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Open Office 32 Version 8 does not work fine, Class ablilties has ERR508 Weapon Finesse has 000000000000000000000000000000 in it. Feat Skills-Perception is getting a bonus of +6 but has only one rank, should be +3 Flurry of blows is not correct. 7 levels with 2 in monk, Weapon Finesse, dx 16, +7 total with one attack, the 2 weapon Prim/off hand Flurry of blows is -2 for both. How do you get the Natural Armor to work? Trying 8.3 to see if this works ![]()
I am trying to get a Sorcerer 1st/Cleric 1st/Rogue 1st/Monk 2nd Lvl combo but I'm having problems with the Spell Tab, it has the level of 5, with 0 level spells as the Sorcerer and the Bonus as the Cleric. Can we have a button to select which Spell caster aaplys for that sheet? That way we can copy to a new sheet then sleet the other spell caster on the 2nd sheet and then change the ability stat that applys for the 2nd caster. ex. Spells Tab - Cleric, Spells 2 Tab - Sorcerer ![]()
erian_7 wrote:
and I disagree,there is nothing in the Benefit about taking a -2 to attack rolls only to skill rolls. Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s
Does a Fighter with a tower shield have the -2 to attack? Benefit: When you use a tower shield, the shield’s
Normal: A character using a shield with which he is
Special: Fighters automatically have Tower Shield
The Excel character sheet applies a -2 for fighters using the tower shield ![]()
Scipion del Ferro wrote:
But the Feat draws upon your arcane power to "Enhance" (part of the "Enhance"ment) your weapons with magical power. Read the "Benefit" part of the Feat, this is the case, a weapon with a +3 bonus or higher, would overcome damage reduction as per page 562 of the Core Rulebook? Arcane Strike Feat is not the Spell "Magic Weapon" (apples and oranges) but I don't like it because it does not cost any spell slots to use. I would like it to use a spell slot, duration: 1 hour per spell slot:
Too Many different cell formats error in Microsoft Excel 2003 Excel found unreadable content in do you want to recover "Yes" This fails Microsoft Office Excel File Repair Log Errors were detected in file 'C:\Users\Steve\AppData\Local\Temp\wza631\PRPG_CS_v_0_7_4.xls'
Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted. ![]()
Minotaur, 4th Druid I'm unable to start with Minotaur, The Humanoid (minotaur) is not list for the first level,
How do you make a weapon Keen? ![]()
Minotaur (For that minotaur, you're going to have problems with any races that have racial HD. You actually have to use a one-two punch of Custom Class and Custom Race to cover everything. Although not an announced feature, you'll see that I've got the gnoll in place as an example. Select gnoll for race, then add two levels of Gnoll for the class and you've got a 2 HD Humanoid (gnoll) ready for class levels. Well, at least in theory. I haven't tested this bit out very much as yet) Are you saying to update the "Customization" Tab or modify the "DataRaces" and "DataClasses" tabs? "Customization" Tab:
"DataRaces", *** Custom Race ***
"DataClasses", *** Racial ***: