PFRPG user errata

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

If there is another place where we can give feedback on any errors/omissions we find in the book, then I apologize for this thread.
Just wanted to give people a place where they can give feedback, so further printings and the pdf can be as perfect as possible.
Anyway, I have only briefly skimmed through the pdf and I found this error:
page 459:
"Magic items that take damage in excess of half their total hit points, but not more than their total hit points, gain the ??? condition, and might not function properly (see the Appendix)."
The ??? indicates a missing word.

Also, as has been mentioned elsewhere, the class bookmarks are out of whack.

My page numbers are the book pages numbers, not the pdf page numbers.

page 4, 2nd column, 1st paragraph: Not a complete sentence and not a question.

That shelf you have full of great adventures and sourcebooks (many of them very likely from Paizo)?

page 8, 2nd column, 3rd paragraph, last sentence: remove the word "are"

Unless otherwise noted, whenever you are must round a number, always round down.

page 11, 1st column, 1st paragraph: Ability Score link is a box instead of an underline. This appears in a number of places.

page 10, last sentence on page: not a complete sentence. Perhaps replace "for" with "await".

Chapter 13 (Environment): Aside from fighting against monsters, a host of other dangers and challenges for the PCs as they play the Pathfinder RPG.

Many links don't work. An example is on page 22 in the Elf Racial Traits, the "Low-Light Vision" link doesn't go anywhere.

page 32, Clear Mind: it says you can reroll a failed save, but must choose so before the GM announces the result. I guess the fix is to remove "failed".

Clear Mind (Ex): A barbarian may reroll a failed Will save. This power is used as an immediate action after the first save is attempted, but before the results are revealed by the GM.

page 33, Moment of Clarity: It is unclear if this is a free action or an immediate action.

page 33, No Escape: The comment on attacks of opportunity - I assume the barbarian and the target do not provoke attacks of opportunity from each other.

The barbarian provokes attacks of opportunity as normal during this movement.

page 33, Powerful Blow: I am guessing it should say the swift action is before the damage dice are rolled, not the to-hit dice.

Powerful Blow (Ex): The barbarian gains a +1 bonus on a single damage roll. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the barbarian has attained. This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made. This power can only be used once per rage.

page 99, 2nd column, Intimidate heading: The link underline for "Cha" goes through the middle of the word (like a strike-though). I think this shows up on all the large font headers with links.

Shadow Lodge

Not sure if this would be errata, but Touch of Law (Law domain pg 45) really needs reworded some. It comes off as a power that makes your allies natural 20 become an 11. I kept rereading it and thinking why would anyone want that as a standard action? Its Natural d 20. Still not sure if that should be a standard action to be honest.

Grand Lodge

Haven't checked the pdf but it wasn't in the errata document so I'll mention it here.

Page 551 Creating magic weapons mentions an XP cost which as far as I was aware no longer existed


Creating magic double-headed weapons is treate as creating two weapons when determining cost, time, XP and special abilities

The current errata document actually contains an error:

Errata document v1.0 wrote:

Page 478
In Table 15–2: Potions, change the 1st-level potion cost for
Paladins and Rangers to 50 gp. Change the 2nd-level potion
costs to 400 gp. Change the 3rd-level potion costs to 1,050 gp.

The table is actually 15-12 (not 15-2).

I am revising my Excel Character creator which really lets me readily identify errors. I am only up to page 38 so far, but here are the errors I have noted:

Page 23
Illusion Resistance
"... saving throw bonus against illusion spells or effects."
Minor error: I believe, to be consistent with the wording change they made for "Elven Immunities", this sentence should end with "... and effects."

Page 33
Increased Damage Reduction
Minor error: It is out of alphabetical sequence.

Page 33
Moment of Clarity
Minor error: no mention of the action it takes to activate it.

Page 37
Major error: "Making a suggestion does not count against a bard's daily use of bardic performance".
Daily uses were scrapped.

Page 38
Versatile Performance
Moderate error: There are no skills listed for Perform (sing)

Well, I will be continuing to read and code my sheet tomorrow with Clerics and on... I will update the errata here if I find more.

Page 80, Abjuration School Power:

Abjuration School Power wrote:

Protective Ward (Su): As a standard action, you can create

a 10-foot-radius field of protective magic centered on you
that lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence
All allies in this area (including you) receive a
+1 def lection bonus to their AC for 1 round.

In beta, it was 1 round. Seems it was changed to int/round but the description wasn't updated completely.

Page 16, Table 1-1: Score of 9 should be -1 points not 1.

Page 142, Table 6-4: Crossbow, heavy should be indented one tab. (formatting)


Dark Archive

PFRPG Page 103 wrote:

Under Perform Skill:

Special: A bard must have a minimum number of ranks to use his bardic performance abilities. Consult the Bardic Performance section of the bard class description in chapter 3 for more details.

In the Beta the Bardic Music class feature required performance ranks, this is no longer true.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 83, under Empathic link, "The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar..."

I don't think it's intended that the master have to shout and use exclaimation points when communicating with the familiar. The word should be "empathically".

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I have updated with many of the items listed above. Several require comment from Paizo before I can make corrections though. I'll check back here periodically to see if clarifications are given on those that are not obvious.

JoelF847 wrote:

p. 83, under Empathic link, "The master can communicate emphatically with the familiar..."

I don't think it's intended that the master have to shout and use exclaimation points when communicating with the familiar. The word should be "empathically".

"No, I REALLY mean it . . . don't get near the dragon, Blackwing!"

There's also one they mentioned at RPGNet, relating to Hideous laughter (p. 296). On the creature's next turn following being hit and failing its save, it can attempt to snap out of the spell as a full-round action, but being affected by the spell in the first place prevents all actions. The intent of the rule is clear enough, but it should be worded better to account for this.

p.185, last sentence under attacks of opportunity wrote:
Spells that require only a free action to cast don't provoke attacks of opportunity

No spell has required a free action to cast since swift and immediate actions were invented.

GentleGiant wrote:

If there is another place where we can give feedback on any errors/omissions we find in the book, then I apologize for this thread.

Just wanted to give people a place where they can give feedback, so further printings and the pdf can be as perfect as possible.
Anyway, I have only briefly skimmed through the pdf and I found this error:
page 459:
"Magic items that take damage in excess of half their total hit points, but not more than their total hit points, gain the ??? condition, and might not function properly (see the Appendix)."
The ??? indicates a missing word.

Also, as has been mentioned elsewhere, the class bookmarks are out of whack.

There is a similar thread right here.

It would be extremely good if those two threads will be merged into one (I, for one, opened the second one without seeing this, so probably I am to blame for the mess - sorry...), to help contribute in a non-dispersive way.

Here's my next set. I used the pdf page number this time since it's easier. The book page numbers are one less.

Page: 34
"No Escape": "The barbarian provokes attacks of opportunity as normal during this movement."
-- I would guess not from the withdrawing character. I would also assume the withdrawing character does not provoke AoO from the barbarian either.

Page: 34
Powerful Blow: I think it should say the swift action is after the to-hit roll, but before the damage roll.
"This power is used as a swift action before the roll to hit is made."

Page: 34
Is "Moment of Clarity" a free action, immediate action, or what ?

Page: 44
Destructive Aura: slightly unclear: "All attacks made against targets in this aura (including you)..." - does it mean (including those against you and your allies)

Page: 49
Master Illusion: "you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself". Does it mean you are essentially invisible?

Page: 54
Ape 4th level advancement: Is the +2 natural armor make a total of +3 (was +1), or does it change from +1 to +2?

Page: 54
Ape Starting Statistics: Does +1 natural armor replace the natural armor in the Ape stat block, or add +1 too it? Or does this ape not reference the bestiary ape at all?

Page: 54
Animal Choices: " Instead of taking the listed benefit at 4th or 7th level, you can instead choose to increase the companion’s Dexterity and Constitution by 2."
So, for example, instead of the Ape at 4th level getting Large size, 2 natural armor, improved bite/claw dmg, Str +8, Dex -2, and Con +4
you could choose just +2 Str and +2 Con? Still stay medium with lower natural armor, etc?

Page: 60
Abundant Step Description: The dimension door spell says: "After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn." Does this hold for Abundant Step?

Page: 69
Major Magic & Minor Magic: Does the rogue pick the spell at casting time, or at feat choosing
time, or once each day? If it is at feat choosing time, can they select the feat twice and get
another spell?

Page: 73
Unusual Anatomy: "giving you a 25% chance to ignore any critical hit or sneak attack scored
against you"
Does this mean you ignore the extra critical/sneak damage, or the attack misses completely
and you take no damage?

Page 87:
Last line in first column: " When making an opposed skill check, the attempt is successful if your check result exceeds the result of the target."
Should that be "equals or exceeds"?

Page: 103
Perception table subscript (1) "Favorable and unfavorable conditions" description--items I've put in CAPs seem backward. --
"bright light might INCREASE the DC of checks involving sight, while torchlight or moonlight might give a PENALTY. Background noise might REDUCE a DC involving hearing, while competing odors might PENALIZE any DC involving scent."

Page: 120
Catch Off-Guard: Benefit: "unarmed opponents are flat footed..." Only for the 1st attack against them, or the whole fight?

Shadow Lodge

Dissinger wrote:
PFRPG Page 103 wrote:

Under Perform Skill:

Special: A bard must have a minimum number of ranks to use his bardic performance abilities. Consult the Bardic Performance section of the bard class description in chapter 3 for more details.
In the Beta the Bardic Music class feature required performance ranks, this is no longer true.

This has already been corrected in the errata (under downloads). It just reads "A Bard must have ranks. . ."

p.79 Cantrips: "A wizard can prepare a cantrip from a prohibited school..."

This should be "opposition school".

p. 132: Omission on Rapid Shot. It says you may make an extra attack, but not what bonus that attack should be at. As a 3.5 player, I know what it would be, but should still be included.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
minkscooter wrote:

p.79 Cantrips: "A wizard can prepare a cantrip from a prohibited school..."

This should be "opposition school".

This is fixed (

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber
master0fdungeons wrote:

Page: 103
Perception table subscript (1) "Favorable and unfavorable conditions" description--items I've put in CAPs seem backward. --
"bright light might INCREASE the DC of checks involving sight, while torchlight or moonlight might give a PENALTY. Background noise might REDUCE a DC involving hearing, while competing odors might PENALIZE any DC involving scent."

Should point out that linguistically this is extra confusing as "reduce" and "penalize" are both negative words, despite the contrast of opposites. For clarity, I suggest sticking with parallel words (e.g. bonus & penalty, higher & lower, etc.).

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

p. 220, "Duplicating an existing spellbook uses the same procedure as replacing it, but the task is much easier. The time requirement and cost per page are halved."

However, on the previous page, the costs to scribe a spell into a spellbook are no longer per page, but per spell, based on the spell level. The quoted section should be revisedto "...cost per spell are halved."

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Another one, page 563.

The table is messed up; The paragraph above indicates that these modifiers are supposed to be to the Perception DC. But, the table heading seems to indicate that these modifiers are to the Perception roll; the fact that they're mostly penalties seems to agree with that. But if they're penalties to the roll, the values make sense. Why would you take a -20 penalty on the roll if the invisible creature is speaking? Worse, why would you take a -5 penalty on the roll if they were moving at half speed, but a -20 if they were running? That only makes sense if it were related to the DC.

It gets worse. A -20 while running, but a -40 while not moving? And then, when obstructed or far away, there are bonuses (which go back to the Perception DC). It seems to me that the maker of this chart got confused, or the conversion from the SRD didn't make sense.

Also, is the 'Some distance away' entry needed? It's the same modifier that's in the Perception skill description--is it intended that this is added twice?

Invisible Creature is... Perception DC [Base DC 20; +20 to Pinpoint]
In combat or speaking -20
Moving at half speed -5
Moving at full speed -10
Running or charging -20
Not moving +40
Using Stealth Stealth check +20 (Replaces Base DC)
Some distance away +1 per 10 feet
Behind an obstacle (door) +5
Behind an obstacle (stone wall) +15

(as an aside; there should be a table BBCode available.)

Some more items. Once again, page number is the pdf page, not the book page (which is one less)

Page: 97
Flying Maneuver table - turn greater than 45 degrees (5') is DC 15, but turn 180 (10') is DC 20. Should the 45 degree one have a maximum. Perhaps it means turn 90 degrees by spending 5 feet of movement?

Page: 100
Heal check: Treat Deadly Wounds - I had to read the following sentences a few times to make sense of it. "You must expend two uses from a healer’s kit to perform this task. You take a –2 penalty on your Heal skill check for each use from the healer’s kit that you lack." So this sounds like you would take a -4 to treat deadly wounds without a healers kit, or -2 if the healer's kit only has one use left. However, the top of the second column on page 100 states: "A healer’s kit gives you a +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks." Does this apply or not for treat deadly wounds?

Page: 118
Alignment Channel: " You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new alignment subtype. Whenever you channel energy, you must choose which type to effect."
Should the final "type" be plural? If you have this feat twice and you channel energy, could you choose at that time to effect chaotic and evil outsiders?

Page: 119
Bleeding Critical: The first hyper-link to "bleed" in this paragraph is not working.

Page: 121
Dazzling Display: "demoralize" isn't found in the index or glossary. As such it isn't obvious what it does. It is definded under the intimidate skill. Perhaps making it a link, adding it to the glossary or index, or adding a note in this feat would be helpful.

Page 123: Elemental Channel (similar issue with alignment channel).
"Instead of its normal effect, you can choose to have your ability to channel energy heal or harm outsiders of your chosen elemental subtype. You must make this choice each time you channel energy." and " You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new elemental subtype."
These two quotes don't make sense together. If you can choose the elemental type each time you channel, they why take the feat multiple times?

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

master0fdungeons wrote:

Page 123: Elemental Channel (similar issue with alignment channel).

"Instead of its normal effect, you can choose to have your ability to channel energy heal or harm outsiders of your chosen elemental subtype. You must make this choice each time you channel energy." and " You can gain this feat multiple times. Its effects do not stack. Each time you take this feat, it applies to a new elemental subtype."
These two quotes don't make sense together. If you can choose the elemental type each time you channel, they why take the feat multiple times?

You get to choose heal or harm each time you use it, but the elemental type is selected once when you take the feat.

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 32

PRD, Stealth section or pg 106-107 PF Core wrote:
Creating a Diversion to Hide: You can use Bluff to allow you to use Stealth. A successful Bluff check can give you the momentary diversion you need to attempt a Stealth check while people are aware of you.

What are the DCs? Who do you need to roll against, and what do you need to roll to succeed? What kind of action is this? Under what circumstances can you do this?

I assume it is meant to work the same way as 3.5 did, but it isn't ever stated what the DCs or opposed skills are, nor what kind of action is involved.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Magic (transmutation:polymorph) wrote:

When you cast a polymorph spell that changes you into a creature of the animal, dragon, elemental, magical beast, plant, or vermin type, all of your gear melds into your body. Items that provide constant bonuses and do not need to be activated continue to function while melded in this way (with the exception of armor bonuses, which cease to function).

Was the bold intended to allow Shield bonuses from Shields that meld away to continue to function? Likewise for other Armour Bonuses.

Or was the intent to exception all armour bonuses of all types? Including Ring of Protection, etc.

Liberty's Edge

Page 148 omission: The description for sickle is missing. This one is kind of minor though.

Liberty's Edge

Studpuffin wrote:
Page 148 omission: The description for sickle is missing. This one is kind of minor though.

I also noticed its missing in the PRD.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32, 2011 Top 16

Studpuffin wrote:
Studpuffin wrote:
Page 148 omission: The description for sickle is missing. This one is kind of minor though.
I also noticed its missing in the PRD.

This isn't an error, it's simply not something that is included. Many of the weapons and equipment items don't have a listing with a description. This has elsewhere been noted as intentional - if the description doesn't add anything beyond the definition, it's not needed.

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

JoelF847 wrote:
This isn't an error, it's simply not something that is included.


I guess people want all this text included in the book:

I'm not sure if this has been addressed in the newest printing of the Core Rulebook but I just stumbled across it in the PRD. I remember reading on the forums, from a designer, that Elves not sleeping, but rather meditating for four hours, is something that wasn't strictly carried over into PF. I looked at the Elf racial description and there is nothing in there about them not needing sleep (although, they are immune to sleep effects). I was reading the Nightmare spell description and at the bottom it says:

PRD wrote:
Creatures who don't sleep (such as elves, but not half-elves) or dream are immune to this spell.

If Elves not needing to sleep was dropped in the conversion to PF then that should probably be changed.

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