erian_7's Excel-based Character Sheet

Homebrew and House Rules

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No update for tonight (and no baby yet either...)

Grand Lodge

erian_7 wrote:
Any thoughts on the animal companion thus far (I know it's still in rough draft, just figured getting direction before I create the thing is better than after...)

Only a few things based of my current character. Any way of getting the Animals base feats into the bottom box? There is only one horse entry and looks like its a mix of light and heavy horses. Light horses work out fine but i think the advanced simple template for a heavy horse gives to many stat bonuses, i would almost take the heavy horse from 3.5 and update him accordingly.

Kochean wrote:
Only a few things based of my current character. Any way of getting the Animals base feats into the bottom box?

I'm not sure what you mean by base feats? An animal companion is a distinct creature from other animals of its kind, and selects feats from the list specified in the druid entry. They don't get feats listed in the Bestiary entries as well, at least not of which I am aware.

Kochean wrote:
There is only one horse entry and looks like its a mix of light and heavy horses. Light horses work out fine but i think the advanced simple template for a heavy horse gives to many stat bonuses, i would almost take the heavy horse from 3.5 and update him accordingly.

As with the feats, the animal companion horse is neither the light or heavy horse but rather a "unique" horse. Animal companions in general look like their Bestiary cousins, but are not mechanically the same in many ways.

Liberty's Edge

Great tool, I've just started trying it and it saves a lot of time.

Just a minor request, could you add the weapon statistics for the Barbarian's Animal Fury bite (1d4, secondary natural x0.5 Str) and Draconic Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple claws (1d4 primary x1 Str) and dragon bite (1d6 primary x1.5 Str)?

Also, I think two-weapon fighting penalties are being applied to natural attacks and I guess they shouldn't :-m

Thanks for this great tool! :-D

Just wanted to chime in and add my thanks for the time you've put into developing this tool and I can't wait to see how awesome I know it will be when everything is fully implemented.

Good luck on the kobold hatching... er baby delivery *grin*

midknight wrote:
Great tool, I've just started trying it and it saves a lot of time.


Eirishluck wrote:

Just wanted to chime in and add my thanks for the time you've put into developing this tool and I can't wait to see how awesome I know it will be when everything is fully implemented.

Good luck on the kobold hatching... er baby delivery *grin*

Thanks! I have a lot of fun putting things like this together, and it helps me better grasp the rules for use during play. If you haven't read back through the thread, I very much like interaction/suggestions from folks as that greatly increases the usability of the tool. So, feel free to chime in at any time with thoughts. And along those lines...

midknight wrote:
Just a minor request, could you add the weapon statistics for the Barbarian's Animal Fury bite (1d4, secondary natural x0.5 Str) and Draconic Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple claws (1d4 primary x1 Str) and dragon bite (1d6 primary x1.5 Str)?

I've been trying to come up with the best way to cover this, then it struck me that the Universal Monster Rules for natural attacks provide standard implementations. I'll use this to cover things like the Dragon Disciple (as they use standard size-based damage). The Animal Fury is a corner case, as it does damage one step less then size. I think I can work that in, but am still fiddling with the logic.

midknight wrote:

Also, I think two-weapon fighting penalties are being applied to natural attacks and I guess they shouldn't :-m

Thanks for this great tool! :-D

Note that for natural attacks, you should set the Wielded As? field for the weapon to Primary or Secondary Natural. This removes the iterative attacks based on BAB, gets away from any TWF penalties, and applies the appropriate -5 and 1/2 Str mod for secondary attacks. If you've tried this and it still seems to be applying TWF penalties, let me know and I'll dig into it a bit more...


Liberty's Edge

erian_7 wrote:

Note that for natural attacks, you should set the Wielded As? field for the weapon to Primary or Secondary Natural. This removes the iterative attacks based on BAB, gets away from any TWF penalties, and applies the appropriate -5 and 1/2 Str mod for secondary attacks. If you've tried this and it still seems to be applying TWF penalties, let me know and I'll dig into it a bit more...

Yup, I tried that. I made a 2 weapon character, added the two weapons (one as primary and one as off-hand) and when adding the bite for barbarian (I used "Bite, tengu") and setting it as secondary natural it substracts 7(5 for secondary and 2 for two-weapon fighting, my guess).

Another minor issue... I think armor check penalty is not calculated correctly. MW armor (or shield) has it's penalty reduced by 1 and that works ok. Magic armor should be MW as well, so it should reduce the penalty by 1 also (and this is not working). Mithral armor should reduce the penalty by 3 points (2 for mithral and 1 for MW, as mithral armors are always MW).

Also, the Armor Expert trait is not reducing another point from the armor check penalty.


midknight wrote:
Yup, I tried that. I made a 2 weapon character, added the two weapons (one as primary and one as off-hand) and when adding the bite for barbarian (I used "Bite, tengu") and setting it as secondary natural it substracts 7(5 for secondary and 2 for two-weapon fighting, my guess).

Ah, the problem is actually non-weapon proficiency. You have to be of the Tengu race to be proficient with Tengu Bite. The next version has a "Bite, Barbarian Animal Fury" that will solve this problem for you.

midknight wrote:
Another minor issue... I think armor check penalty is not calculated correctly. MW armor (or shield) has it's penalty reduced by 1 and that works ok. Magic armor should be MW as well, so it should reduce the penalty by 1 also (and this is not working). Mithral armor should reduce the penalty by 3 points (2 for mithral and 1 for MW, as mithral armors are always MW).

I had been fiddling with the special materials to get them working properly, but neglected to do the magic item = masterwork bit. Corrected for the next version.

midknight wrote:

Also, the Armor Expert trait is not reducing another point from the armor check penalty.


Note that traits are not automated as yet, i.e. their effects don't auto-calculate throughout the sheet. Since you brought this one up and I was in the armor formula already, I went ahead and added it in...

So, next version you should be good to go for your TWF, biting, armor expert barbarian!

erian_7 wrote:

Note that traits are not automated as yet, i.e. their effects don't auto-calculate throughout the sheet. Since you brought this one up and I was in the armor formula already, I went ahead and added it in...

As we get to the point where some traits are automated and others aren't it might make sense to add, say, an asterisk to the ones that aren't so people know they need to add the effect in manually.

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."


erian_7 wrote:

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."


Congratulations! That's great news. Your first?

Now to teach the little one how to code...

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

Congratulations!!! :-D

And thanks for the updates and corrections! :-)

Liberty's Edge

erian_7 wrote:

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."


Add mine to the growing list of congratulations!

Making gamers the old fashioned way. :) Congrats!

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
erian_7 wrote:

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."



Great to hear that all came through the ordeal in good shape and healthy!!

erian_7 wrote:

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."


Welcome to the world, Eden!

Beautiful name by the way!

Grand Lodge

congrats. training for one handed coding shall now commence.

Kochean wrote:
congrats. training for one handed coding shall now commence.

haha indeed.. and he'll have to clarify from now on when he says he's going to make some changes

Sovereign Court

Congratulations, Erian !

All the best to your family.


Also, something seems to be off with a dextrous monk's flurry of blows when using shuriken. The level 10 monk I've keyed is low by 5 with shuriken as "2-wpn primary" with "flurry of blows" options in the weapon block.

Congrats :-)

Just a quick idea for the sheet.. I think it would be an improvement to take Other Notes on the Back page, Special Rules and Skill Notes on the Front, and all of the sections on Character Info and insert text boxes over them.

I've done this on my sheet and it makes it much more usable. As it is currently with the separate cells it's difficult to copy and paste into those sections from other sources and this solves that problem.

Whatcha think?

Congratulations and may we soon here the pitter patter of little kobold feet. ^+~

erian_7 wrote:

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."



Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
erian_7 wrote:

Hey, just wanted to let y'all know we went into labor today and Eden Marie came into the world at 6:42 PM! 7 lbs. even, and 19 inches long. Everybody is healthy and we'll likely be home by Sunday at the latest. So, probably not a big interruption in the sheet updates, but just in case consider this "official notice."


Indeed! Congratulations!


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

broken linky?

and congrats :-)

Requests for future versions (referencing v0.78):

Replace all of the specific column numbers in the VLOOKUP commands with MATCH. This makes editing the Tables much easier. For example, if I insert a new column into the Table_Races, it throws the numbers off on the calculations for the Front, etc tabs.

Seeing as how the XP chart has Slow, Medium, Fast, and PFS progressions, can you put in a multiplier for wealth by level? The treasure award rules mention doubling or halving the awarded treasure and I think this might be an easy option for your awesome character sheet.

I understand that Excel has a character limit for merged cells with Word Wrap, which forces the Class Abilities block on the Abilities & Feats tab to cut off, especially for characters with a bunch of abilities (ex Level 5+ Ranger). Is there any way to break up the cell so that the text is displayed correctly?

Hey guys! Quick post as I hear the little one getting squirmy (which means bottle time is coming soon). I cursed myself apparently last night by saying how good she was being at night, and so ended up with a marathon 4 hour session!

We're all doing well and should be "back to normal" pretty soon as mommy is recovering well. Thanks so much for the warm congrats! I was just telling a friend the other day how nice all us "weird, geeky roleplayers" actually are and you guys prove it!

I've started squeezing in some fixes now during my night shift, and see that some suggestions/corrections are noted above. I'll take a look at all and get back on them. For the MATCH request, that has already begun actually (see the weapon stat blocks for instance). I didn't discover that until AdAstraGames pointed it out, so I've been swapping out the references as I go through making corrections/updates.

Merry Christmas, and thanks as always for the encouragement and suggestions!

How many skill points does the Minotaur receive?
I have everything right with minotaur but the skill points.

Please consider adding the Dwarf Racial Traits from the Pathfinder Companion: Dwarves of Golarion book. Also, good luck with the new born. ^+^

Karak wrote:


Also, something seems to be off with a dextrous monk's flurry of blows when using shuriken. The level 10 monk I've keyed is low by 5 with shuriken as "2-wpn primary" with "flurry of blows" options in the weapon block.

Hmm, I'll have to look into this one further...

Can I Call My Guy Drizzt? wrote:

Just a quick idea for the sheet.. I think it would be an improvement to take Other Notes on the Back page, Special Rules and Skill Notes on the Front, and all of the sections on Character Info and insert text boxes over them.

I've done this on my sheet and it makes it much more usable. As it is currently with the separate cells it's difficult to copy and paste into those sections from other sources and this solves that problem.

Whatcha think?

Hmm, I hadn't considered that, as my notes are often times actually formulas that calculate. For the Character Info, what I typically do is merge the rows down as needed to contain text blocks. A text box could work just the same but not have the character display limit.

messy wrote:

broken linky?

and congrats :-)

Which link are you trying? We're up to version 0.7.8 and so some of the earlier versions are no longer in the archives. As a note for new folks, I always keep the latest link on my profile page.

DustinGebhardt wrote:

Requests for future versions (referencing v0.78):

Seeing as how the XP chart has Slow, Medium, Fast, and PFS progressions, can you put in a multiplier for wealth by level? The treasure award rules mention doubling or halving the awarded treasure and I think this might be an easy option for your awesome character sheet.

I understand that Excel has a character limit for merged cells with Word Wrap, which forces the Class Abilities block on the Abilities & Feats tab to cut off, especially for characters with a bunch of abilities (ex Level 5+ Ranger). Is there any way to break up the cell so that the text is displayed correctly?

The wealth by level multiplier should be easy to work in. As for the text issue, I whipped up a Rgr 10 to test and the text seems to be displaying fine. Can you give me some more specifics (as well as OS and app used)? Thanks!

Steven Mills wrote:

How many skill points does the Minotaur receive?

I have everything right with minotaur but the skill points.

As monstrous humanoids, minotaurs get 4+Int mod skill ranks per level. This should, however, already be pre-built into the Monstrous Humanoid class levels you'd add. Is this not working?

Berselius wrote:
Please consider adding the Dwarf Racial Traits from the Pathfinder Companion: Dwarves of Golarion book. Also, good luck with the new born. ^+^

Thanks! She's working out thus far, so we think we'll keep her... ;^D

As for the dwarven material, I've actually got the traits and feats, as well as feats from Cities of Golarion and the CoT adventures, going into this next version.

Awesome. Can't wait for the next update. ^_^

Be sure to send me a new copy as well for the site!

Is the link broken? I can't download the character sheet. I have v03 and see that the latest here is v05 but can't download it. It errors out on me.


Please disregard my last post. I found the latest version.
Thanks much for all the effort.


Pathfinder Database Pimp wrote:
Be sure to send me a new copy as well for the site!

The latest version is always on Erian7's profile page:

Perhaps we should teach the little one how to code. We could pay her in beanie babies. ^_^

Sovereign Court

in latest version the Oracle's class skills are correct. the "class abilities" on the abilies and feats page isn't showing anything.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I am using the latest version of your sheet. It is the best sheet I have ever used.

Have found a couple of issues. Today I was building a Ranger and when I got to 3rd level the Feats and Abilities sheets went from having the class abilities to saying NA.

Also, I was working on a Paladin, Human, LG and it comes up Red saying that the character is not qualified. I cannot figure out where there might be a conflict. Of course the sheet just goes on and doesn't worry about it so I have been able to continue.

Thanks for all the ahrd work you are doing on this.

Brilliant Work as always Erian.

I don't know if this has been asked - Is there any chance of a stat block page.

Happy New Year btw.

Using the 0.78 sheet with a custom class. Had a few questions and comments:

  • How can I change the BAB? I have not located the BAB tables in this version.
  • Same question for saving throws?
  • What is your plan for dealing with class abilities for custom classes?
  • When selecting feats from the Character Options tab, I noticed some feats had little squares (typically an unprintable character) following the title (like Primeval Brutality).

I see the animal companion page is incomplete, so treat the following as a check list when you get around to working on the page again.

  • The CMB and CMD calculations are incomplete.
  • Have option for animal companions who are familiars to use hit points that are half of the master's hit points.
  • The familiars attack stat should be the highest bonus of str or dex (not just str). The current value is set to J14 which is empty (str is J13).
  • No saving throws for the animal companion yet, but should have option for familiars which uses the highest of its own or its masters.
  • Should have a background box for the animal companion where we can keep notes. Nice to have custom feats and abilities as well.

I love the sheet thanks for all the hard work! One thing I noticed was that the cavalier's class skills are not filled in on the first page, and the +3 bonus is not applied for taking ranks in those skills. The exception is the skills associated with the different orders are recognized and the bonus is applied.

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I have tried several versions of the sheet and all of them give me NA on the class abilities for Rangers. I do not know if I am the only one who has had this problem. I have build several characters with the latest version and they have all worked out great and even made a Fighter/Wizard/Eldritch Knight and had no problems.

It seems to be just the ranger that cases this problem at least so far. Please let me know when you got this fixed.

]As for the dwarven material, I've actually got the traits and feats, as well as feats from Cities of Golarion and the CoT adventures, going into this next version.[/QUOTE wrote:

Sweet! I hope the next version comes soon! ^_^

Berselius wrote:
Perhaps we should teach the little one how to code. We could pay her in beanie babies. ^_^

She's more likely to work for liquid gold right now (i.e., the crazy-expensive formula we have to use for her sensitive tummy)!

Lynx wrote:

in latest version the Oracle's class skills are correct. the "class abilities" on the abilies and feats page isn't showing anything.

Did you have the focus and/or revelation selected? If not, that would cause the cells to not display. I've added in some logic to point this out (similar to the Ranger below)

Shem wrote:

I am using the latest version of your sheet. It is the best sheet I have ever used.

Have found a couple of issues. Today I was building a Ranger and when I got to 3rd level the Feats and Abilities sheets went from having the class abilities to saying NA.

Also, I was working on a Paladin, Human, LG and it comes up Red saying that the character is not qualified. I cannot figure out where there might be a conflict. Of course the sheet just goes on and doesn't worry about it so I have been able to continue.

Thanks for all the ahrd work you are doing on this.

Thanks! I'm getting geared back up now, so hopefully I can address any concerns quickly. For the ranger, my guess is you didn't have a favored terrain selected. I've put some logic in place that points this out rather than just erroring out.

For the Paladin, it looks like the conditional formatting got screwy. Fixed...

The 8th Dwarf wrote:

Brilliant Work as always Erian.

I don't know if this has been asked - Is there any chance of a stat block page.

Happy New Year btw.

Yes, that's actually something I've been thinking on for both the character and animal companion/familiar. I should be able to work this out fairly easily, though perhaps not for the release I'm planning for tomorrow.

seaan wrote:

Using the 0.78 sheet with a custom class. Had a few questions and comments:

  • How can I change the BAB? I have not located the BAB tables in this version.
  • Same question for saving throws?
  • What is your plan for dealing with class abilities for custom classes?
  • When selecting feats from the Character Options tab, I noticed some feats had little squares (typically an unprintable character) following the title (like Primeval Brutality).

I see the animal companion page is incomplete, so treat the following as a check list when you get around to working on the page again.

  • The CMB and CMD calculations are incomplete.
  • Have option for animal companions who are familiars to use hit points that are half of the master's hit points.
  • The familiars attack stat should be the highest bonus of str or dex (not just str). The current value is set to J14 which is empty (str is J13).
  • No saving throws for the animal companion yet, but should have option for familiars which uses the highest of its own or its masters.
  • Should have a background box for the animal companion where we can keep notes. Nice to have custom feats and abilities as well.

For custom classes, there was a little red flag in the corner of the table headers with notes on the proper values to use. Those are hard to see, in my opinion, so I've moved them to the data validation instead (i.e. now they'll pop up every time you select the cell).

For custom class abilities, for now I'm going to go with a set of cells you can fill out on the Customization tab. If the Custom class name is present, the summary of these cells will display on the Abilities and Feats tab now.

That little box on the feat name means there's a carriage return in that field on the Feats tab that should be deleted. I corrected Primeval Brutality as well as Vicious Bite, but let me know if you find more!

All suggestions for the animal companion sheet are noted and will play a role as I continue to build that sheet out. Thanks!

AlQahir wrote:
I love the sheet thanks for all the hard work! One thing I noticed was that the cavalier's class skills are not filled in on the first page, and the +3 bonus is not applied for taking ranks in those skills. The exception is the skills associated with the different orders are recognized and the bonus is applied.

The cavalier and oracle were both not showing up in the Class field. Fixed...

Berselius wrote:
]As for the dwarven material, I've actually got the traits and feats, as well as feats from Cities of Golarion and the CoT adventures, going into this next version.[/QUOTE wrote:

Sweet! I hope the next version comes soon! ^_^

I'm shooting for a release tomorrow. I'm trying to figure out if Wayfinder 1 material is OGC. If so, I'll include it in a future release as well. They have the OGL in the document, but there is no actual designation of any open content as required by the license...

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

Thanks for all your hard work.

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