosses it overboard.[i] Hey sharky, a little treat for ya. OW! Why did you throw my eye overboard?
dang hippeh wrote: Bulmahnaut #3 wrote: dang hippeh wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Um....OK!
Fellas, we seemed to have picked up a passenger who has been smoking something. Hey man, you got some for me? Stabs the hippy in the eye and tosses it overboard. Hey sharky, a little treat for ya. OW! Why did you throw my eye overboard? So the rest of you would follow. Splash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHHHHH! The Bulmahnauts are nothing but corporate goooooooooooonnnnnnnsss! *splash*
smiles as the sharks congregate where the dang hippeh went into the water
It's little things like this that make me love my job.
So, do we travel by sea or can we take this vessel ... airborne? I have me a hunkerin' for some Romanian gypsies. They will add nicely to my concubinage ... er collection. But I will certainly save the finest for Lord Jason.
OOHH! Hopped up hippies on hemp! with eyeball Hors d'oeuvres! Yum.
skewers eyeballs with trident for proper finger food treatment..
I'd like to d'oeuvers me some Hors. Can't we make this vessel move any faster? What's a Bulmahnaut to do here?
can bulmahnauts destroy jacks?
Of course! What kind of question is that?
good to know... i guess i'll be staying in this thread for a while then...
My Bulmahnaut sense is tingling...
Pssst. This guy gets around. Best translation I can offer is Community Concubine Sheath.
no, its cause i'm intangeble whenever i lean on a wall i fall into another thread... i like leaning on walls...
Someone's asking about Lord Jason! Maybe we need to invade that thread and pillage it.
ulgulanoth wrote: no, its cause i'm intangeble whenever i lean on a wall i fall into another thread... i like leaning on walls... *Puts on ghost-touched bullshoe*
~puts hand to cover eyes~
"wow thats a good kick, mind if I take one for a ride?"
#666 and I popped into another thread last night, and that got me thinking about this one and the Lord Jason. We haven't heard from him in some time (2 months or so). Do you think he's engaged in an epic battle somewhere?
How could Lord Jason be drawn into an epic battle if he's over there in the cabin? I didn't see him come out. Did you? Are we wandering aimlessly? We really need an agenda because complacency isn't good for my psyche. I get really ... destructive.
I'm pretty sure the Lord Jason can Teleport and Plane Shift at will. He may have entered that cabin through the door, but that doesn't mean he had to come out that way.
Did you advertise for an intern?
Not that I can recall, but it may have been the Lord Jason. He's sort of incommunicado at the moment.
Sorry, #5, I put the ad out. Here, Bunny, take these cigars and this slinky outfit and meet me in the first mate's cabin when you're ready.
Bulmahnaut #1 wrote: Sorry, #5, I put the ad out. Here, Bunny, take these cigars and this slinky outfit and meet me in the first mate's cabin when you're ready. Ay, ay captain!
looks out from the crow's nest with his spyglass
Ship off the starboar...No, wait! That's just a smudge on the glass.
wakes up from his nap in the crow's nest
Huh? Wuzzat?
<dreams of burning and pillaging>
Do we even celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Is the Lord Jason Irish-blooded?
Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Do we even celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Is the Lord Jason Irish-blooded? According to my research the Buhlman family comes from Germany.
Bunny the Intern wrote: Bulmahnaut #5 wrote: Do we even celebrate St. Patrick's Day? Is the Lord Jason Irish-blooded? According to my research the Buhlman family comes from Germany. So, does that mean we weren't supposed to celebrate by getting drunk yesterday? Oh..uh...OK!
kicks empty whiskey bottles over the side
No, it just means you should have used a boot of German beer to do it.