Thorn's End Guard

Kochean's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 112 posts. No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.


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Grand Lodge

I do use Virtual Table top from steam. You may have to go through different workshop items to customise your "table". It is not as specialised as the other 2.

Grand Lodge

thistledown wrote:

It's very similar to Keskodai's holoprojector of a holy symbol - on his head.

What's odd is that sometimes Obozaya's official art shows it and sometimes it doesn't - using the same default graphic! (Separate layer on the drawing or easily edited out I guess). But, I suppose there's no reason she couldn't just turn it off for those pics. g

I guess it is the holo emitter.

Grand Lodge

Looking at the original image without the banner the "beams" are not coming from the ship at the top of the image. There is a large gap between the ship and the visual beginning of the "beam". So if it is weapons fire it is from something behind the Vesk. If it is a holo emitter that is a bit....plain.

Grand Lodge

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Since there is no rules for the Mote in the book to specify what the nutritional value it is to plants it is going to be your GM's personal call.

Me personally if I was to rule it as a DM I would say since it provides dim light it might sustain you partially. Kinda like eating a light (unintentional pun) snack, so you could boost the time till starvation to 5 days.

Grand Lodge

Could make the shields stay mostly with a static +X to AC in the various levels and give them access to armor upgrades at higher levels or provide a DR to attacks from said facing when "set" for blocking. Make it cheaper price wise due to its limited effectiveness.

Grand Lodge

Pantshandshake wrote:

But this would lead to crazy balance issues, where any four armed race can carry around cover (from 2 directions, or from melee and ranged) for itself and still use a bigger weapon than a pistol.

I'm going to agree that shields don't really belong in SF.

To be perfectly honest I really get tired of hearing for balance reasons (blank) is not used. Its a weak argument and for specific things i over look it. RPGs were at one point were played for fun and balance was nowhere on most of our minds.

With all rules someone is going to cheese the system to find a niche that makes them better than someone else in something.

Easy solution to your example though cover bonuses don't stack and shields are either set or guarding not both. Does he get cover from 2 sides yes, just makes tactics more interesting for all parties. I like more complexity not less.

Grand Lodge

With the types of hardnesses that are presented in the books shields are going to me made of highly durable material. So having a shield should at the very least provide cover bonuses.

So a small shield that basically covers your torso provides a bonus equal to soft cover from ranged attacks in the direction you set it. If used to block Melee attacks it offers half that bonus but is no longer blocking range attacks till reset.

A large shield that covers your full body provides a bonus equal to improved cover from ranged attacks in the direction you set it. If used to block Melee attacks it offers the same bonus as the small shield but is no longer blocking range attacks till reset.

Grand Lodge

I must of missed it the Multiple times I looked over that section it calles it out as a technological subtype. But now cant find anything for that.

Grand Lodge

Is a Mechanics drone considered a construct that it would get the immunities?

Grand Lodge

Having played a few of the playtests and going through the book here are my top/bottom 3 features of the playtest.

1. Weapons having a bit more to them than just a damage die.
2. Crit system is an interesting addition
3. 3 Action economy is nice but really does not add to much other than to spell casting.

1. Resonance: Additional bookkeeping that puts a drag on general gameplay that is not needed other than on the alchemist class.
2. Race and ancestry feats: The biggest distinction between races are how fast they move and what type of vision they have. The feats should boost existing racial bonuses instead of granting what they should already have.
3. +Level to all rolls: Makes every character almost the same other than a few points here and there. I would prefer Skill points system be brought back and different tracks for saves and BAB.

Grand Lodge

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Bulk to me really sounds like a unit of size/volume than anything else. but they are using bulk as a unit of generic weight.

I would prefer them stick to a weight system for encumbrance and use bulk as for how bulky an item is to fit into a container. Give bulk a determination of about 4in/10cm cube. So an average pouch would hold 1/2 bulk, large pouch would hold 1 bulk, backpack would hold about 8 bulk in center pack with about 2 on outside with smaller pockets.

Yes I know this would add more complexity to the game. But some complexity in a game is not necessarily a bad thing.

Grand Lodge

thenobledrake wrote:
Tridus wrote:
It's not actually simpler. It's the illusion of simplicity by having smaller numbers.

And yet, however weird it might be, in practice at the table it seems a whole heck of a lot simpler.

Especially when it comes to appropriately modeling an item that hasn't had a weight assigned to it, like say a bronze bust that a player elected to steal in hopes of selling that the adventure writer might have assigned a value to but hasn't attached a weight. I can just say "2 bulk" and that feels right, but if I were to guess at an actual weight I don't even know where to start - other than to Google search relevant details (and probably end up doing math of my own as a result, just so that I can give a "feels right" answer to a player for them to do more math with).

Well bulk its self is between 5-10 pounds. So that Bronze bust would be a fairly small one at about 10-20 lbs.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

While I do not fully hate the bulk system, I can see where it could make things a bit easier book keeping wise.
Me personally do like the weight system over the bulk system. Not that any table I have ever played at ever enforced any weight restrictions on what you carried. I still kept track of all the gear weight to keep me honest if i was ever questioned about it.

I would like to have an option of doing either way, more options are better in my experience.

Grand Lodge

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I don't understand why small arms and in part also operative weapons are penalised with half damage when specialised compared to all the other weapons. just seams silly that a whole class of weapons are effected just to limit one class' damage output.

Grand Lodge

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Resonance seems to me to be a unnecessary add on to the game especially in regard to items that have charges. Not only do you use a Rp to use the item, you need to keep track of the charges on the item.

Grand Lodge

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That seems a steep price for extra storage. I could possibly see a single daily RP expenditure to "power" the bag, but should be free to put items in and out. Otherwise it is not worth getting unless its insanely cheap, like 100 GP or something.

Grand Lodge

I have purchased the book via subscription. I will get some pictures of it when I get home though.

Thank you for the prompt response.

Grand Lodge

I was playing at a society event the other day and I was made aware that you were replacing books that were having binding issues.
Since my book seems to be having some issues with the binding, I was wondering what steps do I need to do to see if my book is a candidate for replacing?

Grand Lodge

Commodore_RB wrote:

I'm boggling at the attempts to shut down requests for new classes here. The existing seven are all fairly flexible, yes, but let's not pretend you can make anything like a kineticist yet. There are just seven classes now. Even Baby's First D&D, 5th Edition, has twelve classes. Starfinder needs more classes.

I would love to port in a void kineticist, very space.

I agree, I feel that any suggestion adding or modifying rules seem to be met with unending oppisition. While I have not yet played a magic user in a game yet, I have seen them used in a game I am in. With seeing them in use and researching the book i can say the existing classes do not emulate a wizard of the past IMHO. I understand that sacrifices would have to be made to bring a full mage into the Starfinder universe.

Undoubtedly we will see more classes than what has been presented in the core book if pathfinder is any indication, the pack worlds book itself already expanded the archtypes we could use by at least twice if not more.

Grand Lodge

I personally would like to see a full caster mage type class. While the mystic and Technomancer are nice, i feel they lack the flavor of a full magic using class.

Grand Lodge

Nothing in the core rules covers any cost associated with ships other than repairing hull damage with UPB's. Everything else of the ship is hand waved away to GM fiat.

If you want more than a hand waving mechanic for ship costs you will have to make up your own house rules for them. I would offer some of mine but I am still working on them.

Grand Lodge

The Ragi wrote:
Now tell us how you'll make them pay for the upgrades they get when their ship goes up a tier.

By allowing them to do incremental upgrades with credits when they can do it. Using the BP amount as "Guidelines".

I do not think it makes sense that if they choose to upgrade shields to the better grade they can't because of they hit BP limit.

Again trying it with my group see how things shake out so all is subject to change.

Grand Lodge

Torbyne wrote:
How would spells like mending or make whole affect these massive repair costs? Will you bring in some new system for ship parts to off set the cut in funds for other party gear?

Mending would not be any help. Make whole might get 1 hull point per casting but I would have to think about it a bit.

For the party gear portion yes. I have been working on tweaking the rules for buying and selling to get more cash into the players hands. Still working on it but plan is to change all non-magical gear costs down by dividing the cost by its level. In addition I plan on making selling off gear nicer by upping it to at least 40% maybe even 50%. Crafting gear yourself I am knocking down to 75% as well to make it even worth doing.
Item levels are staying in for purchasing to keep the power level balance as much as possible. Player level +2 gear will always be easy to find. Anything above that they will have to work to find someone to sell it to them.

This is all in flux as I'm tweeking some things.

Grand Lodge

I was working on something for this for my group since i would like to have a bit more than what the hand waving starship rules have produced.

Field Patch: 10 UPB’s and 5 hours per point
A basic temporary hull repair in which the armor plates and frame are reformed to repair the damage and the UPB’s are used to seal and bond the armor plates together.

Field Repair: 35 UPB’s and 4 hours per point
Similar to the Field Patch but the reforming of armor plates is lessened and use of UPB’s are increased to “Bondo” the armor plates together. This repair is sturdier than the patch but less than the Dock/Facility Repair.

Dock Repair: 75 Credits and 3 hours per point
The repairs are from removing and replacing the armor plating in a place with new or repaired plating. Typically this is done at locations with facilities for ship repair.

Facility Repair: 100 Credits and 2 hours per point
Same as dock repair but done by npc crew of about 5 on average. So a number of armor can be repaired at one time equal to the size of repair crew.

Grand Lodge

BretI wrote:
Best I can tell, you need to get Weapon Specialization for them. Unlike characters, they don't appear to get it for free.

The drone gets basic melee or small arms proficiency for free, and specialization for that feat for free at level 3.

It's in the 2 paragraph of the drone section on page 74.

Grand Lodge

I would rule that any item that costs less than a standard battery uses less power. in so saying that one charge from a standard battery would fully charge said item.

Grand Lodge

Per the rules as written no. What i am envisioning is that the Drone expands and reconfigures itself to allow the Mechanic to step into the drone and it wraps itself around the now pilot. The combat drone I would say is the only drone that would be able to provide full armor. The rest would only provide a exoskeleton.

Grand Lodge

McBugman wrote:

I just came to this message board to inquire and request Paizo consideration for item cards, great to see like minded people!

Before I start making my own, would you be willing to share the ones you made Kochean?

I suppose I could, I did not get too far into it though. I got busy at work and my home computer is starting to sputter out.

let me get them collected and packed up and I will figure out how to link them here.

Grand Lodge

Lord Fyre wrote:
I'm just not a huge fan of having to swap out my entire gear loadout every couple of levels.

Yes I agree with this statement. I would of liked a more upgrading of existing gear with more advanced tech components rather than throwing the old gear into the industrial recycler to get almost nothing from it to put towards more gear.

Grand Lodge

I hope that the economy system and gear leveling systems from Starfinder is not in the Pathfinder 2.0 system. That in my opinion is the worst part of the Starfinder offerings.

Grand Lodge

Where is that noted at? This does not make much sense with a number of weapons.
For instance:
Flame pistol has bulk L but the replacement tank has a bulk of 1. most flame weapons have this issue though.
Pulsecaster has a cost of 100, battery costs 60. So its the cheapest weapon at 40.

Grand Lodge

Necrodemus wrote:
I'm doing the same thing, and I basically just rip images from pinterest of cool looking gear. As long as it's for personal use, you won't have any problems.

So far that is what I have been doing.

Grand Lodge

Schoon wrote:

While this doesn't address your question in the slightest, you've got a great idea there.

Item cards would be a great accessory to the game!

So far the major slow down for me is finding images for the cards. But it is nice to have the gear card ready when they loot an area and you throw down a few cards with all the stats on them so they don't have to root through the book.

Vic Wertz wrote:
*Technical stuff*

I will have to experiment then. Thanks for the input.

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I am working on making item cards for my game to hand out instead of just listing the items they find.

My question is there a good way to extract the images of gear from the pdf with a white/missing background on them to use on the cards?

Grand Lodge

I am working on making item cards for my game to hand out instead of just listing the items they find.

My question is there a good way to extract the images of gear from the pdf with a white/missing background on them to use on the cards?

Grand Lodge

I have been using the Pathfinder one currently and so far and have not seen too much of an issue with it yet (we have had to use it about twice so far). Just have to get creative when things don't line up perfectly.

Grand Lodge

I was not planning on reducing the prices of the suits at this time. Mostly because of things like flight suits and Estex suits per their description should have the space suit ability already. Skinsuits and freebooter armor per their description would not have a built in suit.

And yes this is my attempt to reel in a bit due to personal preference. So far I have not gotten any complaints.
Granted we have not gotten off Absalon Station yet so we shall see how it goes at that point.

Grand Lodge

Claxon wrote:
Or you can do what Kochean is doing and basically just apply a -1 upgrade slot penalty to all armor. It's not the end of the world, but as a player I'd be annoyed if I was in his game.

I planned to have the tier 1 suit or force field not costing any upgrade slots. boosting the items to higher tiers would start taking upgrade slots. But I will limit the max tier to 4 or something on normal armors, higher on power armor most probably.

Personally I cant see having a suit lasting longer than a standard escape pod.

Grand Lodge

Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote:
Kochean wrote:

In the game I am running I have ruled that unless stated that it is capable of being a space suit it is not.

I do plan on making it an option though. I am going to make a pressure suit or force field 0 space upgrades for suits. Beyond basic tier upgrades will take up slots though.
So your plan is to upset the ruleset and basically force characters to wear either armor, or a Spacesuit, for much of their career?

I would not say upset. More like add a bit more customization to the system. I did not take away the ability to wear armor as a space suit just made it into an upgrade to a armor instead of built in.

Grand Lodge

In the game I am running I have ruled that unless stated that it is capable of being a space suit it is not.
I do plan on making it an option though. I am going to make a pressure suit or force field 0 space upgrades for suits. Beyond basic tier upgrades will take up slots though.

Grand Lodge

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Via all the space X launches I have watched it takes about 10 mins or so to get the second stage to orbit elevation. (If you haven't watched any you should, pretty cool watching it land) Probably twice that to get into a stable orbit.

Only thing I can think of is they are not assuming a rocket trajectory on leaving the planet and more a SSTO (Single Stage To Orbit) ship where it would fly up to the upper atmosphere then kick in some high altitude boosters to exit into orbit.

Grand Lodge

Ah I see. Unless I give the players a Moya type ship they will have questions on how the ship just keeps improving with out putting loot into it. I may go ahead and get working on a cost formula to make a basis of a system. I had a few ideas running through my noggin, and since there is no official system anything I come up with will be just as good.

Most likely I can do a wright up and post it here to get some imput.

You don't by chance have a link to that unofficial analogy?

Grand Lodge

What happens if A partys ship gets destroyed or the party wants a different ship type and are in the market to get a new ship? What if one of the players wants to have a fighter or small shuttle to do some side work without the main group?
I do not see any costs in the book to help with determining how to facilitate that task. I don't have a huge problem just tacking a credit cost to the BP of a ship but i was hoping there was a bit more of a system to it

Grand Lodge

Thank you very much.

Grand Lodge

Paizo Order # 2744466

Grand Lodge

Thank you very much.

I was planning on ordering the character pack. would it be worthwhile to put the replacement cards into that package?

Grand Lodge

It was from the base set. Total card count of 100 cards

Cards effected:
3 = Villains (all)
15 = Henchmen (all)
46 = Monster (all but 4)
7 = character location markers (all)
5 = Adventure and scenario (all)
24 = Locations (all)

Thanks for looking in to it.

Grand Lodge

I wanted to give an update. I played the game the other day. The misprinted backs really took the surprise out of the random location decks, due to fact all the monster, henchmen, and villain cards are the ones that are effected.

Grand Lodge

I was going through the cards of the set and there was only one pack in the set that the cards were misaligned when printed. It is mostly the back of the cards that are effected, some of the text is effected I am not sure how much it impacts the playability of those cards.

But I just wanted to let you know.

Grand Lodge

I have a Samsung Infuse.

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